space. A segment of the Earth is seen in the distance, growing ever smaller, until
it seems as distant as a star, indistinguishable from the others. The scene begins
in a twilight grey, which slowly darkens to pitch black. ADAM is a very old
man. He and LUCIFER are flying through space. ADAM How furiously we have flown. Where are we? LUCIFER Did you not wish to rise above the earth To higher spheres, where, if I understood you Quite correctly, you have heard the cries Of fellow spirits? ADAM That is true, but I Never imagined the way to be so barren. This world is all so alien and deserted That to trespass in it seems a sacrilege, And I am subject to an inner conflict: I feel the meanness of an Earth that bound My aspirations, and long to break its hold, And yet I’m homesick, breaking free is painful. — Ah Lucifer! Just look back at our planet, The flowers were first to vanish from our sight, And then the trembling branches of the forests; Our well-known haunts, a hundred favourite nooks Have levelled down, become a featureless plain. Whatever thrilled us has been washed away. Now even the cliffs have shrunk to useless clods, The thunder-bellied cloud which terrifies Peasants below, who take it for a portent, Has thinned to a poor drifting shred of vapour. The endless grumbling ocean—where is that? It sits there Eke a grey patch on the face Of one poor planet lost among the others, And this was once the whole wide world to us. Oh Lucifer! And then there’s her, yes her — Must she remain below, so far from us? LUCIFER Unfortunately, from this eminence First the beautiful, and then the noble And the powerful all fade away, until Nothing’s left but a series of cold figures. — ADAM We’re leaving the very stars behind us now, I see no end, I feel no obstacle. What’s life without the striving and the passion? This deep cold terrifies me, Lucifer! LUCIFER If this is the limit of your vaunted courage We should return to playing in the dust. ADAM Who said it was? No, forward, let's go forward: It only hurts until the ties are broken, Each web of rope that holds me to the earth. — But what is this? I find it hard to breathe, I’ve little strength, my thoughts are all confused. The tale that tells how Antaeus could survive Only until his feet still touched the ground — Was it more than legend? THE
VOICE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE EARTH More indeed. You know me well, the Spirit of the Earth, It is only I that breathe in you, remember. Here is the border, the limit of my power, If you return you live—go on, you perish, You squirm and wriggle like a worm in water — That puddle is the whole wide world to you. ADAM Then I defy you, you have failed to scare me. — My body may be yours, my soul is mine, The power of thought and truth is infinite, And came before this material world of yours. THE
VOICE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE EARTH Vain man! Attempt it, what a fall awaits you. Did her fragrance anticipate the rose, The form the body, the ray of light the sun? If only you could see your orphaned spirit Circling through the endlessness of space, Seeking vainly for a shred of meaning Or expression in an alien universe, But understanding nothing, feeling nothing, You would shudder. And that is because each sense, Each single feeling you possess is only An emanation of this core or matter Which you have called your Earth, which were it different, Neither you nor it would have existed. All your ideas of fair or foul, of blessed Or cursed, you have gleaned from me alone, It is my soul that permeates the fabric Of your little world. Oh, what passes here For eternal truth might be incredible Elsewhere and the impossible seem natural. No gravity exists, life does not move, What here is air might very well be thought, What here is light might over there be sound, A plant-like growth here, there might be a crystal. ADAM You cannot shake me, my spirit will press on. THE
VOICE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE EARTH Adam, Adam, you have but a few minutes: Go back, on Earth you might achieve true greatness, But once you have forced your spirit through the ring Of all existence, God will not permit you To approach Him—He will shrink and wreck you. ADAM Would earth not also wreck me in the end? THE
VOICE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE EARTH Oh not the foolish words of that old lie, Do not repeat them here among the spirits. — The whole of nature shivers at the sound. — That is the sacred hidden seal of God, Reserved unto Himself. Not even the Fruit Of The Tree of Knowledge could break that seal. ADAM Then I will. They fly on. ADAM
screams out and freezes I have perished! LUCIFERcackling And so the old he has triumphed. — He
pushes ADAM away from himself This puppet god can now go into orbit Like a planet on which new life might evolve All over again to give me fresh employment. — THE
VOICE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE EARTH You laugh too soon. He merely brushed against The alien world. It’s not so easy to break The bounds of my realm, Lucifer.—Your home Is calling you; come to yourself, my son. ADAMregaining consciousness I live again.—I sense because I suffer, But even suffering is sweet to me, Annihilation is so horrifying. — Lucifer, please lead me back to earth, There where I’ve fought so many useless battles, I'll fight again and that will make me happy. LUCIFER So after all these trials you still believe That these new battles may not be so useless? That you will reach your goal? Only humanity Could remain so incorrigibly childish. ADAM I’m quite untempted by that foolish prospect, I know that I will fail and fail again And I don’t care. What other goal is there? It is the end of an honourable contest, The goal is death, but life consists of struggle, The struggle in itself must be the goal. LUCIFER Oh what a consolation, if your battle Were fought for some commensurate ideal, But what you prize today you’ll mock tomorrow, The cause that fired you then will seem like child’s play. — Did you not bleed at Chaeronea once Defending the lost cause of liberty, And later, did you not Join Constantine In order to establish his great empire? And were you not a martyr for your faith And later, with the armoury of science, Oppose the very faith that you had died for? ADAM That may be true, and yet however false Ideals they were, they managed to inspire And raise me up: they all were great and sacred. It is all one, whatever form it took, The Cross or science, liberty, ambition, They all advanced the progress of mankind. — Oh back to earth, I want to fight again. LUCIFER Have you so soon forgot the scientist’s words; Who calculated that the earth would freeze Four thousand years—putting an end to struggle? ADAM If science doesn’t challenge that assumption. But science will, I feel it in my bones. —
LUCIFER And then?—Will there be battles, greatness, power In that artificial world the human mind Created round its tidy theorems, That world which you observed a while ago? ADAM As long as the earth is saved—then it will pass Like those before, like things that have fulfilled Their purpose, and once again creative thought Will re‑emerge and breathe life into it. Take me back now, I’m burning to see what New doctrine will inspire me in the world That has been saved. LUCIFER Very well then, back. — |
SOURCE: Madách, Imre. The Tragedy of Man; translated from the Hungarian by George Szirtes; introduction by George F. Cushing; illustrations by Mihály Zichy (New York: Püski Publishing, 1988), pp. 233-240.
Tragedy of Man: Essays About the Ideas and the Directing of the Drama:
Full Text of the Drama
Imre Madách on national character
Imre Madách’s “The Tragedy of Man” by István Sőtér
Tragedio de l’ Homo: Kovrilo
de Imre Madách, tradukis Kálmán Kalocsay, bildo de Mihály
Zichy (1924)
“Imre Madách kaj La Tragedio de l’ Homo” de István Sőtér
“La Tragedio de L’Homo kaj Imre Madách” de Kálmán Kalocsay
La Tragedio de L’Homo (Kritiko) de Sándor Szathmári
horizonto de la historio de la homaro — pri “La Tragedio de L’
de SHI Chengtai
Kompara analizo de tri tradukoj el La Tragedio de l’ Homo de Márton Fejes
"Mór Jókai" de Zsuzsa Varga-Haszonits
Sándor Szathmári (1897-1974): Bibliografio & Retgvidilo / Bibliography & Web Guide
From Eden
to Cain: Unorthodox Interpretations & Literary Transformations:
Selected Bibliography
De Edeno
al Kaino:
Malkutimaj Interpretoj & Literaturaj Pritraktoj en Esperanto:
Science Fiction & Utopia Research Resources: A Selective Work in Progress
Tragedy of Man by Imre Madách
translated by William N. Loew
(New York: Arcadia Press, 1908)
Tragedio de l’ Homo: Drama Poemo de Imre Madách
Kálmán Kalocsay (Budapest: Corvina, 1965)
Imre Madách - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Tragedy of Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
La tragedio de l' homo - Vikipedio
Utopian Vision of Sándor Szathmári”:
podcast by Ralph
Dumain, 6 May 2012
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