Stanton Wormley Sr. Dies (Obituary, The Washington Post, August 16, 1993)
Dr Stanton Lawrence Wormley Sr. (1909-1993) - Find a Grave Memorial
Wormley Family Genealogical Research Collection (The People’s Archive, MLK Library, Washington DC )
A Guide to the Wormley Family Papers, 1773-1991 (bulk 1880-1960) #42649 (University of Virginia)
Sluby, Paul E.; Wormley, Stanton Lawrence. History of the Columbian Harmony Society and of Harmony Cemetery, Washington, D.C. The Society: 2001. See also What Lies Beneath: Documenting the History of the Columbian Harmony Cemetery – Humanities Truck, largely based on this book.
Wormley, Stanton L. Heine in England, with an introduction by William Clyde DeVane. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1943.
Wormley, Stanton L.; Fenderson, Lewis H.; eds. Many Shades of Black. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1969.
For more, consult the Library of Congress catalog.
Fikes, Robert, Jr. “Setting Aside Race: Selected Books by Black Authors Wherein Blackness Is Not a Theme,” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, volume 20, issue 1, 2001, pp. 15-44. The author also has an updated, expanded version in manuscript, 2005. Also on the BlackPast web site under the title “Setting Aside Race: Selected Books by Black Authors in Which Blackness is Not the Predominant Theme.”
More than 20 years ago I discovered Heine in England in the outdoor dollar bin of The Last Word, a now-defunct used book store adjacent to Columbia University in Manhattan. I bought it for my Heine collection, and reading the foreword, with mention of the Rosenwald Foundation and a vague allusion to Wormley as a member of an oppressed people, I surmised, given the extreme non-Jewishisness of a name like Stanton Wormley, that Wormley was Black. Indeed, I confirmed this absolutely much later in correspondence with Robert Fikes. I learned only a week ago that Wormley was much more than a scholar of German literature —among other things, connected to a family of decisive historical importance. So here we are. — RD, 9 April 2023
Black Studies, Music, America vs Europe Study Guide
African American / Black Autodidacticism, Education, Intellectual Life
Heinrich Heine: Selected Bibliography
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