A Checklist of Jack Lindsay’s Books
The following checklist is believed to be complete to date although in some cases, details of reprints, edition statements and the translations in section E are only tentative.
1 Fauns and ladies, Kirribilli, Svdney:J. T. Kirtley, 1923. Verse, pp.6l. Limited to 210 numbered and signed copies.
2 The pleasante conceited narrative of Pan urge's fantastically brocaded codpiece. Its damnation and a tricke plaied on a multitude of letcherous twats, Sydney: Panurgean Society, MDCCCXCXIV [1924]. Narrative poem, pp.16.
Limited to 30 numbered and signed copies.
Facsimile edition, no imprint [Warrandyte, Vic.: Kenneth Wallace-Crabbe, 1960].
3 Spanish main and tavern, Sydney: Panurgean Society, 1924. Narrative poem, pp.23.
Limited to 35 numbered and signed copies.
4 Lysistrata by Aristophanes, Sydney: Fanfrolico Press, 1925. Translation, pp. 49.
Limited to 200 numbered and signed copies.
Second and revised edition, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1926.
Several pirated editions published in America.
5 The passionate neatherd: a lyric sequence, Sydney: Fanfrolico Press, 1926. Verse, pp.79.
Limited to 79 numbered and signed copies.
Second and revised edition, London: Fanfrolico Press, I929.
6 [Jack Lindsay], First list of fine books published in limited editions by the Fanfrolico Press, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1926, pp.8.
The first prospectus of the Fanfrolico Press.
7 Marina Faliero, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1927. Verse-play, pp.104.
Limited to 450 numbered and signed copies.
8 Propertius in love, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1927. Translation, pp. 88.
Limited to 65 numbered and signed copies.
9 The complete works of Gaius Petronius. London: Fanfrolico Press,
Translation, Pp. 151.
Limited to 750 numbered aiscl signed copies.
Two pirated editions published in America.
Re-issued as The satyricon and poems, London: Elek Books, 1960.
10 William Blake: creative will and the poetic image, London:
Press, 1927. Criticism, pp.56.
Second and enlargctl edition, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1929.
Reprintedi. London: Folcroft Press, 1969.
ii. New York: Haskell House, 1970 (Studies in Blake, No.3).
iii. Folcroft, Pa: Folcroft Library Editions, 1976.
iv. Norwood, Pa: Norwood Editions, 1977.
v. Philadelphia: R. West, 1978.
11 Helen comes of age, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1927. Three
Limited to 500 numbered and signed copies.
12 A homage to Sappho, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1928. Translations
adaptions, pp.64.
Limited to 70 numbered and signed copies.
13 Dionysos: Nietzsche contra Nietzsche, London: Fanfrolico
Press, 1928.
Criticism, pp.248.
Limited to 500 numbered copies.
14 Homer’s hymns to Aphrodite, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1929. Translation, pp.21.
Limited to 500 numbered copies.
15 Hereward, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1929. Verse-play, pp. 114.
16 Women in parliament (Ecclesiazusai ) by Aristophanes, London:
Press, 1929. Translation, pp.60.
Limited to 500 numbered and signed copies.
17 Theocritos: the complete poems, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1929. Translation, pp.163.
Limited to 500 numbered copies.
18 The mimiambs of Herondas, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1929.
slation, pp.72.
Limited to 375 numbered copies.
19 The complete poems of Catullus, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1929.
Translation, pp. 252.
Limited to 325 numbered and signed copies.
20 Patchwork quilt: poems by Decimus Ausonius, London: Fanfrolico
1930. Translation, pp. 71.
Limited to 400 numbered copies.
21 A retrospect of the Fanfrolico Press, London: Simpkin Marshall, 1931, pp. 10.
22 Cressida's first lover , London: John Lane, 1931. Fantasy-novel set in Ancient Greece, pp. 312.
American edition, New York: Long & Smith, 1932.
Cheap edition, London: John Lane, 1934.
23 The golden ass by Apuleius, New York: Limited Editions Club, 1932. Translation, pp. 392.
Revised edition with essay
i. London: Elek, 1960.
ii. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1962.
iii. Philadelphia: R. West, 1982.
24 'Ailsa Lindsay', Time-please, London: Joiner & Steele, 1932.
Contemporary novel by Jack Lindsay and Elza de Locre, pp. 248.
25 Rome for Sale. London: Mathews and Marrot , 1934. An historical novel set in the period of Catalina, pp. 438.
American edition, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1934.
Cheap edition, London: Mathews and Marrot, 1935.
26 Medieval Latin poets, London: Mathews & Marrot, 1934. Translations, pp. 274.
27 I am a Roman: translations from the Latin,London: Mathews & Marrot, 1934, pp. 256.
28 Caesar is dead, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1934. Historical novel, pp. 366.
Cheap edition, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1935.
29 The Romans, London; A. & C. Black, 1935. ‘How & Why Series, no. 17’, pp. 96.
30 Storm at sea, London: Golden Cockerel Press, 1935. Novelette, pp. 76.
Limited to 250 numbered and signed copies.
31 Last day�s with Cleopatra, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1935. Historical novel. pp. 347.
Cheap edition. London: Nicholson & Watson, 1936.
32 Runaway, Oxford: University Press, 1935. Historical novel for boys, period of Spartacus, pp. 255.
Cheap edition, 1936.
Reprinted 1937; cheap edition, 1938.
33 Despoiling Venus, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1935. Historical novel on Clodia and Caelius Rufus, pp. 360.
34 ‘Richard Preston’, Shadow and flame, London: Chapman & Hall, 1936. Contemporary novel, pp. 262.
35 Wanderings of Wenamen,London: Nicholson & Watson, 1936. Historical novel set near the end of the second millenium, B.C., pp. 345.
36 Come home at last, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1936. Short stories of the Graeco-Roman world, pp. 384.
37 Marc Antony: his world and his contemporaries,London: Routledge & Sons, 1936, pp. 342.
American edition, New York: Dutton & Co., 1937.
38 Rebels of the goldfields, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1936. Novel for boys on the Eureka Stockade, pp. 264.
39 Who are the English?, London: Left Review, 1936. Verse-declamation, pp. 7.
40 Adam of a new world, London: Nicholson &
Watson, 1936. Novel on
Giordano Bruno, pp. 393.
Originally entitled The triumphant beast and a few copies issued with
this title. See half-title for explanation.
Cheap edition, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1938.
41 ‘Richard Preston’, End of Cornwall, London:
Jonathan Cape, 1937.
Contemporary novel, pp. 414.
American edition, New York: The Vanguard Press, 1938.
42 The anatomy of spirit: an inquiry into the origins of religious
emotion, London:
Methuen, 1937, pp. 191.
43 Sue Verney, London: Nicholson & Watson,
1937. Novel set in the
Cromwellian period, pp. 416.
Cheap edition, London: Nicholson & Watson, 1938.
44 John Bunyan: maker of myths, London: Methuen, 1937. Biography,
pp. 270.
i. New York: A. M. Kelley, 1969.
ii. Port Washington, New York: Kennikat Press, 1969.
iii. Philadelphia: R. West, 1973.
45 On guard for Spain, London: Left Book Club Theatre Guild,
Verse-declamation, c. pp. 8.
46 Five thousand years of poetry: a declamation in prose and verse,London:
Book Club Theatre Guild, 1938. C. pp. 8.
47 To arms!: a story of ancient Gaul, Oxford:
University Press, 1938. Boys’
novel, pp. 287.
Canadian edition as The invaders,Toronto: Oxford University
Press, 1938.
Cheap edition, Oxford: University Press, 1940.
48 1649: a novel of a year, London: Methuen, 1938, pp.562.
Cheap edition, London: Methuen, 1939.
Reprinted, Portway, Bath: Chivers, 1971.
49 England, my England, London: Fore Publications, 1939. Long pamphlet on the English tradition, pp. 64.
50 Lost birthright, London: Methuen, 1939. Novel set in the I760s, pp. 532.
Cheap edition, London: Methuen, 1940.
Reprinted, Portway, Baths: Chivers, 1971.
5l A short history of culture, London: Gollancz, 1939, pp. 408.
52 We need Russia, London: Left Book Club Theatre Guild, 1939.
declamation, c. pp. 8.
53 Brief light: a novel of Catallus, London: Methuen, 1939, pp. 354.
Cheap edition, London: Methuen, 1940.
54 Giuliano the magnificent. London: Andrew Dakers, 1940.
Novel adapted by Lindsay from an unpublished novel or narrative by Dorothy Johnson, pp. 454.
55. Light in Italy, London: Gollancz, 1941. Novel set in 1816, pp. 277.
56 Hannibaal takes a hand,London: Andrew Dakers, 1941. Novel set in ancient Carthage, pp. 319.
57 The Dons sight Devon: a story of the defeat of the invincible Armada, London: Oxford University Press, 1941. Novel for boys, pp. 287.
Reprinted London: Oxford University Press, 1951.
58 The stormy violence, London: Andrew Dakers, 1941 . Novel set in the early Elizabethan period, pp. 277.
Reprinted Portway, Bath: Chivers, 1973.
59 Into action: the battle of Dieppe. A poem, London: Andrew Dakers, 1942, pp. 60.
60. We shall return: a novel of Dunkirk and the French campaign, London: Andrew Dakers, 1942, pp. 320.
61 Beyond terror: a novel of the battle of Crete, London: Andrew Dakers, 1943, pp. 312.
62 Second front: poems, London: Andrew Dakers, 1944, pp. 49.
63 Perspective for poetry, London: Fore Publications, 1944. Criticism, pp. 30.
64 The barriers are down: a tale of the collapse of a civilisation, London: Gollancz, 1945. Novel on the Roman Empire, c. 450, pp. 280.
65 ‘Jolly swagman’: the Australians at home, London: Army Bureau of Current Affairs Pamphlet, 1945, pp. 20.
66 Hullo stranger, London: Andrew Dakers, 1945. Novel on women in war-industry, pp. 214.
67 British achievement in art and music, London: Pilot Press, 1945, pp. 36.
68 Time to live, London: Andrew Dakers, 1946. Contemporary novel, pp. 270.
69 The subtle knot. London: Andrew Dakers, 1948. Contemporary novel, pp. 264.
70 Daphnis & Chloe, London: Daimon Press, 1948. Translation from the Greek of Longus, pp. 114.
71 Men of forty-eight, London: Methuen, 1941. Historical novel, pp. 456.
Reprinted, Portway, Bath: Chivers. 1971.
72 Catullus: the complete poems, London: Sylvan Press, 1948. A new translation with essay, pp. 124.
73 Mulk Raj Anand: a critical essay, Bombay: Hind Kitabs Ltd., 1948, pp. 35.
Revised edition, Bombay: Kutab Popular, 1965.
74 Song of a falling world: culture during the break-up of the Roman Empire, A. D. 350-600, London: Andrew Dakers, 1949, pp. 303.
Reprinted, Westport. Ca: Hyperion Press, 1979.
75 Marxism and contemporary science; or, the fullness of life, London: Dobson, 1949, pp. 261.
76 Clue of darkness, London: Andrew Dakers, 1949. Poem on the Theseus
theme, pp. 82.
77 Charles Dickens: a biographical and critical study, London:
Dakers, 1950, pp. 459.
American edition, New York: Philosophical Library, 1950.
Reprinted, New York: Kraus Reprint Co., 1970.
78 Fires in Smithfield: a novel of Mary Tudor�s days, London: Bodley
1950, pp. 460.
Reprinted, Portway, Bath: Chivers, 1972.
79 A world ahead: journal of a Soviet journey, London: Fore
1950, pp. 164.
80 Peace is our answer, London: Collets Holdings, 1950, pp. 40.
New edition as War or peace, Melbourne: Gryphon, 1979.
81 Three letters to Nikolai Tikhonov, London: Fore Publications,
1950. Poems, pp. 24.
Another issue bearing the imprint, Alan Swallow: Denver, 1950 in
Swallow (Alan) Anthology III, Denver: Alan Swallow, 1959.
82 Cry of Greece, London: Arena for the League of Democracy
in Greece,
c. l950. Broadsheet of a mass-declamation.
83 The passionate pastoral: an 18th century escapade, London: Bodley Head, 1951, pp. 324.
84 Vitezslav Nezval, Song of peace, London: Fore Publications, 1951. Translation from the Czech by Jack Lindsay and Stephen Jolly, pp. l6.
85 Byzantium into Europe: the story of Byzantium as the first Europe
AD.) and its further contribution till 1453 A.D., London: Bodley
Head, 1952, pp. 486.
Limited edition (150 signed and numbered copies), London:
Theodore Brun, 1952.
86 Betrayed spring, London: Bodley Head, 1953. Contemporary novel,
Australian edition,
i. Melbourne: Australasian Book Society, 1953.
ii. Melbourne: Joseph Waters, 1953.Russian edition in English, Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1955.
87 Rumanian summer:
a view of the Rumanian People's Republic, London:
Lawrence & Wishart, 1953.
Written with the collaboration of Maurice Cornforth.
88 Rising tide, London: Bodley Head, 1953. Contemporary novel,
pp. 272.
89 Civil war in England, London: Muller, 1954. Account of the Cromwellian revolution, pp. 365.
American edition, New York: Barnes and Noble, 1967.
90 The moment of choice, London: Bodley Head, 1955. Contemporary
novel, pp. 335.
91 George Meredith: his life and work, London: Bodley Head, 1956, pp. 420.
Reprinted, New York: Kraus Reprint, 1970 and 1973.
92 The Romans were here: the Roman period in Britain and its p/ace in our history, London: Muller. 1956. pp. 416.
American edition, New York: Barnes and Noble, 1969.
93 After the thirties: the novel in Britain and its future, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1956, pp. 238.
94 A local habitation, London: Bodley Head, 1957. Contemporary novel, pp. 304.
95 Russian poetry: 1917-] 955, London: Bodley Head, 1957. Selection and translations, pp. 156.
American edition, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania: Dufor, 1961.
Reprinted, Westport. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1978.
96 Poems by Adam Micklewicz. London: Sylvan Press. 1957. Translations, mainly by Lindsay, pp. 64.
American edition, New York: Transatlantic Arts, 1967.
97 The great oak: a storyof 1549. London: Bodley Head, 1957, pp. 302.
98 Three elegies, Sudbury, Suffolk: Myriad Press, 1957. Verse, ‘Last words with Dylan Thomas’, ‘To Anne: the return’, ‘To Alexander Fadeyer: the inquest’, pp. 20.
99 Arthur and his times: Britain in the Dark Ages, London: Muller, 1958, pp. 344.
American edition, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1966.
100 Discovery of Britain: a guide to archaeology, London: Merlin Press, 1958. Confined to the Upper Colne Valley, Essex, pp. 292.
101 Life rarely tells: an autobiographical account ending in the year 1921 and situated mostly in Brisbane, Queensland, London: Bodley Head, 1958, pp. 224.
Reprinted, Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin Books, 1982.
102 1764: the hurlyburly of daily life exemplified in one year of the eighteenth century, London: Muller, 1959, pp. 343.
103 The loves of Askelpiades, Sudbury, Suffolk: Myriad Press, 1959. Translation, pp. 50.
Limited to 250 copies.
104 Revolt of the sons, London: Muller, 1960. Contemporary novel, pp. 286.
105 Modern Russian poetry, London: Vista Books, 1960. Translations, pp. 48.
106 The writing on the wall: an account of Pompeii in its last days, London: Muller. 1960, pp. 276.
107 The roaring twenties: literary life in Sydney, New South Wales in the years 1921-26, London: Bodley Head, 1960, pp. 240.
Reprinted along with Life rarely tells (no. 101) as Life rarely tells.
108 Death of the hero: French painting from David to Delacroix, London: Studio, 1960, pp. 185.
109 .All on the never-never: a novel qf tile British way of life, London: Muller, 1961, pp. 224.
Reprinted in paperback, London: Four Square Books, 1962.
110 Ribaldry of Greece: an anthology, London: Elek, 1961. Translations, pp. 191.
American edition as Ribaldry of ancient Greece: an intimate portrait of
Greeks in love, New York: Ungar, 1965.
111 Ribaldry of Rome: an anthology, London: Elek, 1961. Translations,
pp. 223.
American edition as Ribaldry of ancient Rome: an intimate portrait of
Romans in love, New York: Ungar, 1965.
112 William Morris: writer. A lecture given to the William Morris Society
on the
14th November 1958 at Caxton Hall, London, London: William Morris
Society, 1961, pp. 29.
113 Fanfrolico and after, London: Bodley Head, 1962. Autobiography, pp. 287.
Reprinted along with Life rarely tells (no. 101) and The roaring twenties (no. 107) as Life rarely tells.
114 A short history of culture from prehistory to the Renascence,
London: Studio
(7 Books, 1962. A substantially different book from A short history
of culture
(1939, no. 51).
American editions,
i. New York: Citadel Press, 1963.
ii. Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, 1966.
115 The way the ball bounces, London: Muller, 1962. Contemporary
pp. 271.
Reprinted in paperback, London: Transworld Publishers, 1964.
116 Our Celtic heritage, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962, pp. 134.
117 Giordano Bruno, Cause, principle and unity, Castle Hedingham,
Daimon Press, 1962. Translation, pp. 177.
American edition, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1976.
118 Masks and faces, London: Muller, 1963. Contemporary novel, pp.
119 Daily life in Roman Egypt, London: Muller, 1963, pp. 392.
American edition, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1964.
120 Choice of times, London: Muller, 1964. Contemporary novel, pp. 272.
121 Nine days’ hero: Wat Tyler. London: D. Dobson, 1964, pp. 192.
122 The clashing rocks: a study of early Greek religion and culture
and the origins of
drama, London: Chapman & Hall, 1965, pp. 516.
123 Our Anglo-Saxon heritage, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson,
pp. 133.
124 Thunder underground: a story of Nero’s Rome, London: Muller,
Historical novel, pp. 446.
125 Leisure and pleasure in Roman Egypt, London: Muller, 1965.
American edition, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1966, pp. 482.
126 J. M. W. Turner. His life and work: a critical biography, London: Cory Adams & Mackay, 1966, pp. 275.
Paperback edition, London: Panther Books, 1973.
American editions,
i. Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, 1966.
ii. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.Revised edition in the press.
127 Teukros Anthias, The elegy of Haido, London: Anthias Publications, 1966. Translation, pp. 29.
128 Eleonore Bille de Mot, The age of Akhenaten, London: Evelyn, Adams & Mackay, 1966. Translation, pp. 200.
American edition, New York: McGraw Hill, 1968.
129 Our Roman heritage, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967, pp. 139.
130 Teukros Anthias, Greece I keep my vigil for you, London: Anthias Publications, 1968. Translation, pp. 39.
131 Meetings with poets: memories of Dylan Thomas, Edith Sitwell, Louis Aragon, Paul Eluard, Tristan Tzara, London: Muller, 1968, pp. 245.
American edition, New York: Ungar, 1969.
132 The ancient world: manners and morals, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968, pp. 312.
American edition, New York: Putman, 1968.
133 Men and gods on the Roman Nile, London: Muller, 1968. Egyptian history, pp. 457.
American edition, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1968.
134 Cezanne: his life and art, London: Evelyn, Adams & Mackay, 1969, pp. 360.
American edition, Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, 1969.
Paperback reprint, New York: Harper & Row (Icon Editions), 1972.
135 The origins of alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt, London: Muller, 1970, pp. 452.
American edition, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1970.
136 Origins of astrology, London: Muller, 1971, pp. 450. Companion volume to the above (no. 135).
137 Cleopatra, London: Constable. 1971. Biography, pp. 560.
American edition, New York: Coward McCann & Geoghegen, 1971.
138 Gustave Courbet: his life and art, Bath, Somerset: Adams & Dart, 1973, pp. 383.
Paperback reprint, London: Jupiter Books, 1977.
139 Helen of Troy: woman and goddess, London: Constable, 1974, pp. 448.
American edition, Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1974.
140 Blast-power and ballistics: concepts of force and energy in the ancient world, London: Muller, 1974, pp. 509.
American edition, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1974.
141 Faces and places, Toronto: Basilike, 1974. Verse, pp. 71.
Limited to 350 copies with 75 numbered and signed for distribution in the U.K. only.
142 Death of a Spartan King and two other stories of the Ancient World, London: Inca Books, 1974. Short stories, pp. 76.
Limited to 1000 copies, the first 25 numbered A-Z are signed by
both the author and artist (Noel Counihan), one hundred and
seventy-five copies numbered 26-200 are signed by the author, the
rest are numbered 201-1000.
143 The Normans and their world, London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, 1974, pp. 530.
American edition, New York: St Martin�s Press, 1974.
144 William Morris: his life and work, London: Constable, 1975, pp.
American edition, New York: Taplinger, 1979.
145 Decay and renewal: critical essays on twentieth-century writing, Sydney: Wild & Woolley, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976, pp. 447.
146 The troubadours and their world of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, London: Muller, 1976, pp. 306.
American edition, Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1976.
147 Hogarth: his art and his world, London: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, 1977, pp. 277.
American edition, Totowa, N.J.: Rowrnan and Littlefield, 1977.
148 The monster city: Defoe’s London, 1688-1730, London: Granada
Publishing in Hart, Davis, MacGibbon, 1978, pp. 220.
American edition, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978.
149 William Blake: his life and work, London: Constable, 1978.
American edition, New York: Braziller, 1978, pp.334.
150 Thomas Gainsborough: his life and art, London: Granada, 1981, pp. 244.
American edition, New York: Universe, 1981.
151 Crisis in Marxism, London: Moonraker Press, 1981, pp.183.
American edition, New York: Barnes & Noble, 1982.
151a Alexander Blok, The twelve and the scythians, London: The Journeyman Press, 1982. Translation, pp. 80.
152 [Programme of] Vocal and instrumental recital of the
works of Adoiphe
Beutlier. Conservatorium Hall, Sydney, Thursday evening July 19th, 1923.
8 p.m. Sydney: J. Lindsay, 1923, pp. 8.
Lindsay also organised the concert.
153 Poetry in Australia, 1923, Sydney: Vision Press, 1923. Anthology,
editor with Kenneth Slessor and Frank C. Johnson, pp. 143.
154 Inspiration: an anthology of utterances by creative minds defining
the creative act
and its lyrical basis in life, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1928, pp.
Limited to 750 numbered copies.
155 The parlement of pratlers: a series of Elizabethan dialogues .
. . extracted from
Ortho-epia Gallica . . . written by J. Eliot and published in
. . . 1593,
London: Fanfrolico Press, 1928, pp. 120.
Limited to 700 copies: seventy-five are signed by the illustrator
[Hal Collins], the rest numbered ito 625.
156 Loving Mad Tom: bedlamite verses of the 16th and 17th centuries,
Fanfrolico Press, 1927, pp. 110.
Limited to 375 numbered copies.
i. Welwyn Garden City, Hens: Seven Dials Press, 1969.
ii. New York: A. M. Kelley, 1970.
157 The metamorphosis of Ajax: a new discourse on a stale subject by Sir John Harington. with an anatomie of the metamorphosed Ajax, reprinted from the original editions. London: Fanfrolico Press, 1927. Co-editor with Peter 'Warlock' [Phillip Heseltine].
Limited to 450 numbered copies.
158 Delighted earth: a selection by Peter Meadows from Hernick s �Hesperides', London: Fanfrolico Press. 1927, pp. 170. �Peter Meadows' was a pseudonym used by Lindsay.
Limited to 575 numbered copies with 25 bound in vellum and signed by the illustrator [Lionel Ellis].
159 Fleas in amber: verses and one fable in prose on the philosophy of vermin, London: Fanfrolico P ress, 1930. Anthology, pp. 44.-
Limited to 250 copies.
160 A defence of women for their inconstancy and their paintings made by Jack Donne, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1930, pp. 12.
Limited to 370 copies.
161 The letters of Philip Stanhope, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield, London: Fanfrolico Press, 1930, pp. 88.
Limited to 480 copies.
162 A handbook of freedom: a record of English democracy through twelve centuries, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1939. Co-editor with Edgell Rickword, pp. 408.
American edition, New York: International Publishers, 1939.
Re-issued as Spokesmen for liberty, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1941.
163 New lyrical ballads, London: Editions Poetry, 1945. Anthology. Co-editor with Maurice Carpenter and Honor Arundel, pp. 164.
164 Anvil: life and arts. A miscellany, London: Meridian Books, 1947, pp. 160.
165 Poems by Robert Herrick, London: Grey Walls Press, 1948, pp. 64.
166 Selected poems of William Morris, London: Grey Walls Press, 1948, pp. 64.
167 Paintings and drawings by Leslie Hurry, London: Grey Walls Press, 1950, pp. 62.
168 Zaharia Stancu, Barefoot, London: Fore Publications, 1951. Novel, translated by P.M. revised by Jack Lindsay, pp. 272.
169 William Blake: 200 years, Sudbury, Suffolk: Myriad Press, 1957. Commemorative leaflet, pp. 4.
170 The sunset ship: the poems of J. M. W. Turner, Lowestoft, England: Scorpion Press, 1966, pp. 133.
American edition, Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, 1966.
171 Joseph Priestley. Autobiography: memoirs written by himself [and] An account of further discoveries in air, Somerset, Bath: Adams & Dart, 1970. Autobiography first published 1806, An account 1775.
American edition, Teaneck, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1971.
172 Paintings of D. H. Lawrence: edited by Mervyn Levy, with essays by Harry T. Moore, Jack Lindsay & Herbert Read, London: Cory, Adams & Mackay, 1964.
173 Philippe Erlanger. The age of courts and kings: manners and morals, 1558-1715, London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967. Chapters dealing with England by Lindsay.
Brisbane Grammar School Magazine, 19, 56, November 1917.
Queensland University Magazine, 6, 7-9, 1919.
Vision: a literary quarterly, nos. 1-4, May 1923-February 1924. [all published] Co-editor.
The London Aphrodite, nos. 1-6 [all published], August 1928-July 1929. Co-editor.
i. London: Fanfrolico Press, 1929.
ii. New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1968.
Poetry and the People, 1938-40. Co-editor.
Arena, nos. 1-8 [all published], 1949-51. Co-editor.
Reprinted Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1969.
New Development Series, The Bodley Head, 1947-48.
Key Poets, 1950. Co-editor with R. Swingler.
Background Books, 1962.
Lindsay was also manager/editor/publisher of the Fanfrolico Press, 1926-30 (see Harry Chaplin, The Fanfrolico Press: a survey, Sydney: Wentworth Press, 1976) and owner of the Myriad Press which published a few small books of verse in the late fifties.
1 Rome for Sale (1934), Danish, Copenhagen, 1934.
2 Runaway (1935) and Rebels of the goldfields (1936), one
volume, Russian,
Leningrad, 1956.
3 Adam of a New World (1936). Russian, Leningrad, 1940.
4 1649 (1938), Polish, Warsaw, 1951.
5 Lost birthright (1939), Polish, Warsaw, 1951.
6 Hannibaal takes a hand (194l)
a. Hungarian, Budapest, 1969.
b. Russan, Moscow, 1970.
7 Hello stranger (1945)
a. Norwegian, Oslo, 1947.
b. French, Paris, 1948.
8 Men of forty-eight (1948)
a. Russian, Moscow, 1949.
b. Polish, Warsaw, 1949.
c. Czech, Prague, 1950.
d. Slovak, Bratislava, 1950.
e. German, Berlin, 1953.
9 Fires in Smithfield (1950), Polish, Warsaw, 1951.
10 The passionate pastoral (1951), Polish, Warsaw, 1951.
11 Betrayed spring (1953)
a. Polish, Warsaw, 1954.
b. Russian, Moscow, 1955. Reprinted, 1957.
c . Hungarian, Budapest , 1955.
d. German, Vienna, 1955.
e. Czech, Prague, 1956.
f. Bulgarian, Sofia, 1957.
g. Rumanian, Bucharest, n.d.
h. Chinese.
12 Rising tide(1953)
a. Polish, Warsaw, 1955.
b. Rumanian, Bucharest, 1960.
13 Moment of choice (1955). Polish, Warsaw, 1957.
14 A local habitation (1957). Russian, Moscow, 1961.
15 The great oak (1957). German, Berlin, 1959.
16 Revolt of the sons (1960). Ukrainian, Kiev, 1960.
17 The writing on the wall (1960). Danish, Copenhagen, 1962.
18 A short history of culture (1962). Italian, Milan, 1965.
19 Masks and faces (1963). Russian, Moscow, 1965.
20 Thunder underground (1965)
a. Hungarian, Budapest, 1969.
b. Russian, Moscow, 1970.
21 J. M. W. Turner (1966). Japanese (in the press).
22 Origins of alchemy (1971). French (in the press).
23 Cleopatra (1971). German, Dusseldorf-Koln, 1972.
SOURCE: Arnold, John. “A Checklist of Jack Lindsay's Books,” in: Culture and History: Essays Presented to Jack Lindsay, edited by Bernard Smith (Sydney: Hale & Iremonger, 1984), pp. 395-406.
Please note these books and essays by and about Jack Lindsay not included in this checklist.
The Battle for Production. Sydney: The Worker Trustees, 1942. 15, [1] pp.
The Blood Vote. St. Lucia; New York: University of Queensland Press, 1985. vi, 373 p.
Collected Poems, illustrated by Helen Lindsay. Lake Forest, IL: The Cheiron Press, 1981. xvi, 605 p., [40] leaves of plates. Signed. [Copy #31.]
Jack Lindsay: Faithful to the Earth, compiled by Paul Gillen. Pymble, Australia: Angus & Robertson, 1993. viii, 296 pp. Front matter: Faithful to the Earth: Jack Lindsay's Quest by Paul Gillen. See also essays by Gillen, below.
Turner: The Man and his Art. New York: F. Watts, 1985.
Live Now - Pay Later (1962), based on Lindsay’s novel All on the Never (UK, 1961), screenplay by Jack Trevor Story, Director: Jay Lewis. Comedy, 1 hour, 44 min. Watch: Live Now Pay Later (Complete Movie).
Albert is a cheerful, unscrupulous “tally-man”, a door-to-door salesman who cons housewives into buying things they don’t need on the installment plan. He’s happy—until he begins to fall in love.
Arnold, John. The Fanfrolico Press, Satyrs, Fauns & Fine Books. Private Libraries Association, 2009.
Arnold, John. Introduction, in How May I Endure: Selected Poems by Elza de Locre, edited by John Arnold. Melbourne: Fanfrolico Two, 2019.
Borges, Jorge Luis. [Review:] “Jack Lindsay, A Short History of Culture. Victor Gollancz”; Sur [Buenos Aires], Anno IX, no. 60, septiembre, 1939, pp. 66-67; also in Borges en Sur (1931-1980); reprinted in Borges, Miscelénea (Barcelona: Mondadori-DeBols!llo, 2011), pp. 575-76.
Bounds, Philip. “Science, Art and Dissent: Jack Lindsay and the Communist Theory of Culture,” in British Marxism and Cultural Studies: Essays on a Living Tradition, edited by Philip Bounds and David Berry (London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016).
Caesar, Adrian. Dividing Lines: Poetry, Class, and Ideology in the 1930s. Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press; New York: St. Martin�s Press, 1991. See chapter 9, section III: pp. 214-222. Lindsay is mentioned also in the Conclusion, pp. 237-238, and en passim in a few other places.
Cranny-Francis, Anne. “‘… and the moons smelt of oranges’: the poetics and politics of embodiment in Jack Lindsay’s poetry,” in Who Are the English?: Selected Poems 1935-81, by Jack Lindsay, edited by A. Croft (Middlesbrough: Smokestack Books, 2014), pp. 13-22.
Cranny-Francis, Anne. “Love, poetry and revolt: the embodied aesthetics of Jack Lindsay.” 28 pp. (final pre-publication version)
Culture and History: Essays Presented to Jack Lindsay, edited by Bernard Smith. Sydney: Hale & Iremonger, 1984.
A Garland for Jack Lindsay, ed. James Corbett, [contributions by] by Doris Lessing [et al.], decorations by Charlotte Mensforth. St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England: Piccolo Press, 1980. 14 pp.
Gillen, Paul (at academia.edu): writings on Jack Lindsay:
Ancient Rome in Brisbane: Jack Lindsay's The Blood Vote, Australian Mythological Sites, Third Degree, Sydney, 1986.
Jack Lindsay’s Dramas of Vision, Art Monthly Australia, 1990.
Jack Lindsay’s Historical Writing (second draft).
Jack Lindsay's Historical Writings. 51 pp.
Jack Lindsay’s Romantic Communism, Westerly #2, 1991.
The Last Man of Letters?, Westerly, vol. 39 (3), 1994/3/1, pp. 83-87.
“Lindsay, John (Jack) (1900-1990),” Australian Dictionary of Biography, 2012.
Man the Image Maker in Jack Lindsay�s Roman Trilogy: Rome for Sale, Caesar is Dead and Last Days with Cleopatra, in Jack Lindsay: the Thirties and Forties, edited by Robert Mackie. Australian Studies Centre Occasional Paper #4, University of London, 1984.
Tending the birth of a better world: Clem Christesen and Jack Lindsay, Meanjin #3/2001.
Twist and Shape (A Cautionary Tale Concerning Doris Lessing And Jack Lindsay�s Niece), Australian Review of Books, June 1998, pp. 21-22.
Lindsay, Raymond. A Letter from Sydney: Being a Long Epistle from Ray Lindsay to his brother Jack Relating Mainly to Their Lives in Sydney in the Nineteen-Twenties, edited by John Arnold. Melbourne: Jester Press, 1983.
Mackie, Robert, ed. Jack Lindsay, the Thirties and Forties. London: University of London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Australian Studies Centre, 1984.
Smith, Bernard. Death of the Artist as Hero: Essays in History and Culture. Melbourne; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Includes 3 essays on Lindsay: “Jack Lindsay,” “Jack Lindsay’s Marxism,” “Jack Lindsay’s Biographies of Artists.”
Spittel, Christina. “‘War’s just one black foulness’: Jack Lindsay’s The Blood Vote and the Orthodoxies of Anzac,” Australian Literary Studies, vol. 30, no. .4 (2015), pp. 70-85.
Stephenson, Percy Reginald. Kookaburras and Satyrs. Cremorne, Australia: Talkarra Press, 1954. 35 pp.
Taylor, Elinor. ‘The Voice Speaking, Desired, Awaited’: Jack Lindsay’s 1649, Textual Form and Communist Historiography [not free], Twentieth Century Communism, No. 12: Communism and the Written Word, Spring 2017.
Vakhrushev, V. S. (Vladimir Serafimovich) Dzhek Lindseĭ: zhiznʹ i tvorchestvo: iz istorii russko-angliĭskikh kulʹturnykh svi︠a︡zeĭ. Джек Линдсей : жизнь и творчество : из истории русско-английских культурных связей / В.С. Вахрушев. Saratov: Saratovskiĭ gos. universitet, 2007. Саратов: Саратовский гос. университет, 2007. 101 pp.
"A Note on My Dialectic" by Jack Lindsay
"Towards a Marxist Aesthetic" by Jack Lindsay
Adorno and the Frankfurt School by Jack Lindsay
Ebenezer Jones, 1820-1860�an English Symbolist�by Jack Lindsay
Collected Poems [Section Headnotes] by Jack Lindsay
Poet explains the Situation to Los and Elza-Enitharmon" by Jack Lindsay
“Form as Content,
Content as Form” by Jack Lindsay
by Jack Lindsay
by Jack Lindsay
“Vincent Van Gogh”
by Jack Lindsay
“The Poems Hidden
in the Ghetto: to Julian Tuwim in Warsaw” by Jack Lindsay
for Help" (to William Blake) by Jack Lindsay
Bruno" by Jack Lindsay
"The Origins of Jack Lindsay's Contributions to British Marxist Thought" by Joel R. Brouwer
Jack Lindsay and British Poetry in the 1930s by Adrian Caesar
Faithful to the Earth: Jack Lindsay's Quest by Paul Gillen
Offsite Links:
Lindsay: writer, Romantic, revolutionary
[the definitive site]
The Fullness of Life: Autobiography of an Idea by Jack Lindsay
Papers of Jack Lindsay (1900-1990) (MS 7168, National Library of Australia)
The Origins of Alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt
by Jack Lindsay
Poem To Marie Delcourt-Curvers
To Marie Delcourt-Curvers
[pdf file]
The First and Concluding
is dead
by Jack Lindsay
summer: a view of the Rumanian People's Republic
by Jack Lindsay
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