“Ein Fichtenbaum
steht einsam”
by Heinrich Heine
with English translations
Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam
Im Norden auf kahler Höh.
Ihn schläfert; mit weißer Decke
Umhüllen ihn Eis und Schnee.
Er träumt von einer Palme,
Die, fern im Morgenland,
Einsam und schweigend trauert
Auf brennender Felsenwand.
There stands a lonely pine-tree
In the north, on a barren height;
He sleeps while the ice and snow flakes
Swathe him in folds of white.
He dreameth of a palm-tree
Far in the sunrise-land,
Lonely and silent longing
On her burning bank of sand.
Translated by Emma Lazarus
A lonely pine is standing
In the North where high winds blow.
He sleeps; and the whitest blanket
wraps him in ice and snow.
He dreams—dreams of a palm-tree
that far in an Orient land
Languishes, lonely and drooping,
Upon the burning sand.
Translated by Louis Untermeyer, in: Heinrich Heine: Paradox and Poet: The Poems (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1937), p. 84.
A pine tree towers lonely
In the north, on a barren height.
He's drowsy; ice and snowdrift
quilt him in covers of white.
He dreams about a palm tree
That, far in the East alone,
Looks down in silent sorrow
From her cliff of blazing stone.
Translated by Aaron Kramer, in: The Poetry of Heinrich Heine, ed. Frederic Ewen (Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1969, p. 74).
Book of Songs, Lyrical Intermezzo, 33
A pine is standing lonely
In the North on a bare plateau.
He sleeps; a bright white blanket
Enshrouds him in ice and snow.
He's dreaming of a palm tree
Far away in the Eastern land
Lonely and silently mourning
On a sunburnt rocky strand.
Translated by Hal Draper, in: The Complete Poems of Heinrich Heine: A Modern English Version (Cambridge, MA: Suhrkamp/Insel Publishers Boston, Inc., 1982), p. 62.
A spruce is standing lonely
In the north on a barren height.
It drowses; ice and snowflakes
Wrap it in a blanket of white.
It dreams about a palm tree
In a distant, eastern land,
That languishes lonely and silent
Upon the scorching sand.
Translated by Max Knight, in: Heinrich Heine: Poetry and Prose, ed. Jost Hermand & Robert C. Holub (New York: Continuum, 1992), p. 5.
“The Fir Tree”
On a barren arctic mountain,
The ice and snow lie deep,
And an isolated fir tree
Is nodding off to sleep.
It's dreaming of a palm tree
In some exotic land,
That's pining away on a mountain
Of barren desert sand.
Translated by T.J. Reid & David Cram, in: Heinrich Heine (London: J.M. Dent, 1997 [Everyman's Poetry; no. 28]), p. 16.
Buch Der Lieder: Lyrisches Intermezzo: ‘Ein Fichtenbaum’
A single fir-tree, lonely,
On a northern mountain height,
Sleeps in a white blanket,
Draped in snow and ice.
His dreams are of a palm-tree,
Who, far in eastern lands,
Weeps, all alone and silent,
Among the burning sands.
Translated by A. S. Kline, from Heine - Selected Poems - A new downloadable translation
A Single Fir Stands Lonesome
A single fir stands lonesome
On barren northerly height.
He drowses; frost and snowstorm
Shroud him in swathes of white.
He dreams about a palm. She,
In the orient, far, alone,
Sorrowing stands and silent
At a blazing scarp of stone.
Translated by Walter W. Arndt, in: Songs of Love and Grief: A Bilingual Anthology in the Verse Forms of the Originals (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1995).
Heinrich Heine: “Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam” (The Lonely Fir Tree), with links
Heinrich Heine: “Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam” / “En nord’ unu pino en solo” (en Esperanto)
Heinrich Heine on Leibniz & Spinoza
Heinrich Heine: Selected Bibliography
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