Old fellow of immense, unequalled erudition |
SOURCE: Bukharin, Nikolai. “‘The Colossal Old Fellow’ (Hegel),” in The Prison Poems of Nikolai Bukharin: Transformation of the World (Verse about the Ages, and about People), translated by George Shriver (Seagull Books, Calcutta India, 2009).
“Amor Dei Intellectualis (Baruch Spinoza)” by Nikolai Bukharin
“Mad Prophet (Friedrich Nietzsche)” by Nikolai Bukharin
“Crisis of Capitalist Culture” (1934) [Excerpts]
by Nikolai Bukharin
Nikolai Bukharin on oriental & racial mysticism & fascism
Marxism and Modern Thought by N. I. Bukharin et al
Pod Znamenem Marksizma (Under the Banner of Marxism, 1922-1944)
Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)
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