by Jorge Luis Borges
The Jew's hands, translucent in the dusk, (translated by Richard Howard, César Rennert) |
SOURCE: Borges, Jorge Luis. "Spinoza," in Borges, A Reader: A Selection from the Writings of Jorge Luis Borges, edited by Emir Rodriguez Monegal and Alastair Reid (New York: Dutton, 1981), p. 285.
See also translation by Willis Barnstone in Borges' Selected Poems, edited by Alexander Coleman. (New York: Viking, 1999), p. 229.
There is another poem on Spinoza by Borges in the Coleman anthology: "Baruch Spinoza" (translated by Willis Barnstone; from The Unending Rose), p. 383.
“Spinoza” by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Yirmiyahu Yovel
"Baruch Spinoza" — poem by Jorge Luis Borges
“Spinozo” de Jorge Luis Borges, tradukis Julius Balbin
"Descartes" by Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web
- Spinozo - Jorge Luis Borges - English and Esperanto
English translation by Richard Howard & César Rennert, Esperanto
translation by Julius Balbin
Recited by / Deklamis R. Dumain, Music by Bosques de mi Mente
Spinoza (Borges poem in Spanish)
Soneto de Jorge Luis Borges
Música y piano: Abcirlos
Spinoza's Sonnet
(Borges introduces himself in English, recites poem in Spanish):
No longer available
Spinoza in Borges' looking-glass by Marcelo Abadi
Jorge Luis Borges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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