William Pickens
(circa 1909, New York Public Library)
PICKENS, WILLIAM — Educator — Author.
b. Jan. 15, 1881. Anderson Co., S. C.: s. Jacob and Fannie (Porter) Pickens; in. Minnie Cooper McAlpin, Aug. 10, 1905; three children, William, Jr., b. May 20, 1906; Harriet Ida b. March 17, 1909; Ruby Annie, b. Jan. 9, 1911; educ. A.B., Talladega Coll., Talladega, Ala.; 1902; A B., Yale Univ., 1904: diploma from Brit. Esperanto Assn., 1906; A.M., Fisk Univ., Tenn., 1908; Litt.D Selma Univ., Ala., 1915; Instr., Latin and German 1904‑09; Prof., Greek, Latin and German 1909‑14. Talledega Coll.: Prof., Greek and Sociology. Wiley Univ., Marshall, Tex., 1914‑15: Dean, Morgan Col., Baltimore, 1915‑1920; Field Sec., N.A.A.C.P., since 1920: Phi Beta Kappa (Yale); Ex‑Pres., Ala. State Teach. Assn.: mem. Nat. Assn. Teachers in Colored Schs.; Am. Negro Academy; Masons. K of P: Odd Follows: Mosaic Templar; auth. "Abraham Lincoln, Man and Statesman," 1909; "The Heir of Slaves," 1910; "Fredfrick Douglass and the Spirit of Freedom," 1912; "Fifty Years of Emancipation," 1913: "The Ultimate Effect of Segregation and Discrimination," 1915: "The New Negro," 1916; Relig. Methodist; Address 69 Fifth Ave.: Residence, 260 W. 139th St., New York, N. Y.
SOURCE: Who’s Who in Colored America, 1930-1932 (New York: Who’s Who in Colored America Corp.), p. 337.
Note: Photo does not appear in referenced work.
Books by William Pickens:
Bursting Bonds: Enlarged Edition [of] The Heir of Slaves: The Autobiography of a "New Negro"; edited by William L. Andrews. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. (The African American Intellectual Heritage Series) Contents. Originally published: Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.
The New Negro: His Political, Civil, and Mental Status, and Related Essays. New York: The Neale Publishing Company, 1916. Reprints: New York, AMS Press, 1969. New York: Universities Press, 1969.
The Vengeance of the Gods, and Three Other Stories of Real American Color Line Life. Philadelphia: The A.M.E. Book Concern, 1922. Reprints: Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 1972. New York: AMS Press, 1975.
American Aesop: Negro and Other Humor. Boston: The Jordan & More Press, 1926. Reprint: New York, AMS Press, 1969.
Books about William Pickens:
Avery, Sheldon. Up From Washington: William Pickens and the Negro Struggle for Equality, 1900-1954. Newark: University of Delaware Press; London: Associated University Presses, 1989.
Pickens on Esperanto
in The Voice of the Negro (1906)
"Ars Poetica #17: First Afro-American Esperantist" by Elizabeth Alexander
Volapük in the Black Press, 1888
Esperanto Study Guide / Esperanto-Gvidilo
Pickens, William (1881-1954) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed
Introduction (Gale biographical summary)
William Pickens (biographical sketch with photo)
William Pickens papers, 1906-1954. | The New York Public Library
NYPL, Inventory
of the William Pickens Papers (Additions), 1909-1950
(with biographical sketch)
The Pickens Family — An American Story
Generations: The Historical Footprints of the Pickens Family
By R. B. Stuart
Heir of Slaves: An Autobiography
by William Pickens (1911). Esperanto, p. 135
Text also at
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lincoln, Man and Statesman (1910)
by William Pickens
Kind of Democracy the Negro Expects”
by William Pickens (1919)
for the Africans: The Garvey Movement"
by William Pickens, The Nation, December 28, 1921
Segregation" by William Pickens,
Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life, December 1927
Only Hate, Fear Only Cowardice: William Pickens, a Philosopher of Activism,
an Advocate for Democracy"
by C. Alvin Hughes
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