“If the Sun & Moon should Doubt
| Se
sunon, lunon dub’ opresus, — William Blake, El “Aŭguroj pri Senkulpeco”, trad. William Auld |
Forster, Michael N. Hegel and Skepticism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.
Hecht, Jennifer Michael. Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation, from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson. New York: Harper San Francisco, 2003.
Horkheimer, Max. “Montaigne and the Function of Skepticism,” in Between Philosophy and Social Science: Selected Early Writings, translated by G. Frederick Hunter, Matthew S. Kramer and John Torpey (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1993), pp. 265-311. Original publication: “Montaigne und die Funktion der Skepsis,” Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 7, no. 1 (1938).
Frankfurt School, 1938: Max Horkheimer on Montaigne by Bruce Miller, Old Hickory's Weblog, 29 January 2011.
Young Horkheimer: Critical Theory Before the Dialectic of Enlightenment, And After It by Matthew Sharpe (2007).
Michel de Montaigne by Marc Foglia, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Popkin, Richard H. The High Road to Pyrrhonism, edited by Richard A. Watson & James E. Force. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing. Co., 1993. (Originally published 1980.)
______________. The History of Scepticism: From Savonarola to Bayle. Rev. and expanded ed. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Most recent edition.
Book available online for subscribers at Questia Online Library
Table of contents
Publisher’s description
Note: the extract below appears in the Introduction to the latest edition.Popkin, Richard H. The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes, revised edition (New York: Harper & Row, 1968 [based on 1964 ed.; orig. pub. 1960]), pp. XIII-XVI [extract from preface on scepticism & fideism].
______________. “Hume's Racism Reconsidered,” in The Third Force in Seventeenth-Century Thought (Leiden; New York: E.J. Brill, 1992), pp. 64-75.
Popkin, Richard H.; Stroll, Avrum. Skeptical Philosophy for Everyone. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2002.
Saltus, Edgar. The Anatomy of Negation. Rev. ed. London: Brentano's, 1889. (First ed., 1886.)
Other copies of the 1886 edition are downloadable from Google books, including this one. Plain text file downloadable from Ebooks.
See also my blog: Edgar Saltus: The Anatomy of Negation (1).
Skepticism: An Anthology, edited by Richard H. Popkin & José R. Maia Neto. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2007. Contents.
Barker, Dan. Maybe Yes, Maybe No: A Guide For Young Skeptics; illustrated by Brian Strassburg. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1990.
The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal, edited by Gordon Stein. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1996.
Kurtz, Paul. The New Skepticism : Inquiry and Reliable Knowledge. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992.
A Skeptic’s Handbook of Parapsychology, edited by Paul Kurtz. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1985.
Scepticism & Fideism by Richard H. Popkin
“The Main Principles of David Hume's Epistemology as a Source of Contemporary Positivism” by Elena Panova
“Doubt and Atheism” by Evlogi Dankov, re-translated by R. Dumain
Critique of Critical Thinking (2): Critical Thinking vs. 'Skepticism' by R. Dumain
Skepticism in Soviet Philosophical Dictionaries
Letter to Simon Foucher (1675) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
“Putting Descartes Before the Horse” by Dave Berg
Descartes' Dualism (Extract) by Albert William Levi
C.L.R. James on Descartes & the Division of Labor
Descartes & Marxism: Selected Bibliography
Voltaire’s philosophical tales: commentary by R. Dumain
Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” by Theodor W. Adorno
T.W. Adorno on Kant, the Division of Labor & Restriction of Reason
Lecture 7 (11 June 1959): Knowledge as Tautology
Lecture 16 (14 July 1959): Society · ‘Block’
Marx & Engels on Skepticism & Praxis
Indian Materialism & Skepticism
Descartes & Marxism: Selected Bibliography
Bertrand Russell vs William James & the Will to Believe
Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games, & the Fourth Dimension
Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking: A Guide
The Paranoia Papers: Theory of the (Un)Natural History of Social Paranoia: Selected Bibliography
Historical Surveys of Atheism, Freethought, Rationalism, Skepticism, and Materialism: Selected Works
Secular Humanism—Ideology, Philosophy, Politics, History: Bibliography in Progress
Reflexivity & Situatedness Study Guide (with side orders of slumming & liberal guilt)
Irony, Humor, & Cynicism Study Guide
Washington Philosophy Circle: Links to Other Sites
Cogito Ergo Sum de René Descartes, tradukis Albert Goodheir
Antaŭparolo de Eugène de Zilah al Diskurso pri la Metodo de Kartezio (René Descartes)
El “Aŭguroj pri Senkulpeco” [from “Auguries of Innocence”], traduko de William Auld
Bertrand Russell de K. R. C. Sturmer
“Dubo kaj Ateismo” de Evlogi Dankov
En angla traduko de R. Dumain: "Doubt and Atheism"
“Postkomentaro al Dankov” de R. Dumain
Recenzo Nefinverkita: Evaldo Pauli, Pri Dubo kaj Certeco
Pri Dubo kaj Certeco: Enhavtabelo & Prefaco de Evlogi Dankov
ATEO: Bazaj Informoj & Enhavtabeloj de Ateismo
Skepticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(The Skeptic's Dictionary)
Skepticism (Skeptikoi: The Free Online Encyclopedia: TheFreeDictionary)
Skepticism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Ancient Greek Skepticism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Ancient Skepticism - Stanford Encyclopedia
Medieval Skepticism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Contemporary Skepticism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Skeptical Theism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
in Modern Thought
(Dictionary of the History of Ideas)
H. Popkin
“Hume's Racism Reconsidered” by Richard H. Popkin
Richard Popkin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Popkin: A philosopher grappling with notions of God and scepticism (Obit)
Sarah Hutton
The Guardian, 7 May 2005
of Skeptical Philosophy for Everyone, Richard H. Popkin & Avrum Stroll
Ron Barnette
Edward Jayne's Homepage: Skepticism
Scientific skepticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robert K. Merton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Gardner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reason & Society: Martin Gardner (R. Dumain)
Reason & Society: skepticism (R. Dumain)
The Skeptical Canon by Austin Dacey, July 26, 2011 (CSI)
The Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine
Inquirer magazine
(Publication of Center for Free Inquiry, The Committee
for Skeptical Inquiry, with origins in CSICOP)
Kial Mi Ne Estas Kristano de Bertrand Russell (Esperanto translation)
La Problemoj de la Filozofio (ĉapitroj 1 & 2) de Bertrand Russell (Esperanto translation)
Note: In the intellectual sphere, there are two distinct and antithetical senses of the term “skepticism”, which may be designated by the terms “philosophical skepticism” and “scientific skepticism”, both of which contrast with popular usage. See my Critique of Critical Thinking (2): Critical Thinking vs. 'Skepticism' regarding problems with the concept and terminology.
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