Doodle 24 August 2011:
Jorge Luis Borges (24 August 1899 – 14 June 1986)
(Click on image for links)
Jorge Luis Borges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jorge Luis Borges and mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Recognition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Borges: Garden of Forking Paths
The Garden
of Jorge Luis Borges
Site of Paul M. Willenberg
Luis Borges Reviews by Evelyn C. Leeper.
[Note relation to uchronia /note alternate history]
Luis Borges – Miscelánea
[See also supplementary bibliography below]
Collected Ficciones of Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Andrew Hurley
Brodie’s Report by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Norman Thomas
Di Giovanni
[See inter alia “Guayaquil”]
Inquisitions: 1937-1952 by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Ruth L.
C. Simms
Introduction by James Irby (on this page)
"The Modesty of History" by Jorge Luis Borges (on this
Otras inquisiciones (1952)
“Avatars of the Tortoise” by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by J. E. I.
“On the Cult of Books” by Jorge Luis Borges
Circular Ruins (Full Text)
Library of Babel (Full Text)
“Three Versions of Judas” (1944) by Jorge Luis Borges
Three Versions of Judas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See also Walsh, below.“The Fourth Version of Judas” by Piero Ricci, Variaciones Borges, 1/1996, pp. 10-26
Jorge Luis Borges Poems @
Jorge Luis Borges: MENÚ DE POEMAS
“The Golem” (El Golem, 1964, in El otro, el mismo) by Jorge Luis Borges: several translations online, including translations by:
Juan Ribó Chalmeta & Irina Urumova, with original
James Honzik
Alan S. Trueblood
Frank Thomas Smith
by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by A.Z. Foreman,
with the original Spanish poem: text & sound file
Spinoza by Jorge Luis Borges, poem in Spanish
PARÍS, 1856 (Borges poem about Heine in Spanish)
Paris, 1856 by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Robert Mezey
Nostalgia for the Present by Jorge Luis Borges
The Art of Poetry - Arte Poética by Jorge Luis Borges (video with text, & music by Ástor Piazzolla)
Borges Reviews ‘Finnegans Wake’
“The Analytical Language of John Wilkins” (originally “El idioma analítico de John Wilkins”) by Jorge Luis Borges
by Lilia Graciela Vázquez
by Will Fitzgerald
original & English translation
Before Esperanto..., Jeremy's journal (READIN blog), 2 November 2009
Llull, Bruno, Borges, and the fourth dimension
Charles Hinton and His Cubes by David Auerbach
to Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles", by Jorge Luis Borges by Jorge
Luis Borges
(trans. “Captain Wilder”; translation also
plus additional comments son the Ray
Bradbury site)
Bradbury, Borges, and the Future of Media by Austin Allen (Big Think)
The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Donald A. Yates
The Garden of Forking Paths by Jorge Luis Borges (different translation)
“The Secret Miracle” by Jorge Luis Borges
Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote by Jorge Luis Borges
Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote by Jorge Luis Borges
Pierre Menard, author of the Principia by Basileios Drolias
One Man’s Opinion: “Utopia of a Tired Man” by Jorge Luis Borges, read by C. R. Stapor (Oct. 4, 2017)
"Borges and
I" / "Borges y Yo" by Jorge Luis Borges
y Yo (Borges reads in Spanish
in Labyrinths
and I, Borges Y Yo (Antonios
Witness" by Jorge Luis Borges
by Andrew
by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
by Anthony Kerrigan
by Mildred Boyer
by Andras Corban Arthen
Dialogue About a Dialogue” by Jorge Luis Borges
[Note: immortality & Macedonio Fernández]
The Art of Fiction by Jorge Luis Borges, interviewed by Ronald Christ (July 1966), The Paris Review, 1967
A Conversation With Jorge Luis Borges by Daniel Bourne (April 25, 1980) in Artful Dodge
“A New Refutation of Time” (1947) by Jorge Luis Borges
“Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” by Jorge Luis Borges. In English and Spanish.
“The Aleph”
The Aleph (short story) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Infinity: Borges & The Aleph
by Zachary McCune
and Potency: Borges' "El Aleph"
by Santiago Colas
By Heart: Michael Chabon on Borges’s Infinite Pity - The Atlantic
“The Approach to al-Mu’tasim” by Jorge Luis Borges
Additional notes: How Borges’ The Approach to Al-Mu’tasim helps us understand Wilson’s Joe Turner’s Come and Gone by Raymond Maxwell, May 15, 2022
August Wilson on Jorge Luis Borges [on this site]
Borges: The Time Machine/La Máquina del Tiempo, exhibition curated by Nicolas Helft & Alan Pauls, The Grolier Club, December 5, 2001 - February 9, 2002
"Wells and Borges and the Labyrinths of Time" by Robert M. Philmus, Science-Fiction Studies 10.4 (1974)
Bodying Forth the
Impossible: Metamorphosis, Mortality, and Aesthetics in the Works of Jorge Luis
by Heather Lisa Dubnick
The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel by William Goldbloom Bloch, Oxford University Press, 2008
Borges, Nietzsche, Cantor: Narratives of Influence by Gisle Selnes, Ciberletras 6
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pierre Menard (fictional character) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jorge Luis Borges Wished He Was an 'Israelite': A Poet's Abstract
Embrace of a People as a Literary Symbol
by Ilan Stavans
The Jewish Daily Forward,
August 6, 1999
Borges' Shadow
(Review of The Lesson of the
Master by Norman Thomas Di
by Kimberly Brown
Janus Head,
Summer 2005 | 8.1
Eternal Engine by Wayne Clements
[on Llull, Swift, Borges, & computer-generated writing]
and "Network", Reconsidered
by Florian Cramer
Words Made Flesh:
Code, Culture, Imagination (2005)
by Florian Cramer
Literary Philosophers: Borges, Calvino, Eco, edited by Jorge J. E. Gracia, Carolyn Korsmeyer, Rodolphe Gasché. New York: Routledge, 2002. Contents. See also excerpt from Zamora.
Carolyn Korsmeyer, “Literary Philosophers: Introductory Remarks,” pp. 1-13.
Deborah Knight, “Intersections: Philosophy and Literature, or Why Ethical Criticism Prefers Realism,” pp. 15-26.
Irwin, William. “Philosophy and the Philosophical, Literature and the Literary, Borges and the Labyrinthine ,” pp. 27-45.
Lois Parkinson Zamora, “Borges’s Monsters: Unnatural Wholes and the Transformation of Genre,” pp. 47-84.
Jorge J. E. Gracia, “Borges’s ‘Pierre Menard’: Philosophy or Literature?”, pp. 85-107. Expanded & revised version of original journal article (see below).
Anthony J. Cascardi, “Mimesis and Modernism: The Case of Jorge Luis Borges,” pp. 109-127.
Elizabeth Millán-Zaibert, “A Method for the New Millennium: Calvino and Irony,” pp. 129-148.
Henry Sussman, “The Writing of the System: Borges’s Library and Calvino’s Traffic,” pp. 149-164.
Rocco Capozzi, “Knowledge and Cognitive Practices in Eco’s Labyrinths of Intertextuality,” pp. 165-184.
Wladimir Krysinski, “Borges, Calvino, Eco: The Philosophies of Metafiction,” pp. 185-204.
Ermanno Bencivenga, “Philosophy and Literature in Calvino’s Tales,” pp. 205-221.
Notes on Contributors
Index“Borges’s ‘Pierre Menard’: Philosophy or Literature?” by Jorge J. E. Gracia, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, vol. 59, no. 1, Winter 2001, pp. 45-57. See also my review: Borges Revisited (10): ‘Pierre Menard’: Philosophy or Literature?.
“Borges’ Ironic Metaphysics: The Way of the Same and the Way of Ts’ui Pen” by Hugo Moreno.
See also abstract by R. Dumain.
“The Writing of Forking Paths: Borges, Calvino, and Postmodern Models of Writing,” by Floyd Merrell, Variaciones Borges 3, 1997, pp. 56-68.
"Chaosmos of Labyrinths" HTML
by Liberato Santoro-Brienza
Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies 3 (2006). (Special issue:
Borges escritor del siglo XXI)
as Antiphilosopher”
by Bruno Bosteels
Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies 3 (2006): 23-31. (Special
issue: Borges escritor del siglo XXI)
“The Truth Is In the Making: Borges and Pragmatism” BNET
| Scribd
by Bruno Bosteels
The Romanic Review 98.2-3 (2007): 135-151
Luis Borges and WJ
by Jaime Nubiola
Streams of William James,
Volume 1, Issue 3, Winter 2000
and Borges Again: The Riddle of the Correspondence with Macedonio
by Jaime Nubiola
Streams of William James,
Volume 3, Issue 2, Fall 2001
Fernández: The Man Who Invented Borges
Essay by Marcelo Ballvé
Everything Exist to End up in a Book? Mallarmé and the Aftermath”
by Nadežda Čačinovič
the Apologist for Idealism
Marina Martín
Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts, August 10-15,
Borges, Nietzsche,
Cantor: Narratives of Influence
Gisle Selnes
With Infinity: The Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges
Martin Johnston
in his parallel universes
by Niven Kumar
The Galilean Library, 2007
but Not Gone
by Eric Benson
Guernica, July 2011
Philosophy in Borges: Fallibility, Liberal Anarchism And Civic Ethics”
by Alejandra Salinas
Borges on Universalism and Nationalism by Matt Bluemink (Blue Labyrinths, September 11, 2022)
“Borges, Courage, and Will” by Carter Wheelock
Jorge Luis Borges: Can a great writer be blind to the world around him? by Clive James
A Magyar Meditation on Masters, Maori and Meaning
by Patricia Fox
Variaciones Borges 4 (1997) p. 154-169
(Note Géza Ottlik, James Baldwin)
Borges’s Search For Averroes by Salar Abdoh, Fiction, no. 66 (2023)
Salar Abdoh On Writing In And Outside Of War Zones. An Interview with David Saccone-Braslow at the Fiction office, May 16, 2023
Professor of Spanish Literature, Cornell University
"Borges, Ethics, Politics," lecture, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C., July 13, 2006
Spinoza - Spinozo - Jorge Luis Borges - English and Esperanto; English translation by Richard Howard & César Rennert, Esperanto translation by Julius Balbin; recited by / deklamis R. Dumain, Music by / muziko de Bosques de mi Mente (YouTube)
Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man
Jorge Luis Borges en Esperanto
“La Biblioteko di Babel” da Jorge Luis Borges, tradukita da James
Chandler [in Ido]
ĉe retejo International Auxiliary Languages de James Chandler: (aktuala
retejo) aŭ reocities (malnova
Selected Non-fictions: Table of Contents by Jorge Luis Borges; Eliot Weinberger (ed.,tr.), Esther Allen (tr.), Suzanne Jill Levine (tr.)
“The Rain Bird” by Jorge Luis Borges
"The Congress" by Jorge Luis Borges, , translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
“Guayaquil” by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
"Spinoza" poem by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Richard Howard & César Rennert
“Spinoza” by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Richard Howard & César Rennert, with Esperanto translation by Julius Balbin, recited by / deklamis / Ralph Dumain (sound file / sonregistraĵo)
“Spinoza” by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Yirmiyahu Yovel
"Baruch Spinoza" — poem by Jorge Luis Borges
"Descartes" by Jorge Luis Borges
"James Joyce" (poem) by Jorge Luis Borges
"Invocation to Joyce" by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Charles Tomlinson, with Spanish original
“Invocation to Joyce” by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni, with Hungarian translation by Ertl István
“Karel Čapek” [obituary in Spanish] by Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges sobre Olaf Stapledon [reviews in Spanish from El Hogar & Sur (1937-40) & 1965 foreword]
“Mitologías del odio” de Jorge Luis Borges
Nota Preliminar (1945) de Jorge Luis Borges, prefacio de / preface to Pragmatismo [Pragmatism] de William James
On “The
Congress” by Jorge Luis Borges: Observations and Questions
by Ralph Dumain
On “The
Aleph” by Jorge Luis Borges: Observations and Questions
by Ralph Dumain
“Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote” by Jorge
Luis Borges
by Ralph Dumain
Borges Ironizing
Idealism: I Dream Too Much
by Ralph Dumain
Borges blog entries [start in old blog]
Borges (1): “Borges, Politics and Ethics” lecture by Dr. Bruno Bosteels
Borges Revisited (2)
Borges Revisited (3): “Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote”
Borges Revisited (4): The Book of Sand
Borges Revisited (5): The Book of Sand (continued)
Borges Revisited (6): More Fictions
Borges Revisited (7): More Poems Online
Borges Revisited (8): Still More Poems
Borges Revisited (9): Essays
Borges Revisited (10): ‘Pierre Menard’: Philosophy or Literature?
Borges Revisited (11): More Essays: Lectures & Prologues
Borges Revisited (12): New Refutation of Time
Borges en Esperanto
Borges Revisited (14) [in new blog]
Theory of categorization to be reviewed (Nicholas Rescher & Patrick Grim) by R. Dumain
Witold Gombrowicz confronts (Polish) provincialism
Witold Gombrowicz on Jorge Luis Borges
Stanislaw Lem on Jorge Luis Borges (Borges 16)
Stanislaw Lem on Borges & genre
Review: Italo Calvino's If on a Winter's Night a Traveler by R. Dumain
An Ars Poetica? (excerpts) by Sergio Pitol
Benjamin Péret: surrealism, automatons, Borges
René Magritte à propos de Jorge Luis Borgès
Borges, Magritte, & Escher by Ralph Dumain
"‘Philosophy’ and ‘Literature’: Relationships of Genres and the Frontiers of Thought" by Ralph Dumain
Literary Theory, Philosophy, Genre, Borges et al Revisited by R. Dumain
Walter Benjamin and Ars Combinatoria by Ralph Dumain
A Taxonomy of Surreal Taxonomists by Prentiss Riddle
Borges’s Monsters & Ars Combinatoria
by Lois Parkinson Zamora
(excerpt from “Borges’s
Monsters: Unnatural Wholes and the Transformation of Genre”)
Monsters of Enlightened Reason (excerpts: Borges & philosophical languages) by Malcolm K. Read
The Ideal Revolution: Romanticism and Its Legacy: V (Macedonio Fernández) by Malcolm K. Read
The Cyclical Night: Irony in James Joyce and Jorge Luis Borges by L. A. Murrilo
Borges as cynic by Noé Jitrik
“Macedonio Fernández”: poem by Roberto Bolaño
Macedonio: Selected Writings in Translation
From “Prologue to the Never-Seen” by Macedonio Fernández
The First Good Meta-Novel? by Ralph Dumain
Cynthia Lucy Stephens’ The Borges Enigma: Mini-Commentary by Ralph Dumain
Theoretical Fables: Conclusions (Excerpt) by Alicia Borinsky
August Wilson on Jorge Luis Borges
Gustav Spiller Against the Fourth Dimension
Frank Blighton & the Fourth Dimension
“Into the Fourth Dimension” by Frank Blighton (full text)
Black mystic in hyperspace by R. Dumain
Homage to Martin Gardner (October 21, 1914 – May 22, 2010)
Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games, & the Fourth Dimension (web guide & bibliography)
"Popes, Kings & Cultural Studies:
Placing the commitment to non-disciplinarity in historical context"
by Karl Maton
Definition of ’Pataphysics by Alfred Jarry
Géza OTTLIK (1912 - 1990) Study Guide & Bibliography
Robert Zend (Hungarian-Canadian writer, 1929-1985): Dedications, Works, Links
Ways of Thinking (artificial intelligence, cognitive science, Hungarian literature) by László Mérő
“On the General Characteristic” by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Leibniz on the Universal Characteristic
The Fantastic in Literature (excerpts) by Eric S. Rabkin
“Der Golem” (1847) [in German] by Leopold Weisel, with bibliography & links
From Eden to Cain: Unorthodox Interpretations & Literary Transformations: Selected Bibliography
Jorge Luis Borges & Lucien Goldmann’s Genetic Structuralism
Philosophical and Universal Languages, 1600-1800, and Related Themes: Selected Bibliography
Ramon Llull & His Influence: Select Bibliography & Web Guide
Leibniz & Ideology: Selected Bibliography
Irony in Philosophy, Romanticism, and Criticism: Selected Bibliography
Reflexivity & Situatedness Study Guide
Philosophical Style: Selected Bibliography
Italo Calvino: A Select Bibliography
Stéphane Mallarmé, Grand Oeuvre, Le Livre: Selected Resources in English
James Joyce: Special Topics: Bibliography, Links, Quotes
Science Fiction & Utopia Research Resources: A Selective Work in Progress
Barrenechea, Ana María. Borges the Labyrinth Maker, translated by Roger Lima, foreword by Jorge Luis Borges. New York: New York University Press, 1965.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “Blindness” (1977), in Selected Non-Fictions, edited by Eliot Weinberger, translated by Esther Allen, Suzanne Jill Levine & Eliot Weinberger (New York: Viking, 1999), pp. 473-483.
Mentions James Joyce, Gustav Spiller.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “A Defense of Bouvard and Pécuchet” (1954), in Selected Non-Fictions, edited by Eliot Weinberger, translated by Esther Allen, Suzanne Jill Levine & Eliot Weinberger (New York: Viking, 1999), pp. 386-389.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “E. S. Pankhurst, Delphos, or the Future of the International Language [review]” (1939), in Selected Non-Fictions, edited by Eliot Weinberger; translated by Esther Allen, Suzanne Jill Levine, and Eliot Weinberger (New York: Viking, 1999), pp. 194-195.
Borges takes up artificial language in later essays and stories. Projects, languages and figures mentioned here are: John Wilkins, Letellier, Volapük (Schleyer), Esperanto, Neutral Idiom, Interlingua (Peano), Dr. Henry Sweet, with a sample sentence in Idiom Neutral.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “For Bernard Shaw” / “A Note on (toward) Bernard Shaw”; in Other Inquisitions, 1937-1952, translated by Ruth L. C. Simms, introduction by James E. Irby (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964), pp. 163-166.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “A Fragment on Joyce” (1941), in Selected Non-fictions, edited by Eliot Weinberger, translated by Esther Allen, Suzanne Jill Levine & Eliot Weinberger (New York: Viking, 1999), pp. 220-221. Boldface by RD:
My story’s [“Funes the Memorious”] magical compadrito may be called a precursor of the coming race of supermen, a partial Zarathustra of the outskirts of Buenos Aires; indisputably, he is a monster. I have evoked him because a consecutive, straightforward reading of the four hundred thousand words of Ulysses would require similar monsters. (I will not venture to speak of what Finnegans Wake would demand; for me, its readers are no less inconceivable than C. H. Hinton’s fourth dimension or the trinity of Nicaea.)
Borges, Jorge Luis. “A History of Eternity” (1936), in Selected Non-Fictions, edited by Eliot Weinberger, translated by Esther Allen, Suzanne Jill Levine & Eliot Weinberger (New York: Viking, 1999), pp. 123-139.
[. . . .] “His [God’s] precise and combinatory eternity is much more copious than the universe.
Unlike the Platonic eternities, whose greatest danger is tedium, this one runs the risk of resembling the final pages of Ulysses, or even the preceding chapter, the enormous interrogation.”
Borges, Jorge Luis. “‘. . . Merely a Man of Letters’: an interview with Jorge Luis Borges,” Philosophy and Literature, vol. 1, no. 3, Fall 1977, pp. 337-341.
Borges, Jorge Luis. Miscelánea. Barcelona: Mondadori-DeBols!llo, 2011.
Collected reviews and essays, many not available in English translation. Note e.g. reviews of Karel Čapek, Christopher Caudwell, Jack Lindsay, Olaf Stapledon, Countee Cullen, Langston Hughes. See also:
Borges, Jorge Luis. “Ramón Llull’s Thinking Machine” (1937), in Selected Non-Fictions, edited by Eliot Weinberger; translated by Esther Allen, Suzanne Jill Levine, and Eliot Weinberger (New York: Viking, 1999), pp. 155-159.
Borges assesses Llull's thinking machine (composed of movable disks enabling myriad combinations of elementary ideas) useless, an absurdity for philosophical purposes but perhaps useful as a literary device. Borges adduces two diagrams, the first a diagram of divine attributes, the second, of Llull's thinking machine. It unworkability is illustrated by Borges using one of his favorite symbols, a tiger. The device is ridiculed in Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Of the first diagram, Borges suggests that the theological subject matter would not be rewarding today. Also, Borges mentions in passing the fourth dimension.
We now know that the concepts of goodness, greatness, wisdom, power, and glory are incapable of engendering an appreciable revelation. We (who are basically no less naive than Llull) would load the machine differently, no doubt with the words Entropy, Time, Electrons, Potential Energy, Fourth Dimension, Relativity, Protons, Einstein. Or with Surplus Value, Proletariat, Capitalism, Class Struggle, Dialectical Materialism, Engels. [157]
Borinsky, Alicia. One-Way Tickets: Writers and the Culture of Exile. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 2011.
Borinsky, Alicia. Theoretical Fables: The Pedagogical Dream in Contemporary Latin American Fiction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. See especially chapters 1: An Apprenticeship in Reading: Macedonio Fernández, pp. 1-16; 2: Taming the Reader: Jorge Luis Borges, pp. 17-33. See also Theoretical Fables: Conclusions (Excerpt).
The Cardinal Points of Borges, edited by Lowell Dunham and Ivar Ivask. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971. (Special issue of Books Abroad)
Table of Contents:
- Introduction by Lowell Dunham and Ivar Ivask (BA, p. 383)
- Browning resuelve ser poeta, by Jorge Luis Borges (BA, p. 384)
- Browning decides to be a poet, translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni (BA, p. 385)
- Encyclopaedia Britannica, by Jorge Guillén (BA, p. 386)
- Humilde irrealidad, by Jorge Guillén (BA, pp. 386-387)
- “Elogio de la sombra”, by Jorge Guillén (BA, p. 387)
- A modest proposal for the criticism of Borges, by Ronald Christ (BA, pp. 388-398)
- In the labyrinth, by Emir Rodríguez Monegal (BA, pp. 398-403)
- The Four Cardinal Points of Borges, by Donald A. Yates
- Borges and the Idea of Utopia, by James E. Irby
- Oxymoronic structure in Borges’ essays, by Jaime Alazraki
- The visible work of Macedonio Fernández, by John C. Murchison (BA, pp. 427-434)
- At work with Borges, by Norman Thomas di Giovanni (BA, pp. 434-444)
- Appendix: Pedro Salvadores, by Jorge Luis Borges, translation by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
- Borges in Oklahoma 1969, by Ivar Ivask, Spanish translation by Manuel Mantero (The Editor Parenthesizes, BA, p. 445)
- Toward a Bibliography on Jorge Luis Borges (1923-1969), by Robert L. Fiore (pp. 83-105; BA, pp. 446-466)
- Jorge Luis Borges: selected bibliography, by Thomas E. Lyon (pp. 107-109; BA, pp. 467-469)
- Jorge Luis Borges in Books Abroad (1936-71), by Ivar Ivask (1936-1970, BA, pp. 111-112)
- Notes on Contributors
Illustrations (in book):
- Jorge Luis Borges: A Portrait by Lütfi Özkök (frontispiece)
- Facsimile page from Borges manuscript [Nota Sobre The Purple Land] ( x)
- Borges and Lowell Dunham; Borges and Norman Thomas di Giovanni; University of Oklahoma, December, 1969 (63 and 65)
- Jorge Luis Borges; University of Oklahoma, December, 1969 (81)
Dapía, Silvia G. Jorge Luis Borges, Post-Analytic Philosophy and Representation. New York: Routledge, 2016.
Eizenberg, Edna; ed. Borges and His Successors. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1990.
Acknowledgments ix
Abbreviations xi
Edna Aizenberg / Introduction 1
I Redefining National Literatures
Ana Maria Barrenecbea / On the Diverse (South American) Intonation of Some (Universal) Metaphors 17
Marta Morello-Frosch / Borges and Contemporary Argentine Writers: Continuity and Change 26
Robert Ross / “It Cannot Not Be There”: Borges and Australia’s Peter Carey 44
Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot / Borges in Germany: A Difficult and Contradictory Fascination 59
Françoise Collin / The Third Tiger; or, From Blanchot to Borges 80
II A New Critical Idiom
Jaime Alazraki / Borges’s Modernism and the New Critical Idiom 99
Gerry O’Sullivan / The Library Is on Fire: Intertextuality in Borges and Foucault 109
Suzanne Jill Levine / Borges and Emir: The Writer and His Reader 122
Emir Rodríguez Monegal / Borges and Derrida: Apothecaries 128
Herman Rapaport / Borges, De Man, and the Deconstruction of Reading 139
Christine de Lailhacar / The Mirror and the Encyclopedia: Borgesian Codes in Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose 135
III In Dialogue with Other Writers
Jerry Varsava / The Last Fictions: Calvino’s Borgesian Odysseys 183[-199]
Geoffrey Green / Postmodern Precursor: The Borgesian Image in Innovative American Fiction 200
Malva E. Filer / Salvador Elizondo and Severo Sarduy: Two Borgesian Writers 214
IV The Visual Arts
Richard Peña / Borges and the New Latin American Cinema 229
Jules Kirschenbaum / Dream of a Golem 244[-245]
V Hebraism and Poetic Influence
Edna Aizenberg / Borges and the Hebraism of Contemporary Literary Theory 249
Edna Aizenberg / Introduction to Two Lectures by Borges 263[-266]
Jorge Luis Borges / The Book of Job 267[-275]
Jorge Luis Borges / Baruch Spinoza 276[-284]
About the Contributors 285
Index 287
Index to Works by Borges Cited in Text 295
Finchelstein, Federico. Fascist Mythologies: the History and Politics of Unreason in Borges, Freud, and Schmitt. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022.
Gil, Jesus Borrego. “Borges à la lettre,” Dossiers du Collège de ’pataphysique, no. 26, 8 June 1964, pp. 71-72.
Hugill, Andrew. 'Pataphysics: a Useless Guide. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.
Jorge Luis Borges, pp. 170-172.
James Joyce, pp. 172-174.
Jitrik, Noé. “Complex Feelings about Borges,” in The Noé Jitrik Reader: Selected Essays on Latin American Literature, by Noé Jitrik, edited by Daniel Balderston, translated by Susan Benner (Durham; London: Duke University Press, 2005), pp. 1-26. See also Borges as cynic .
King, John. Sur: A Study of the Argentine Literary Journal and Its Role in the Development of a Culture, 1931-1970. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
King, John. “Towards a Reading of the Argentine Literary Magazine Sur,” Latin American Research Review, vol. 16, no. 2 (1981), pp. 57-78.
Kristal, Efraín. “Jorge Luis Borges and Philosophy,” in Philosophy as World Literature, edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020), pp. 247-260.
Lem, Stanislaw. “Unitas Oppositorum: The Prose of Jorge Luis Borges,” in Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy, edited by Franz Rottensteiner (New York: Harvest / HBJ, 1986), pp. 233-242. See also Stanislaw Lem on Jorge Luis Borges (Borges 16).
Martínez, Guillermo. Borges and Mathematics, translated by Andrea G. Labinger. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2012.
Novillo-Corvalán, Patricia, Borges and Joyce: An Infinite Conversation. London: Modern Humanities Research Association and Maney Pub., 2011. See also:
James Joyce, Author of “Funes el memorioso” by Patricia Novillo-Corvalan, Variaciones Borges 26, October 2008.
Boldrini, Lucia, Review, James Joyce Quarterly, vol. 49, nos. 3-4, Spring-Summer 2012, pp. 689-692.
Novillo-Corvalán, Patricia, ‘Joyce’s and Borges’s Afterlives of Shakespeare’, Comparative Literature, 60 (2008) 207-227.
Ogden, Thomas H. “Borges and the Art of Mourning,” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 10 (1): 65–88, 2000. Full text available to subscribers at Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing. Also in Conversations at the Frontier of Dreaming, partly readable at Google books.
Roger, Sarah. Borges and Kafka: Sons and Writers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Stavans, Ilan. “Borges and the Future,” Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 1990, pp. 77-83. Abstract only. Full text at JSTOR. On Lem on Borges.
Thinking with Borges, edited by William Egginton and David E. Johnson, editors. Aurora, CO: Davies Group, Publishers, 2009.
Tiwari, Bhavya. “World Literature and the Case of Joyce, Rao, and Borges,” in Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies, edited by Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Tutun Mukherjee (New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India, 2013), pp. 382-396.
Ungureanu, Delia. From Paris to Tlön: Surrealism as World Literature (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018), Chapter 3: Pierre Menard the Sur-realist, pp. 75-126. See also Benjamin Péret: surrealism, automatons, Borges.
Williamson, Edwin. ed. The Cambridge Companion to Jorge Luis Borges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
List of contributors vii
Note on editions and quotations xi
Chronology xii
Introduction / Edwin Williamson 1
1 Philosophy and fiction / Clive Griffin 5
2 Science and mathematics in a literary mode / Floyd Merrell 16
3 Borges and theory / Michael Wood 29
4 Borges on translation / Suzanne Jill Levine 43
5 Jewish, Christian, and Gnostic themes / Evelyn Fishburn 56
6 Islamic themes / Luce López-Baralt 68
7 Borges and popular culture / Philip Swanson 81
8 Post-colonial Borges / Robin Fiddian 96
9 Fictions / Daniel Balderston 110
10 The Aleph / Roberto González Echevarría 123
11 The Maker / Alfred Macadam 137
12 Brodie’s Report / Arturo Echavarría 146
13 The Book of Sand and Shakespeare’s Memory / Efraín Kristal 160
14 The Early Poetry (1923-1929) / Rafael Olea Franco 172
15 The Late Poetry (1960-1985) / Jason Wilson 186
16 Borges In Context: The Autobiographical Dimension / Edwin Williamson 201
Further reading 226
Subject index 234
Index of Borges’s works 241
Index of characters 245
Borges, Jorge Luis. [Review:] “Jack Lindsay, A Short History of Culture. Victor Gollancz”; Sur [Buenos Aires], Año IX, nº 60, septiembre, 1939, pp. 66-67; also in Borges en Sur (1931-1980); reprinted in Borges, Miscelánea (Barcelona: Mondadori-DeBols!llo, 2011), pp. 575-76.
Borges, Jorge Luis. [Review:] “Studies in a Dying Culture, de Christopher Caudwell”; El Hogar, 24 Feb. 1939; reprinted in Borges, Miscelánea (Barcelona: Mondadori-DeBols!llo, 2011), p. 1042.
Duayer, Mario. "Unlikely Afffinities: J. L. Borges, Kuhn, Lakatos and Ontological Critique," in Georg Lukács and the Possibility of Critical Social Ontology, edited by Michael J. Thompson (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2020), pp. 267-288.
Franco, Jean. “The Utopia of a Tired Man,” Social Text, no. 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 52-78.
Johnson, Matt. ‘“Menos documental que imaginativo”: Althusserianism and the Rehabilitation of Borges on the Argentine Left,’ Variaciones Borges 47, April 2019.
Matamoro, Blas. Jorge Luis Borges o el juego trascendente, preface by Juan José Sebreli. Buenos Aires: A. Peña Lillo, 1971.
Macherey, Pierre. Theory of Literary Production, translated from the French by Geoffrey Wall, with a new introduction by Terry Eagleton and a new afterword by the author. London; New York: Routledge, 2006 (1978, orig. French 1966). See Chapter 22: Borges and the Fictive Narrative, pp. 278-287.
Read, Malcolm K. Jorge Luis Borges and His Predecessors, Or, Notes Towards a Materialist History of Linguistic Idealism. Chapel Hill: U.N.C. Dept. of Romance Languages, 1993. (North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages & Literatures; 242). See also:
Chapter III: Monsters of Enlightened Reason (excerpts: Borges & philosophical languages)
Chapter IV: The Ideal Revolution: Romanticism and Its Legacy: section V (Macedonio Fernández)
Walsh, Richard G. Three Versions of Judas. London; New York: Routledge, 2014. (Original publication: Equinox Publishing Ltd, 2010.) See also links to/re story, above.
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