in French: | pages: |
Table of contents | 761 |
Alphabetical table of writings | 755-760 |
How to use the texts | 734 |
Index of names | 735-749 |
Index of subjects | 751-754 |
not included:
Introduction | 7-11 |
List of abbreviations | 12 |
Writings (of Magritte) | 13-734 |
SOURCE: Magritte, René. Écrits Complets, éd. établie et annotée par André Blavier. Paris: Flammarion, 1979. 761 pp.
See also:
Magritte, René. René Magritte: Selected Writings, edited by Kathleen Rooney and Eric Plattner, translated by Jo Levy with six pieces translated by Adam Elgar, preface by Sandra Zalman. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016. xxiii, 286 pp.
Magritte, la Pataphysique et son Collège
René Magritte Interroge les Pierres Vivantes
René Magritte à propos de Jorge Luis Borgès
René Magritte on Descartes, Berkeley, & confusion
Explanation Explained by René Magritte
René Magritte on the Revolutionary Artist vs. Folk Art & Stalinism
René Magritte to Harry Torczyner on Painting
par Paul Eluard
Magritte, & Escher
by R. Dumain
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Uploaded 6 October 2014
References added 15 & 30 March 2020
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