Adorno, Theodor; Cook, Stephen, ed. The Stars Down to Earth and Other Essays on the Irrational in Culture. London; New York: Routledge, 1994.
Biehl, Janet; Staudenmaier, Peter.� Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience.� San Francisco, AK Press, 1995. Selections online:
Biehl, Janet. "Reply to Hart and Melle," Democracy & Nature, vol. 4, no. 2/3 [11/12], 1998.
Bookchin, Murray. Re-Enchanting Humanity: A Defense of the Human Spirit Against Anti-Humanism, Misanthropy, Mysticism and Primitivism. London; New York: Cassell, 1995.
Bowman, Paul. "The Tao of Žižek," in The Truth of Žižek, edited by Paul Bowman and Richard Stamp (London; New York: Continuum, 2007), pp. 27-44.
Relevant citations from Žižek:
See also: Paul Bowman, "Who Moved My Worth? Management Self-Help Books and YOU!", 28 March 2003.
Bunge, Mario. "A Critical Examination of the New Sociology of Science. Part 1", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 21, no. 4, December 1991, pp. 524-560.
__________. "A Critical Examination of the New Sociology of Science. Part 2", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, vol. 22, no. 1, March 1992, pp. 46-76.
Fotopoulos, Takis. "The Rise of New Irrationalism and its Incompatibility with Inclusive Democracy," Democracy & Nature, vol. 4, no. 2/3 [11/12], 1998.
Fromm, Erich. "Dianetics"—For Seekers of Prefabricated Happiness. Review originally published in The New York Herald Tribune Book Review, September 3, 1950, p. 7.
Green, Martin. Mountain of Truth: The Counterculture Begins, Ascona, 1900-1920 (Hanover, NH: Published for Tufts University by University Press of New England, 1986). See esp. chapter 8, The Asconan Idea in Politics, pp. 238-253.
Harrington, Anne. "Metaphoric Connections: Holistic Science in the Shadow of the Third Reich", Social Research, vol. 62, no. 2, Summer 1995, pp. 357-385. [Special Issue: The Power of Metaphor]
_____________. Reenchanted Science : Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1996.
Herf, Jeffrey. Reactionary Modernism: Technology, Culture, and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich. London: Cambridge University Press, 1986 [1984].
Kaminer, Wendy. Sleeping with Extra-terrestrials: The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of Piety. New York: Pantheon Books, 1999.
Lasch, Christopher. The Minimal Self: Psychic Survival in Troubled Times. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1984.
Liu, Catherine. "Trading in the Enlightenment for the New Age," The Common Review, vol. 3, no. 3, winter 2005, pp. 30-37.
Nanda, Meera. Breaking the Spell of Dharma and Other Essays. New Delhi: Three Essays Press, 2002.
___________. "Breaking the Spell of Dharma: Case for Indian Enlightenment", Part I, Part II, Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay, India), July 7, 2001. Also at South Asia Citizens Web.
___________. "Dharma and the Bomb: Postmodern Critiques of Science and the Rise of Reactionary Modernism in India", Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture, vol. 1, no. 3, Summer 2002, pp. 45-62.
___________. "Postmodernism, Hindu Nationalism and `Vedic Science'", Part 1, Frontline, Volume 20, Issue 26, December 20, 2003 - January 02, 2004. Also at Mukto-Mona and Butterflies and Wheels (2003).
___________. "Postmodernism, Hindu Nationalism and `Vedic Science'", Part 2, Frontline, Volume 21, Issue 01, January 03-16, 2004. Also at Mukto-Mona and Butterflies and Wheels (2003).
___________. Prophets Facing Backward: Postmodern Critiques of Science and Hindi Nationalism in India. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2003.
___________. The Wrongs of the Religious Right: Reflections on Science, Secularism and Hindutva. Gurgaon (Haryana), India: Three Essays Collective, July 2005. 118 pp. ISBN paper 81-88789-30-5.
Stenger, Victor J. The Unconscious Quantum: Metaphysics in Modern Physics. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1995.
Taussig, Michael T. The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1980.
Terzakis, Fotis. "Irrationalism, Fundamentalism and Religious Revival: The Colors of the Chess-Board," Democracy & Nature, vol. 4, no. 2/3 [11/12], 1998.
Occultism, Eastern Mysticism, Fascism, & Countercultures: Selected Bibliography
"Theses Against Occultism" by Theodor W. Adorno
One-Dimensional Man: From Operationalism to Zen by Herbert Marcuse
"Charles Reich as Revolutionary Ostrich" by Herbert Marcuse
Christopher Lasch's The Minimal Self: A Portrait of Psychological Terrorism
"The New Age Mythology" by Michael Parenti
Heinrich Heine on German Romantic Orientalism
"The Late Medieval Attack on Analogical Thought: Undoing Substantial Connection" by Sheila Delaney
Some Loud Thinking About the Bhagavadgita by G. Ramakrishna
Lokayata by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya
Science and Philosophy in Ancient India by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya
Eastern &
Western Philosophy: Unpublished Letter to the Editor
[rejoinder by R. Dumain to 'The Great Divide' by
Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad]
Holism in Soviet & Anglo-American philosophical dictionaries & encyclopedias
Friedrich Engels on Empiricism, Spiritualism, Science, Mysticism, & Philosophical Naivete
Nikolai Bukharin on oriental & racial mysticism & fascism
“Obskuraj Radikoj de la ‘Nova Epoko’” de Roland Schnell (in Esperanto)
Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide
(5 May 2000; rev. 5/6/2000, 5/9/2000, 6/2/2000, 6/16/2000, 6/21/2000, 12/31/2002, 3/13/2003, 3/17/2003, 3/28/2003, 4/1/2003, 5/10/2003, 2/1/2004, 2/23/2004, 12/16/2004, 1/26/2005, 2/27/2005, 7/19/2005, 8/5/2005, 11/19/2005, 3/2/2006, 3/7/2006, 5/1/2006, 6/24/2006, 7/26/2006, 10/9/2006, 4/5/07, 3/2/08, 4/7/08, 11/22/08, 5/13/09, 12/31/20, 12/17/21)
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