O oscillating tram, a bright red squeal Glowing on springtime's bosom, soft and mute, Of foaming trees; geranium of steel Rhyming with scarlet lips of a prostitute Singing an aria whose shriek offsets And
splashes on the steepness of a wall A
dog pursues a bitch with loving bark; A florin
like a moon hangs, pale ascetic, Towards
the sleepy‑blinking tramcar's zone Under
the glowing neon, out of night, (Trans W. Auld) |
SOURCE: Newell, L. N. M. "The Red Tram, or: Springtime in London" (1930) [Poem from Esperanto], translated by William Auld, La Brita Esperantisto, 88-a jaro, n-ro 910, Novembro-Decembro 1992, p. 200.
The Esperanto original, "La Ruĝa Tramo, aŭ Printempo en Londono", by L. N. Newell, was published in the landmark anthology Dekdu Poetoj, edited by Kálmán Kalocsay (Budapest: Literatura Mondo, 1934), p. 76.
Filozofo, poemo de L. N. M. Newell
“Du Judoj” de L. N. M. Newell
from Esperanto: from "In Winter’s Shell" / el "En Konko de Vintro"
by Georges E. Maura (pseudonym of Gaston Waringhien), translated by William Auld
from Esperanto: "Stubbornness" / "Obstino"; "Au Clair
de la Lune"
by Rejna de Jong, translated by William Auld
William Auld Memorial Page / En Memoro
Esperanto Study Guide / Esperanto-Gvidilo
Offsite / Alireteje:
"La Ruĝa Tramo, aŭ Printempo en Londono", by L. N. M. Newell
de L. N. Newell
(Literaturo en Esperanto, Originala / Don Harlow)
Bakŝiŝ de L. N. Newell
Leonard Noel Mansell Newell (OLE)
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