Studies in a Dying Culture

Podcast series under the auspices of

Think Twice Radio

The title takes off from my blog “Studies in a Dying Culture”(July 2007 - ), with a precedent in a talk I gave at the American Philosophical Association in December, 1988. The title originates in the work of Christopher Caudwell (1907-1937), autodidactic philosopher and cultural critic and martyr of the Spanish Civil War.

Click on the title link above for the summaries and sound files of the installments in this series. Links to sound files are found below. Left click to listen, right click to download.

05/10/10 Flatness and Depth in Life and Thought, Ralph Dumain & Fred Mohr interviewed by Richard Wicka, 10 May 2010, for ThinkTwiceRadio (see abstract). First of ongoing podcast program.

06/07/10 Centennial of the International Esperanto Congress of 1910 in Washington DC

William Blake: 3 Esperanto translations by Ralph Dumain (breakdown & links to texts & extract on Soundcloud [audio file])

07/19/10 A Dying Culture, Raggedy Poets, a Farewell to Martin Gardner, and the Historical Trajectory of Secular Humanism

10/18/10 Manny Fried’s memoir published / Science, Religion & the Black community: symposia at Howard University

05/22/11 Theorizing Social Paranoia

R. Dumain: Promo for podcast “Theorizing Social Paranoia” (22 May 2011)
(Windows Media Player)

05/06/12 The Utopian Vision of Sándor Szathmári

11/17/12 Atheism & Humanism as Bourgeois Ideology

05/03/13 The Contributions of Esperanto to World Culture: Parts 1 & 2

09/07/13 The Contributions of Esperanto to World Culture: Part 3: The Esperanto-Hungarian Literary Connection (Continued)

05/06/14 Science Fiction, Utopia, and the End of Imagination (1)

05/07/15 Adorno for Autodidacts

Dumain guitar introduction (50 sec.)

For more information, references, and links see Adorno for Autodidacts (podcast: notes & references)

05/07/16 Frigyes Karinthy: the Hungarian Swift & his musical robots

"The Circus" (finale) by Frigyes Karinthy, recited by R. Dumain (on this site, excerpted from the podcast)

05/26/17 Robert Zend: Between Budapest & Toronto, Between Zero & One, Between Dream & Reality

11/18/17 Dialectic and Dystopia: A Century Before and After the Russian Revolution Through Literature

For podcast transcript with links see Dialectic and Dystopia: A Century Before and After the Russian Revolution Through Literature

7/27/19 Love and Intellect (audio @ Think Twice Radio)

Love and Intellect (video @ Facebook)

2019 July 27: Ralph Dumain: Studies in a Dying Culture: Love & Intellect (video @ YouTube)

Love and Intellect: Outline of Program / 27 July 2019

11/10/19 Love and Intellect II: For Blake, Against Nietzsche

Love and Intellect II: For Blake, Against Nietzsche: Outline of Program

Love and Intellect II: For Blake, Against Nietzsche: Sources for Program

Here are related audio and video programs recorded at the Home of the Future in Buffalo, New York:

Ralph Dumain interviewed by Jim Pray, Buffalo, NY, 4 June 2006 (audio)
(topics: The Autodidact Project, poetry)

"As Long as You Are Still Breathing": Five Minutes with Ralph Dumain (video)
(Part One: Being Disappointed; Part Two: Old Edna)

Other audio files and videos offsite in which I am featured can be found on my External Links page.

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Uploaded 25 May 2012
Last update 8 May 2021
Previous update 28 January 2020

©2012-2021 Ralph Dumain