by Ralph Dumain
Black Studies, Music, America vs Europe
& Other Musicians: Philosophy & Testimony
Jazz and Black Music
- Anthony Braxton: Selected Bibliography
- Black Music & the American Surrealists:
A Bibliography
- The Theory & Practice of John Coltrane
by Ralph Dumain
- The Dialectics and Aesthetics of Freedom:
Hegel, Slavery and 19th Century African American Music, PhD dissertation
by Greg Harrison, selections, with an introduction by R. Dumain
- Stanley Crouch & Me: Correspondence & Commentary by Ralph Dumain
- Promise of Victory:
A Note on the Negro Spiritual by A. L. Morton
- 'Anthony Braxton: The Third Millennial Interview
with Mike Heffley':
Extracts, with Commentary by Ralph Dumain
- The Jazz Avant-Garde, Mysticism & Society:
Meaning, Method & the Young Hegelians by R. Dumain
- Dialectic is Cool
- “Poetry, Jazz & Freedom”
by Réne Ménil, translated by Keith Holloman
- "La Socia Enhavo de l'Ĵazmuziko" [The
Social Content of Jazz Music; in Esperanto], de Roland Levreaud
- Niels Bohr & Louis Armstrong
(photograph & comment)
vs. Europe: The New World & the Old
& Historical Perspectives
- Ralph Ellison on the Hidden Political Meaning
of Cultural Symbolism
- Richard Wright Defines The Outsider
- Simplex, Complex, & Multiplexity according
to Samuel R. Delaney
- Letter to Ludwig Feuerbach from Ottilie Assing
about Frederick Douglass
- Martin Luther King, Jr. & G.W.F. Hegel
- “Martin Luther King’s Debt to
Hegel” by John Ansbro
- John A. Williams on Martin Luther King, Jr. & the Black church
- Adolph L. Reed, Jr. on Organicism, Authoritarianism,
Clericalism, & Black Politics
- For René Ménil, Caribbean Surrealist-Philosopher
(Review) by Ralph Dumain
- "Bonny Delany" [on science fiction writer Samuel
R. Delany) by Ralph Dumain
- Lest We Forget—The Hidden History of the
African-American Autodidact:
A Belated Tribute to Black History Month (2000) by Ralph Dumain
- Black History Month 2001: On Intellectual Infrastructures
& Independent Learning by Ralph Dumain
- 100 Years of C.L.R. James (4 January 2001—James's
100th birthday) by Ralph Dumain
- Individual Identity, Historical Meaning, and
the Unknown Autodidact by Ralph Dumain
- Cultural Impasse & the Changing Forms of
Ideality by Ralph Dumain
- The Traditional Canon vs. Multiculturalism in
the Literary Profession: A Sterile Debate by Ralph Dumain
- Cornel West's Evasion of Philosophy, Or, Richard
Wright's Revenge by Ralph Dumain
- Cornel West and Marxism: An Incomplete
Review by R. Dumain
- Pragmatism Blues by R. Dumain
- Black mystic in hyperspace by R.
- "Religion and the New African American Intellectuals"
by Norm R. Allen, Jr.
- C.L.R. James: A Revolutionary Vision for the 20th Century by Anna Grimshaw,
Parts One, Two, Three
- Albert Einstein and Black Americans
- From “Superman” to Man by J. A. Rogers
- "A Hymn to the Peoples" by W. E. B. Du
- W. E. B. Du Bois on Religion
- Du Bois on Religion (Contents),
ed. by Phil Zuckerman
- Lorraine Hansberry's Humanism
- The Negro Mood: Ethos (quotes) by Lerone
Bennett, Jr.
- "The Organized Educational Activities of Negro Literary Societies, 1828-1846"
by Dorothy B. Porter, parts one and two
- Remembering the Past and Forgetting Yourself, Or,
Why Oprah Is Not an Abolitionist by Ralph Dumain
- William Pickens: Who’s
Who in Colored America
- "The Russian Jew and
The American Negro" by John D. Swain (1906)
- Harold Cruse’s Attack on Jewish
Communists: Comment by Sid Resnick
- Martin Sostre in Court: On Hostility, Paranoia,
& Psychiatric Abuse
- Lloyd L. Brown Talks to Mary Helen Washington:
Writing the Collective Narrative (Route One Interview)
- The Jazz Avant-Garde, Mysticism & Society:
Meaning, Method & the Young Hegelians by R. Dumain
- Ishmael Reed, William Blake, and the '60s According
to Shamoon Zamir by R. Dumain
- "Schomburg: Cultural Education & Empowerment"
by John Anthony Lugo
- Alienation in American Society
(Selections) by Fritz Pappenheim [refugee scholar] (et al)
- "The Little Blue Books in the War on Bigotry
and Bunk" by Mark Scott
- Fortune, Matter, and Providence: A Study of Ancius Severinus Boethius and Giordano Bruno
by William T. Fontaine
- “The Mind and Thought of the Negro
of the United States as Revealed in Imaginative Literature, 1876-1940”
by William T. Fontaine
- Reflections on Segregation, Desegregation, Power and Morals (Contents) by William T. Fontaine
- “The Failure of the Negro Intellectual” by E. Franklin Frazier
- Afrofuturism — the exhibit & the book: a partial review
by R. Dumain
- AfroBS Dropping (review of Afrofuturism Rising)
by R. Dumain
American Literature
Black American Literature
& Study Guides (Links)
- Richard Wright
- Richard Wright’s “The Man
Who Lived Underground”: Annotated Bibliography
- Charles Johnson, Black American Philosopher & Novelist: Select Bibliography
- Dr. Stanton Lawrence Wormley, Sr. (1909-1993)
- African American / Black Autodidacticism,
Education, Intellectual Life
- Black / African-American / African Atheism (part
of atheism web guide)
- Black Freethinkers & Other Intellectuals
(external links)
- First Universal Races
Congress, London, July 26-29, 1911: Selected Bibliography
- The Afro-German Connection: Web Guide &
- A Memorial Tribute to Bill French
- Anthony Braxton: Selected Bibliography
- Black Music & the American Surrealists:
A Bibliography
- Afrofuturism
- Flying Saucers & Afrofuturism — Counternarratives Study Guide
- 100 Years of C.L.R. James
- Dostoevsky’s Underground, Ideology,
Reception: A Very Select Bibliography
- American Philosophy
- Literature, Race, & Money
by Ralph Dumain
about/in Esperanto & related matters
- Volapük in the Black Press,
- Volapuk (Chicago Defender,
- William Pickens: Who’s
Who in Colored America
- William Pickens on Esperanto
in The Voice of the Negro (1906)
- “Let’s Be Human,” subheading ‘A Common Language’
by Harry Fleishman
- “Esperanto” & “Libretto for the Republic of Liberia” (excerpts): poems by Melvin B. Tolson
- "Gold Is The Shade Esperanto"
by Margaret Danner
- "Ars Poetica #17: First Afro-American
Esperantist" by Elizabeth Alexander
- "La Socia Enhavo de l' Ĵazmuziko" [The
Social Content of Jazz Music] by Roland Levreaud
- “Improvizado” de Radosław
- "Misisipi" de Lejb Malaĥ (1894-1936)
(Antaŭparolo & Biografio)
- Anonco pri Misisipi (with
English translation)
- Lidia Zamenhof: The Bahá’í
Faith, Esperanto, Politics, Anti-Semitism, Black Americans, & the USA
(Excerpts from Lidia by Wendy Heller)
- "Miguel A. Caycedo: Poeto de Negreco"
(Miguel Ángel Caicedo Mena)
- C.L.R. James & Usona Kulturo by R. Dumain
- Afrikanaj Usonanoj por Humanismo by R. Dumain
- “Dialogo kun Afrika Esperantisto”
Dialogas R. Dumain & D-ro Akwasi Osei
- "Al Josephine Baker" [To Josephine Baker]
by Poul Thorsen
- Kvar Poemoj de Langston Hughes,
translated by Carlos A. Castrillón
- "Adiaŭ Kristo" [Goodbye Christ]
de Langston Hughes, translated by R. Dumain
- Observo: Negraj Poetoj en Ameriko
[Recenzo de “L.”]
- “Observo: Van Vechten: Negra
Ĉielo” [recenzo]
- “Nigraĵoj”
de Georgo Verda (Izrael Lejzerowicz)
- “Negreto” [Esperanto
translation of excerpt from Black Boy] by Richard Wright
- "Ligoj de Frateco" [Bonds of Brotherhood]
by Paul Robeson, translated by R. Dumain
- Duke Ellington Komunikas ‘Preter Kategorio’
[Duke Ellington Communicates Beyond Category]
Esperanto translation from Ellington by R. Dumain
- "Buboj" [Jitterbugs] by LeRoi Jones/Amiri
Baraka, translated by R. Dumain (1/20/10)
- "Laŭ Afrika Melodio" by R. Dumain
- Malfermu la Sonon (por Miles Davis, 1959) / Open
Up the Sound (for Miles Davis, 1959) by R. Dumain
- "Je Unua Neĝoŝtormo Ĉisezona"
[Upon the First Snow-Storm of the Season: Blake & Coltrane in Esperanto]
poem by R. Dumain
- "Por Hilton Ruiz, Portorikana Pianisto" by
Ralph Dumain
- Works by (and about) people
of African descent in Esperanto translation: bibliography in progress (1989)
by Ralph Dumain
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Uploaded 2 March 2003
Last update 6 March 2025
Previous update 8 February 2025
©2003-2025 Ralph Dumain