When renewing my subscriptions to the following periodicals, I addressed a note to the editor of each, requesting that Esperanto receive attention, with the following results:
Collier's: "Will gladly hold your request in mind."
Literary Digest: No reply.
McClure's: No reply.
Everybody's: No reply.
Scientific American: "It is not likely that we will take up the subject of Esperanto, or any other international language, for a long time. One experience of that kind is enough."
Review of Reviews: No reply.
American Magazine: No reply.
Chicago Tribune: No reply, but Esperanto noticed.
World's Work: "A number of people have been soliciting our interest in the subject of Esperanto during the last few weeks, but none of them have yet given us any reason for encouraging an article. The World's Work is, or tries to be, a magazine of significant, definite achievement, and I do not see anything new in the subject which you propose."
Sed, eĉ gutoj de akvo konstante frapantaj traboras la graniton.
Write to the editors of all publications to which you subscribe, and write to all your friends in whatever part of the world they may be, requesting their allegiance to Esperanto.
An excellent manner of attracting the attention of editors is to make all subscriptions through the Esperanto Office, Washington. I had not received the circular sent out by Mr. Reed when I made my renewals.
FONTO: Yemans, H. W. "After the Editors," Amerika Esperantisto, vol. 8, no. 5, December 1910, p. 124.
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