Ralph Dumain Interviewed on The Autodidact Project
(Audio Files)

I have often been asked about the scope and purpose of this web site. I have yet to write up a statement of purpose, though I will probably compose a FAQ. Here is a segment of a radio interview (in mp3 format) conducted by Jim Pray in Buffalo, NY on 4 June 2006 outlining the history of this project:

Audio file

Full interview (offsite):

Ralph Dumain interviewed by Jim Pray, Buffalo, NY, 4 June 2006 (topics: The Autodidact Project, poetry)

This more recent interview is also relevant:

Flatness and Depth in Life and Thought, Ralph Dumain & Fred Mohr interviewed by Richard Wicka, 10 May 2010, for ThinkTwiceRadio. Abstract:

5/10/10 Flatness and Depth in Life and Thought
Ralph Dumain and Fred Mohr join Richard Wicka as they discuss a variety of topics prompted by Ralph's interests and ruminations. Topics include: self-definition, autodidacticism vs. formal education, overcoming the division between everyday and intellectual life, the inadequacy of only half-way decent intellectual fare in a society barren of intelligent public discourse, the fundamental psychological problem of habit, rigidity, and fear of thought as potentially even deeper and more ingrained than social prejudice, historical changes in patterns of American racism and the consequences of de facto social segregation, the age-old question of whether language fixes thought and its boundaries, impressions upon revisiting Buffalo (including the interplay of ordinariness and eccentricity, crudity and intelligence), Ralph's interest in and historical research into the history of the Esperanto movement, and the recent upsurge of black atheism. (60 minutes)

BBC Wiltshire Interview on The Autodidact Project

The Autodidact Project: Summary of History & Scope

Researching the Autodidact as a Concept

Introduction to Mini-Bibliographies


"As Long as You Are Still Breathing": Five Minutes with Ralph Dumain (video)
(Part One: Being Disappointed; Part Two: Old Edna)



The Five Minute Video Series

Live Interview with Ralph Dumain on "Living Room"
(on C.L.R. James, 21 January 2004, with sound file)

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Uploaded 18 May 2010

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