In this world we presume many ambitions. We make many observations such as (a) everyone's aloneness (there really are no categories, you know. Everyone is so alone — the basic, essential state of humankind); (b) the paradox that is communication — the built-in answer to that feeling of aloneness. Communication itself is what baffles the multitude. It is both so difficult and so simple. Of all men's fears, I think that men are most afraid of being what they are — in direct communication with the world at large. They fear reprisals, the most personal of which is that they "won't be understood." . . . Yet, every time God's children have thrown away fear in pursuit of honesty — trying to communicate themselves, understood or not — miracles have happened. — Excerpt from Program Note for “A Concert of Sacred Music” (1965) |
Duke Ellington
Komunikas ‘Preter Kategorio’
(Esperanto translation)
Duke Ellington: "We, Too, Sing 'America'"
“Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam” by Heinrich Heine with English translations
“From soul to soul” (Lélektől lélekig) by Árpád Tóth
La Sunvoranto (por
Joan Miró) / The Sun-Devourer (for Joan Miró)
de/by Ralph Dumain
Black Studies, Music, America vs Europe
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