Demian: la historio de la junaĝo de Emil Sinkler, trad. Detlef Karthaus . New York: Mondial, 2007.
La lasta somero de Klinsor (elĉerpaĵo), trad. Wolfram Diestel. Ankaŭ en arkivoj de Google cache & Logos Library.
La lupo (1907), trad. William Walter Patterson & helpintoj (1999, 2000).
Ravenna, komp. Othmar Schoeck, en Kantoj kaj Arioj tradukitaj de Heino Lorenz (Luzern, 1980).
Tri tilioj (1923), trad. Wolfgang Kirschstein, La Ondo de Esperanto, 1999, No 3 (53).
Hoeltzli, François. "La ludo de la vitroperloj," JeunEsperanto Info, 2006/2, p. 6-7.
Antosik, Stanley. "Utopian Machines: Leibniz's "Computer" and Hesse's Glass Bead Game," Germanic Review, Vol. 67, 1992. (Questia account needed.)
Borbély, Ştefan. Hermann Hesse's GLASS BEAD GAME.
Durrani, Osman. "Hermann Hesse's Castalia: Republic of Scholars or Police State," Modern Language Review 77 (1981): 655-69.
Edwards, Georgina. “Language Games in the Ivory Tower: Comparing the Philosophical Investigations with Hermann Hesse's The Glass Bead Game,” Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 53, Issue 4, November 2019, pp. 669-687.
Glass Bead Games and Feuilletons, John & Belle Have A Blog, January 27, 2005.
Goggin, Joyce. “Play and Games in Fiction and Theory,” in Are You Game? (Angles: New Perspectives on the Anglophone World, no. 11, 2020).
Hesse, Hermann. The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi), translated from the German by Richard and Clara Winston; foreword by Theodore Ziolkowski. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969.
Koskinen, Pekko. On the Pastimes of Utopian Citizens, blog, August 21, 2009.
Lapham, Lewis H. "The Spanish Armadillo," Harper's Magazine, April 1997.Leary, Timothy. "Artificial Intelligence: Hesse's Prophetic 'Glass Bead Game'," Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4, Fall 1986, pp. 195-207.
Lindqvist, Sven. The Myth of Wu Tao-tzu (1967), translated from Swedish by Joan Tate. Partial translation. 1995.
McNaughton, Marie Thomas. Glass Bead Games: The Quest for a Grand Synthesis. San Francisco Humanities Review, Working Papers Site, 2006.
Nowviskie, Bethany Paige.
Computing: Instruments For Interpretive Scholarship. PhD dissertation,
Department of English, University of Virginia, May 2004. See also
Solution #1: Dr. Kremlin’s Disc and
bead games.
Peters, Michael A. "Cybernetics, Cyberspace and the University: Herman Hesse's The Glass Bead Game and the Dream of a Universal Language," in Poststructuralism, Politics, and Education (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1996), pp. 159-176.
Roberts, Peter. From West to East and Back Again: An Educational Reading of Hermann Hesse's Later Work. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2012.
Roberts, Peter. "Life, Death and Transformation: Education and Incompleteness in Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game," Revue canadienne de l’éducation / Canadian Journal of Education, Volume 31, Numéro / Number 3, 2008, pp. 667-696.
Roberts, Peter. "More than a Metaphor: The Education of Joseph Knecht," Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Vol. 16, No. 2, July 2008, pp. 163-175.
Roberts, Peter; Peters, Michael A. "From Castalia to Wikipedia: Openness and Closure in Knowledge Communities," E-Learning and Digital Media, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2011, pp. 36-46.
Texter, Douglas W. "Institutional Crisis: State and Scholar in Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game and Walter Miller’s A Canticle for Leibowitz," Extrapolation, Vol. 49, No. 1, 2008, pp. 122-141.
Wilde, Lawrence. "The Radical Appeal of Hermann Hesse's Alternative Community," Utopian Studies, Vol. 10, 1999. (At Access My Library or at Questia with account.)
Antosik, Stanley J. The Question of Elites: An Essay on the Cultural Elitism of Nietzsche, George, and Hesse. Bern: Peter Lang, 1978. (New York University Ottendorfer Series; Vol. 11)
Mileck, Joseph. Hermann Hesse: Between the Perils of Politics and the Allure of the Orient. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. (Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics; 55)
Norton, Roger C. "Hermann Hesse's Criticism of Technology," The Germanic Review, vol. 43, no. 4, 1968, pp. 267-273.
Norton, Roger C. Hermann Hesse's Futuristic Idealism: The Glass Bead Game and Its Predecessors. Bern: Herbert Lang; Frankfurt am Main.: Peter Lang, 1973.
Seeger, Clara Elisabeth. Biography, Historiography, and the Philosophy of History in Hermann Hesse's 'Die Morgenlandfahrt' and 'Das Glasperlenspiel'. Stuttgart: Heinz, 1999.
Tusken, Lewis W. Review of [...], Modern Language Review, Vol. 97, No. 2, April 2002, pp. 498-500.
Wegner, Robert A. Hermann Hesse: The Politics of a Liberal Humanist (1914-1933). MA Thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1973.
Glass Bead Games / Clifford Jordan Quartet (4:36) in album Glass Bead Games (recorded 1973, released 1974, Strata-East; re-released 2006).
Glass Bead Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clifford Jordan: Clifford Jordan’s Glass Bead Games: Coltrane's Progeny by Samuel Chell, All About Jazz, August 16, 2007.
A Glass Bead Game by Frank Blau (17 min.)
Hesse’s novel, James Joyce, & the evolution of database architecture.
Hermann Hesse Home Page / Prof. Gunther Gottschalk (bilingual site)
GLASS BEAD GAME—Cosmic Play In a Symbolic Universe [caveat emptor]
Das Glasperlenspiel: Inre Lives— life compositions— Hesse wrote...
HipBone Games by Charles Cameron
The Glass Bead Game (Mindsports, playable; Christian Freeling, Mancala variant, 1979)
Hermann Hesse: 'The Glass Bead Game' (1) by R. Dumain
Hermann Hesse @ Ĝirafo by R. Dumain (in English & Esperanto)
La lasta somero de Klinsor (elĉerpaĵo), de Hermann Hesse, trad. Wolfram Diestel
Hermann Hesse's GLASS BEAD GAME by Ştefan Borbély
The Question of Elites: An Essay on the Cultural Elitism of Nietzsche, George, and Hesse (Selections) by Stanley J. Antosik
The Imaginary Elites of Hermann Hesse: The Order of Castalia
(Uploaded 11/10/09; rev. 12/21/09, 10/2/10, 11/22/10, 9/29/19, 10/2/19, 10/22/19, 10/25/19, 11/27/20, 11/30/20, 6/6/22, 1/8/23, 2/11/24)
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