by Ralph Dumain
- Researching the Autodidact as a Concept (1)
- Hegel & Me (2/17/2000, rev. 3/8/2006,
- Why E.P. Thompson is My Hero (E.P. Thompson's
Universe of Knowledge) [rough draft] (2/20/2000)
- Science fiction writer Samuel R. Delany
(2/8/2000, rev. 3/24/2002)
- Antonio Gramsci, Organic Intellectuals, and
the Division of Labor (2/10/2000)
- Review of Ronald Gross' The Independent
Scholar's Handbook (2/16/2000)
- Lest We Forget--The Hidden History of the
African-American Autodidact:
A Belated Tribute to Black History Month (03/01/2000)
The Unknown Karl Marx
- Richard Wright's Pagan Spain: Militant
Modernism at the Apex (5/21/2000)
- Christopher Lasch's The Minimal Self:
A Portrait of Psychological Terrorism (6/16/2000)
- Cornel West's Evasion of Philosophy, Or, Richard
Wright's Revenge (6/21/2000)
- Individual Identity, Historical Meaning, and
the Unknown Autodidact (6/22/2000)
- The Philosophy of Humor and the Humor of Philosophy
- Richard Wright's White Man, Listen!
- Henry Brokmeyer: Fictional Portrayal of a
St. Louis Hegelian (7/29/2000)
- Cultural Impasse & the Changing Forms
of Ideality (8/1/2000)
- African Philosophy, Politics, and the Division
of Labor (9/11/2000)
- Against Irrationalism and Particularism, Or,
The Fake Issue of "Western Mathematics" (9/22/2000)
- Cultural Sophistication and Self-Reference
on American Television: Seeds of Hope? (11/3/2000)
- Book Review: Between Tides by V.Y.
Mudimbe (11/4/2000)
- "System and History in Philosophy: A Review"
of a book by Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak (11/25/2000)
- "Little Lamb, God Bless Thee!": Experiencing
Blake's Lamb (12/18/2000)
- Inside 'The Black Insider', Or, War and Literature:
The Writing of Dambudzo Marechera (12/25/2000)
- 100 Years of C.L.R. James (4 January 2001—James's
100th birthday) (1/4/2001, rev. 6/7/2003)
- Black History Month 2001: On Intellectual
Infrastructures & Independent Learning (1/26/2001)
- A Personal Tribute to Albert Einstein (14
March 1879 - 18 April 1955) (3/7/2001)
- The Theory & Practice of John Coltrane
- Can't Stop My Leg (4/5/2001)
- Convergence on The Prisoner: From Leon
Trotsky to George Orwell and Beyond (4/11/2001)
- A Memorial Tribute to Bill French (5/22/2001,
rev. 10/10/2001, 10/16/2001, 10/18/2001, 12/1/2001)
- For Rene Menil, Caribbean Surrealist-Philosopher
(Review) (6/30/2001)
- An Enigmatic Historical Moment in Fiction:
Colson Whitehead's The Intuitionist (Book Review) (6/30/2001)
- The Martian Chronicles & Our Subjective
Desires (8/2/2001, rev. 5/17/2003, 6/1/2003)
- A Memorial Tribute to Endre Toth (8/15/2001)
- The German Ideology After 150 Years (8/26/2001)
- Ideology: Points to Ponder (8/26/2001)
- Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1) (10/9/2001,
rev. 10/18/2001)
- Review of Bonnie Bilyeu Gordon, Songs from
Unsung Worlds: Science in Poetry (10/11/2001)
- Some Comments on The Prisoner (10/22/2001)
- Ishmael Reed: Literary Ambulance Chaser?
- William Blake's "The Smile": Commentary by Ralph
Dumain (11/19/2001)
- The Traditional Canon vs. Multiculturalism
in the Literary Profession: A Sterile Debate (1/7/2002, rev. 1/10/2002)
- Book Review: Intellectuals and Public
Life (4/30/2002)
- Book Review (Draft): Richard Wright: The
Life and Times by Hazel Rowley (5/1/2002)
- Herman Melville's Moby Dick & the
Contradictions of Modernity (5/6/2002)
- Richard Wright: In a Class by Himself [review
of Richard Wright: The Life and Times by Hazel Rowley] (7/28/2002)
- How to Integrate Philosophy and Everyday
Life: To Think Philosophically in Life, Or Reproduce the Fragmentation of
Knowledge? (9/30/2002)
- Philosophy & Everyday Life: Prologue to
Discussion (10/14/2002)
- Review of Ronald Gross' The Independent
Scholar's Handbook (2nd ed.) (2/12/2003)
- 'Anthony Braxton: The Third Millennial Interview
with Mike Heffley':
Extracts, with Commentary by Ralph Dumain (2/28/2003)
- FEEDBACK: Melville the "Atheist"
- Soviet Historiography of Philosophy: Review
Essay (3/5/2003)
- Einstein Revisited (3/13/2003)
- Albert Einstein and Black Americans (3/27/2003,
updated 8/10/2005)
- Nina Simone: A Personal Tribute
- The Late Vitalism of Wilhelm Reich: Commentary
- Principles of the Theory of Historical
Process in Philosophy by T.I Oizerman & A.S. Bogomolov, review
- Problems of the History of Philosophy
by Theodore Oizerman, review (11/14/2003)
- Critique of Dialectic of Enlightenment
- Max Horkheimer's Materialism: The Struggle
with Traditional Theory, Science, Positivism, & Irrationalism
- Heidegger's Jargon (11/19/2003)
- On Goldmann, Lukacs, Heidegger, and Adorno
- 2003 Reading Review (11/19/2003)
- Adorno contra Husserl (11/20/2003)
- Marxism & Totality & Gramsci & Della
Volpe (11/20/2003)
- Notes on Herbert Marcuse’s Reason
and Revolution (11/21/2003)
- Harry Wells on the History of Logic (11/24/2003)
- C.L.R. James and American Culture: Addendum
- Adorno & the Dualities (11/27/2003)
- Metacritique Critiqued (11/30/2003)
- December Diary 2003 (12/3/2003)
- Hegel, Marx, Goldner, C.L.R. James, Enlightenment
& the Philosophical Dichotomies (12/6/2003)
- Remembering the Past and Forgetting Yourself,
Or, Why Oprah Is Not an Abolitionist (12/8/2003)
- December Diary 2003: 2nd entry
- Intellectual Traditions, Alienation, and
the Integration of Knowledge (12/13/2003)
- December Diary 2003: 3nd entry
- Wisdom and Abstract Thought (12/24/2003)
- Professional and Popular Philosophy: Online
Debates (12/27/2003)
- Blake & Ginsberg & Then & Now
- William Blake in the Universe of Knowledge:
Philosophy, Genres, & Critical Method (1/10/2004)
- Christopher Hampton's Radical Blake
- The Reactionary Philosophy, Ambiguous Aesthetics,
and Revolutionary Politics of Herbert Marcuse (1/22/2004)
- "William Blake and Quantum Mechanics—NOT!
Blakes for Our Time?" (1/25/2004)
- The Jazz Avant-Garde, Mysticism & Society:
Meaning, Method & the Young Hegelians (2/3/2004)
- Surrationally Yours (2/20/2004)
- The Philosophy and Information Professions:
SIG/AH Program, 50th ASIS Annual Meeting, Boston, 1987 (2/22/2004)
- Ishmael Reed, William Blake, and the '60s
According to Shamoon Zamir (2/25/2004)
- New Year's Resolution: Exploring Philosophical
Cultures (December 2003 - January 2004) (2/29/2004)
- Commemorating International Women’s Day:
Women on the Frontlines of Popular Enlightenment (3/8/2004)
- We Real Kitsch: bell hooks on the Black
Male (book review) (4/21/2004)
- Anxious Intellects:
From Contradiction to Complacency (book review) (5/1/2004)
- Enlightenment Blackout (7/21/2004)
- New York Hurt Me, New York Healed Me
- Reactionary Philosophy and Ambiguous Aesthetics
in the Revolutionary Politics of Herbert Marcuse—A Review Essay
[PDF file] (8/10/2004)
- Springtime for Hitler: Irony Lost-and-Found
(review) (8/22/2004)
- Metacritique, Philosophy, & the Logic
of the Intellectual Marketplace (10/23/2004)
- Review: Michael Mack, German
Idealism and the Jew (2/11/2005)
- Philosophy as Autobiography: Alternatives
to Subjectivism (2/12/2005)
- The Ins and Outs of Lloyd’s Left Out
- Einstein Gone 50 Years (4/18/2005)
- Originality Blues: Tales of the ‘70s
- The Philosophy of Originality: Vignettes
- Originality, Cultural Capital, and Class
Distinction (4/24/2005)
- Solitude: Vignettes (5/1/2005)
- Cultural Criticism and the Social Division
of Labor (5/2/2005)
- Taoism & the Tao of Bourgeois Philosophy
(review of J. J. Clarke, The Tao of the West) (5/23/2005)
- On Unreflective Reflexivity (6/5/2005)
- Alvin Gouldner: Notes & Commentary
- Eastern & Western Philosophy: Unpublished
Letter to the Editor [rejoinder to 'The Great Divide' by Chakravarthi
Ram-Prasad] (5/1/2006)
- Alice in Washington (theater review)
- Maurice Cornforth on Partisanship and Objectivity
- Dialectics Bout: Richard Norman vs. Sean
Sayers (book review) (6/19/2006)
- "Philosophical Portrait of a Dying Civilization" (1988) (7/10/2006)
- Screed on the Politics of Utopianism
- The Owl of Minerva: The Evolution of German
Ideology Critique and Social Theory from Hegel to Nietzsche: A Sketch
- On “The Congress” by Jorge Luis
Borges: Observations and Questions (8/15/2006)
- Consciousness and Society:
A Review (10/8/06)
- Lukács’ Lost Manuscript
Tailism and the Dialectic Reviewed (10/8/06)
- Outsider Art & Identity Politics:
A Dialogue on the Ideology of Politically Correct Art (10/9/06)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. & G.W.F. Hegel
- Dialectic is Cool (10/16/06)
- Graham Priest, Paraconsistent Logic,
and Philosophy, Or, Logic and Reality (2/08/07)
- Graham Priest vs Erwin Marquit on Contradiction
- Review of Ishmael Reed’s Mumbo
Jumbo (5/15/07)
- Ralph Dumain on atheism, irreligion, and
rationality (5/18/07)
- James Baldwin Revisited (1): Prolegomena
- Revisiting Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle
- James Baldwin Revisited (2): Go Tell It
on the Mountain (6/5/07)
- Notes for Discussion of William Blake's
Songs of Innocence and of Experience (27 April 2005) (10/6/07)
- Note on the Poznan School (10/21/07)
- Million Man March satirical flyer (Oct. 1995)
- William Blake’s Manuscript Lyrics:
Discussion in Commemoration of Blake’s 250th Birthday (28 November 1757
- 12 August 1827), November 2007 (10/24/07)
- John Stuart Mill & the Dualities:
Bentham & Coleridge (3/2/08)
- Richard Wright's "The Man
Who Lived Underground": Notes for Discussion (3/31/08)
- Commentary on Matthew Piscioneri, Habermas:
The Myth of Reason (9/11/08)
- The Autodidact as Subversive
- The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology: Notes, Questions & Comments
- Badiou and the Bankruptcy of Fashionable French
Philosophy (7/28/09)
- Review of David-Hillel Rubin, Marxism
and Materialism: A Study in Marxist Theory of Knowledge (1/6/10)
- Review of James Miller, History
and Human Existence: From Marx to Merleau-Ponty (1/10/10)
- Stephen Jay Gould's Philosophy &
History of Science & the Humanities by R. Dumain (1/15/10)
- Cornel West and Marxism: An Incomplete
Review (1/27/10)
- Nietzsche & the Analytic-Continental
Divide: Denouement of Bourgeois Reason; Or, Analytical Philosophy's Being-for-Death
- “On the Significance of The Signifying
Monkey by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.” (2/13/10)
- Explicit & Tacit Positions
of Science & Philosophy on Reason & Religion: Responses
to a Questionnaire (3/16/10)
- Letter on Sapir-Whorf discussions at LogFest
’89 and other topics (4/17/10)
- On Geoffrey Waite on Esoterism, Heidegger,
and Cassirer (6/18/10)
- On “The Aleph” by Jorge
Luis Borges: Observations and Questions (7/27/10, rev. 7/29/10)
- Borges Ironizing Idealism: I Dream
Too Much (8/6/10)
- “Birth of a Black Nation, or Death
Throes of a Culture?” [Review of Birth of a Nation: A Comic Novel
by Aaron McGruder & Reginald Hudlin, illustrated by Kyle Baker] (9/1/10)
- The Twix Dialogues (10/25/10)
- The Partial Sociology of Philosophies:
The Historical Perspective of Randall Collins (An Unfinished Review)
- Review of Sander L. Gilman, Jewish
Self-Hatred: Anti-Semitism and the Hidden Language of the Jews
- On “Pierre Menard, Author of
the Quixote” by Jorge Luis Borges (8/2/11)
- Walter Benjamin and
Ars Combinatoria (11/30/11)
- Rod Serling (December 25, 1924 –
June 28, 1975), A Great American (5/6/12)
- Ash of Stars: One half of a dialogue on Samuel
R. Delany (6/3/13)
- The First
Good Meta-Novel? (5/28/13)
- On Theodor W. Adorno's Negative
Dialectics: Outline, Quotes, Notes (6/18/13)
- ‘Philosophy’ and ‘Literature’:
Relationships of Genres and the Frontiers of Thought (2/1/15)
- The Autodidact Project: Summary
of History & Scope (2/21/15)
- BBC Wiltshire Interview on The Autodidact
Project (2/21/15)
(new feature beginning 29 July 2000)
is National Poetry Month
(new feature beginning 27 June 2000)
(for these and other Esperanto links see also Esperanto
study guide)
- "Cave" by Endre Toth, a philosophical tale
(6/27/2000, rev. 8/15/2001)
(See also A Memorial Tribute to Endre Toth &
"«Mi Ne Deziras Esti Juvelo»" de Georgi
- "Truth" by Marketa Prochazkova, a Czech poem
- "Doubt and Atheism" by Evlogi Dankov, translation
of / traduko de “Dubo kaj Ateismo”
de Evlogi Dankov (8/3/2000)
- "The Temptation of Kul" by John I. Francis,
a tale of absolutisms in conflict (9/9/2000)
- "Stripes" / "Strioj" by Ralph Dumain (2/1/2001)
- Upon the First Snow-Storm of the Season: Blake
& Coltrane in Esperanto by R. Dumain (9/23/2001)
- Invisible Midwifery / Akuŝo Nevidebla
by R. Dumain (11/24/2003)
- Open Up the Sound (for Miles Davis, 1959)
/ Malfermu la Sonon (por Miles Davis, 1959) by R. Dumain (11/25/2003)
- Dialogiko je la Fino de Dialektiko:
Enhavo / Dialogic at the End of Dialectic: Contents, de/by Eugen Macko
(Rigardu ankaŭ Enkondukon)
- The Sun-Devourer (for Joan Miró)
by Ralph Dumain, translation of "La Sunvoranto (por Joan Miró)" (12/24/2005)
- William Auld—From Introduction
to Esperanto to Military Service by William Auld (11/19/10)
- "Vincent" by Sandor Szathmari, a short story about Galileo:
Parts One, Two,
Three (11/24/2000)
- Epilogue By the Author at the Request
of the Publisher by Sándor Szathmári (5/5/12)
- Sándor Szathmári
pri / on Julio Baghy (Excerpt from original with English translation)
- The Second Universal
Congress of Esperanto: Opening Address, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 August 1906
de L. L. Zamenhof;
partial translation from Esperanto by Marjorie Boulton, completed by Ralph
Dumain (7/26/13)
(new feature beginning 12 November 2004)
(for these and other Esperanto links see also Esperanto
study guide)
(nova ero komence de 2003.11.24 / new feature beginning 24 November
- Bulteno de Esperanto-Societo
de Vaŝingtono, Nova Serio = Esperanto Society of Washington
Newsletter, New Series. #1 - #6 (Novembro 1986 - Decembro 1987)
sub redakcio de R. Dumain (7/9/10)
- ATEO: Bazaj Informoj & Enhavtabeloj de Ateismo
sub redakcio de R. Dumain (12/17/2003)
see also /rigardu ankaŭ «L’athéisme espérantophone»
par Martin Lavallée (12/19/2003)
- Pri ATEO en la Monda Ateista Movado
- ATEO Renkontas IHEU (7/18/2006)
- Review (Recenzo): Evaldo Pauli, "Rekta Pensado"
- Review (Recenzo): Emba, "Maria kaj la Grupo"
- La Interna Ideo (11/24/2003)
- Adoptita Mame-Loŝn (Poemeto por la
Zamenhof-tago) (9/17/09)
- Akuŝo Nevidebla (11/24/2003)
- "Stripes" / "Strioj" (2/1/2001)
- Je Unua Neĝoŝtormo Ĉisezona
(Upon the First Snow-Storm of the Season: Blake & Coltrane in Esperanto)
- Malfermu la Sonon (por Miles Davis, 1959)
- "Kultura Revolucio en Sovetunio: Lingvaj Reformoj
kaj Esperanto, 1917-1937" de Michael Smith, trad. R. Dumain (11/25/2003)
- C.L.R. James & Usona Kulturo
- Laboristoj kiuj luktis:
Laboristoj mortis: Nekrologo pri Manny Fried (2/28/12)
- ‘Emanuel “Manny”
Fried (1913-2011): Heroo de la Laborista Klaso’ (4/7/12)
- "Pro Mia Venta Furioz’", de William
Blake, trad. R. Dumain (11/27/2003)
- "La Birdoj" [The Birds] de William
Blake, trad. R. Dumain (4/19/07)
- “Plenas via pelv’ da semo”
[Thou hast a lap full of seed] de William Blake, trad. R. Dumain (12/2/09)
- “Moto por la Kanzonoj de Naivo kaj
de Sperto” [Motto to the Songs of Innocence & of Experience],
trad. R. Dumain (11/1/11)
- Jevgenij Zamjatin pri Revolucio, Entropio,
Dogmo & Herezo, trad. Ralph Dumain (6/13/11)
- “Kontraŭ la Diktaturo de Alaho”
trad. R. Dumain (12/15/2003)
- El Kontraŭreligia Propagando de Leono Trockij,
trad. R. Dumain (12/16/2003)
- Trockij pri Religia & Sekulara Mistifiko,
trad. R. Dumain (5/18/09)
- Omaĝe al Prometeo
de Karlo Markso, trad. Ralph Dumain (6/27/09)
- Karlo Markso pri Religio
kiel Reflekso, trad. R. Dumain (5/26/09)
- Karlo Markso pri Scienco,
Religio, Historia Metodologio, trad. R. Dumain (7/4/09)
- El Dio kaj la Ŝtato
de Mikaelo Bakunin, trad. R. Dumain (12/16/2003)
- "Adiaŭ Kristo" [Goodbye Christ]
de Langston Hughes, trad. R. Dumain (12/26/09)
- Afrikanaj Usonanoj por Humanismo
- “Dialogo kun Afrika Esperantisto”
Dialogas R. Dumain & D-ro Akwasi Osei (12/17/2003)
- “Postkomentaro al Dankov” de
R. Dumain; respondo al “Dubo kaj Ateismo”
de Evlogi Dankov (12/17/2003)
- Review (Recenzo): Sabira Ståhlberg,
Durankulak (1/25/2004, aldono 2/10/2004)
- La Sunvoranto (por Joan Miró)
- Laŭ Afrika Melodio (11/10/2004)
- Ĉi-Stato sub la Ŝtato (11/10/2004)
- Mia Deksepa Jaro (11/10/2004)
- “Mole Mateniĝe”
- “Braĝa skoldo por praga skolo”
de Ralph Dumain (9/18/2014)
- Recenzo Nefinverkita: Evaldo Pauli, Pri Dubo
kaj Certeco (11/23/2004
- Carnap on Wittgenstein & Esperanto /
Carnap pri Wittgenstein & Esperanto (9/4/2004)
- "Lingvoplanado" (Language Planning) de Rudolf
Carnap (9/9/2004)
- Trockij Pravis! Memore pri la 50-a Datreveno
de la Murdo de Leono Trockij (2/15/2006)
- Por Hilton Ruiz, Portorikana Pianisto,
poemo & memoro (6/9/2006)
- “Voĉo” de Woody
Guthrie, tradukis Ralph Dumain (por la 100a datreveno de Woody Guthrie) kun
Son-dosiero / Sound file (12
MB / 12:30 min.) (7/14/12)
- Duke Ellington Komunikas ‘Preter
Kategorio’, trad. R. Dumain (12/13/06)
- "Ligoj de Frateco" [Bonds of Brotherhood]
de Paul Robeson (12/8/09)
- "Buboj" [Jitterbugs] de LeRoi Jones/Amiri
Baraka, trad. R. Dumain (1/20/10, rev. 8/1/10)
- William Auld Memorial Page / En Memoro
- Misio de la Filozofo de Paul
Nizan, trad. R. Dumain (11/24/07)
- William Blake 250-jara: Kulturpolitiko
kaj la Monda Disvastigo de Beletro (11/28/07)
- Pri Proponita Konvertiĝo al Kristanismo:
El la Aŭtobiografio de Salomon Maimon (7/23/08)
- Cinika Racio Difinita de Peter
Sloterdijk (8/2/08)
- Konstelacio: tabulludo: regularo / Constellation:
board game: rules (11/01/08)
- Monĉaso: tabulludo: regularo / Moneychase:
board game: rules (11/01/08)
(New feature beginning 27 February 2005.
Individual updates will not be listed here.
See listing of all my blogs.)
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Background color changed 19 February 2014
Last updated 21 February 2015
Previous update 1 February 2015
©1999-2019 Ralph Dumain