Adorno, Theodor W. Negative Dialectics, translated by E.B. Ashton. New York: The Seabury Press, 1973.
________________. Negative Dialectics, translated by Dennis Redmond. 2001. [Offsite] Note: all the links to sections of the work, below, are to this 2001 translation. For an updated, corrected version, see:
Negative Dialectics (2021), translated by Dennis Redmond. Also available at academia,edu. See also:
Negative Dialectics (2001), in multiple formats by section with supplementary clarifications.
translation 2001 by Dennis Redmond |
on this site (from either translation)
Dumain’s notes (page references from Ashton) |
Adorno on the Commodification of Theory |
The Privilege of Experience | |
AFFIRMATIVE CHARACTER: 66: Heidegger's reading of Kant 67: subjectivity vs. the scientific universe |
T.W. Adorno on Zen Buddhism | |
Ashton: BEING, SUBJECT, OBJECT: 69-70: Husserl in division of labor. science. vs. Heidegger 70: Heidegger's Being an empty concept THE DISAPPOINTED NEED: 73: ontology discreetly avoids science 74: Nazi irrationalism & technologism 75f: ANDERS on pseudo-concrete. GET ARTICLE. UNSUCCESSFUL REALISM: 79: Heidegger's rejection of subjectivity a regression 79: Being vacuous ON CATEGORIAL VISION: I don't get it. BEING: Heidegger's BS . .. 85: Heidegger's irrationalism, based on concepts SENSE OF BEING ONTOLOGY PRESCRIBED: 89: nostalgia for Being & Nazism PROTEST AGAINST REFIFICATION 90: hierarchy, Hitler, order. WRONG NEED: ontology, substitute gratification. WEAKNESS AND SUPPORT: form & avant-garde art. COPULA: 104: expression, experience, etc. THE QUESTION OF BEING: 113:being & guilt 114: being & ontology LOOPING THE LOOP: 116: ontological difference 118: Being & myth, pre-Socratics, Heidegger anti-intellectual ONTOLOGIZATION OF THE ONTICAL: 119-120: Hegel & the nonidentical 121: Engels |
"Dialectics Not a Sociology of Knowledge" by Theodor W. Adorno | |
Ashton, 203: somatic element's survival | Key passage, insight into negative dialectic: This passage alone reveals Adorno's investment in and rebellion against German idealism, his conception of philosophy, the role of the intellectual in the division of labor, his opposition to reconciliation and affirmative philosophy, his dissension from self-preservation, the prioritizing of nonidentity, and no poetry after Auschwitz . |
Ashton, 320: Universal history: slingshot to atom bomb (paired with Redmond) | |
Refusing “Positive Thinking” After Auschwitz | |
KANT'S RESIGNATION: 383: Kant's topological zeal: Nietzsche's Protestant rage against reason RESCUING URGE AND BLOCK: 385: Carnap 387-9: Kant & science NEUTRALIZATION: 394-5: religion? 397: metaphysical experience, religion ONLY A PARABLE: 399: science fiction vs theology 400-402: ideological untruth . . . non-sensory egoity . . . untruth threatens here and there 400: Cartesian dualism 401: spiritualism 402: ban on images |
Reason & Society blog: several relevant entries on Adorno
More quotes:
I would guess that at the next stage of regressive ideology people would be expected to believe in 'the positive', in the same spirit as marriage advertisements regard 'a positive attitude to life' as especially commendable. Theodor W. Adorno, Lectures on Negative Dialectics, Lecture 2The Negation of Negation, 11 November 1965
SOURCE: Adorno, Theodor W. Lectures on Negative Dialectics, ed. by Rolf Tiedemann, trans. Rodney Livingstone. Cambridge, UK; Malden, MA: Polity Press, 2008.
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