by Jorge Luis Borges
A haze of gold, the Occident lights up The window. Now, the assiduous manuscript Is waiting, weighed down with the infinite. Someone is building God in a dark cup. A man engenders God. He is a Jew. With saddened eyes and lemon-colored skin; Time carries him the way a leaf, dropped in A river, is borne off by waters to Its end. No matter. The magician moved Carves out his God with fine geometry; From his disease, from nothing, he's begun To construct God, using the word. No one Is granted such prodigious love as he: The love that has no hope of being loved. |
SOURCE: Borges, Jorge Luis. "Baruch Spinoza" [from The Unending Rose], translation by Willis Barnstone, in Borges' Selected Poems, edited by Alexander Coleman. (New York: Viking, 1999), p. 383.
by Jorge Luis Borges,
translated by Yirmiyahu Yovel
poem by Jorge Luis Borges,
translated by Richard Howard & César Rennert
“Spinozo” de Jorge Luis Borges, tradukis Julius Balbin
"Descartes" by Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web
Spinoza (Borges poem in Spanish)
"Borges and I" (Borges)
Spinoza in Borges' looking-glass by Marcelo Abadi
Jorge Luis Borges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Borges: Garden of Forking Paths
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