‘When God was a woman’ it was already necessary to abolish her. |
Black, Bob. “Feminism as Fascism,” reprinted in: The Alembic, no. 1, Spring 1989.
Note: The version of “Feminism as Fascism” most prominent on the web lacks the paragraph from which this quote was extracted. Note the quotation marks around the key phrase; this alludes to Merlin Stone's 1976 book When God Was a Woman.
M. Bakunin on Materialism and Idealism
"God or Labor: The Two Camps" by M. Bakunin
Natural Order
and the 'Divine Legislator' (according to Bakunin)
by Paul McLaughlin
El Dio kaj la Ŝtato, Esperanto translation by R. Dumain
Religion as Banality by Bob Black
(Ass)Holism by Bob Black
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Updated 9 December 2008
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