James Joyce

by Jorge Luis Borges

In one day of mankind are all the days
of time, from that unimaginable
first day of time, when a formidable
God prearranged the days and agonies,
to that other day when the perpetual river
of earthly time flows round to its headwaters,
the Eternal, and is extinguished in the present,
the future, the past, the passing—what is now mine.
The story of the world is told from dawn
to darkness. From the depths of night I’ve seen
at my feet the wanderings of the Jews,
Carthage destroyed, Hell, and Heaven’s bliss.
Grant me, Lord, the courage and the joy
I need to scale the summit of this day.

Cambridge, 1968.

Translated by Stephen Kessler.
From Elogio de la Sombra, 1969 (In Praise of Darkness).

SOURCE: Borges, Jorge Luis. Selected Poems, edited by Alexander Coleman (New York: Viking, 1999), English, p. 273; Spanish, 272.

James Joyce

In a man’s single day are all the days
of time from that unimaginable
first day, when a terrible God marked out
the days and agonies, to that other,
when the ubiquitous flow of earthly
time goes back to its source, Eternity,
and flickers out in the present, the past,
and the future—what now belongs to me.
Between dawn and dark lies the history
of the world. From the vault of night I see
at my feet the wanderings of the Jew,
Carthage put to the sword, Heaven and Hell.
Grant me, O Lord, the courage and the joy
to ascend to the summit of this day.

SOURCE: Borges, Jorge Luis. In Praise of Darkness (A Bilingual Edition), translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1974), English, p. 29; Spanish, p. 28.

James Joyce

En un día del hombre están los días
del tiempo, desde aquel inconcebible
día inicial del tiempo, en que un terrible
Dios prefijó los días y agonías
hasta aquel otro en que el ubicuo río
del tiempo terrenal torne a su fuente,
que es lo Eterno, y se apague en el presente,
el futuro, el ayer, lo que ahora es mío.
Entre el alba y la noche está la historia
universal. Desde la noche veo
a mis pies los caminos del hebreo,
Cartago aniquilada, Infierno y Gloria.
Dame, Señor, coraje y alegría para
escalar la cumbre de este día.

Cambridge, 1968.

"Invocation to Joyce"
by Jorge Luis Borges

The Cyclical Night: Irony in James Joyce and Jorge Luis Borges
by L. A. Murrilo

James Joyce: Special Topics: Bibliography, Links, Quotes

Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web

On other sites:

Invocation to Joyce” by Jorge Luis Borges,
translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni,
with Hungarian translation by Ertl István

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