to Construct a Time Machine by Alfred Jarry, translated by Roger Shattuck.
Also on Tripod & Patakosmos.
French original first published in Mercure de France, 110, February 1899,
pp. 387-396, under pseudonym of Dr. Faustroll.
The Art of Penguin Science
Fiction, Chapter 13: The third Italian renaissance
See The Traps of Time edited by Michael Moorcock (1968, 1970, 1979).
Alfred Jarry’s Time Machine &
Michael Moorcock’s The Traps of Time
Above content, on this site with 1979 reprint cover illustration by Adrian Chesterman.
to Construct a Time Machine
Catalogue for exhibition entitled ‘How to Construct a Time Machine’
(with essays by Mieke Bal, Alfred Jarry, Peter Osborne, and Marquard Smith)
at MK Gallery, 23 January - 22 March 2015
How to Construct a Time Machine (23 January-22 March 2015, MK Gallery), January 17, 2015
Alfred Jarry’s Time Machine
(video) by Lawrence Lek
A translation of Alfred Jarry's proto-surrealist science fiction text into a
(nearly) working machine.
Also at Vimeo.
Building a time machine in the Dorset woods by Andrew Jaffe, May 7, 2010
B/E at the Biennale by Andrew Jaffe, August 31, 2010
Panamarenko, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
Time Machines / Paul Laffoley
Laffoley Zoomable Images 3: GEOCHRONMECHANE: The Time-Machine From The
Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond BC, Canada, November 26, 2010
– January 23, 2011
Silver Machine / Robert Calvert with Hawkwind (1972)
Jarry, Joyce, Duchamp and Cage by William Anastasi (May 2000)
Postmodernism as 'Pataphysics Institutionalized (review of Linda Hutcheon) by Douglas Puchowski
Alfred Jarry by Joshua Glenn, 09.08.2010
Alfred Jarry, Marcel Duchamp, ’Pataphysics, & the Fourth Dimension (excerpts) by Andrew Hugill
Alfred Jarry’s Time
Machine & Michael Moorcock’s The Traps of Time
with 1979 reprint cover illustration by Adrian Chesterman.
Definition of ’Pataphysics by Alfred Jarry
Patalogic in the Garden of Sidamo by R. Dumain
Formal Logic of Pataphysics by René Daumal
Alfred Jarry, the Uninvited Guest, Achras & Ubu by Jill Fell
Laughter by Marcel Schwob
Magritte, la Pataphysique et son Collège
The Definitive
Time Machine: A Critical Edition of H.G. Wells’s Scientific Romance
(Contents + notes on Jarry)
H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine: Selected Bibliography
Edward Page Mitchell (1852-1927), Science Fiction Pioneer: Time Travel, Hegel, and More
Eugène Mouton: 19th Century Science Fiction Pioneer
Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau: El anacronópete — The First Time Machine
«Le maître du temps» par Giuseppe Lipparini
The Man Who Was Solved by Dick Allen
Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games, & the Fourth Dimension (web guide & bibliography)
Science Fiction & Utopia Research Resources: A Selective Work in Progress
Humor & Philosophy: Selected Bibliography
Irony, Humor, & Cynicism Study Guide
Philosophical and Universal Languages, 1600-1800, and Related Themes: Selected Bibliography
Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web
“The Crucifixion Considered As An Uphill Bicycle Race” by Alfred Jarry
Read by miette on November 28, 2007 (with sound file)
Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being (exhibition, The Morgan Library & Museum, January 24 - August 16, 2020)
Alfred Jarry: The Carnival of Being (video, exhibition, The Morgan Library & Museum, July 22, 2020)
“The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Considered as a Downhill Motor Race” by J.G. Ballard
Read by miette on December 4, 2007 (with sound file)
Contributors - The Evergreen Review, Issue 102 (1999): James G. Ballard & Alfred Jarry
SAAJ – Société des Amis d’Alfred Jarry
of Science in French Fiction
by Arthur B. Evans
Pataphors (Paul Avion)
Pataphor and Pataphors: Official Site
Illposed Software | Philosophy
The Principals of 'Pataphysical Programming by Darko Svitek, Chief Philosopher at Illposed Software
PRASCAL: a pataphysical programming language by Andrew Hugill and Hongji Yang
’Pataphysics and Computing by Andrew Hugill
Words Made Flesh: Code, Culture, Imagination (2005)
by Florian Cramer
The London Institute of 'Pataphysics - Introduction
Oulipo | Ouvroir de littérature potentielle
Adventures in ’Pataphysics by Alfred Jarry
The Journal of Pataphysical Reviews, volume 3
1. Issue 1
2. Issue 2
3. Issue 3
Maxwell's Silver Hammer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer Lyrics | Rock Genius
Andrew Jaffe
King Ubu: Director's Notes by Anthony Black
INTERVIEW: Marc Lowenthal of Wakefield Press, 7 July 2010
Pataphysical Discourse in the German Bildungsroman by Christian Anderson (Northeastern Modern Language Association Conference, 2008)
Symbolism and Beyond. An Introduction to Jarry’s Life, Work and Poetics
The Pataphysical Calendar of Alfred Jarry
Definitely Maybe ('Pataphysics Resources)
Novum Organum du Collège de ’Pataphysique
Beha, Christopher R. “Oulipo Ends Where the Work Begins,” The Believer, GAMES issue, September 2006 (vol. 4, no. 7).
Jarry, Alfred. “Commentary and Instructions for the Practical Construction of the Time Machine,” translated and annotated by Paul Edwards, in Adventures in ’Pataphysics, edited by Alastair Brotchie & Paul Edwards, translated by Paul Edwards & Antony Melville (London: Atlas Press, 2001), pp. 211-218, 318-320. (Atlas Anti-classic; 8. Collected Works of Alfred Jarry; I)
Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature, translated and edited by Warren F. Motte, Jr. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1986.
Perec, Georges. “ Thoughts on the Art and Technique of Crossing Word,” The Believer, GAMES issue, September 2006 (vol. 4, no. 7).
(Uploaded 23 September 2010. Updated 19 November 2010. Links added 8, 11, 13 Sept 2011; 28 Jan, 24 June, 21 Dec 2013; 30 Oct 2014. Links added, updated, & reorganized 3 June 2018. Bibliographical references added & links updated 1 September 2019. Further updates 17 January 2021, 25 & 27 May 2023, 2 & 4 June 2023.)
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Uploaded 23 September 2010
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