Bertrand Russell vs William James & the Will to Believe


Writings by Bertrand Russell

Transatlantic Truth,” The Albany Review, n.s. 2 (January 1908), pp. 393-410. Review of William James, Pragmatism.

Reprinted as “William James’s Conception of Truth,” in Philosophical Essays (London: Longmans, Green, 1910, pp. 127-149. (Revised ed., London: George Allen & Unwin, 1966.)

Review of Essays, Philosophical and Psychological, in Honor of William James, The Hibbert Journal 7 (October 1908), pp. 203-207.

“The Philosophy of William James,” The Nation (London), 7 (September 3, 1910), pp. 793-794.

Memories and Studies,” The Cambridge Review 33 (November 16 1911), p. 118. Review of William James, Memories and Studies, (Longmans, 1911).

Review of William James, Essays in Radical Empiricism, Mind, n.s. 21, no. 84 (October 1912), pp. 571- 575.

Review of Emile Boutroux on William James, The Cambridge Review 34 (December 5 1,912), p. 176.

Free Thought and Official Propaganda. New York: B. W. Huebsch, Inc., 1922.

An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth. New York: W.W. Norton, 1940.

A History of Western Philosophy. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1945. (Also at See:

Chapter XXIX. William James, pp. 811-818.
Chapter XXX. John Dewey, pp. 819-827.

Other writings by Russell on pragmatism

“Metaphysics for the Man of Action,” The Nation (London), 1 (March 2, 1907), pp. 44-45. Review of Schiller, Studies in Humanism.

“Pragmatism,” The Edinburgh Review, 209 (April 1909), pp. 363-388.

Reprinted in Philosophical Essays (London: Longmans, Green, 1910, pp. 87-126. (Revised ed., London: George Allen & Unwin, 1966.)

“Pragmatism and Logic,” The Nation, 11 (May 18, 1912), pp. 258-259. Review of F.C.S. Schiller, Formal Logic: A Scientific and Social Problem.

Professor Dewey’s ‘Essays in Experimental Logic,” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 16 (January 2, 1919), pp. 5-26.

“Dr. Schiller’s Analysis of The Analysis of Mind,” Journal of Philosophy, 19 (November 23, 1922), pp. 645-651.

Other sources

Anderson, James N. Bertrand Russell on Pragmatism, Analogical Thoughts (blog), 17 May 2018.

Messerly, John. The Will to Doubt: Summary of Bertrand Russell’s “Free Thought and Official Propaganda,” Reason and Meaning (blog), January 28, 2019.

The Bertrand Russell Society - Society for the Study of the Life, Work and Writings of Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell (in Esperanto)
de K. R. C. Sturmer

John Dewey’s Logic: A Select Bibliography

Doubt & Skepticism: A Directed Minimal Bibliography & Web Guide

Pragmatism and Its Discontents: Annotated Selected Bibliography

American Philosophy Study Guide

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The Philosophy of Theory and Practice: Selected Bibliography

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