Abbott, Robert. Abbott's New Card Games. New York: Stein and Day, 1963. 137 pp. [$4.50]
Angiolino, Andrea. Pencil & Paper Games. New York: Sterling Publishing Company, 1995. [Variant Title: Super Sharp Pencil & Paper Games.] 96 pp. [$4.95]
Asian Games: The Art of Contest, edited by Colin Mackenzie and Irving Finkel. New York: Asia Society, 2004. 325 pp. (In conjunction with exhibition at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.)
Augarde, Tony. The Oxford Guide to Word Games. Oxford [Oxfordshire]; New York: Oxford University Press, 1984. x, 240 pp. Publisher description.
Bristol, Olivia. Victorian Board Games. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. 6 games. [$7.95]
Carroll, Lewis. Rediscovered Lewis Carroll Puzzles, newly compiled and edited by Edward Wakeling. New York: Dover Publications, 1995. xiii, 79 pp. Publisher description.
Darzinskis, Kaz. Winning Monopoly. New York: Harper & Row, 1987. xiii, 226 pp. [$1]
Finkel, Irving. Ancient Board Games. New York: Stewart, Tabori, & Chang, 1997. 4 games.
Gardner, Martin. Aha! Insight. New York; San Francisco: Scientific American / W. H. Freeman and Company, 1978. viii, 179 pp. [$2]
Gardner, Martin. Mathematical Carnival. New York: Vintage Books, 1977. [$6]
Goodell, John D. Principles of Go (w/ The World of Ki, Go stones). St. Paul, MN: Riverside Research Press, n.d. [1], 61 pp. [$4]
Goodell, John D. The World of Ki (w/ Principles of Go, Go stones). St. Paul, MN: Riverside Research Press, 1957. [iv], 215 pp. [$4]
Great Games: More Than 200 Games for All Ages by The Diagram Group. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1994. 255 pp. [$2]
Hochberg, Burt. Chess Braintwisters. New York: Sterling, 1999. 127 pp. Publisher description.
Hopper, Millard. Win at Backgammon. New York: Dover, 1972. ix, 111 pp. [$0.25]
Hunter, J. A. H. Mathematical Brain-Teasers. New York: Dover, 1976. ix, 111 pp. [$0.25]
Hunter, J. A. H.; Madachy, Joseph S. Mathematical Diversions. New York: Dover, 1975. vii, 178 pp. [$0.25]
Joris, Walter. 100 Strategic Games for Pen and Paper. Dubai: Carlton Books, 2002. 128 pp. [$6]
Kansil, Prince Joli. The Backgammon Quiz Book, with a foreword by Oswald Jacoby. New York: Playboy Paperbacks, 1978. 287, [1] pp.
Keyes, Frances Parkinson. The Chess Players. New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1960. 508 pp.
Li, David H. The Happy Game of Mah-Jong. Bethesda, MD: Premier Publishing, 1994. 136 pp. [$1]
Li, David H. Kriegspiel: Chess Under Uncertainty. Bethesda, MD: Premier Publishing Company, 1994. 144 pp. softcover, $9.95 ISBN 0-9637852-1-4 LC card no. 93-85826. [Subject heading: Chess - Special form]
Love, Brian, comp. Great Board Games. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.; London: Ebury Press: M. Joseph, 1979. 80 pp. & game pieces (5 cards).
The Magic the Gathering Pocket Players' Guide. Wizards of the Coast, Inc., 1994. [vii], 242 pp. [$0.80]
Moeser, David. Lotus Chess: The Book. Cincinnati: David Moeser, 1988. Copy #18. [$10]
Mohr, Merilyn Simonds. The New Games Treasury: More Than 500 Indoor and Outdoor Favorites with Strategies, Rules, and Traditions. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1997. 432 pp. (Enlarged ed. of: The Games Treasury, 1993.)
Murray, H. J. R. A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952. Description: xiii, 267 pp.
Ollman, Bertell. Ball Buster?: True Confessions of a Marxist Businessman. 2nd ed. Brooklyn: Spoft Skull Press, 2002. xviii, 272 pp. (1st ed. published under title Class Struggle Is the Name of the Game, 1983.)
Parlett, David. The Oxford Guide to Card Games. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 361 pp. Publisher description.
Parlett, David. Solitaire: Aces Up & 399 Other Card Games. New York: Pantheon, 1979. 367 pp. [$8.50]
Peek, Stephen. Gameplan: The Game Inventor’s Handbook. White Hall, VA: Betterway Publications, 1987.
Pennick, Nigel. Games of the Gods: The Origin of Board Games in Magic and Divination. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1989. xii, 244 pp.
Pickover, Clifford A. The Zen of Magic Squares, Circles, and Stars: An Exhibition of Surprising Structures Across Dimensions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002. xx, 405 pp. Publisher description. Table of contents. Clifford A. Pickover's Home Page. Pickover's page on this book.
Pritchard, D. B. Popular Chess Variants. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 2000. 143 pp.
Sackson, Sid. Beyond Competition. New York: Pantheon Books, 1977. [$2]
Sackson, Sid. The Book of Classic Board Games. Palo Alto, CA: Klutz Press, 1991. 41 pp., includes playing boards & pieces for 15 games.
Walker, Jay; Lehman, Jeff. 1000 Ways to Win Monopoly Games. New York: Dell, 1975. 203 pp.
Wood, Clement; Goddard, Gloria. The Complete Book of Games. Garden City, NY: Garden City Books, 1940. 894 pp. [$3]
Wordplay: The Official Companion Book, by the creators of the hit documentary, foreword by Will Shortz. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 2006. xv, 176 pp. Publisher description.
1995 Buyer’s Guide to Games (Premiere issue). From the editors of Games.
Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, issue 66 (vol. 26, no. 2), Fall/Winter 2008: anarchist games.
On the magazine’s web site:
Soma - An anarchist play therapy by G. Ogo & Drica Dejerk, pp. 42-47;
Kriegspiel (anarchist war gaming - blog)Other relevant articles:
"Debord's Kriegspiel in Historical Perspective" by Simurgh, pp. 32-41.
"A Funny Thought on a New Way to Play" by Alejandro de Acosta, pp. 48-57.
"Anarchy Eights: A Crazy Card Games for Two or More Players" by Lawrence, pp. 62-64.
"Anarchy & Strategy: Unconventional War" by Aragorn!, pp. 69-70.
Games Magazine:
1997: October, December;
1998: February - April, August, October, December;
1999: April-June, August, October (vol. 23 #7 [155]);
2000: Oct, Nov
2001: March-May, Oct, Dec
2002: Feb-Aug, Nov, Dec
2003: March-July, Sept, Nov, Dec
2004: Feb-Sept
2005: December
2008: December
The Inside Collector, vol. 4, no. 9, September/October 1994. See: Kavnis, Donna C. “The Art of the Game: The Board Game Collection of Bill and Debbie Boyd” [early board games], pp. 31-36.
Bits & Pieces puzzle catalogs: undated, Holiday 2001, Fall 1995, Fall 1996, Holiday 1996.
Blue Ribbon Sudoku Puzzles, vol. 4. Blue Bell, PA: Kappa Publishing Group, Inc., 2006.
Enchanted Chessmen: A World of Fantasy. An Exhibit of Chessmen through History. Fine Arts and Special Collections Department, John G. White Collection of Chess, Cleveland Public Library. Printout.
Gamepuzzles 1993-94, Kadon Enterprises, Inc.
Games Test: Yourself, a supplement to Games Magazine. Boston, MA: B&P Publishing Co., Inc., 1992. 32 pp.
Hypothermia [Icehouse newsletter]: #10 (Nov. 1993), #12 (April 1996).
“Im-Puzzle-able!” by Henry Hook, supplement to Games Magazine.
* * *
Hudgens, Dallas; Finkenstaedt, Mark (photos). “Card-Carrying Friends,” The Washington Post, Weekend section, Feb. 19, 1999, pp. 34-36. On Poker.
Mechner, David A. “All Systems Go,” The Sciences, Jan/Feb 1998, pp. 32-37.
Miller, Allison Xantha. “Playing Field,” Lingua Franca, September 1997, pp. 9-11.
Symmes, Patrick. “Like Chess, but Not So Easy: David Li’s One-Man Effort to Revive Kriegspiel and Save Humanity from Computers,” Washington City Paper, August 26, 1994, pp. 19-20.
Voogt, Alex de. “Seeded Players,” Natural History, Feb. 1998, pp. 18-22.
The Game of I-Go. New York: American Go Association.
More Icehouse Games, by John Cooper, Andrew Looney, Keith Baker. College Park, MD: Icehouse Games, Inc., 1996. [24 pp.] [$3] Rules for Arcana, Martian Chess, Trice, Focus, Igloo.
Parachute Lines of Action
Root-Bound, by Mark Steere. October 17, 1993.
13 Dead End Drive. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley, 1993. #4410.
Arguile. Los Angeles: Hersch & Company, 1996.
Avalanche. Salem, MA: Parker Brothers, 1976. [$0.25]
Bitin’ Off Hedz, by James Ernest. Seattle: Cheapass Games, 1997. # CAG 008 [$5.98]
Corx. [$0.99]
Deduction. Hollis, NY: Ideal Toy Corp., 1976.
Domain. Beverly, MA: Parker Brothers, 1983.
Duell. Minneapolis: Lakeside, 1976.
Evade. St. Paul, MN: 3M Gamette, 1971.
Fanorona. Bellevue, WA: Northwest Corner, Inc., 1990.
Feudal. Baltimore: Avalon Hill, 1976. GA-270.
Ghosts! Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley, 1985. #4504
Gomoney. Houston: Harvey S. Klein, 1978-1980.
Hique, by Gregg Steven Blasingame. Porterville, CA: The D & L Company, 1998.
Infinity, by Paul Orbanes. 2nd ed. New York: Gamut of Games, 1974. N o. 103.
Infuriation. Anaheim, CA: Skor-Mor Corporation. L.S. 40 [$0.50]
Kill Doctor Lucky, by James Ernest. Seattle: Cheapass Games, 1996 [1997]. # CAG 001 [$7.98]
King Hamlet. New York: Gamevenings Company, 1980.
Leverage (by Jack B. Slimp, Jr.). Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley, 1982. #4303 [$3]
Octi, by Don Green. Tork, PA: Great American Trading Co., 1999.
Outwit. Beverly, MA: Parker Brothers, 1978.
PiQadilly Circus (By Ron Tielke?). Chatham, NY: Chatham Hill Games, 1995.
Pop-Cheks. East Paterson, NJ: Kohner Bros., Inc., 1973.
Safari Jack, by James Ernest. Seattle: Cheapass Games, 1998. # CAG 015 [$6.98]
Second Chance. Downsview, Ontario, Canada: The Gametrust Corp. [Have the rules in hand; have not located the game.]
Seejeh. Rehovot, Israel: Skye Marketing Corp./ Orda Industries Ltd., 1978.
Starbase Jeff, by Jim Gelmacher. Seattle: Cheapass Games, 199?. # CAG 017 [$7.98]
Stay Alive. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley, 1971. #4105.
Supercheckers. Racine, WI: Golden Classic Games, 1993.
Survive! Beverly, MA: Parker Brothers, 1982.
Vagabondo. Leicester, UK: Invicta Games, 1979. #3191 [$3]
The Very Clever Pipe Game, by James Ernest. Seattle: Cheapass Games, 1997. [$9.98]
Yoté (The African Games of Checkers). York, PA: Great American Trading Co., 1996. [$10.95]
Extinction, by Steve Peek. Oren, UT: The Incredible Game Company, 1993.
Family Business. Niles, IL: Mayfair Games Inc., 1989.
Five Crowns. Set Enterprises, Inc., 1996. [$8]
Flinch. Salem, MA: Parker Brothers, Inc., [1950s/60s?].
Fluxx, by Andrew Looney. 1st ed. College Park, MD: Looney Laboratories, 1996. [$7.95]
Foil. St Paul, MN: 3M Bookshelf Game, 1968. [$1]
Guillotine, by Paul Peterson. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, Inc., 1998.
Loco!, by Reiner Knizia. Fantasy Flight Publishing Company, 2003. [$6.99]
Milles Bornes. Beverly, MA: Parker Brothers, 1992.
Spectrum 5. Yonkers, NY: Spectrum Game Products, Inc., 1969.
Tangoes. San Francisco: Rex Games, Inc., 1991. Card game with tangram pieces based on Tangrams. [$1]
Uno (The Simpsons Special Edition). New York: Sababa Toys, 2001.
Bagh Chal / Goats & Tigers.
Gates to Paradise (Islamic Snakes & Ladders).
Hindu Snakes & Ladders.
Pachisi / Chaupat.
Izzi 2, by Frank Nichols. Alexandria, VA: Bonary Arts Corporation, 1993.
Rubik’s Bricks (Pocket Puzzles). Campbell, CA: Oddz On, 1998.
Go stones (box of black, box of white)
Poker chips (100)
Playing cards
Note: Some of the board games could also be classified as card games, as the boards are comprised of cards. Some of the “books” actually consist of games boards and pieces. Undoubtedly there are many more issues of Games in my collection not yet logged, as well as various newsletters, miscellany, and stray games. See also notes to original bibliography re e.g. omissions.
Compiled 30 October 2008
of Board Games & Related Games & Recreations
(As of 30 August 1994) by Ralph Dumain
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Miscellaneous Articles & Essays on Games: Selected Bibliography
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Esperanto Games Web Guide / Esperanto — Ludoj — Retgvidilo
Konstelacio: tabulludo: regularo / Constellation: board game: rules
Monĉaso: tabulludo: regularo / Moneychase: board game: rules
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