by Ralph Dumain
Romare Bearden
The Street (Composition for
Richard Wright), c. 1977
Gift of Werner H. and Sarah-Ann Kramarsky and Collectors Committee Fund
© Romare Bearden Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
Collection of National
Gallery of Art
Richard Wright Defines The Outsider
Richard Wright’s Outsider, Negroes & Flying Saucers
Richard Wright's The Outsider (1953): Selected Quotes
Richard Wright: Letter to Mike Gold, May 1940 (Excerpt): On Bigger & Hitler
Richard Wright on Albert Camus’ The Stranger
“Negreto” (excerpt from Black Boy in Esperanto translation)
Richard Wright's White Man, Listen!
Simone de Beauvoir on literature, metaphysics, the American novel, & Richard Wright
Notes on Bruce Kuklick’s Black Philosopher, White Academy: The Career of William Fontaine by Ralph Dumain
“The Mind and Thought of the Negro of the United States as Revealed in Imaginative Literature, 1876-1940†by William T. Fontaine
“The Dilemma of the Negro Novelist in the United States” (1948) [Excerpts] by Chester Himes
Book Review (Draft of above): Richard Wright: The Life and Times by Hazel Rowley
Cornel West's Evasion of Philosophy, Or, Richard Wright's Revenge by R. Dumain
“On the Significance of The Signifying Monkey by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.” by R. Dumain
AfroBS Dropping (review of Afrofuturism Rising) by R. Dumain
2 Haiku for Richard Wright by R. Dumain
August Wilson on Jorge Luis Borges
Individual Identity, Historical Meaning, and the Unknown Autodidact
Richard Wright's "The Man Who Lived Underground": Notes for Discussion
Richard Wright's "The Man Who Lived Underground": Annotated Select Bibliography
Ash of Stars: One half of a dialogue on Samuel R. Delany by R. Dumain
Adorno for Autodidacts (podcast: notes & references) by R. Dumain
Dialectic and Dystopia: A Century Before and After the Russian Revolution Through Literature (podcast transcript) by R. Dumain
Dostoevsky’s Underground, Ideology, Reception: A Very Select Bibliography
Flying Saucers & Afrofuturism — Counternarratives Study Guide
Black Studies, Music, America vs Europe—Study Guide
African American / Black Autodidacticism, Education, Intellectual Life
American Philosophy Study Guide
by R. Dumain
Richard Wright @ Reason & Society
The Richard Wright Connection (The C.L.R. James Institute)
The Richard Wright Connection: Quotations (a must-see)
Richard Wright - Wikisource (with Dumain influence)
Slavery & Freedom Literature II: Modern (Richard Wright links) [defunct site]
Richard Wright--Richard Hancuff's Page [defunct site]
Richard Wright (1908-1960): Modern American Poetry [almost empty site]
“Editors Refused to Publish Richard Wright's Most Important Novel—Until Now” by Leigh Haber, Oprah Daily, March 25, 2021
“The Man Who Was Almost a Man” by Richard Wright
Richard Wright classroom guide (to “The Man Who Was Almost a Man”)
Granda nigra bona viro [“Big Black Good Man”] (1957) de Richard Wright (Esperanto translation)
“Black Boys and Native Sons” by Irving Howe (Dissent, Autumn 1963, pp. 353-68)
The Linguistic Turn, Materialism and 'Race': Toward an 'Aesthetics of Crisis' by Robert Young (Alethia 2.1, 1999) [dead link]
Reading Guide on Native Son from HarperCollins Publishers
Richard Wright: Black Boy (1 of 5)
2. Richard Wright, Black Boy: Lecture 2 of Yale course "The American Novel Since 1945" (ENGL 291) by Amy Hungerford, Spring 2008 (YouTube)
“Richard Wright and the Persistence of Racism” by Kenneth Rexroth (The Urbanite, March 1961)
Richard Wright Centennial (1908 /
[All links defunct]
Richard Wright on the Eve of His 100th Birthday
Monthly Discussion Sessions, January Through December 2007 (Jerry Ward)
The American University of Paris | International Richard Wright Centennial Conference
“Richard Wright at 100” Special Session of South Central Modern Language Association Convention, November 6-8, San Antonio, Texas
"Richard Wright at 100" -
International Conference - Departamento de Letras da Universidade da
Beira Interior, Portugal - 28-29 November 2008.
Submit 250-word abstracts to Prof.
Paula Elyseu
Mesquita by 1 July 2008.
Celebrating 100 Years of Richard Wright at the American University of Paris, 19-21 June 2008, documented by Kaleem Ashraf
A Father's Son: Wright fiction published 2008
Richard Wright's Unfinished Work Hits the Stands (NPR) 2008
'Father's Law' a Reflection of Wright's Masterpieces (NPR) Jan. 7, 2008
Campbell, James. "Richard Wright: Black First," The Times Literary Supplement, June 11, 2008. [dead link]
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Uploaded 21 October 2001
Graphic image added 21 July 2011
Last update 5 September 2023
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