The last remnant gathered on the mountain They waited: the hour passed. Some to settle again in their old homes, Since then most are gone, commemorated But nothing can recapture |
Like searchlights probing the evening clouds
Hearing a well‑known voice among the
noise Such are the saints anonymous, the zaddikim A set of cranks or Heaven's chosen people?
A. D. Foote, author of these poems, says they “are meant to be descriptive of two kinds of ‘millenial’ faith, one succeeding and one not”. He resides in Dundee, Scotland, and is the author of many poems, composed both in English and Esperanto. |
SOURCE: Foote, A[rthur[ D[awson]. Two Poems [“The Volapükists”, “The Esperantists”], Eco-logos [Incorporating Biophilist Magazine and International Language Reporter], vol. XXII, no. 82, 4th quarter, 1976, p. 11.
“A critique of Loglan” & “The irregularity of Interlingua”
by W. A. Verloren van Themaat
International Language Review (issues listing + selected contents)
Esperanto & Interlinguistics Study Guide / Retgvidilo pri Esperanto & Interlingvistiko
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