by Ralph Dumain
(new feature beginning 7/20/2000)
- Book review: The Universe and Dr. Einstein
[On science popularization run amok] (7/20/2000)
- "God or Labor: The Two Camps" by M. Bakunin
- "The Contemporary Attack on Science" by
Andras Gedo (8/18/2000. Part 2 merged into Part 1, 3/19/18)
- "The Late Medieval Attack on Analogical Thought: Undoing Substantial
Connection" by Sheila Delaney: Parts one,
two, three
- "Theses Against Occultism" by Theodor W. Adorno
- "The Wages of Cynicism" (Review of Peter Sloterdijk's
Critique of Cynical Reason) by Michael Miley (9/4/2000, rev. 3/24/2002)
- "Spinoza, the First Secular Jew?" by Yirmiyahu
Yovel (9/8/2000)
by Anna Grimshaw, Parts One, Two,
Three (10/9/2000)
- "Proletarian Philosophy: A Version of Pastoral?" by Jonathan Ree,
Parts One and Two
- "On the Jackson Trail" by Peter Osborne
[Review of Proletarian Philosophers: Problems in Socialist Culture in Britain,
1900-1940 by Jonathan Ree.] (10/26/2000)
- The Problem of the Ideal: Contents
by David Dubrovsky (3/5/2005)
- "Voice", a poem by Woody Guthrie (12/22/2000)
- "Renascence", a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay
- "Haldeman-Julius, The Little Blue Books, and the
Theory of Popular Culture" by Dale M. Herder (2/23/01)
- "The Origins of Jack Lindsay's Contributions
to British Marxist Thought" by Joel R. Brouwer (4/8/2001)
- "A Note on My Dialectic" by Jack Lindsay
- A Checklist of Jack Lindsay's Books by John
Arnold (5/16/2001)
- New York City Bookshops in the 1930s and 1940s: The Recollections of Walter
Goldwater (interview) (5/20/2001)
Parts 1, 2,
- Finding Aid: University Place Book Shop Papers,
1968-1988 (5/22/2001)
- Education and the Autodidact by Pierre Bourdieu
- "The Organized Educational Activities of Negro Literary Societies, 1828-1846"
by Dorothy B. Porter, parts one and two
- Ideology: Definitions & Approaches (Terry
Eagleton's list) (8/26/2001)
- Jeff Schmidt on Ideology and Professionals
- "Ideology" by Jorge Larrain (8/26/2001)
- Concepts of Ideology (1): (9/4/2001)
On the history of the term from Destutt de Tracy to Marx, by Arne Naess
- Concepts of Ideology (2): (9/24/2001)
Definitions of the term "ideology" today, by Arne Naess
- "Ideal Superstructures" by Derek Sayer
- "Ideology" by Raymond Williams (9/6/2001)
- "The Concept of Critique in Social Science"
by Mihailo Markovic (9/8/2001)
- "The Philosopher's Mission" by Paul Nizan
- "On the Dialectico-Materialist Type of Rationality"
by Jindrich Zeleny (9/25/2001)
- Ideology: Descriptive, Pejorative, Positive Views, by Raymond Geuss (9/27/2001)
1. Ideology in the Descriptive
2. Ideology in the Pejorative
3. Ideology in the Positive
- "The Concept of the Ideal" by E. V. Ilyenkov
- "Objectivity & Partisanship in Science" by
Aant Elzinga (10/12/2001)
- The William Plummer French Prize (10/16/2001)
- "Black Studies: Getting Started in a Specialty"
by William P. French (10/16/2001)
- "On the Comic" by Tatyana Lyubimova (10/20/2001)
- "On the Dialectics of Metamathematics" (Excerpts)
by Peter Vardy (10/21/2001)
- Bill French—A Sister's View by
Bettina French (10/23/2001)
- "The Graphic Figure & the Philosophical Abstraction"
by Ion Banu (12/15/2001)
- "Globalization, Internationalism, and the
Class Politics of Cynical Reason" by Teresa L. Ebert (12/16/2001)
- "Cynicism as a Form of Ideology" by Slavoj
Zizek (12/19/2001)
- "Existentialism" by Georg Lukács (12/20/2001)
- "High Life & Mad English": Kurt Thometz
reviewed by John Strausbaugh (12/21/2001)
- "Towards a Marxist Aesthetic" by Jack Lindsay
- "Pocahontas": an intellectual play by Edward
W. Pearlstien (1/18/2002)
- "Historical Amnesia" by Karl Maton & Rob
Moore (1/18/2002)
- "Bill French & Onitsha Market Literature"
by Kurt Thometz (2/21/02)
- "Popes, Kings & Cultural Studies: Placing
the commitment to non-disciplinarity in historical context" by Karl Maton
- Letter to Ludwig Feuerbach from Ottilie Assing
about Frederick Douglass (3/4/2002)
- The Dialectics and Aesthetics of Freedom:
Hegel, Slavery and 19th Century African American Music, PhD dissertation
by Greg Harrison, selections, with an introduction by R. Dumain (3/16/2002)
- Observorman: a blast from the '60s (3/16/2002)
- "The Development of Thomas Davidson's Religious
and Social Thought" by James A. Good (4/16/2002, rev. 7/16/2003)
- "Inside and Outside" by T.W. Adorno (4/26/2002)
- Crisis Consciousness in Contemporary Philosophy by András
Table of Contents (5/28/2002)
Chapter 1: "Two Aspects of Bourgeois
Crisis Consciousness" (5/22/2002)
Chapter 2: "The Contemporary Crisis in Bourgeois Philosophy"
1. Neopositivism:
Linguistic Philosophy and Critical Rationalism (6/5/2002)
2. Life Philosophy
(Lebensphilosophie) (6/8/2002)
- Preface to Process and Unreality: A Criticism
of Method in Whitehead's Philosophy by Harry K. Wells (6/1/2002)
- Contents and Introduction to The Concept
of Ideology by Jorge Larrain (7/4/2002)
- "Historical Remarks on the Question of Organization"
by Jürgen Habermas (7/23/2002)
- "Nonsense, Irony, Humor" by Susan Stewart
- "Irony" by Norman D. Knox (9/17/2002)
- The Functions of Irony (Diagram) by Linda
Hutcheon (9/20/2002)
- Karl Marx on Philosophy after Its Completion
- "Scientism, Romanticism and Social Realist Images
of Science" by Aant Elzinga (11/5/2002)
- "The Growth of Science: Romantic and Technocratic
Images" by Aant Elzinga (12/16/2002)
- "Philosophy Hits the Newsstands" by Joshua
Glenn (12/21/2002)
- The Man of Science in a World of Crisis: A
Plea for a Two-Pronged Attack on Positivism and Irrationalism by Aant
Elzinga (12/28/2002)
- "The New Age Mythology" by Michael Parenti
- Moore Crossey on Walter Goldwater, Bill French,
& Onitsha Market Literature (12/31/2002)
- "Hegel's Method of Doing Philosophy Historically:
A Reply" by James Lawler & Vladimir Shtinov (1/31/2003)
- Jack Lindsay and British Poetry in the 1930s
by Adrian Caesar (2/19/2003)
- How to Study: A Guide for Students
(Jefferson School of Social Science) (2/27/2003)
- "Jitterbugs" by LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka
- 'Anthony Braxton: The Third Millennial Interview
with Mike Heffley':
Extracts, with Commentary by Ralph Dumain (2/28/2003)
- "Frames of Articulation" by Frithjof Rodi
- "Compared to What" by Eugene McDaniels
- "Intellectuals Among the Masses: Or, What Was
Leonard Bast Really Like?" by Jonathan Rose (4/6/2003)
- Philosophy for the Future: The Quest
of Modern Materialism: Foreword & Contents by Roy Wood Sellars,
V.J. McGill, Marvin Farber (4/14/2003, links added 12/11/05)
- Reflections on American Philosophy
From Within: Foreword & Table of Contents by Roy Wood Sellars
- "Thoughts on Autodidacticism" by John W. Osborne
- "Autodidacticism and the Desire for Culture"
by Rosemary Chapman (5/14/2003)
- The Issue of Naturalism vs. Subjectivism
by Marvin Farber (5/18/2003)
- Naturalism and Subjectivism: Contents
by Marvin Farber (5/18/2003)
- "The Autodidacts and Their Literary Culture:
Working-Class Autobiographers in Nineteenth-Century France" by Martyn
Lyons (5/20/2003)
- Introduction: "The Great Tribulation:
Winnipeg's First General Strike" [by "Libertas Brammel"] by A. Ross McCormack
- The Search for an Alternative by Marvin Farber
- Mind and Politics: Introduction by Ellen Meiksins Wood (7/13/2003)
- "Philosophy & the Division of Labor"
by Max Horkheimer & T.W. Adorno (7/21/2003)
- Letter from Albert Einstein to Emanuel
Fried (7/26/2003)
- "Leslie Fiedler and Me" by Emanuel Fried
- "Shuffle Back to Buffalo" by Emanuel
Fried (8/24/2003)
- Pardon Me, Your Class Is Showing,
PhD dissertation by Emanuel Fried (9/25/2003)
- Preface: A Letter to Dr. Leslie A. Fiedler,
July 17, 1974 by Emanuel Fried (9/25/2003)
- Pardon Me, Your Class Is Showing (Chapter
1) by Emanuel Fried (10/2/2003)
- Artie Awards Honor Playwright Manny Fried
- "The Slowdown" by Emanuel Fried
- "Interview with Manny Fried" by Mike
Mahoney (10/30/2003)
- "Buffalo's Manny Fried: Laboring For The
Working Man" by Jamie Moses (10/31/2003)
- Dialectical Materialism and the History
of Philosophy by Theodore Oizerman: Contents (11/1/2003)
- Philosophy and Everyday Consciousness
by Theodore Oizerman (11/1/2003)
- Dialectical Materialism and Hegel's Philosophy
of the History of Philosophy by Theodore Oizerman (11/1/2003)
- Principles of the Theory of Historical
Process in Philosophy by T.I Oizerman & A.S. Bogomolov: Contents
- Problems of the History of Philosophy
by Theodore Oizerman: Contents (11/4/2003)
- The Main Trends in Philosophy by
Theodore Oizerman: Contents (11/4/2003)
- Problem of Wisdom as a Real Problem
by Theodore Oizerman (11/5/2003)
- The Sacred and the Profane: The Arbitrary Legacy
of Pierre Bourdieu by Karl Maton (11/22/2003)
- Historical Origins of the Logic of Classification
and the Logic of Genesis by Harry K. Wells (11/25/2003)
- “Dubo kaj Ateismo” de Evlogi
Dankov (12/17/2003)
- «L’athéisme
espérantophone» par Martin Lavallée
- "«Mi Ne Deziras Esti Juvelo»" de
Georgi Miĥalkov (1/11/2004)
- Evald Ilyenkov's Philosophy Revisited
- Dialogiko je la Fino de Dialektiko:
Enhavo / Dialogic at the End of Dialectic: Contents, de/by Eugen Macko
- Dialogiko je la Fino de Dialektiko:
Enkonduko de Eugen Macko (2/1/2004)
- "How to Think" (Sojourner Truth Organization)
- “The Common Well” (To Charles Chaplin)
by Piet Hein (2/21/2004)
- The Philosophy and Information Professions: SIG/AH
Program, 50th ASIS Annual Meeting, Boston, 1987 organized by R. Dumain,
abstracts of papers (2/22/2004)
- Die Gedanken Sind Frei (My Thoughts Are
Free) (3/15/2004)
- Bush’s Underlying Intention
by Emanuel Fried (3/20/2004)
- "Candle in the Wind": Excerpt from Memoir
in Progress by Emanuel Fried (3/21/2004)
- Mark Starr (1894-1985): Workers' Educationist
- “Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam”
by Heinrich Heine with English translations (3/24/2004; rev. 8/21/2004)
- The Alienation of Reason (Extract) by Leszek Kolakowski (3/30/2004)
- “Marx and Critical Scientific Thought”
by Mihailo Marković (4/16/2004)
- “Anti‑Semitism and National Socialism”
by Moishe Postone (4/22/2004)
- Dialectical Theory of Meaning: Part One (Extracts)
by Mihailo Marković (5/12/2004)
- Dialectical Theory of Meaning: Part Two:
Linguistic Meaning (Extract) by Mihailo Marković (5/16/2004)
- Dialectical Theory of Meaning: Part Three:
General Definition of Meaning: The Interrelationships of the Individual Dimensions
of Meaning by Mihailo Marković (5/23/2004)
- "Toward a Materialistic Foundation of Logic"
by Karel Berka (5/20/2004)
- "Theory and Ideology" by Alvin Gouldner
- Alvin Gouldner on the New Class & the
Culture of Critical Discourse (6/6/2004)
- Alternatives to Positivism by Igor
Naletov (entire book online 7/24/2005)
- "A Scientist, or a Man of Wisdom?" by Galina
Kirilenko & Lydia Korshunova (7/6/2004)
- On Hegelian Dialectics by Bertolt
Brecht (7/21/2004)
- Ateisto Fan Ĝen (in Esperanto) (7/27/2004)
- "Schomburg: Cultural Education & Empowerment"
by John Anthony Lugo (8/18/2004)
- "A Pioneer in Workers' Education: Mark Starr
and Workers' Education in Great Britain" by Ronda Hauben (8/18/2004)
- The Honor Roll: American Philosophers
Professionally Injured During the McCarthy Era by John McCumber (8/19/2004)
- The Open Society: Paradox and Challenge
(Introduction) by Stanley B. Ryerson (8/19/2004)
- "Life-World within Brackets" by David
H. DeGrood (8/20/2004)
- Of the Material / Du Materiel (Conclusion)
by Alain Bosquet (8/21/2004)
- The Story of This Book (Preface to The Savage
Hits Back) by Julius Lips (8/26/2004)
- The Incoherence of the Intellectual: C. Wright
Mills' Struggle to Unite Knowledge and Action by Fredy Perlman (9/2/2004)
- "Lingvoplanado" (Language Planning) de Rudolf
Carnap (9/9/2004)
- Carnap’s ‘Elimination of Metaphysics’
by V. Brushlinsky (9/12/2004)
- Herman Melville & German Philosophy
by Henry A. Pochmann (9/19/2004)
- Subject, Object, Cognition:
Contents & Preface to the English edition by V. A. Lektorsky (9/30/2004)
- Introduction to Hasidism and the Jewish
Enlightenment by Raphael Mahler (10/3/2004)
- "Oh, To Freely Pursue the Scholarly Life!"
by Gary Shapiro (10/18/2004)
- Contents: The Independent Scholar's Handbook
(2nd ed) by Ronald Gross (10/19/2004)
- The Firesign Theater: "Temporarily Humboldt County"
- Drinkema kaj Frenezuma Filozofo Ĵŭan
Ĝji (in Esperanto) (11/7/2004)
- "Organized Labor and the Dewey Philosophy"
by Mark Starr (11/19/2004)
- "Mark Starr: Socialist Educator": Interview
with Martin Lawn (11/20/2004)
- "The Image of Science and Metaphysics"
by Nina Yulina (11/24/2004)
- "Cognition in the Context of Culture"
by Vladislav Lektorsky (11/25/2004)
- "From the Marxist-Leninist Point
of View" by E. V. Ilyenkov (11/28/2004)
- "The Appearance of Reality and the Reality
of Appearance" by David H. DeGrood (1/5/2005)
- "Matter and Motion" by L. Bazhenov (1/20/2005)
- "The Universal" by E. V. Ilyenkov (1/22/2005)
- "Hegel's Philosophy as Basis for the Dewey
Classification Schedule" by Eugene E. Graziano (2/25/2005)
- Intellectual and Manual Labor: Contents
by Alfred Sohn-Rethel (3/6/2005)
- After the ‘System’: Philosophy
in the Age of the Sciences (Extract) by Gyorgy Markus (3/11/2005)
- The Dodo Bird (Excerpt) by
Emanuel Fried (4/28/2005)
- Edmund Husserl and the Aims of Phenomenology
by Marvin Farber (6/5/2005)
- Experience and Subjectivism (Sections I.F-II.D)
by Marvin Farber (6/10/2005)
- "The Ideological Nature of Teaching Philosophy
to Children" by Edward D'Angelo (6/23/2005)
- The First Philosophers: Studies in Ancient
Greek Society (Contents & Prefaces) by George Thomson (6/29/2005)
- The Thematic Component by Gerald Holton
- Some Loud Thinking About the Bhagavadgita
by G. Ramakrishna (7/16/2005)
- Lokayata by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya
- Science and Philosophy in Ancient India
by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya (8/5/2005)
- Reification by Gajo Petrović
- "From Hegel to Marcuse" by Lucio Colletti
- "Socialist Individualism?" by Magnus E.
Marsdal (8/12/2005)
- Vedanta and the Bengal Renaissance by Niranjan Dahr
- Revolution or Reform? A Confrontation (Herbert Marcuse & Karl
- Simple and Higher Categories of
the Dialectic by Georg Lukács (11/18/2005)
- "Logical Empiricism" by Maurice Cornforth
- "Terminologiaj Observoj" [Ĉerpoj
pri Hegel, Filozofiaj & Terminologiaj Principoj] de Yamasaki Seikô
- Modern Science and Its Philosophy by Philipp Frank
- Science and Evaluation by Maurice Cornforth
- "What Philosophers Do" by Adam Schaff (2/19/2005)
- A Garland for Jack Lindsay (3/8/2006)
- Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy by Maurice Cornforth
- "Charles Reich as Revolutionary Ostrich"
by Herbert Marcuse (3/28/2006)
- On Science and Phenomenology by Herbert
Marcuse (4/8/2006)
- Comment on the Paper by H. Marcuse by
Aron Gurwitsch (4/8/2006)
- Arta partikulareco kaj Esperanto [pri teorio
de Georg Lukàcs] de R. P. Nogueira (5/1/2006)
- "The Historical Character of the Concept
of Nature" by András Gedö (5/10/2006)
- Review of Bruno Latour, Steve Woolgar, Laboratory
Life by Verloren van Themaat (5/20/2006)
- Filozofo, poemo de L. N. Newell (5/20/2006)
- A Taxonomy of Surreal Taxonomists by Prentiss
Riddle (5/21/2006)
- Esperanto Kiel Anti-Lingvo de Baldur Ragnarsson
- "La Filozofio de Jozefo Ditsgen" de Mark
Starr (5/24/2006)
- To breake a little wind, poem by Sir
Thomas More (6/7/2006)
- Partisanship and Objectivity in Theoretical
Work by Maurice Cornforth (6/12/2006)
- Science versus Idealism by Maurice Cornforth
- Heinrich Heine on Leibniz & Spinoza
- “Negreto” (translated
excerpt from Black Boy) de Richard Wright (6/20/2006)
- "Pri Falsa Konscio kaj Mistifiko"
de Ladislav Podmele (6/21/2006)
- “Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law”
by Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury (7/4/2006)
- The Tramp Speaks! The Most Important Moment
in the History of Film: The Final Speech of The Great Dictator (1940)
by Charles Chaplin (7/15/2006)
- "Strong Men" by Sterling A. Brown (7/16/2006)
- "Spinoza" poem by Jorge Luis Borges (7/16/2006)
- The Cyclical Night: Irony in James Joyce and Jorge Luis Borges by
L. A. Murrilo (7/17/2006)
- "The Congress" by Jorge Luis Borges (7/18/2006)
- "La Serpento en la Dezerto" de Edgar Lee
Masters, trad. Zane Gilstrap (7/19/2006)
- Poemoj de William Auld: “Al Pastro”
& “Evoluo” (7/19/2006)
- “Obskuraj Radikoj de la ‘Nova
Epoko’” de Roland Schnell (7/26/2006)
- Spinoza’s World-View by A.
M. Deborin (8/7/06)
- "The Negro Mother" by Langston
Hughes, with a personal note (8/9/06)
- Mikhail Bakunin: The Philosophical Basis of His Anarchism by Paul
- "The New Materialism" by Roy Wood
Sellars (8/20/06)
- Spinoza's Attributes by Constantin
Brunner (8/25/06)
- "Baruch Spinoza" poem by Jorge
Luis Borges (8/31/06)
- “On the General Characteristic”
by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (9/14/06)
- Discipline 27 by Sun Ra (10/14/2006)
- “Martin Luther King’s Debt to
Hegel” by John Ansbro (10/16/06)
- "La Sekreto de Amo" [Never seek to tell
thy love] de William Blake, trad. Clarence Bicknell (11/6/06)
- El "Aŭguroj pri Senkulpeco" [from
“Auguries of Innocence”] de William Blake, tradukoj de William
Auld, Tom Fraser, Farnsworth Wright, Aldo de’Giorgi, Meva Maron (11/6/06,
addition/aldono 10/3/09)
- Pri Ne-Verkita Poemo (kun citaĵoj
el William Blake -blejk-) de Kris Long (11/6/06)
- "La Malsana Rozo" [The Sick Rose] de
William Blake, tradukoj de A. D. Foote, Meva Maron, Jens S. Larsen (11/6/06)
- "Amikon mian mi koleris" [A Poison Tree]
de William Blake, trad. William Auld (11/7/06)
- "Londono" [London] de William Blake,
trad. William Auld (11/7/06)
- "Jen la Respondo" [The Question Answer'd]
de William Blake, trad. William Auld (11/7/06)
- "Ne Pridiru al l’Amata" [Never
pain to tell my love] de William Blake, trad. A.D. Foote (11/7/06)
- "La Ĝardeno de l’Amo" [The
Garden of Love] de William Blake, trad. A.D. Foote (11/7/06)
- Odo al la Okcidenta Vento [Ode to
the West Wind] de Percy Bysshe Shelley, trad. K. Kalocsay (11/8/06)
- Descartes' Dualism (Extract) by Albert
William Levi (11/10/06)
- "Philosophy's Historic Fate: Museum Pieces,
Messages, and Classics" by Albert William Levi (11/11/2006)
- "Komunika Etiko kaj Esperantismo"
de Helmut Welger (11/11/2006)
- Heinrich Heine: “Ein Fichtenbaum
steht einsam” / “En nord’ unu pino en solo” (en Esperanto)
- Phenomenology and Natural Existence: Essays in Honor of Marvin Farber,
edited by Dale Riepe
- "Putting Descartes Before the Horse"
by Dave Berg (12/6/06)
- Walter Benjamin on Bertolt Brecht's Lao
Tzu (12/13/06)
- "Wittgensteinian Foundations of Non-Fregean
Logic" by Boguslaw Wolniewicz (1/24/07)
- Principles of Emergent Realism: Philosophical Essays by Roy Wood
- "Spinoza, La Filozofo de la Homa Feliĉo"
de Simon Aarse (1/31/07)
- La Dia Pesto de Johann Most (2/2/07)
- "Ideoj" de Heinrich Heine, tradukis
Leopold Einstein (2/3/07)
- Graham Priest's Inclosure Schema
- "La Socia Enhavo de l'Ĵazmuziko" de
Roland Levreaud (2/11/07)
- Ĉu Oni Povas Vivi Sen Religio?
de André Lorulot (2/13/07)
- "Esperanto und Atheismus" de Detlev
Blanke (2/24/07)
- Criticism of “Contemporary Society”
and “Negative Dialectics” (Excerpts on Adorno) by E. Batalov
- Articles from Science and Nature
- "Letero el ekster la (E-) kulturo" de
Radosław Nowakowski (3/29/07)
- Esperanto: Photo Archives:
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, kun traduko de biografieto pri Paul Halter
& familianoj (4/4/07)
- La Klera Despoto de John I. Francis
- La Biblioteko de Babelo, de Jorge
Luis Borges, tradukis Gulio Cappa (4/29/07)
- "Al la Juda Foririnto" de Lodewijk Cornelius
Deij (5/5/07)
- "Al Josephine Baker" de Poul Thorsen (5/5/07)
- A World in a Grain of Sand [Mondo
en Sablero] de Roberto Passos Nogueira (5/6/07)
- Moralism & Morality (Excerpt)
by Anthony Skillen (6/9/07)
- Kanto por la angloj [Song to the Men
of England] de Percy Bysshe Shelley, trad. William Auld (6/22/07)
- Al— [To—, 1821] de Percy
Bysshe Shelley, trad. William Auld (6/22/07)
- La Releviĝo de Tomaso Paine
de R. W. Morrell (6/23/07)
- The American Utopia by Eduard
- On Polytheism (1819?) by Percy Bysshe
Shelley (6/26/07)
- “There Is No God” (1813)
by Percy Bysshe Shelley (7/4/07)
- [A Refutation of the Christian Religion]
(1814?) by Percy Bysshe Shelley (7/8/07)
- A Fragment on Miracles (1813-1815)
by Percy Bysshe Shelley (7/8/07)
- A Fragment of A Refutation of Deism
by Percy Bysshe Shelley (7/8/07)
- Descartes to Mersenne, 20 November 1629
- Oh, William Blake! by Edgar Lee Masters
(under pseudonym “Webster Ford”) (8/5/07)
- Phenomenology and Existence: Toward a Philosophy Within Nature by
Marvin Farber
- "Blake and Ideology" by Edward
Larrissy (8/20/07)
- Wilhelm Ostwald's ‘The Bridge’
by Niles R. Holt (10/15/07)
- "Marx's Method in Social Science, and Its Relationship
to Classical and Modern Physics and Mathematics" by J. Witt-Hansen (10/20/07)
- William Blake’s Manuscript Lyrics: Discussion
in Commemoration of Blake’s 250th Birthday (28 November 1757 - 12 August
1827), November 2007 (10/24/07)
- "The Empiricist Account of Scientific Knowledge—A
Polemical Evaluation" by Richard Arthur (10/25/07)
- Working Papers on Marxism and Science
- "The Marxist-Leninist Theory of Humor"
by Tom McLaughlin (10/26/07)
- William Auld: Letero al R. Dumain, 1987.01.26
(bildo de la originala) (10/30/07)
- William Auld: Letero al R. Dumain, 1987.01.26
(transskribo) (10/30/07)
- Kontraŭ Dio! Ateista Krestomatieto
- Review of Emanuel Fried's Boilermakers
& Martinis by Anthony Chase (11/2/07)
- Democratic Leaders Are at a Fork in the
Road by Emanuel Fried (11/2/07)
- “Mi Estas” (Dediĉita al
E. Miĥalski) de E. Izgur (11/5/07)
- Poeto de l’Kosma Melankolio (Skizo
pri Cz. Kozlowski) de E. Miĥalski (11/8/07)
- Czesław Jastrzębiec Kozłowski:
Verkoj, Recenzoj, Informoj (11/10/07)
- Revivigo de Czeslaw Kozlowski
de Kálmán Kalocsay (11/10/07)
- "Why Marx or Nietzsche?" by András
Gedö (11/13/07)
- "How Small We Are How Little We Know"
by Earl Wilson, Jr. (11/16/07, updated 11/5/10)
- "Heine kaj la Amo" de Gaston Waringhien
- Misio de la Filozofo de Paul Nizan
- "Duopa Mondo Mia" de Ezra Clark Stillman
- "Kiom Longe Atendi" de Brian Price-Heywood
- La Vespero (12/2/07)
- La Stoikismo de Agostinho
da Silva (12/3/07)
- Vitreroj: Poeziaĵoj el 1949-1976
(enhavo) de Jiří Kořínek (5/16/12)
- “Necessity! Thou Mother of the
World!” by Percy Bysshe Shelley (12/4/07)
- “I Will Beget a Son”
by Percy Bysshe Shelley (12/4/07)
- Essay on the Devil and Devils by
Percy Bysshe Shelley (12/5/07)
- Salomon Maimon’s Autobiography: On a
Proposed Conversion to Christianity (12/6/07)
- Fresko-Sonetoj al Christian S. de
Heinrich Heine, trad. K. Kalocsay (12/31/07)
- Man in the “Industrial Society”:
Is Herbert Marcuse’s “Critical Theory of Society” Critical?
by Yuri Zamoshkin & Ninel Motroshilova (1/8/08)
- Marxism and Modern Idealism by John
Lewis (1/9/08)
- Literature and Dialectical Materialism
by John Strachey (1/10/08)
- David-Hillel Ruben on Materialism &
Praxis (1/11/08)
- “The Main Principles of David Hume's
Epistemology as a Source of Contemporary Positivism” by Elena Panova
- “What Is Dialectical Logic?”
by Franz Loeser (1/28/08)
- “Logic, Dialectics, Politics: Some Recent
Controversies” by Hayward R. Alker, Jr. (1/29/08)
- Humanism—100 Years of Freethought
by David Tribe (2/6/08)
- Adorno's Negative Dialectic by Howard
Williams (2/17/08)
- Adorno and the Frankfurt School
by Jack Lindsay (2/18/08)
- Black Folk and the Struggle in ‘Philosophy’
by Lucius T. Outlaw (3/2/08)
- "Humanism and Science" by E.
V. Ilyenkov (3/6/08)
- "Zu Spinozas Ethik" (On Spinoza's
Ethics) — poem by Albert Einstein (3/7/08)
- "The Relationship Between Science and Morality
(Philosophical Aspects)" by A. Arsenyev (3/15/08)
- The Privilege of Experience by Theodor
W. Adorno (3/16/08)
- Ideology (Frankfurt Institute for Social
Research) (3/31/08)
- La Universo - kelkaj faktoj por helpi vin
loĝi tie de Douglas Adams, tradukis Matt McLauchlin (4/12/08)
- "Dialectical Naturalism: An Objective Ethics?"
by Takis Fotopoulos (4/20/08)
- Romanticism and Classicism: Deep Structures
in Social Science by Alvin W. Gouldner (5/31/08)
- The Dialectic of Ideology and Technology: The Origins, Grammar, and Future
of Ideology by Alvin Gouldner
- A Generation of Materialism, 1871-1900 by Carlton J. H. Hayes
- Marxism and the Origins of British
Socialism: The Struggle for a New Consciousness. Contents, Introduction, Conclusion
by Stanley Pierson (7/12/08)
- “The Thunderbolt, Interpenetration
and Heraclitus” by David H. DeGrood (7/20/08)
- Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit: Philosophy's
'Starting Point' by David H. DeGrood (7/22/08)
- "Epilogue on Berkeley" by Roy
Wood Sellars (7/22/08)
- "Religion and the New African American Intellectuals"
by Norm R. Allen, Jr. (7/28/08)
- The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology
- The Scientific Marx: Falsifiability
and Adhocness by Daniel Little (9/23/08)
- Gulliver's Travels. Part III. A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg,
Glubbdubdrib, and Japan. Chapter V (extract) by Jonathan Swift (9/23/08)
- Diderot, Interpreter of Nature: Selected Writings, translated by
Jean Stewart and Jonathan Kemp
- Esperanto and Labour (by
Mark Starr) (1/6/09)
- "Hegel" by LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka)
- The Socialist Labor Party, 1876-1991: A Short History by Frank Girard
& Ben Perry, excerpt on Esperanto
- Denis Diderot by Tamara Dlugach
- "Man as the Object of Cognition in Arts Subjects"
by L. I. Novikova (3/6/09)
- Humanism, Atheism: Principles and Practice, by Inga Kichanova, Boris
Grigoryan, et al
- Christ: Myth or Reality? by I. Kryvelev (3/4/09)
- Religion in the World Today by M. Mchedlov
- The Quintessence of Ibsenism, Preface
to 3rd edition by George Bernard Shaw (3/16/09)
- Henri Lefebvre on Marx, Religion, Philosophy,
Ideology & Politics (3/17/09)
- Henri Lefebvre on Praxis (3/24/09)
- Albert Schweitzer—An
African Image by Ndabaningi Sithole (5/22/09)
- Freedom as They Know It by Theodor
W. Adorno (6/2/09)
- Depreciation: Adorno on
Theory, Reification, Paranoia, Dialectics (6/6/09)
- Imperialism and Irrationalism
by Herbert Aptheker (6/15/09)
- Materialism and the Dialectical Method
by Maurice Cornforth (7/1/09)
- "Stalinism: A Study of Internal Colonialism"
by Alvin W. Gouldner (7/4/09)
- Introduction by Robert S. Cohen to
The Social and Economic Roots of Newton's 'Principia' by Boris Hessen
- “Eduard Batalov and
the Philosophy of Revolt: The New Left through Soviet Eyes” by Ileana
Rodríguez (7/6/09)
- "The Little Blue Books as Popular Culture:
E. Haldeman-Julius' Methodology" by Dale M. Herder (7/15/09)
- "The Little Blue Books in the War on Bigotry
and Bunk" by Mark Scott (7/26/09)
- "Prologue to a Theory of Revolutionary Intellectuals"
by Alvin W. Gouldner (8/1/09)
- Irrationalism and Marxism
by Étienne Balibar (8/1/09)
- "Lukács' and Husserl's Critiques of Science"
by Mihály Vajda (8/4/09)
- A Short History of the International Language
Movement by Albert Léon Guérard (8/14/09)
- Histoire de la Langue Universelle
(1903) par Louis Couturat & Léopold Leau (8/14/09)
- War with the Newts (Excerpt on the Language Problem) by Karel
Čapek (8/22/09)
- Ĉe Doktoro: Monologo
de Ŝalom-Alejĥem (8/24/09)
- Esperanto Literature: Notes and
Impressions by K. R. C. Sturmer (9/1/09)
- "La Gimnazio" (fragmento)
de Ŝalom Alejĥem, trad. L. L. Zamenhof (9/4/09)
- La Hungara Modelo en Interlingvistiko:
Post la unua mondmilito de István Szerdahelyi (9/10/09)
- Oktobra Revolucio kaj la sekvoj
de Moshe Lewin, Hansgeorg Conert, Robert Steigerwald; trad. Vilhelmo Lutermano
(libro de MAS, 2009) (9/15/09)
- "Fruaj Socialismaj Konceptoj pri
la Lingva Futuro de la Homaro" de Arpad Ràtkai (9/16/09)
- From A Spoken State: An Epistle to
Bill Auld by Stuart A. Paterson (9/21/09)
- Interviews with William Auld: Broadcasts
on Radio Scotland (1993) (9/21/09)
- Poems from Esperanto: from "In Winter’s
Shell" / el "En Konko de Vintro", by Georges E. Maura (pseudonym of Gaston
Waringhien), translated by William Auld (9/23/09)
- "The Red Tram, or: Springtime in London"
by L. N. M. Newell, translated by William Auld (9/24/09)
- Poems from Esperanto: "Stubbornness" /
"Obstino"; "Au Clair de la Lune" by Rejna de Jong, translated by William
Auld (9/25/09)
- "Ambaŭflanke": "Both Sides Now"
by Joni Mitchell, en Esperanto (9/25/09)
- "Goodbye Christ" by Langston Hughes
- Kvar Poemoj de Langston Hughes,
tradukis Carlos A. Castrillón (9/28/09)
- Hajkoj kaj Tankaoj de Jorge Luis
Borges, , tradukis Carlos A. Castrillón (9/28/09)
- "Kvar Planlingvoj Kreitaj de Virinoj"
de Bernard Golden (9/29/09)
- "Miguel A. Caycedo: Poeto de Negreco"
(Miguel Ángel Caicedo Mena) (9/29/09)
- "Misisipi" de Lejb Malaĥ (1894-1936)
(Antaŭparolo & Biografio) (10/1/09)
- "Gold Is The Shade Esperanto"
by Margaret Danner (10/3/09)
- "Ĉielregno" de Vselovod Ivanov
(L. Ivn, pseŭd.) (10/7/09)
- “Pri Libera Penso” (1910)
- “Ortodoksulo” poemo de
Valentin Melnikov (10/9/09)
- “Observoj de Biletkontrolisto.
. .” poemciklo de Valentin Melnikov (10/9/09)
- "La Teo" de Heinrich Heine, trad. A.
Knegt (10/13/09)
- "After the Editors" by H. W. Yemans
(1910) (10/14/09)
- "Pri Esperantista Kolonio" de Chas
Kuhariĉ (1909) (10/16/09)
- “Speech of Frank Morrison—Parolado
de la Sekretario de Amerika Federacio de Laboristaj Ligoj” (10/16/09)
- Arthur Baker—Humorist (10/16/09)
- Arthur Baker's Insurgency
- [Negra kuiristino . . .
dubinda ŝerco, 1909] (10/17/09)
- Volapuk (Chicago Defender,
1911) (10/17/09)
- "Ars Poetica #17: First Afro-American
Esperantist" by Elizabeth Alexander (10/17/09)
- William Pickens: Who’s
Who in Colored America [biografieto + foto] (10/19/09)
- William Pickens on Esperanto
in The Voice of the Negro (1906) (12/13/09)
- Kongresa Parolado ĉe
la Malfermo de la 6a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto (Washington, 1910)
de L. L. Zamenhof (10/22/09)
- Paroladoj okaze de la
6a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Washington, 1910 de L. L. Zamenhof
- "Land of Liberty"
Speech at 6th International Esperanto Congress, Washington DC, 15 Aug 1910,
by L. L. Zamenhof (12/26/09)
- 6th International Esperanto Congress,
Washington DC: 2nd Day: Formal Opening (15 Aug 1910) / 6a Universala Kongreso:
2a Tago: Solena Malfermo (12/26/09)
- 6th International Esperanto Congress,
Washington DC: Day-by-Day Report / 6a Universala Kongreso: Raporto laŭ
Tagordo (2/26/10)
- Liberpensuloj (Enciklopedio
de Esperanto, 1933) (10/23/09)
- Marion Barry, Jr., Mayor, Washington,
D.C.: Greetings to the Esperanto League of North America, 100th Anniversary,
July 18-22, 1987 (10/23/09)
- Marion Barry, Jr.: Esperanto Day,
July 19, 1987, By the Mayor of The District of Columbia: A Proclamation
- "Ikonoklasmo" de Karel Čapek (10/27/09)
- "La Sudo" de Jorge Luis Borges, trad.
Enio Hugo Garrote (10/27/09)
- "Al la Forironto" de Emba (Imre
Baranyai) (10/29/09)
- Leteroj de E. Lanti, de
Eugène Lanti, kun antaŭparolo de G. Varingjen (10/29/09)
- El la Notlibro de Alfesto (25 aprilo
1939) de E. Lanti (11/1/09)
- El la Notlibro de Alfesto (25 aŭgusto
1939) de E. Lanti (11/1/09)
- ‘"Esperanto and Its Originator:
How a Jew Came to Create a "Universal Language"’ by Isidore Harris
- On the Language of the Future by M. I.
Isayev (11/4/09)
- La Lasta Somero de Klinsor (elĉerpaĵo),
de Hermann Hesse, trad. Wolfram Diestel (11/10/09)
- Esperanto and George Orwell (preface)
- Letero al Kofman (Odeso, 15
[ 28] majo 1901) de L. L. Zamenhof (11/25/09)
- El Projektata Alvoko
al Kongreso por Neŭtrale-Homa Religio de L. L. Zamenhof / Edmond
Privat (11/25/09)
- Zamenhof & la Hebrea
Ligo (1914) (11/25/09)
- Petro: Kursa Lernolibro por Laboristoj
(enhavo) de Norbert Barthelmess (12/7/09)
- Pri Hanna Zamenhof-Zaruski (kun
Genealogia Arbo) de Zofia Banet-Fornalowa (12/9/09)
- Jidaj Poemoj de L. L. Zamenhof
kun 3 Tradukoj (12/19/09)
- La Kaŝita Vivo de Zamenhof
de N. Z. Maimon (12/19/09)
- Doktoro kaj Lingvo Esperanto
(enhavtabelo) de Adolf Holzhaus (12/21/09)
- Provo de Gramatiko de
Novjuda Lingvo de L. Zamenhof (12/21/09)
- "The Russian Jew and
The American Negro" by John D. Swain (1906) (12/27/09)
- “La Universala Frateco”
de Joao Baptista Mello Souza (1/3/10)
- “The Way," translation
of L. L. Zamenhof's "La Vojo" by D. O. S. Lowell (1/3/10)
- Henry Pachter Meets Albert Einstein
by Stephen Eric Bronner (1/6/10)
- Letero al la Amerika
Esperanto Asocio, 1907 de L. Zamenhof (1/9/10)
- “La Anuso de Dio” & Spiritismo
por Stultuloj (1/12/10)
- Manifesto of Non-nationalism
by Eugène Lanti (1/14/09, complete text 2/15/10)
- The Aporias of Marxism / Archaism
and Modernity by Enzo Traverso (1/17/10)
- "Zamenhof and Esperanto"
by Norman Berdichevsky (1/19/10)
- "Leibniz, Couturat kaj la Teorio de Ido"
de Tazio Carlevaro (1/23/10)
- "Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality"
by Glenn C. Ellenbogen, Ph.D. (2/1/10)
- "Pri Juda Gramatiko
kaj Reformo en la Juda Lingvo" de Dr. X [L. L. Zamenhof], tradukis S.
Guterman (2/2/10)
- “Genia Lingvisto
Venkita de Etburĝeco: Fundamentaj Momentoj en la Lingva Teorio de Zamenhof”
de Efim Feofanoviĉ Spiridoviĉ [1a parto] (2/7/10)
- ‘On the "Not Necessarily Atheist"
Nature of Kwame Nkrumah's Philosophical Consciencism’ by Alexander
Wooten (2/7/10)
- Heksa Ŝako (Hexagonal Chess) (2/9/10)
- "Structuralism and Dialectic"
by Jean Piaget (2/18/10)
- Aesthetic Abstraction, Philosophical
Foreplay (Descartes) by W. F. Haug (2/23/10)
- Fascism as Pseudo-Socialism by W.
F. Haug (3/19/10)
- Esperanto for Clayworkers (2/20/10)
- Zamenhofa Naskodomo en Bialystok
de Ichiel Tynowicki (3/3/10)
- “Towards a Socio‑Historical
Interpretation of the Scientific Revolution” by Paul Piccone (3/6/10)
- Ordo de Diservo: Matenpreĝo:
Por Uzo en la Preĝejo de Sankta Anno, Annapolis, la 30an de Julio, 1916
- Esperanto Banquet, July 27, 1916:
Didanko * Menuo * Tostoj (3/12/10)
- "The Realm of Freedom and the Realm
of Necessity: A Reconsideration" by Herbert Marcuse (3/18/10)
- Socialist Humanism: An International
Symposium edited by Erich Fromm (3/21/10)
- Volapük in the Black Press,
1888 (4/6/10)
- “Herbert Marcuse's Criticism
of ‘Linguistic Philosophy’” by Colin Lyas (4/8/10)
- President Jimmy Carter Greets the
Esperanto League for North America, 22 July 1977 (4/18/10)
- "Circumscripture" by Piet Hein (5/14/10)
- "Missing Link" by Piet Hein (5/14/10)
- Space Travel in 1930 (from The
World Book Encyclopedia) (5/14/10)
- Passport to Magonia (Contents & Preface, 1969) by Jacques
Vallee (5/15/10)
- John Dewey's Foreword to Paul Radin's Primitive
Man as Philosopher (5/17/10)
- Universal Auxiliary Language Babm
(Extracts) by Fuishiki Okamoto (6/10/10)
- "Konsideroj pri Gandhi" de George
Orwell, tradukis William Simcock (6/10/10)
- Proleta Kurso, vol. 5 (1932)
- “Ungo de Aufhebo” (7/5/10)
- The Secret Malady of Esperanto Poetry
(1973) by Dr. Julius Balbin (7/29/10)
- Nota Preliminar (1945)
de Jorge Luis Borges, prefacio de / preface to Pragmatismo [Pragmatism]
de William James (8/6/10)
- Historical Materialist Theory
of Knowledge by Alfred Sohn-Rethel (8/7/10)
- Ludwig Wittgenstein and Constructed
Languages: Wittgenstein, Esperanto by T. Peter Park (8/7/10)
- Fantasy and Reason: Children's Literature in the Eighteenth Century
by Geoffrey Summerfield
- Collected Poems by Jack Lindsay
- "Speaking My Mind" by Juan Chi / Ruan
Ji (8/27/10)
- Laughter by Marcel Schwob (9/6/10)
- Introduction to Sociology by Theodor W. Adorno
- Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” by Theodor W.
- Definition of ’Pataphysics
by Alfred Jarry (9/8/10)
- “The Second International: A Reexamination”
by Andrew Arato (9/9/10)
- Book Review, Rudolf Wolfgang Müller,
Geld und Geist by Pasi Falk (9/9/10)
- The Question of Educational Work
by Georg Lukács (9/20/10)
- "La Humanisma Kadro de Julian Huxley,
Evolua Etikisto" de Bernard Golden (10/3/10)
- "Religio kaj Kapitalismo" de Simon
Aarse (10/4/10)
- Man and Culture, Language, Esperanto
by Pavel Gurevich (10/5/10)
- "Education and Revolutionary Change" by
Edward D’Angelo (10/9/10)
- Ideology of/in the Natural Sciences, edited by Hilary Rose &
Steven Rose
- Science and Religion by
Marcel Cachin (10/23/10)
- "Theories of Knowledge: A Dialectical,
Historical Critique" by Howard L. Parsons (10/23/10)
- Geoffrey Clark reviews Heads
or Tails: The Poetics of Money by Jochen Hörisch (10/28/10)
- Harold Cruse’s Attack on Jewish
Communists: Comment by Sid Resnick (10/30/10)
- Editorial (1992): "Zionism Is Reactionary
Nationalism: Israel Is A Capitalist State" (10/31/10)
- Lloyd L. Brown Talks to Mary Helen Washington:
Writing the Collective Narrative (Route One Interview) (11/3/10)
- Man East and West: Essays in East-West Philosophy by Howard L. Parsons
- Zamenhofa Naskiĝdomo
ĉe la strato Zielona en Białystok de Cz. Sadowski (12/5/10)
- Gentoj kaj Lingvo Internacia
(1911) de L. L. Zamenhof (12/6/10)
- “International
Language” (Universal Races Congress, 1911) by L. L. Zamenhof (traduko
de la supra eseo) (12/22/10)
- Midwifing the "World Brain": SIG/AH
& SIG/BSS Program, 50th ASIS Annual Meeting, Boston, 1987 (1/12/11)
- “Bonds of Brotherhood”
by Paul Robeson (1/15/11)
- From “Superman” to Man by J. A. Rogers
- "A Hymn to the Peoples" by W. E. B. Du
Bois (2/5/11)
- Two Poems ('The Volapükists' &
'The Esperantists') by Arthur Dawson Foote (2/18/11)
- Naturista Vivo, 2-a jaro, n-ro 5, junio 1962 (p. 1)
- "Nerimarkitaj Herboj" de Baldur
Ragnarsson / "Unsung Leaves" translated by E. James Lieberman (2/26/11)
- "Rimletero" (pri John I. Francis)
de William Auld (3/5/11)
- "Al la Granda Masonisto" de William
Auld (3/6/11)
- "Kapitalismo Venkis en Britujo"
(26.10.1951) de William Auld (3/6/11)
- "Gvidilo tra la Angla Poezio" de William
Auld (3/7/11)
- "Nova Odo" de Lou Harrison (tradukis
Bruce Kennedy el "New Ode") (3/26/11)
- "La Kvar Patronoj de la Palestro"
de Lou Harrison (traduko de "The Four Patrons of the Palaestra") (3/28/11)
- "miraklo", poemo de Jorge Camacho
- Lumo kaj Ombro de Vasilij
Eroŝenko (5/6/11)
- “Neforgeseblaj Vortoj”
de Vasilij Jakovleviĉ Eroŝenko (5/6/11)
- “Malespera Koro”
de Vasilij Eroŝenko (5/6/11)
- “Critique of Idealistic Naturalism:
Methodological Pollution in the Main Stream of American Philosophy”
by Dale Riepe (6/12/11)
- Radical Currents in Contemporary
Philosophy [Preface & Contents] edited by David H. DeGrood, Dale
Riepe, & John Somerville (6/14/11)
- “Theory and Practice from the Point
of View of Human Needs” by Agnes Heller (6/27/11)
- Tolerance and Revolution:
A Marxist-non-Marxist Humanist Dialogue, edited by Paul Kurtz and
Svetozar Stojanović (6/30/11)
- Humanist Ethics: Dialogue
on Basics, edited by Morris B. Storer: Contents (7/3/11)
- The Perspectives of Philosophy (1956)
by Ivan Sviták (7/8/11)
- "Anthropological Conditions of
Modern Culture" (1964): Conclusion by Ivan Sviták (7/11/11)
- “The Sources of Socialist Humanism”
(1963) by Ivan Sviták (7/12/11)
- Skepticism in Soviet Philosophical
Dictionaries (7/20/11)
- “To Spinoza” by
Friedrich Nietzsche (7/23/11)
- “Amor Dei Intellectualis (Baruch
Spinoza)” by Nikolai Bukharin (7/24/11)
- “Mad Prophet (Friedrich Nietzsche)”
by Nikolai Bukharin (7/24/11)
- ‘The Colossal Old Fellow’
(Hegel) by Nikolai Bukharin (7/24/11)
- “Spinoza” by Jorge
Luis Borges, translated by Yirmiyahu Yovel (7/24/11)
- “Nature, Society, and Praxis”
by Mihály Vajda (9/21/11)
- Descartes to Mersenne, 25 December
1639 (11/4/11)
- “Hochherrschaftlich Möblierte
Zehnzimmerwohnung” / “Manorially Furnished Ten-Room Apartment”
by Walter Benjamin (11/19/11)
- Observo: Negraj Poetoj en Ameriko
[Recenzo de “L.”] (12/14/11)
- “Observo: Van Vechten: Negra
Ĉielo” [recenzo] (12/15/11)
- “Nigraĵoj”
de Georgo Verda (Izrael Lejzerowicz) (12/19/11)
- “The State of Humanity and the
Transition from Communism to Capitalism” by Svetozar Stojanović
- Rod Serling in Buffalo, 18 Oct 1972:
“The Twentieth Century and Other Absurdities” (1/26/12)
- Lectures on the Essence of Religion by Ludwig Feuerbach
- Marxist Humanism and Praxis, edited, with translations, by Gerson
S. Sher
- The Watchdogs: Bourgeois
Philosophy in Action (Excerpts) by Paul Nizan (2/11/12)
- The Book of American Negro Poetry,
James Weldon Johnson, ed.: Contents: 1922 & 1931 (2/29/12)
- Negro Poetry in America
by Lena Beatrice Morton [Excerpts & Summary] (3/2/12)
- Descartes (Analytical Contents,
Excerpts, Quotes) by Jonathan Rée (3/6/12)
- “The Two Epochs of Bourgeois
Materialism: On Moleschott’s Centenary” by Georg Lukács
- “On The Fiftieth Anniversary
of Feuerbach’s Death” by Georg Lukács (3/22/12)
- “The History of Hegel’s
Youth: Review of Wilhelm Dilthey’s collected writings, Vol. IV”
by Georg Lukács (3/22/12)
- Letter to Simon Foucher (1675)
by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (4/7/12)
- The Scottish School (Skota Skolo) of
Esperanto Writers by Geoffrey Sutton (4/24/12)
- The Scottish School (Skota Skolo) of Esperanto
Writers - John Sharp Dinwoodie by Geoffrey Sutton (4/24/12)
- Sándor Szathmári
de Vilmos Benczik (5/1/12); kun kompara teksto de Postparolo (5/20/12)
- “Arto de la Penso” de
Sándor Szathmári (5/3/12)
- “La Tento de Kul” de
John I. Francis (5/3/12)
- Sándor Szathmári:
Fotografo + Subskribo (5/24/13)
- “Péter Illéssy”
de Sándor Szathmári (5/9/12)
- “Urania” de Sándor
Szathmári (5/9/12)
- “Julio Baghy” de Sándor
Szathmári (5/10/12)
- “La Poeto”
de Frigyes Karinthy, tradukis Sándor Szathmári (5/17/12)
- “El la eĥoj de la verkaro
de Szathmári” [citaĵoj el diversaj aŭtoroj pri
Sándor Szathmári] + rilata parto de enhavtabelo, Hungara
Vivo 4 / 1973 (5/17/12)
- “Mi ciam skribis pri la homo.
. .”: Intervjuo kun Sándor Szathmári [Vilmos Benczik]
- Belarto, n-ro 1, aprilo 1958: Enhavo
- Belarto, n-ro 2, Aŭtuno 1961:
Enhavo (5/18/12)
- “Du Judoj” de L. N. M.
Newell (5/21/12)
- Marx to Joseph Dietzgen, 9 May 1868
(Letter) (5/23/12)
- Marx to Engels, 10 May 1870 (Letter)
- La Voĉoj de Sándor Szathmári
(disko) (5/25/12)
- “Laborist-portreto”
de Lajos Kassák, tradukis Kálmán Kalocsay (5/25/12)
- The Tragedy of Man (Scene 13),
translated from the Hungarian by George Szirtes; introduction by George F.
Cushing; illustrations by Mihály Zichy (5/27/12)
- “Pri la Verkaro de Sándor
Szathmári” de Michel Duc Goninaz (5/31/12)
- “Klarigoj al Vojaĝo
al Kazohinio” de Sándor Szathmári (6/1/12)
- “Ĉu Kreskdoloro?”
de Morgens Groth (6/2/12)
- Ludadi sur vulkano de G. F. Makkink
- “Mór Jókai” de
Zsuzsa Varga-Haszonits (kun enhavtabelo) (6/11/12)
- “Pri Moderna Poezio kaj Esperanto”
de Roberto Passos Nogueira (6/14/12)
- “La Tragedio de L’Homo
kaj Imre Madách” de Kálmán Kalocsay (6/15/12)
- “Jes Ja” de Kálmán
Kalocsay (6/20/12)
- La Voĉoj de Kálmán
Kalocsay (disko) (6/29/12)
- ”Originala aŭ tradukita
literaturo?” de Izrael Lejzerowicz (7/1/12)
- “Usona Mozaiko”
(1968) de Mark Starr (7/3/12)
- “Esperanto kiel Lingvo de la
Moderna Tekniko” de Sándor Szathmári (7/4/12)
- 75 Jaroj: Aŭtobiografio, Poemoj,
Bibliografio (enhavo kun retligoj al poemoj) (7/5/12)
- “Unu el Ni” de William
Auld (7/6/12)
- Survoje al adoleska raso
(El intervjuo de William Auld fare de Reinhard Haupenthal, 1977) (7/8/12)
- Short Handbook of Communist
Ideology: Contents (12/19/12)
- Notlibro de Praktika Esperantisto
[enhavo] de K. R. C. Sturmer (7/15/12)
- “La radikoj de nia literaturo”de
William Auld (8/1/12)
- Recenzo: Dr. Stan Kamaryt: Filozofia
Vortaro (1934) de F. Erdey (8/5/12)
- Recenzo: La Infana Raso de W.
Auld; de Miyamoto Masao (8/6/12)
- “La Nova Dio” de Arpád
Tóth, tradukis Kálmán Kalocsay (8/10/12)
- Hungarlanda Konsilia Respubliko,
1919 (Hungara Vivo, n-ro 1, 1979) (kovrilo & rilata enhavtabelo)
- 133 Tagoj de Sovethungario
- Remembering Endre Tóth: Some Preliminary
Notes by Lester Shepard (9/6/12)
- La Tragedio de L’Homo
(Kritiko) de Sándor Szathmári (9/22/12)
- On Charlie Chaplin by Henri Lefebvre
- Ju Alten Oni Soras de William Auld (10/6/12)
- Die ungarische Dramenliteratur /
Georg Lukács (10/22/12)
- On Hungarian Dramatic Literature
by Georg Lukács, translated by Charles Senger (10/22/12)
- Sound Money Kill [Excerpt from an excerpt]
by Sol Yurick (1/19/13)
- «Le maître du temps»
par Giuseppe Lipparini (1/28/13)
- William Blake, Big League Poet by
Mikhail Horowitz (3/23/13)
- “Kie estas via frato, Habel?”
de Vinko Oŝlak (4/1/13)
- “Ĉu behinoj?”
Eugène de Zilah (4/5/13)
- “Du Maksimoj” de
Sándor Szathmári (4/5/13)
- Mistika Profundo de Sándor
Szathmári (4/10/13)
- Feliĉa Amo (1962)
de Sándor Szathmári (4/9/13)
- Donna Juana (1969)
de Sándor Szathmári (4/8/13)
- Muŝoj (1972)
de Sándor Szathmári (4/24/13)
- “Vane ‑ La estonteco
(fragmento)”, de Sándor Szathmári, tradukis el la
hungara Lariko Golden; kun Éva Tófalvi, “Szathmári,
la hungara Orwell” (4/27/13)
- Soneto 18 de William
Shakespeare, Esperantigis Reto Rossetti (4/17/13)
- Night of
Summer (Somernokto) By Kálmán Kalocsay, translated from
Esperanto by William Auld (4/17/13)
- "Okazos je la Deka" de John I. Francis (4/26/13)
- "La murdita juglandarbo" de Endre
Tóth (4/27/13)
- Tri Angloj Alilande de
John Merchant (5/5/13)
- Kompatinda Klem de John Merchant
- "Mankas Krotaloj" de William Auld
- "Incitnudiĝo" de William Auld
- Aŭtune de Endre Tóth (5/6/13)
- "Velkoj" de William Auld; Orkestro
kaj Koruso de la Podlaĥia Operejo kaj Filharmonio en Bjalistoko; kun
angla traduko de D. B. Gregor (5/6/13)
- From “Prologue to the Never-Seen”
by Macedonio Fernández (5/24/13)
- “Homaro kontraŭ tekniko”
de Konisi Gaku (5/24/13)
- “Verstrand’s Extelopedia
in 44 Magnetomes” [2 excerpts] by Stanislaw Lem (5/24/13)
- How to Control Intellectual Segmentation
by Anton C. Zijderveld (5/27/13)
- Ora Duopo: Jubilea Libro pri Julio Baghy
kaj Kolomano Kalocsay (enhavtablelo kun retligoj), redaktis Lájós
Kökény (5/29/13)
- Literature and Negation (contents
& excerpts) by Maire Jaanus Kurrik (6/5/13)
- Adorno by Maire Jaanus Kurrik (6/3/13)
- Lullus kaj la Filozofia Lingvo
de István Szerdahelyi (6/8/13)
- International Language Review
(issues listing + selected contents) (6/12/13)
- The Philosophy of No by Gaston Bachelard
- Privilege — The Intersectionality
Game (6/14/13)
- Hungara Antologio [Antaŭparolo,
klarigoj, bibliografio, enhavo, preseraroj, postparolo, kovriloj],
redaktis: Kálmán Kalocsay; kunlaboris Julio Baghy, Károly
Bodó, László Halka, Ferenc Szilágyi, Ludwig Totsche
- "Oggi" de Mihály Babits, el
la hungara trad. Ferenc Szilágyi (6/15/13)
- Introduction to The
Authoritarian Personality (Excerpt) by Theodor W. Adorno (6/22/13)
- The Definitive Time Machine: A Critical
Edition of H.G. Wells’s Scientific Romance: Contents + notes on Jarry (6/24/13)
- The Man Who Was Solved by
Dick Allen (6/27/13)
- “El Kosmo Vidas Mi Nenion”
de Ludmila Silnova (6/28/13)
- “Hirundo” & Tankaoj:
originalaj poemoj de Ludmila Silnova (6/28/13)
- “Pri Kelkaj Malnoviĝintaj
Nocioj” de Alain Robbe-Grillet (6/28/13)
- Norda Vento
de Frigyes Karinthy, trad. Károly Bodó (7/6/13)
- “Aristotle: A Forefather of General
Semantics?” by Wayne N. Thompson (7/12/13)
- International Science Fiction,
Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1967
- International Science Fiction, No. 2, June 1968
- “Kial la civilizacio ne bankrotos”
de Albert Einstein, trad. el la angla C. Rosen (7/16/13)
- "Pordo de l’forgeso"
(artverko) de Péter Illéssy (7/19/13)
- “Not Since Babel” (Conclusion)
by Edmund Carpenter (7/19/13)
- Hararo kaj marksismoj de Laŭrenco
SEPTJE (Septier) (7/27/13)
- “Mia Esperantistino”
(Kanzono) de W. M. Pace & J. A. Moonie (Partituro, 1906) (7/27/13)
- The Second Universal Congress
of Esperanto: Opening Address, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 August 1906 de
L. L. Zamenhof;
partial translation from Esperanto by Marjorie Boulton, completed by Ralph
Dumain (7/26/13)
- Sándor Szathmári
1897-1974: Szathmári Mortis de Arpád Mathé (7/31/13)
- Ebleco de Vojaĝo al la Luno (el
La Eltrovo de Nova Mondo) de John Wilkins, trad.William Auld (8/1/13)
- �La tragedio de l� homo�la eterna
lukto� de Vilho Set�l� (8/7/13)
- "De Kie Kien" / "Where From,
Where To?" de William Auld, trad. K. Gilmore (8/7/13)
- “Habelo kaj Kaino” de
Charles Baudelaire, tradukis Kálmán Kalocsay (8/9/13)
- “La Dia Providenco”
de Frigyes Karinthy, tradukis K. Kussinszky (8/11/13)
- Communism and Philosophy: Contemporary Dogmas and Revisions of Marxism
by Maurice Cornforth
- William Blake and the Language of Adam by Robert N. Essick
& Afterword (8/13/13)
Blake vs Rationalist Linguistics (Excerpt) (8/13/13)
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science
Fiction, January 1964 (Volume 26, no. 1, whole no. 152): Covers &
Contents (8/17/13)
- “Starlight Rhapsody” by
Valentina Zhuravleva, translated from Esperanto by Donald J. Harlow (8/19/13)
- “Starluma Rapsodio”
de Ĵuravleva Valentina, tradukis Aleksej I. Verŝinin (8/17/13)
- Recenzo de Sándor
Szathmári, Kain kaj Abel, de Jean-Marie Jacques (8/20/13)
- “Danuba Voĉo” de Julio
Baghy (kun citaĵoj el Baghy & Szathm�ri) (8/22/13)
- Universal History by Theodor W.
Adorno (9/17/13)
- �Miaj renkontoj kun Jorge Luis Borges�
de Pierre Ullman (9/17/13)
- “Interesting People I Have
Met: Lidia Zamenhof” by Carl Alpert (8/21/13)
- “A Mad Look at Christmas” [On
Toys & Imagination] by Dave Berg (9/26/13)
- Mad’s Dave Berg Looks at Things
(signed copy) (9/26/13)
- �Szathm�ri kaj nia revuo� de Ljubomir
Trifonĉovski (10/7/13)
- “Szentendre: la urbo de la
historio kaj arto” de Sándor Szathmári (10/8/13)
- “Esperanta Folkloro (Babilado
de Horaĉo Serĉer)” de Izrael Lejzerowicz (10/8/13)
- “Esperanto kaj la Vorta Poezio”
de Roberto Passos Nogueira (10/8/13)
- �Richard Brautigan� [poemoj], tradukis
kun noto Kris Long (10/9/13)
- �Anekdotoj pri Attila J�zsef�
de Sándor Szathmári (10/10/13)
- “Ĉu solas ni?” de Julian
Modest (10/10/13)
- �Reĝo Menas aŭ la praktika valoro
de la filozofio� de Milán Füst, tradukis Kálmán
Kalocsay (10/12/13)
- "Reader Know Thyself"
by Nicholas (Nikolai Aleksandrovich) Rubakin (10/13/13)
- �La Ekskomuniko de Baruĥ de
Spinoza� de Theun de Vries, elnederlandigis Henk Beijne (10/15/13)
- “La Filozofo”
de Albert Goodheir (10/17/13)
- La Granda Akademio en Lagado, el:
Vojaĝo al Balnibarbi de Jonathan Swift, tradukis William Auld (10/17/13)
- La Struldbrugoj; El: Vojaĝo
al Lugnago de Jonathan Swift, tradukis William Auld (10/19/13)
- Mark Starr in East Africa & Bulgaria
(News Clippings, 1963) (11/26/13)
- John Dewey’s Theory of Valuation
reviewed by Herbert Marcuse (11/30/13)
- Ushenko (Logic), Frye & Levi (Logic),
Wood (Knowledge) reviewed by Herbert Marcuse (11/30/13)
- “On Kierkegaard’s Doctrine
of Love” by Theodor W. Adorno (12/1/13)
- “Spinozo” de Jorge
Luis Borges, tradukis Julius Balbin (12/6/13)
- “Borges, mistera klasikulo,”
de Giulio Cappa (12/9/13)
- “Borges kaj Mi” de Jorge
Luis Borges, tradukis Giulio Cappa (12/9/13)
- “Arto Poezia” de Jorge
Luis Borges, tradukis Giulio Cappa (12/6/13)
- �La Longa Serĉado� de Jorge
Luis Borges, tradukis Giulio Cappa (12/11/13)
- “La Rolo de la Persona Faktoro
en la Esperanta Literaturo (La Verkisto)” de Éva Tófalvi
- Marxism and the Open Mind by John Lewis
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Previous update 10 December 2013
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