Atheism / Freethought / Humanism /
Ethical Culture / Rationalism / Agnosticism / Skepticism / Unbelief /
Secularism / Church-State Separation
Web Links

"There are no foxes in atheistholes."
   — Ralph Dumain, ca. 1971

"A man without a god is like a fish without a bicycle."
   — Anonymous

Organizations: Washington, DC Area

Washington DC Area Coalition of Reason

Washington Area Secular Humanists (WASH)

Secular Perspectives (blog)

Center for Inquiry - Washington D.C.

District of Columbia Atheists, Incorporated. See also:

Capital Beltway Atheists Meetup Group

Beltway Atheists on

Beltway Atheists (a remnant of the original group)

NOVA Atheists

Religion Reality Check - ASUSA (Alliance of Secularists USA)

The Washington Ethical Society

National Capital Area Skeptics

MACHAR/The Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism

Secular Students at Howard University

Ingersoll Oratory Contest

Baltimore Coalition of Reason

Organizations: United States

American Atheists

American Humanist Association

Why believe in a god? - American Humanist Association

Council for Secular Humanism

Center for Inquiry on Campus

Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)

Living Without Religion: A Campaign by Center for Inquiry

Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc.

United Coalition of Reason

Institute for Humanist Studies (IHS)

The Humanist Institute

Religion Reality Check - ASUSA (Alliance of Secularists USA)

Secular Student Alliance

Center for Atheism

Organizations: United States: Regional & Local

The Freethought Society (of Greater Philadelphia)

Organizations: International

International Humanist and Ethical Union

International Liaison Committee of Atheists and Freethinkers

Organizations: Religious Humanism / Secular & Liberal “Religious” Groups: United States

American Ethical Union

Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations

Society for Humanistic Judaism

Unitarian Universalist Association

Organizations: Church-State Separation

Americans for Religious Liberty

Americans United for Separation of Church and State

Secular Coalition for America

Other Organizations

Rationalist Society of Australia

Humanist Society of Scotland

Atheist Association of Finland

Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée (French)


American Atheist (publication of American Atheists)

Free Inquiry (publication of Council for Secular Humanism)

Freethought Today (publication of Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc.)

Humanism Today - The Journal of the Humanist Institute (online)

The Humanist (publication of American Humanist Association)

New Humanist (UK)

Philo ("the only professional philosophy journal devoted exclusively to criticisms of theism & defenses or developments of naturalism")

Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism (journal of the American Humanist Association)

Humanism Today (The Humanist Institute)

Positive Atheism (online magazine)

The Truth Seeker
There are back issues online.

The Rationalist

Secularism and Nonreligion (Vol. 1, 2012 -)

The Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine

Skeptical Inquirer magazine (publication of CSICOP)

Freethought History Newsletter, #12 (1994) & #13 (1995)


The Atheist Alliance Web Center
Links galore: members, directory, library, etc.

United Coalition of Reason

Secular Coalition for America

Secular Student Alliance

Web Guides, Web Rings, Multiple Resources

Annotated Webliography of Humanism


Council for Secular Humanism selectively lists humanist links. Website results for Atheism

Freethought Ring (worldwide, supports web hosting)

Secular Web

Skeptic Ring

WASH has very useful links pages.

Religious Movements Homepage: Atheism


Atheist Blogroll

Rant & Reason (sponsored by American Humanist Association)

Secular Perspectives (sponsored by Washington Area Secular Humanists)

Atheism Blogs - Blogs for Atheists

Agnosticism & Atheism with Austin Cline (blog)

Capella's Guide to Atheism - An Atheist's Guide to Scripture and more

Atheist Network

The New Humanism Blog

Planet Humanism

The Heart of Humanism

The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere (SSRC)
    a suspect perspective

Daylight Atheism

Julia Sweeney (formerly of Saturday Nite Live, nonbeliever's blog)

The Little Book of Humanity

Alenthony’s Inferno Nuova
    (see also S.A. Alenthony's Dante-esque The Infernova)

Greta Christina's Blog

Skeptical Humanities

The Perplexed Observer

Atheist Revolution

Religion *is* a Problem

Atheist Movies

Heathen's Guide / William Hopper's Blog
Companion blog to Heathen's Guide to World Religions

Debunking Christianity

Left Agenda

Indian Atheists

Black Woman Thinks...Religion, Politics, Race, Atheism and more!

Godless and Black (James White Wrath)

Words of Wrath (James White Wrath)

The Black Atheist™

Take It Up With Your God

Reason & Society (Current blog of Ralph Dumain)

Special Atheist / Freethought / Humanist / Secularist Web Sites

Atheist Media Blog

Free Thought Media [apparently defunct]

The Infidel Guy

Equal Time for Freethought

SPINOZA'S LENS - A Project of the Center for Inquiry Institute Agnosticism/Atheism

Paul Kurtz

Atheist Empire - All About Atheism

Atheism - How to live without God, religion and beliefs: texts, humor, quotes and quotations
English-language interface to French site; material in English & French

Evil Bible

The Infidels

The End of Faith: Religion, Terror & The Future of Reason, by Sam Harris - The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science


The Freethought Almanac by Ronald Bruce Meyer

Skepchick Magazine

Barry F. Seidman

Julia Sweeney (formerly of Saturday Nite Live, nonbeliever's blog)

COHE :: The Continuum of Humanist Education

Coming Out Godless: What's Your Story? (Freethinkers)


Childhood and Religion (Benjamin Abelow, M.D.)

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party

Unholy Legacy of Abraham
Free download of book available

Freethunk (humor & entertainment)

Church of Reality
"If It's Real We Believe in It!"

Landover Baptist | Where the Worthwhile Worship. Unsaved Unwelcome. (spoof)

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Miscellaneous Individual Sites

Dangerous Talk

The Rational Response Squad

Fred Whitehead

Evolving Mind

The Assertive Atheist

Reverend AtheiStar

Trust Reason

A Call to Sanity (Jason Scott Yeldel)

Black Sun Journal - Atheism, Climate Change, Drug War, Atheist, Religion


Edward Jayne's Homepage

Sam Singleton Atheist Evangelist

Jeff Nall: Writer, Speaker, Activist

Condorcet: Male Prophet of Feminism, by Jeff Nall

Encyclopedia Articles

Atheism - Wikipedia (note links)
   See also Category:Atheism

Freethought - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Agnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
   See also Category:Agnosticism

Secular humanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Secularism - Wikipedia
  See also Category:Secularism


The Largest Atheist / Agnostic Populations

Online Texts: Sources

American Atheists is generous with online texts.
There are also FAQs, and units on Christianity, Islam, and evolution, as well as AA's own publications.

Council for Secular Humanism has a number of online texts, and a bookshop.

FFRF makes some of its publications available online as well as in print form, and especially online pamphlets.

An English Atheist

Atheism (Lust for Life links)

Freethought Archives

Specific Online Texts

The Necessity of Atheism by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Dialogue between a Priest and a Dying Man by the Marquis de Sade

Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain

Upstart Radio audio version of Letters From the Earth by Mark Twain

The God Pestilence by Johann Most

The God Pestilence by Johann Most

The God Pestilence by Johann Most

The God Pestilence by Johann Most

The God Pestilence by Johann Most, Foreword by Fred Woodworth

Die Gottespest / Johann Most

On the Significance of Militant Materialism (Excerpt) by V. I. Lenin (Full text)

A History of Freedom of Thought by J. B. Bury (1913)

at Project Gutenberg

at google books

How the Gods were Made by John Keracher

The Meaning Of Atheism by E. Haldeman-Julius. Little Blue Book No. 1597. Haldeman-Julius Company. Copies all over the web.

Is Theism a Logical Philosophy? (1930 Debate between E. Haldeman-Julius and Rev. Burris Jenkins)

The Church Is a Burden, Not a Benefit, in Social Life by E. Haldeman-Julius

Studies In Rationalism edited by E. Haldeman-Julius (Big Blue Book #B-7)

E. Haldeman-Julius - Marketing Master
   Wednesday, September 24, 2004

Big Blue Books by Joseph McCabe

A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers by Joseph McCabe (1945)

The Philosophy of Humanism by Corliss Lamont

An Atheist Manifesto by Joseph Lewis PDF or HTML

God and My Neighbor by Robert Blatchford (1911)

The Meek and the Militant: Religion and Power Across the World by Paul N. Siegel (1986)
    Contents, Preface, chapters 1-3, 9
    Chapter 10: sections "The Castroites and Religion", "The Sandinistas and Religion", "Religion and the Struggle for Socialism"

The Final Sentence of Section #151 in Adorno’s Minima Moralia” by Nick Overduin

Skeptic's Annotated Bible / Quran / Book of Mormon

Assassinations Foretold in Moby Dick! by Brendan McKay

Religion and “Believers” by Nikos Raptis

Atheism: Belief in no God, or no belief in God; there is a difference

Revolution Online: Atheism & Religion

Revolution Online: Christian Fascism


Secularism 101: Religion, Society, and Politics; Index of Articles and Resources

Secularism - Wikipedia
   see also: Category:Secularism

National Secular Society (UK)

Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture (ISSSC)

Secular Student Alliance

The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere (SSRC blog)
    a suspect perspective

Hallowed Secularism
Caveat Emptor

Related & Competing Doctrines

The Center for Naturalism

Agnosticism: Uncertainty about whether God exists

World Union of Deists

Temple of Reason (Deists)



Religious Humanism


Scientism and its Discontents (2017) by Susan Haack

Critical & Rational Thinking

Critical Thinking On The Web (Tim van Gelder)

Foundation for Critical Thinking

Butterflies and Wheels: Fighting Fashionable Nonsense

Black / African-American / African Atheism (further relevant links on black intellectuals in my general bibliography)

African Americans for Humanism

Harlem Community / Center for Inquiry

The Infidel Guy

Secular Students at Howard University

Famous Black Freethinkers Page

Black American Free Thought Association (BAF/TA)

Greydon Square on MySpace Music

"‘Out of the Closet’ — Black Atheists" by Sikivu Hutchinson

in the L.A. Watts Times, 28 May 2009
at Afro-Netizen
at blackfemlens, 13 May 2009

See also: "The Moral Choice: Blacks, Homophobia and Proposition 8," 29 Oct 2008

"The cultural tethers of organized religion": Interview with Black Atheist Sikivu Hutchinson
Greta Christina's Blog, 11 June 2009

Black Woman Thinks...Religion, Politics, Race, Atheism and more! (blog)

Godless and Black (James White Wrath, blog)

Words of Wrath (James White Wrath, blog)

Black Atheists (blog)
"We are a minority within a minority."

The Gary C. Booker Mental Self-Defense Foundation

The First Annual Conference of Black Nontheists, Friday, 7 August – Sunday, 9 August 2009, Atlanta, Georgia

The National Black Anti-Quackery Task Force

Black Atheists of America

The Grenada Freethought Community

Neil deGrasse Tyson: The Official Website

The Black Atheist™ (blog)

Take It Up With Your God (blog)

Siddity: Angry & Black since 1976 (blog)

Daily Dose (of Vitamin R, blog)

Apanage21 (blog)

Black Skeptics Group (Blog)

Rants and Raves of a Black Skeptic (blog closed down)

Marquell Garrett's Mind: The Opinion of the Truth (blog)

The African American Agnostic (blog)

No Religion Know Reason (Caribatheist's Blog)

The Only Prayer I’ll Ever Pray: Let My People Go by Donald R. Wright

Chai/Change/Chaos (blog)

Zhiyah, the Affirmative Atheist

A Call to Sanity (Jason Scott Yeldel) (Clarence Williams)

Frank the Financially Savvy Atheist (The F.S.A.): Where the hell are they? blog

Quitstorm (blog)

Science, Technology and Innovation for Revealing Modernity in Africa

We Are All Africans (site & book)

Black Freethought discussion group (created 2009.02.06) on Atheist Nexus

Black Freethinkers Yahoo Group

Black FreeThinkers (social network)


Black Atheist Alliance

Black Atheists

Black and Non-Religious

Black Nonbelievers of Atlanta

Single Black Atheists Dating Pool

African American Atheists (A.A.A.)

African Freethinkers

South African Atheists

South African Atheists (2)

Anti-Religion - South Africa

Atheist Nation (SA) [South Africa]


Black Atheists


Black Atheists (BlackAtheists) on Twitter

Today's Atheists of America

Freethinkers New Trinity (caveat emptor)


Black Atheist yields best results; try also "African American atheist", "black freethinker", etc.

Discussion: Being Atheist & Black (Austin's Atheism Blog)

The Hubert Harrison Center

Lucy Parsons, black American anarchist. See entry in Freethinkers in Texas (WORD document) or The Handbook of Texas Online. See also Lucy Parsons at NNDB.

Richard B. Moore, radical politics, and the Afro-American history movement: the formation of a revolutionary tradition in African American intellectual culture by John M. McClendon

Teaching Hurricane Katrina: Understanding Divine Racism and Theodicy by Stephen C. Ferguson II

Lectures on Liberation by Angela Davis; alternate site Charles W. Chesnutt Library


UHASSO: Uganda Humanist Association

South African Skeptics

Kenyan Humanists' Association

Kenyan Humanist Association (Facebook)

Religion and “Believers” by Nikos Raptis

Jewish Secularism & Atheism

MACHAR/The Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism

Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations

Society for Humanistic Judaism

Jewish Virtual Library on Haskalah

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Atheist Jew
    Humanistic Judaism

Free Judaism | English articles (Israel)

The Atheist Rabbi (blog)

Atheism, Humanism, Secularism, & Science in India

List of secularist organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (India)

Indian Humanist

Nirmukta (dynamic site + blog)

K.P.S. Kamath archive

Indian Atheists (blog)

Atheists of India yahoo discussion group

Carvaka - The Atheist/Materialist Philosophy of Ancient India Facebook Group

Carvaka Google Group

Atheism in India

Note the atheist Gora's autobiography, including his book "An Atheist with Gandhi"

"Development of Philosophical Thought and Scientific Method in Ancient India"

Essays on IHEU site


Philosopher of the Humanist Revolution (M.N. Roy) by Babu Gogineni

The Four dangers of irrationalism by Levi Fragell, President, IHEU. January 18th, 2000. Lecture at the Indian Rationalist Association´s Golden Jubilee Conference in Trivandrum, India

Secularism, science and the Right” [Review of Meera Nanda, The Wrongs of the Religious Right: Reflections on Science, Secularism and Hindutva] by R. Dumain

"Distortion of history worries Amartya", The Hindu, 06/11/2005

"Humanism In India" by Matt Cherry, Free Inquiry, Volume 16, Number 4, Fall 1996

Is God Dead? (An Introduction to Kya ishwar mar chuka hai?) by Dr. Ramendra Nath

Why I Am Not a Hindu by Ramendra Nath (1993)

Answer to Why I Am Not a Hindu

"Why I am an Atheist" by Bhagat Singh (1931)

"Science and Freedom" by D. D. Kosambi (1952)

"The Decline of Buddhism in India" by D. D. Kosambi (1956)

"Some Aspects of Marxism and Dialectical Materialism" by Shibdas Ghosh (1964)

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar And His People

B. R. Ambedkar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Atheistic Materialism in Ancient India by Namit Arora (with comments), 3 Quarks Daily, 25 May 2009

On the scientific temper:

Constitution of India: Article 51 A: Fundamental duties
"(h) to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform"

Scientific temper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nehru's Scientific Temper Recalled by Jairam Ramesh

Why Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s concept of ‘scientific temper’ is very critical to the future of our children? by Abdul Fakhri

Scientific temper and the argumentative Indian by D. Balasubramanian

Freethought in the Islamic World

Secular Islam blog

DiaHumanism Institute for Studies in Freethought ( DISF)

Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime (in German)

Full text: Writers' statement on cartoons

MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online Discussion Groups / Meetups / Social Networking Sites / Finding One Another

Atheist Nexus (social network)

Think Atheist (social network)

Atheist Universe (social network, started 4 March 2011), the freethinker's online book discussion community

Secular E-Mail Lists & Discussion Groups

Meetup Groups: search for atheists & humanists

Internet Infidels Discussion Board

Yahoo! Groups: search for 'atheism', 'freethought', 'secular humanism', etc.

topica email discussion lists: search for 'atheists', 'humanism' Philosophy of Religion Discussion Lists

Important Atheists/Freethinkers/Humanists & Related Figures in History

Darwin Day Celebration

Corliss Lamont Website



Robert Green Ingersoll [1833 - 1899]

Robert G. Ingersoll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Ingersoll dot com

Ingersoll Complete Works online

Ingersoll Infography

Ingersoll Oratory Contest (Washington, DC)

Joseph McCabe

Omnivore Issue 32 by Scott McLemee (TPM Online)

Joseph McCabe: Atheist Prophet for Our Time by Hal Verb

Thomas Paine

Tom Paine works online

Thomas Paine National Historical Association

For info on organizations arranging celebrations, go to the Thomas Paine Institute

Publications for Sale

Bank of Wisdom (rare freethought classics on CD-ROM)

Books of Interest

Women Without Superstition: “No Gods - No Masters”: The Collected Writings of Women Freethinkers of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Freethought on the American Frontier edited by Fred Whitehead & Verle Muhrer

Dictionary of Atheism, Skepticism, & Humanism by Bill Cooke

The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief edited by Tom Flynn

The Encyclopedia of Unbelief edited by Gordon Stein (old edition, 1985)


12 February
Darwin Day Celebration

11 August
Robert Green Ingersoll [1833 - 1899]

The Autodidact Project: Atheism / Freethought / Secular Humanism Links

Ralph Dumain on atheism, irreligion, and rationality

Stephen Jay Gould's Philosophy & History of Science & the Humanities by R. Dumain

Explicit & Tacit Positions of Science & Philosophy on Reason & Religion

Die Gedanken Sind Frei (My Thoughts Are Free)

Red Jacket vs. Christianity: The Native American as Rationalist

Religion and the Negro (From “Superman” to Man) by J. A. Rogers

W. E. B. Du Bois on Religion

Du Bois on Religion (Contents), ed. by Phil Zuckerman

"Goodbye Christ" by Langston Hughes

"Adiaŭ Kristo" [Goodbye Christ] de Langston Hughes, trad. R. Dumain

Lorraine Hansberry's Humanism

Adorno on Truth, Survival, Consolation & Freedom of Thought

D. T. Suzuki on Zen Buddhism, theism, belief & experience

T.W. Adorno on Zen Buddhism

The History of Hegel’s Youth: Review of Wilhelm Dilthey’s collected writings, Vol. IV” by Georg Lukács

The Two Epochs of Bourgeois Materialism: On Moleschott’s Centenary” by Georg Lukács

Bruno Bauer on Christianity, Alienation, and the Dialectics of Religious Consciousness

Lectures on the Essence of Religion (Selections) by Ludwig Feuerbach

M. Bakunin on Materialism and Idealism

Natural Order and the 'Divine Legislator' (according to Bakunin) by Paul McLaughlin

Negation: Bakunin and Bauer by Paul McLaughlin

Bakunin and Feuerbach: On Religion, Philosophy, & Naturalism by Paul McLaughlin

When God Was a Woman” by Bob Black

Diderot, Interpreter of Nature: Selected Writings translated by Jean Stewart & Jonathan Kemp

Baron d’Holbach, Philosopher of Common Sense by Ivan Sviták

The Dialectic of Common Sense: The Master Thinkers by Ivan Sviták

“The White Bull”: The Princess & the Serpent by Voltaire

Voltaire’s philosophical tales: commentary by R. Dumain

“There Is No God” (1813) by Percy Bysshe Shelley

“I Will Beget a Son” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

“Necessity! Thou Mother of the World!” by Percy Bysshe Shelley

A Fragment of A Refutation of Deism by Percy Bysshe Shelley

[A Refutation of the Christian Religion] (1814?) by Percy Bysshe Shelley

A Fragment on Miracles (1813-1815) by Percy Bysshe Shelley

On Polytheism (1819?) by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Essay on the Devil and Devils by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Christianity Exposed (Contents & Author’s Introduction) by Bruno Bauer

The Capacity of Present-Day Jews and Christians to Become Free” (1843) by Bruno Bauer

Karl Marx on Religion: Sources & Quotations

Marx on Science, Religion, Historical Method

Marx on Capital, Machinery, Universality, Descartes: From Worship to Instrumentalization of Nature

Engels on the British Ideology: Empiricism, Agnosticism, & “Shamefaced Materialism”

Engels (& Borges) on Carlyle

The Popes Combat Modernity in the Bourgeois Century

Louis Aragon vs Catholicism (1927)

Christopher Caudwell on religion as static imagination

Sigmund Freud on Ludwig Feuerbach

Sigmund Freud on Franz Brentano (& other philosophers)

"Spinoza, the First Secular Jew?" by Yirmiyahu Yovel

Salomon Maimon’s Autobiography: On a Proposed Conversion to Christianity

Adolph L. Reed, Jr. on Organicism, Authoritarianism, Clericalism, & Black Politics

James Baldwin Revisited (2): Go Tell It on the Mountain by Ralph Dumain

Lloyd L. Brown Talks to Mary Helen Washington: Writing the Collective Narrative (Route One Interview)

On Job's Dilemma: God's Injustice (from the play J.B.) by Archibald Macleish

Why Koshchei the Deathless Knows Neither Pride nor Love by James Branch Cabell

Review of J. G. Eccarius, The Last Days of Christ the Vampire by L. Chernyi

Pondering the Spirit World with Seinfeld

The Martian Chronicles & Our Subjective Desires by Ralph Dumain

Revisiting Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle by Ralph Dumain

“God or Labor: The Two Camps” by M. Bakunin

Scepticism & Fideism by Richard H. Popkin

“Doubt and Atheism” by Evlogi Dankov

A Different Kind of Criticism [of Religion: Excerpt] by Max Horkheimer

“Theses Against Occultism” by Theodor W. Adorno

Socialist Humanism: An International Symposium edited by Erich Fromm

"Socialist Humanism?" by Herbert Marcuse

"The Realm of Freedom and the Realm of Necessity: A Reconsideration" by Herbert Marcuse

Tolerance and Revolution: A Marxist-non-Marxist Humanist Dialogue, edited by Paul Kurtz and Svetozar Stojanović

Revolutionary Teleology and Ethics” by Svetozar Stojanović

Humanist Ethics: Dialogue on Basics, edited by Morris B. Storer

“Does Humanism Have an Ethic of Responsibility?”: Comments by Kai Nielsen & Mihailo Marković, & Responses by Paul Kurtz

Historical Praxis as the Ground of Morality” by Mihailo Marković, with Comment by Paul Kurtz

"Man and Philosophy" by Karel Kosík

Henri Lefebvre on Marx, Religion, Philosophy, Ideology & Politics

Science and Religion by Marcel Cachin

Howard L. Parsons on Naturalist vs. Supernationalist Perspectives on Value

Howard L. Parsons on Naturalism & Religion: Conclusion

"Theories of Knowledge: A Dialectical, Historical Critique" by Howard L. Parsons

Leon Trotsky on the Culture of Fascism

Humanism, Atheism: Principles and Practice, by Inga Kichanova, Boris Grigoryan, et al

Christ: Myth or Reality? by I. Kryvelev

Religion in the World Today by M. Mchedlov

Chapter 4 of The Life and Thought of H.G. Wells: Facing the Changes: 2: Religion instead of Revolution
       by Julius Kagarlitski, translated from the Russian by Moura Budberg

Humanism—100 Years of Freethought by David Tribe

The Village Atheist (Excerpts) by E. Haldeman-Julius

“Haldeman-Julius, The Little Blue Books, and the Theory of Popular Culture” by Dale M. Herder

"The Little Blue Books as Popular Culture: E. Haldeman-Julius' Methodology" by Dale M. Herder

"The Little Blue Books in the War on Bigotry and Bunk" by Mark Scott

Critique of Idealistic Naturalism: Methodological Pollution in the Main Stream of American Philosophy” by Dale Riepe

Albert Schweitzer—An African Image by Ndabaningi Sithole

Book Review: Between Tides by V.Y. Mudimbe by Ralph Dumain

Cornel West's Evasion of Philosophy, Or, Richard Wright's Revenge by Ralph Dumain

"Religion and the New African American Intellectuals" by Norm R. Allen, Jr.

FEEDBACK: Melville the “Atheist” by Ralph Dumain

Man vs God: forsaking dogma by Moncure Daniel Conway

“Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law” by Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury

The Late Vitalism of Wilhelm Reich: Commentary by Ralph Dumain

Some Loud Thinking About the Bhagavadgita by G. Ramakrishna

Lokayata by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya

Science and Philosophy in Ancient India by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya

Vedanta and the Bengal Renaissance by Niranjan Dahr

Swami Agehananda Bharati on Hindu Fascism & Western Infatuation

Eastern & Western Philosophy: Unpublished Letter to the Editor [rejoinder by R. Dumain to 'The Great Divide' by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad]

"The New Age Mythology" by Michael Parenti

The Asconan Idea in Politics by Martin Green

"Secularism, science and the Right" [Review of Meera Nanda, The Wrongs of the Religious Right] by R. Dumain

Taoism & the Tao of Bourgeois Philosophy (review of J. J. Clarke, The Tao of the West) by Ralph Dumain

The First Chinese Materialist / Essay on the Extinction of the Soul (Etienne Balazs / Fan Zhen)

The Budding of the Structural Perspective in China (i.e. in the Eastern Ecumene): Wang Ch’ung and Fan Zhen by Lawrence C. Chin

"Giordano Bruno" by Jack Lindsay

"Esperanto und Atheismus" de Detlev Blanke

Vincent” by Sandor Szathmari, a short story about Galileo, translated by Ralph Dumain

“The Temptation of Kul” by John I. Francis, a tale of absolutisms in conflict translated by Ralph Dumain

La Dia Pesto [The Divine Pestilence] de Johann Most

Ĉu Oni Povas Vivi Sen Religio? [Can One Live Without Religion?] de André Lorulot

La Releviĝo de Tomaso Paine [The Resurrection of Thomas Paine] de R. W. Morrell

Kontraŭ Dio! Ateista Krestomatieto [Against God! Little Atheist Crestomathy]

Omaĝe al Prometeo de Karlo Markso [Karl Marx's Homage to Prometheus]

Karlo Markso pri Religio kiel Reflekso [Karl Marx on Religion as Reflex]

Karlo Markso pri Scienco, Religio, Historia Metodologio [Karl Marx on Science, Religion, Historical Method]

El Kontraŭreligia Propagando de Leono Trockij [Leon Trotsky on Antireligious Propaganda]

Trockij pri Religia & Sekulara Mistifiko [Trotsky on Religious & Secular Mystification]

"Religio kaj Kapitalismo" de Simon Aarse

"La Humanisma Kadro de Julian Huxley, Evolua Etikisto" de Bernard Golden [The humanistic frame of Julian Huxley, evolutionary ethicist]

David Hume vs. ‘Intelligent Design’

Historical Surveys of Atheism, Freethought, Rationalism, Skepticism, and Materialism: Selected Works

Secular Humanism—Ideology, Philosophy, Politics, History: Bibliography in Progress

Doubt & Skepticism: A Directed Minimal Bibliography & Web Guide

Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking: A Guide

Bertrand Russell vs William James & the Will to Believe

Emanuel & Marcet Haldeman-Julius: Guide to Web Resources & Bibliography

Percy Bysshe Shelley Study Guide

Ludwig Feuerbach: A Bibliography

Richard Wright Study Guide. Note on-site and off-site links.

100 Years of C.L.R. James

Susan Haack — An Introductory Guide

Holistic Thought, New Age Obscurantism, Occultism, the Sciences, & Fascism

Occultism, Eastern Mysticism, Fascism, & Countercultures: Selected Bibliography

The Paranoia Papers: Theory of the (Un)Natural History of Social Paranoia: Selected Bibliography

Meera Nanda Online

Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide

Emergence Blog

Esperanto Study Guide / Esperanto-Gvidilo: Includes relevant items in Esperanto & English on-site, plus off-site links on Ateismo. For listing of documents on-site, see ATEO: Bazaj Informoj & Enhavtabeloj de Ateismo.

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| Other Authors' Texts | Philosophical Quotations
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CONTACT Ralph Dumain

Officially uploaded 6 August 2005
Latest revision: 5 July 2024
Previous revision: 19 February 2024

© 2005-2024 Ralph Dumain