From “Superman” to Man


J. A. Rogers


Ancient Egypt and Ethiopia, 20, 55.

Aryan theory of white racial inferiority, 5, 8.

Backward American whites, 37.

Blood, in Negro and Caucasian, 49.

Body odor of Negro and Caucasian, 47-48.

Cannibalism among Whites and Negroes, 45, 46.

Civilizations, Negro, 20, 25, 39.

Crime, 108.

Communism and the Negro, 117-119.

Employment and occupation, 95-98, 100.

Hair straightening and hair-curling, 25, 27.

Hamilton, Alexander, 86.

Illiteracy in Negro and Caucasian, 83.

Inferiority complex among American whites, 63-65.

Insanity, 107.

Intelligence among Negroes, 17, 56.

Intermarriage and Concubinage, 78-91.

Lack of Unity among Negroes, 34-36, 38.

Literature, anti-Negro, 120-26.

Longevity of Negro and Caucasian, 112.

Lynching, 103-05.

Moving-pictures, Influence of, 125, 129.

Negro, and Indian-Negro, strain in American whites, 30, 55, 85.

Negroes, noted, 59-61.

Newspapers, white, and the Negro, 120.

Paupers, white and black, 61, 82.

Pilgrim Fathers, Negro's arrival before, 68.

Political Parties, 115, 116.

Races, number of, 15.

Rape, Negro and Caucasian, 109-111.

Religion and the Negro, 112-115.

Segregation, 75-77.

Sex morality, Negro and Caucasian, 39-44.

Skin color, causes of, etc. 15, 50.

Skulls, Negro and Caucasian, 51, 52.

Slavery of Whites, 24, 25; of Indians, 55, 56.

Social Equality, 73-74.

Soldier, The Negro, 94.

Solution of Race Problem, 127-130.

Suicide among whites and blacks, 107.

Syphilis, its origin and effect on Negroes, 82.

Treatment of Negro in foreign lands, 67-69, 70, 76; In the United States, 70-73.

Tuberculosis among white and black, 82.

Washington, B. T. vs. W. E. B. DuBois, 100, 104.

White Friends of the Negro, 126.

SOURCE: Rogers, [J]oel A[ugustus]. From “Superman” to Man, 5th ed., revised (St. Petersburg, FL: Helga M. Rogers, 1968), p. 131. (1st ed., 1917.)

Race, Equality of Intellect, & the History of Civilization
(extract from From “Superman” to Man)
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Religion and the Negro
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First Universal Races Congress, London, July 26-29, 1911: Selected Bibliography

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"Joel Augustus Rogers: Negro Historian in History, Time, and Space" by Malik Simba

Joel Augustus Rogers @ Reason & Society

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