Surrealism: Selected Links

compiled by Ralph Dumain

Note: Surrealism is such a huge subject, there is no attempt to document it here thoroughly. Our main interest is to provide some general links and links to specific concerns, such as surrealism outside of Europe, surrealism’s racial and ethnic connections, the politics of surrealism, and specific figures. The primary purpose is to compile links on this web site concerning surrealism, surrealists, and related tendencies and figures, with selected links to other sites. Specific web pages on this site may link to web pages on other sites not listed here. Selected links to movements, avant-gardes, precursors, and other figures related to surrealism can also be found here.

On This Site

A Taxonomy of Surreal Taxonomists by Prentiss Riddle

Bouvard and Pécuchet by Maurice Nadeau

Of the Material / Du Materiel (Conclusion) by Alain Bosquet

Salvador Dali as Raymond Lull? (Salvador Dali & Alain Bosquet)

Salvador Dali on cybernetics (with Alain Bosquet)

André Breton Out of His Element by Edwin Denby

Romare Bearden on Black American Culture vs. the European Avant-Garde

“Hochherrschaftlich Möblierte Zehnzimmerwohnung” / “Manorially Furnished Ten-Room Apartment” by Walter Benjamin

“Anthropological Conditions of Modern Culture” (1964): Conclusion by Ivan Sviták

Adorno on Paul Valéry & Cartesian Rationalism & Irrationalism in French Philosophy

Anna Balakian on misbegotten intertextuality

Poetry, Jazz & Freedom” by Réne Ménil, translated by Keith Holloman

For Rene Menil, Caribbean Surrealist-Philosopher (Review) by R. Dumain

Badiou and the Bankruptcy of Fashionable French Philosophy by R. Dumain

Kontraŭ la Diktaturo de Alaho” [Against the dictatorship of Allah] el Deklaracio de la Surrealistoj de Pakistano [from the Declaration of the Surrealists of Pakistan], tradukis R. Dumain (in Esperanto)

Louis Aragon vs Catholicism (1927)

From Paul Klee’s “Creative Credo” (1920)

2 poems for M. C. Escher by Ralph Dumain

A New Facet of Cubism: ‘The Fourth Dimension’ and ‘Non-Euclidean Geometry’ Reinterpreted” by Linda Dalrymple Henderson

Paul Eluard

Donner a voir (title pages & contents) par Paul Eluard

René Magritte

Explanation Explained by René Magritte

René Magritte on the Revolutionary Artist vs. Folk Art & Stalinism

“La Ligne de vie” (“Lifeline”) [excerpts] by René Magritte

René Magritte to Harry Torczyner on Painting

René Magritte on Descartes, Berkeley, & confusion

René Magritte: Écrits Complets (Complete Writings: Contents & Indexes)

Magritte’s grotesquerie: from fear to pleasure

Borges, Magritte, & Escher by R. Dumain

Magritte Study Guide: Links & References

Joan Miró


Surrationalism” (1936) by Gaston Bachelard

Surrationally Yours” by R. Dumain

Gaston Bachelard on Surrationalism & a Revolution of Reason

Premières vues anciennes (Gaston Bachelard: Le Surrationalisme) par Paul Eluard

The Philosophy of No: The Various Metaphysical Explanations of a Scientific Concept by Gaston Bachelard

The Synthetic Value of the “Philosophy of No” by Gaston Bachelard

Excursus on Bachelard’s The Philosophy of No (Excerpt) by Maire Jaanus Kurrik

Alfred Jarry & ’Pataphysics

Definition of ’Pataphysics by Alfred Jarry

Alfred Jarry’s Time Machine & Michael Moorcock’s The Traps of Time

Contents + notes on Jarry: The Definitive Time Machine: A Critical Edition of H.G. Wells’s Scientific Romance

Alfred Jarry’s “How to Construct a Time Machine”: A Web Guide

Laughter by Marcel Schwob

Formal Logic of Pataphysics by René Daumal

Patalogic in the Garden of Sidamo by R. Dumain

Magritte, la Pataphysique et son Collège

Bibliographies & Web Guides

Alfred Jarry’s “How to Construct a Time Machine”: A Web Guide

Ars Combinatoria Study Guide

Black Music & the American Surrealists: A Bibliography

Bibliography of Board Games & Related Games & Recreations

Bibliography & Catalog of Board Games & Related Games & Recreations: Games Collection of Ralph Dumain: Supplement # 1 (1994-2008)

Exotica, Curiosa, Crankery, Hoaxes, Cultural & Intellectual Arcana: Selected Web Guide & Bibliography

Italo Calvino: A Select Bibliography

Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web

Lewis Carroll’s Logic Games, Mathematical Recreations, Puzzles & Paradoxes

Nicolas Calas — Surrealist & Trotskyist: A Bibliographical Introduction

On Other Sites

Surrealism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dada/Surrealism | University of Iowa

Centre for the Study of Surrealism and its Legacies

The Surrealists Website

Bureau of Public Secrets


Surrealism Today - Contemporary surreal, visionary and pop surreal art

The Surrealist Movement in the United States

Radical America #04.01 (January 1970): Surrealism in the Service of Revolution

Journal of Surrealism and the Americas

Egyptian Surrealism

Lewis Carroll Resources: Lewis Carroll and Surrealism

Manifesto of Surrealism by André Breton (1924)

“André Breton and problems of twentieth-century culture” by Frank Brenner and David Walsh (16 June 1997):
     Part 1 & Part 2

Truth and Presence: Poetic Imagination and Mathematical Physics in Gaston Bachelard, Chapter 22 of
Yorick’s World: Science and the Knowing Subject by Peter Caws (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993)

Marcel Mariën by McKenzie Wark, Public Seminar, January 27, 2016

Kriegspiel: Anarchist War Gaming


Surrealist Publishers & Distributors

University of Texas Press: Surrealist Revolution series

Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company

Black Swan Press

AK Press

Related Bibliography

Bamford, Alice. Chalk and the Architrave: Mathematics and Modern Literature. PhD dissertation, King’s College, University of Cambridge, 2015.

____________. “Mathematics and Modern Literature: Passages from ‘Chalk and the Architrave’,” New Left Review 124, July/August 2020.

Duncan, Dennis. Oulipo and Modern Thought. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Chapter 3: Surrealism’s Subject: Two Cohorts of the Oulipo, pp. 76-99.

Levy, Julien, ed. Surrealism, new introduction by Mark Polizzotti. New York: Da Capo Press, 1995. (Original publication: New York: Black Sun Press, 1936.)

Löwy, Michael. Morning Star: Surrealism, Marxism, Anarchism, Situationism, Utopia, introduction by Donald LaCoss. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009. (Surrealist Revolution series)

Armstrong, Amanda. “The Politics of Surrealism” [review], Against the Current, no. 143, November/December 2009.

Rosemont, Franklin; Kelley, Robin D.G.; eds. Black, Brown, & Beige: Surrealist Writings from Africa and the Diaspora. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009. (Surrealist Revolution series)

Refusal of the Shadow: Surrealism and the Caribbean, translated by Michael Richardson and Krzysztof Fijalkowski. London; New York: Verso, 1996.

The Surrealism Reader: an Anthology of Ideas, edited by Dawn Ades and Michael Richardson with Krzysztof Fijalkowski. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2015. 368 pp.

Note on the Selection of Material
Part 1 The Annihilation of Self-Identity
André Breton: The Haunting
Pierre Mabille: Preface in Praise of Popular Prejudices
René Crevel: The Noble Mannequin Seeks and Finds her Skin
Paul Nougé :The Light, the Shadow and the Prey
Pierre Mabille: Mirrors
Marcel Mariën: Non-Scientific Treatise on the Fourth Dimension
Michel Leiris: The ‘Caput Mortuum’ or the Alchemist’s Wife
Leonora Carrington: What Is a Woman?
Annie Le Brun Leave Everything
Vincent Bounoure Memory of the Last One
Bernard Caburet You Will Always Cherish your Failures, Machine-Man
Part 2 The Challenge of Otherness
Robert Desnos Pamphlet against Jerusalem
Antonin Artaud The Universal Bases of Culture
Jacques Viot Don’t Clutter up the Colonies (fragment); Approaching the Enchanted Castle
René Crevel: The Patriotism of the Unconscious
Benjamin Péret: Ruins: Ruin of Ruins
The Bucharest Surrealist Group: The Nocturnal Sand
Georges Bataille: The Friendship of Man and Beast
Jacqueline Sénard-Duprey: Cat = Clover
André Breton: Embers in Ceridwen’s Cauldron
Benjamin Péret: Light or Life
Robert Benayoun: The Twilight of the Wheeler-Dealers
René Ménil: The Passage from Poetry to Philosophy
Annie Le Brun: A Creolism Sewn with White Thread
René Alleau: The Exit from Egypt
Part 3 The Moral Imperative
Louis Aragon: It’s Up to You
Louis Aragon: Note on Freedom
Marko Ristić: Humour as a Moral Attitude
Nicolas Calas: Love of Revolution in our Time
André Breton: Liberty versus Liberation
Georges Bataille: Reflections on the Executioner and the Victim
Gérard Legrand: Is Surrealism a Philosophy?
Georges Henein: Freedom as Nostalgia and as Project
Elisabeth Lenk: The Hidden Being
Philippe Audoin: Festival Mood
Pierre Mabille: Paradise
Part 4 The Tasks of Art and Poetry
André Breton and Paul Éluard: Notes on Poetry
Antonin Artaud The Social Anarchy of Art
Salvador Dalí:The Rotting Donkey
Roger Caillois: Specification of Poetry
Tristan Tzara: Essay on the Situation on Poetry
Paul Nougé: Inviolable Images
Roger Caillois: Systematisation and Determination
Georges Henein: The Subversive Function of Poetry
Karel Teige: On Surrealist Semiology
René Magritte: The Sense of the World
Adrien Dax: Automatic Perspective
Paul Nougé: Notes on Poetry
Vincent Bounoure: Surrealism and the Savage Heart
Vincent Bounoure and Vratislav Effenberger: Magic Art and Revolution
Vratislav Effenberger: On the Utilitarian Conception of Language

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Uploaded 28 November 2014
Last update 28 November 2024
Previous update 21 January 2024

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