First Universal Races Congress.
Papers on Inter-Racial Problems, Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress, Held at the University of London, July 26-29, 1911; edited by Gustav Spiller. London: P. S. King & Son; Boston: The World’s Peace Foundation, 1911. xlvi, 485 pp.
Adler, Felix. “Report of the First Universal Races Congress, Held at London, July 26-29, 1911,” in Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior ..., Volume 1 [United States Bureau of Education, Dept. of the Interior] (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1912), pp. 609-617.
Chamberlain, Alexander F. Review: Papers on Inter-Racial Problems Communicated to the Universal Races Congress, Held at the University of London, July 26-29, 1911 by G. Spiller, The Journal of Race Development, vol. 2, no. 4, April 1912, pp. 494-497.
First Universal Races Congress, London University, July 26-29, 1911. Questionnaire, Mind, vol. 20, no. 77, January 1911, pp. 159-160.
First Universal Races Congress, University of London, July 26-29, 1911. London: Watts and Co., 1910. 47 pp.
Haddon, A[lfred] C. “The First Universal Races Congress,” Science, vol. 34, no. 871, September 8, 1911, pp. 304–306.
Lacerda, João Baptista de. O Congresso universal das raças reunido em Londres (1911). Apreciação e commentarios pelo Dr. J.B. de Lacerda, delegado do Brasil nesse congresso. Rio de Janeiro: Papelaria Macedo, 1912.
Men of the Month: Lord Weardale, The Crisis, May 1911, p. 10.
“The Races Congress,” The Crisis, vol. 2, no. 5, September 1911, pp. 200-209; plus see p. 196 and congress photo on pp. 198-199.
“Races Congress: A July Function,” Evening Post [New Zealand], volume LXXXI, issue 65, 18 March 1911, p. 9. Mentions Zamenhof.
Rawson, H. E. “The Native Problem,” Journal of the Royal African Society, vol. 11, no. 42, Jan. 1912, pp. 151-172.
Record of the Proceedings of the First Universal Races Congress, Held at the University of London, July 26-29, 1911. London: P.S. King & Son, 1911.
“Report of the First Universal Races Congress, University of London, July 26-29, 1911,” African Times and Orient Review, July 1912, pp. 27-30.
Scarborough, William Sanders. “The Congress of Races—Dr. Scarborough Talks Interestingly of Some Happenings at the Congress of Races,” Christian Recorder, September 14, 1941.
Singh, Saint Nihal. “Trying to Solve the Problems of Race,” The American Review of Reviews, vol. 44, no.3, September 1911, pp. 339-344.
Weardale, Philip James Stanhope, Baron (Lord Weardale). The First Universal Races Congress. New York: American Association for International Conciliation, 1911. (International Conciliation; no. 42)
Anonymous. “The First Universal Race Congress in London, England,” The American Missionary, vol. 45, no. 9, September 1911, pp. 323-324. With quotations from Du Bois.
“The First Universal Races Congress,” The Independent, 70, August 24, 1911, pp. 401-403; reprinted in W.E.B. Du Bois: A Reader, edited by David Levering Lewis, rev. (New York: Macmillan, 1995), pp. 44-47.
"A Hymn to the Peoples," African Methodist Episcopal Church Review, Vol. 28, Number 2, October 1911; reprinted in Darkwater: Voices from within the Veil (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1920).
“Races,” The Crisis, vol. 2, no. 4, August 1911, pp.157-158.
Boas, Franz. “The Instability of Human Types,” in Papers on Interracial Problems Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress Held at the University of London, July 26–29, 1911, ed. Gustav Spiller (Boston: Ginn and Co., 1912), pp. 99–103.
“Races Congress: A July Function,” Evening Post [New Zealand], volume LXXXI, issue 65, 18 March 1911, p. 9.
Rogers, [J]oel A[ugustus]. From “Superman” to Man, 5th ed., revised (St. Petersburg, FL: Helga M. Rogers, 1968), p. 17.
Twentieth Century Renaissance and Race Unity by Bahram Nadimi, 18 Jan 2011
Zamenhof, L. L. “Gentoj kaj Lingvo Internacia,” en Originala Verkaro: Antaŭparoloj, Gazetartikoloj, Traktaĵoj, Paroladoj, Leteroj, Poemoj; kolektitaj & ordigitaj de Joh[annes]. Dietterle (Leipzig: Ferdinand Hirt & Sohn, 1929), p. 345-353.
____________. “International Language,” in Papers on Inter-Racial Problems, Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress, Held at the University of London, July 26-29, 1911; edited by Gustav Spiller (London: P. S. King & Son; Boston: The World’s Peace Foundation, 1911), Eighth Session, ‘Positive Suggestions for Promoting Inter-Racial Friendliness (continued)’, pp. 425-432. This is the English version of Gentoj kaj Lingvo Internacia.
Rogers, [J]oel A[ugustus]. From “Superman” to Man. 5th ed., revised. St. Petersburg, FL: Helga M. Rogers, 1968. (1st ed., 1917.)
Appiah, Anthony. “The Uncompleted Argument: Du Bois and the Illusion of Race," Critical Inquiry, Vol. 12, No. 1 ("Race," Writing, and Difference), Autumn 1985, pp. 21-37.
Biddiss, Michael D. “The Universal Races Congress of 1911,” Race & Class, vol. 13, no. 1, July 1971, pp. 37–46.
Bonakdarian, Mansour. “Negotiating Universal Values and Cultural and National Parameters at the First Universal Races Congress,” Radical History Review, no. 92, Spring 2005, pp. 118 - 132. (Special issue: "Another World Was Possible: A Century of Movements")
Buck, Christopher. Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy. Los Angeles: Kalimát Press, 2005. (Studies in the Bábí and Bahá’í Religions; vol. 18)
_______________. “Alain Locke: Race Leader, Social Philosopher, Bahá’í Pluralist,” World Order, vol. 36, no. 3, 2005, pp. 7-36.
Ducks, Thomas. “Menschen wie wir,” Die Zeit, 19 April 2000 (no. 17), p. 88.
Fletcher, Ian C. “'Devoted to the Interests of the Coloured Races of the World': African Times and Orient Review the Globalization of Anticolonialism,” paper delivered at Global Studies Association/North American Conference: Global Crises and Beyond, University of Illinois, 7 May 2010. Abstract.
____________. “Introduction: New Historical Perspectives on the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” Radical History Review, no. 92, Spring 2005, pp. 99 - 102.
____________. “’The Rise of the Native’: The First Universal Races Congress of 1911 and the Formation of Anticolonial Subjects,” Southeast World History Association, Salem, Virginia, October 2009.
Fletcher, Yaël Simpson. “Cosmopolitanisms in the Era of the First Universal Races Congress of 1911,” paper delivered at Global Studies Association/North American Conference: Global Crises and Beyond, University of Illinois,7 May 2010. Abstract.
Gilroy, Paul. “Multiculture in Times of War,” LSE, 10 May 2006.
Gregg, Robert; Kale, Madhavi. “The Negro and the Dark Princess: Two Legacies of the Universal Races Congress,” Radical History Review, no. 92, Spring 2005, pp. 133 - 152.
Guterl, Matthew Pratt. “The New Race Consciousness: Race, Nation, and Empire in American Culture, 1910-1925,” Journal of World History, volume 10, number 2, Fall 1999, pp. 307-352 .
Holton, Robert John. “Cosmopolitanism or Cosmopolitanisms? The Universal Races Congress of 1911 ,” Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs vol. 2, no. 2, 2002, pp. 153–70.
Lake, Marilyn. “Chinese Colonists Assert Their "Common Human Rights": Cosmopolitanism as Subject and Method of History,” Journal of World History, Volume 21, Number 3, September 2010, pp. 375-392.
Lake, Marilyn; Reynolds, Henry. Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men's Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. (Critical Perspectives on Empire)
Liss, Julia E. “Diasporic Identities: The Science and Politics of Race in the Work of Franz Boas and W. E. B. Du Bois, 1894-1919,” Cultural Anthropology, vol. 13, no. 2, 1998, pp. 127-166.
Lyons, Harriet D. & Andrew P. “A Race or Not a Race: The Question of Jewish Identity in the Year of the First Universal Races Congress,” in Ethnicity, Identity, and History: Essays in Memory of Werner J. Cahnman, edited by Joseph B. Maier and Chaim I. Waxman (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1983), pp. 149-162.
Matysik, Tracie. “German Cosmopolitanisms, or Human Sciences in the Internationalist Context,” paper for conference, Rethinking German Modernities—What is the ‘Germanness’ of German History?, May 26-27, 2006, University of Michigan.
Pennybacker, Susan D. “The Universal Races Congress, London Political Culture, and Imperial Dissent, 1900–1939,” Radical History Review, no. 92, Spring 2005, pp. 103 - 117.
Rich, Paul. “'The Baptism of a New Era': The 1911 Universal Races Congress and the Liberal Ideology of Race,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 7, Issue 4, October 1984 , pp. 534 – 550.
Rudwick, Elliot M. “W. E. B. Du Bois and the Universal Races Congress of 1911,” Phylon, vol. 20, no. 4, 4th quarter, 1959, pp. 372–378.
Schirbel, Gabriele. Strukturen des Internationalismus : First Universal Races Congress, London 1911: der Weg zur Gemeinschaft der Völker. 2 vols. Münster: Lit, 1991. (Studien zur Friedensforschung; Bd. 3) Doctoral disseration, Universität Münster, 1991.
Schwarcz, L. M. [Predictions are always deceptive: João Baptista de Lacerda and his white Brazil] (In Portuguese), História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 225-242.
Shepperson, George. ‘Pan-Africanism and "Pan-Africanism": Some Historical Notes’, Phylon, vol. 23, no. 4, Winter 1962, pp. 346-358.
Smith, John David. “W. E. B. Du Bois, Felix von Luschan, and Racial Reform at the 'Fin de Siecle,'” Amerikastudien, vol. 47, issue 1, 2002, p. 23-38.
Whittall, Daniel. Review of Lake, Marilyn; Reynolds, Henry, Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men's Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality. H-HistGeog, H-Net Reviews. June, 2009.
RACE - The Power of an Illusion . Go Deeper | PBS (2003)
Global Events - Exploring Democracy (Milestones in Australian Democracy)
African National Congress Timeline 1910-1919 | South African History Online
Universal Races Congress (The Open University: Making Britain: Discover how South Asians shaped the nation, 1870-1950)
Black People in Britain: The 1930s by Barbara Bush,, History Today, Volume 31, Issue 9.
History detection (CONTEXT blog, September 19, 2010)
Universal Races Congress @ Ĝirafo
Universal Races Congress @ Reason & Society
Twentieth Century Renaissance and Race Unity by Bahram Nadimi, 18 Jan 2011
Thoughts of War and Peace—and an Anniversary by Bahram Nadimi, 12 August 2011
Indians 101: A Century Ago by Ojibwa, Daily Kos, March 22, 2011
Charles Alexander Eastman [Ohiyesa] (February 19, 1858-January 8, 1939)
bahaitravelswest (blog); see esp.:
#20 – 100 Years Ago – the early months in 1911 of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s stay in Egypt
#22 – 100 Years Ago, July 1911, Egypt
#24 – 100 Years Ago – Letters of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to the Universal Races Congress
100 years ago Abdul-Baha traveled to the West (blog, July 18, 2011)
Excerpt from 'From Superman to Man' by J.A. Rogers, Vibes of Humanity (blog), June 28, 2011
The Problem With Constructing A History Of The African Jewish Identity, africaisrael blog, June 1, 2011 (specific reference in eccentric context)
American Indian Studies Seminar: Kyle Mays, Transnational Progressives [The Newberry Library, Chicago], Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:30 - 6:30 pm: "Transnational Progressives: African Americans, Native Americans, and the Universal Races Congress," Kyle Mays, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
"The First Universal Races Congress of 1911" by Emil Volcheck, Dialogue Online (American Ethical Union), Fall 2011.
Compiled 11 February
© 2011 Ralph Dumain. All rights reserved.
"A Hymn to the Peoples" by W. E. B. Du Bois
Du Bois on Religion (Contents), ed. by Phil Zuckerman
From “Superman” to Man by J. A. Rogers
Equality of Intellect, & the History of Civilization
(extract from
From “Superman” to Man)
by J. A. Rogers
“International Language” (Universal Races Congress, 1911) by L. L. Zamenhof
Gentoj kaj Lingvo Internacia (1911) de L. L. Zamenhof
Gustav Spiller Against the Fourth Dimension
Black Studies, Music, America vs Europe Study Guide
Zamenhof & Zamenhofologio: Retgvidilo / Web Guide
Universal Races Congress @ Ĝirafo
Universal Races Congress @ Reason & Society
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