In the Life (Zombie Haiku #1)
Alive in the morn, zombies by noon, do
zombies copulate at night?
4 August 2011
Polite Request to
the American People (Zombie Haiku #2)
Brains are
delicious! Since you have no
need for yours, May I dine on them?
5 August 2011
Michelle Obama Wants
Your Nasty Body (Zombie Haiku #3)
Rotting flesh drops
off, Zombies, you’re
Americans, get with the
5 August 2011
Red State Starvation
(Zombie Haiku #4)
Zombies go hungry: No brains in
Alabama. Time to emigrate.
5 August 2011
Two Party System
(Zombie Haiku #5)
testing: Zombies outperform
Congress, nation of retards.
5 August 2011
New Deal Repeal
(Zombie Haiku #6)
Unemployment up, no Medicaid for you,
so watch out for your
5 August 2011
Constipation, Faux pas (Zombie Haiku #7)
So bloated, I feel like a Zombie.
Zombie says: “I beg your
6 August 2011
Ass Man’s
Worst Nightmare (Zombie Haiku #8)
She with the fine
ass, has now turned to
rotting flesh: I flee in terror.
7 August 2011
Zombie American Princess (Zombie Haiku #9)
How can you tell
when a ZAP has an orgasm? She drops her nail
7 August 2011
The Zombies: “She’s
Not There” (Zombie
Haiku #10)
too late to say you’re
sorry. Why should I care? You sucked out her
8 August 2011
©2011, 2021 Ralph Dumain