The Honor Roll: American Philosophers Professionally Injured During the McCarthy Era by John McCumber
Reflections on American Philosophy From Within: Foreword & Table of Contents by Roy Wood Sellars (links to other chapters)
Reflections on American Philosophy From Within: Chapter 1—The Nature of the Project by Roy Wood Sellars
Reflections on American Philosophy From Within: Chapter 8 — Intersecting Dialectical Materialism by Roy Wood Sellars
Some Reflections of Roy Wood Sellars
"Epilogue on Berkeley" by Roy Wood Sellars
Principles of Emergent
Realism: Philosophical Essays by Roy Wood Sellars
Naturalism and Not Materialism
Naturalism Enough?
Materialism and Intrinsic Endurance
"The New Materialism" by Roy Wood Sellars
Philosophic Thought in France and the United States: Essays Representing Major
Trends in Contemporary French and American Philosophy, 2nd ed., edited
by Marvin Farber (1st ed., 1950)
Bergsonianism by Auguste Cornu
Critical Realism and
Modern Materialism by Roy Wood Sellars
Philosophy for the Future: The Quest of Modern Materialism: Foreword & Contents by Roy Wood Sellars, V.J. McGill, Marvin Farber
Radical Currents in Contemporary Philosophy edited by David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe, & John Somerville
Experience and Subjectivism (Sections I.F-II.D) by Marvin Farber
The Issue of Naturalism vs. Subjectivism by Marvin Farber
Naturalism and Subjectivism: Contents by Marvin Farber
Edmund Husserl and the Aims of Phenomenology by Marvin Farber
Heidegger on the Essence of Truth by Marvin Farber
Phenomenology and Existence: Toward a Philosophy Within Nature by Marvin
Contents &
Marvin Farber
on Maurice Merleau‑Ponty
The Search for an Alternative I: Subjectivism, Phenomenology, Marxism, and the Role of Alternatives by Marvin Farber
The Search for an Alternative 8: The Historical Outcome of Subjectivism by Marvin Farber
The Search for an Alternative 9: From the Perspective of Materialism by Marvin Farber
Phenomenology and Natural Existence: Essays in Honor of Marvin Farber,
edited by Dale Riepe
Contents &
by Dale Riepe
Reflections on
the Career of Marvin Farber by Roy Wood Sellars
and Immediacy for Husserl” by Kah Kyung Cho
"Life-World within Brackets" by David H. DeGrood
The Last Stand of Dialectic Materialism: A Study of Sidney Hook’s Marxism by Max Eastman
Curt J. Ducasse on Wisdom, Norms, Theory, & Pragmatism
"La Filozofio de Jozefo Ditsgen" [in Esperanto] de Mark Starr
"Organized Labor and the Dewey Philosophy" by Mark Starr
John Dewey’s Theory of Valuation reviewed by Herbert Marcuse
Science versus Idealism by Maurice Cornforth
Chapter 18: Pragmatism; section 7. An
“Idealism of Action"—Philosophy of American Imperialism
Literature, Criticism, and the Theory of Signs (Contents) by Victorino Tejera
The Neo-Realistic Philosophy of Symbolism and Art: A. N. Whitehead by Yevgeny Basin
Preface to Process and Unreality: A Criticism of Method in Whitehead's Philosophy by Harry K. Wells
Alienation and Dialectical Logic by Harry K. Wells
Historical Origins of the Logic of Classification and the Logic of Genesis by Harry K. Wells
Harry Wells on the History of Logic by Ralph Dumain
"The Development of Thomas Davidson's Religious and Social Thought" by James A. Good
Letter to Ludwig Feuerbach from Ottilie Assing about Frederick Douglass
Beyond Deduction and Induction: Towards Perfect Truth According to Edgar Allen Poe
Friedrich Engels on the American Mentality
John Dewey's Foreword to Paul Radin's Primitive Man as Philosopher
Red Jacket vs. Christianity: The Native American as Rationalist
Chief Adario on the White Man's Morals
The Firesign Theater: "Temporarily Humboldt County"
Simplex, Complex, & Multiplexity according to Samuel R. Delaney
The Ins and Outs of Lloyd’s Left Out by Ralph Dumain
Notes on Bruce Kuklick’s Black Philosopher, White Academy: The Career of William Fontaine by Ralph Dumain
“The Mind and Thought of the Negro of the United States as Revealed in Imaginative Literature, 1876-1940” by William T. Fontaine
Fortune, Matter, and Providence: A Study of Ancius Severinus Boethius and Giordano Bruno by William T. Fontaine
Reflections on Segregation, Desegregation, Power and Morals (Contents) by William T. Fontaine [Note Marvin Farber as series editor]
“The Failure of the Negro Intellectual” by E. Franklin Frazier
Martin Luther King, Jr. & G.W.F. Hegel
“Martin Luther King’s Debt to Hegel” by John Ansbro
Cornel West's Evasion of Philosophy, Or, Richard Wright's Revenge by Ralph Dumain
Cornel West and Marxism: An Incomplete Review by R. Dumain
Pragmatism Blues by R. Dumain
100 Years of C.L.R. James by Ralph Dumain (with further links)
"Hegel's Philosophy as Basis for the Dewey Classification Schedule" by Eugene E. Graziano
Henry Brokmeyer: Fictional Portrayal of a St. Louis Hegelian reviewed by Ralph Dumain
Herman Melville's Moby Dick & the Contradictions of Modernity by Ralph Dumain
FEEDBACK: Melville the "Atheist" by Ralph Dumain
Herman Melville & German Philosophy by Henry A. Pochmann
“Dietzgenism” by Marcus Hitch
“Joseph Dietzgen and Henry George” by Marcus Hitch
“Pragmatism” by Marcus Hitch
New Year's Resolution: Exploring Philosophical Cultures (December 2003 - January 2004) by Ralph Dumain
The Open Society: Paradox and Challenge (Introduction) by Stanley B. Ryerson
History and Anti-History in Philosophy (Contents) ed. by T. Z. Lavine & V. Tejera
“Critique of Idealistic Naturalism: Methodological Pollution in the Main Stream of American Philosophy” by Dale Riepe
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit: Philosophy's 'Starting Point' by David H. DeGrood
“The Appearance of Reality and the Reality of Appearance” by David H. DeGrood
“The Thunderbolt, Interpenetration and Heraclitus” by David H. DeGrood
Dialogues on the Philosophy of Marxism (Contents), edited by John Somerville & Howard L. Parsons
Dialectic by Harold I. Brown
Letter from Sir John Eccles to Harold J. Dumain, 6 November 1977
Pragmatism and Its Discontents: Selected Bibliography
Pragmatism and Its Discontents: Annotated Selected Bibliography
Thelma Z. Lavine (1915–2011): American Philosopher & Popularizer
Charles Johnson, Black American Philosopher & Novelist: Select Bibliography
Bertrand Russell vs William James & the Will to Believe
John Dewey’s Logic: A Select Bibliography
Secular Humanism—Ideology, Philosophy, Politics, History: Bibliography in Progress
Historical Surveys of Atheism, Freethought, Rationalism, Skepticism, and Materialism: Selected Works
Vienna Circle, Karl Popper, Frankfurt School, Marxism, McCarthyism & American Philosophy
Whitehead & Marxism: Selected Bibliography
Black Studies, Music, America vs Europe
Susan Haack — An Introductory Guide
Bibliography of Roy Wood Sellars
Roy Wood Sellars: Philosopher of Religious Humanism 1883-1973 by W. Preston Warren, Edwin H. Wilson, Roy Wood Sellers, Raymond B. Bragg
15 Theses of Naturalistic Humanism by Roy Wood Sellars
Critical Realism: A Study of the Nature and Conditions of Knowledge (1916) by Roy Wood Sellars
The Next Step in Democracy (1916) by Roy Wood Sellars
The Essentials of Logic (1917) by Roy Wood Sellars
The Essentials of Philosophy (1917) by Roy Wood Sellars
Evolutionary Naturalism (1922) by Roy Wood Sellars
Primitive Man as Philosopher (1927, 2nd rev. ed. 1957) by Paul Radin, with a foreword by John Dewey
What Is 'Non-Western' Philosophy? Part One (2009) by Justin E. H.Smith
“The Philosophy of Materialism” [review of Philosophy for the Future] by Hunter Mead (1949)
Pragmatism: Philosophy of Imperialism by Harry K. Wells
Review: Pragmatism: Philosophy of Imperialism by Harry K. Wells by Irving Louis Horowitz
“On Pragmatism,” exchange beween Maurice Cornforth & Irving Louis Horowitz
“The Rise and Fall of Homegrown American Marxism” by Daniel Tutt
“American Philosophy and the Labor Movement” (1962) by George Novack
“Bhaskar and American Critical Realism” by Ian Verstegen
“Better Red than Dead—Putting an End to the Social Irrelevance of Postwar Philosophy of Science” by Don Howard
“American philosophy in the twentieth century” by James R. O'Shea
“Naturalism and Subjectivism: Philosophy for the Future?” by Peter T. Manicas
Interpreting America: Russian and Soviet Studies of the History of American Thought reviewed by Peter T. Manicas
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Central European Pragmatist Forum
Ferri, Michela Beatrice, ed. The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America, in collaboration with Carlo Ierna. Cham: Springer, 2019. (Contributions To Phenomenology; 100)
Strassfeld, Jonathan. Inventing Philosophy’s Other: Phenomenology in America. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2022.
Note Marvin Farber’s key role in this development and the shift in his position. See also Marvin Farber’s Break with Husserl.
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