Theodor W. Adorno & Critical Theory
Study Guide
Compiled by Ralph Dumain
- On Theodor W. Adorno's
Negative Dialectics: Outline, Quotes,
- Adorno on the Commodification
of Theory
- Universal History by Theodor W.
- Adorno on 'Negative' Universal History
- Adorno on the joys of interpretation
- Theodor W. Adorno on academic conformity
- Adorno on Teutonic “depth”
- Theodor W. Adorno on models & ‘true thoughts’
- T.W. Adorno on Solidarity and Isolation
- 'They, the people' (and intellectuals) by Theodor W. Adorno
- T.W. Adorno on Zen Buddhism
- "Dialectics Not a Sociology of Knowledge" by
Theodor W. Adorno
- Adorno on Wittgenstein &
the Dialectical Essence of Philosophy
- Adorno on Wittgenstein’s
Indescribable Vulgarity
- Adorno on Descartes, Wittgenstein,
- Concept of Intuition by Theodor
W. Adorno
- Adorno on Hegel, totality, truth,
- The Privilege of Experience by Theodor
W. Adorno
- Theodor W. Adorno on war-spectatorship, robot-bombs, & Hegel
- Adorno on Philosophy, Formalism, &
Artificial Intelligence
- Adorno on Metaphysics, Philosophical Questions,
History, Sociology, & Culture
- Adorno on Truth, Survival, Consolation
& Freedom of Thought
- Refusing “Positive Thinking”
After Auschwitz by Theodor W. Adorno
- Review: Herbert Marcuse, Hegels Ontologie (1932) by Theodor W. Adorno
- T.W. Adorno on Spengler, Heidegger, and the
Intellectual's Capitulation to Power
- Adorno on Paul Valéry &
Cartesian Rationalism & Irrationalism in French Philosophy
- Adorno on Metaphysical Experience, Mysticism
& Tradition
- Adorno on Workers vs. Intellectuals
& the Meeting of Extremes
- Freedom as They Know It
- Depreciation: Adorno on
Theory, Reification, Paranoia, Dialectics
- T.W. Adorno on Theory, Practice, & Moral
- Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” by Theodor W.
- “Resignation” (Excerpts) by Theodor W. Adorno
- “Theses Against Occultism” by Theodor W. Adorno
- "Inside and Outside" by T. W. Adorno
- Theodor W. Adorno on Progress
in Philosophy
- T.W. Adorno on the Division of Philosophy
& Labor
- "Philosophy & the Division of Labor"
by Max Horkheimer & T.W. Adorno
- Adorno on Brecht
- Theodor W. Adorno on modernism,
Georg Lukács, James Joyce (1)
- Theodor W. Adorno on modernism,
Georg Lukács, James Joyce (2)
- “On Kierkegaard’s Doctrine
of Love” by Theodor W. Adorno
- Introduction to Sociology
- Adorno to Bloch on the Blockage
of Utopia
- Heritage of Our Times
(Contents) by Ernst Bloch
- Ernst Bloch on Expressionism,
Lukács, totality
- Adorno, Schönberg, & Combinatoriality by Roberto Schwarz
- Theodor Adorno, Cornelius Castoriadis, & the critique of identity thinking
by Craig Browne
- Curvaceous Enlightenment
by Claudio Magris
- Jeffrey Herf on Reactionary Modernism & Dialectic
of Enlightenment
- Criticism of “Contemporary Society”
and “Negative Dialectics” (Excerpts on Adorno) by E. Batalov
- Adorno's Negative Dialectic by Howard
- Adorno by Maire Jaanus Kurrik
- Adorno and the Frankfurt School
by Jack Lindsay
- Russell Jacoby for Theodor Adorno, against
Fredric Jameson
- Category Theory & music(?) by Guerino Mazzola
- Adorno’s ‘True Thoughts’ & the Logic of Aphorisms
by R. Dumain
- R. Dumain's Critique of Dialectic of Enlightenment
- Review: Brian O’Connor, Adorno’s
Negative Dialectic (1) by R. Dumain
- Adorno on Hegel: rationalism & irrationalism, logic & experience
with commentary by R. Dumain
- Review: Adorno, dialectics, & science (An Introduction to Dialectics: Lecture 13) by R. Dumain
- Adorno & the Dualities by Ralph Dumain
- "Heidegger's Jargon" by Ralph Dumain
- Adorno contra Husserl by Ralph Dumain
- Adorno for Autodidacts (podcast:
notes & references) by Ralph Dumain
Other Critical Theorists &
- Ideology (Frankfurt Institute for Social
- Preface to The
Authoritarian Personality (Excerpt) by Max Horkheimer
- Max Horkheimer on Materialism vs Positivism
& Metaphysics
- Max Horkheimer on the Duality of Scientism
and Spiritualism in Bourgeois Society
- Cynicism & Conformity by Max Horkheimer
- Concerning Resentment by Max Horkheimer
- A Different Kind of Criticism [of Religion:
Excerpt] by Max Horkheimer
- The Philosophical Critique of Science and the
Neopositivist Critique of Philosophy in the Weimar Republic by Helmut
- Max Horkheimer's Materialism: The Struggle with
Traditional Theory, Science, Positivism, & Irrationalism by Ralph
- On Goldmann, Lukacs, Heidegger, and Adorno
by Ralph Dumain
- Marxism & Totality & Gramsci & Della
Volpe by Ralph Dumain
- Philosophy and Critical Theory (Excerpt: Philosophy
and Class Society) by Herbert Marcuse
- The Concept of Essence (Excerpt:
Descartes) by Herbert Marcuse
- The Concept of Essence (Excerpt: Phenomenology)
by Herbert Marcuse
- Herbert Marcuse on Descartes,
Kant, Hegel: Soul, Mind-Body Duality, & Affirmative Culture
- John Dewey’s Theory of Valuation
reviewed by Herbert Marcuse
- Ushenko (Logic), Frye & Levi (Logic),
Wood (Knowledge) reviewed by Herbert Marcuse
- “Dialectic and Logic Since the War”
by Herbert Marcuse
- Herbert Marcuse on the dialectic of Hegel & of Marx
- Revolution or Reform? A Confrontation
(Herbert Marcuse & Karl Popper)
- "Charles Reich as Revolutionary Ostrich"
by Herbert Marcuse
- On Science and Phenomenology by Herbert
- Comment on the Paper by H. Marcuse by
Aron Gurwitsch
- One-Dimensional Man: From Operationalism
to Zen by Herbert Marcuse
- One-Dimensional Man: Classical
Philosophy, the Division of Labor, Abstraction & Practice by Herbert
- One-Dimensional Man: A New
Science? by Herbert Marcuse
- "Socialist Humanism?" by Herbert
- "The Obsolescence
of Marxism" by Herbert Marcuse
- "The Realm of Freedom and the Realm
of Necessity: A Reconsideration" by Herbert Marcuse
- Herbert Marcuse: Letter to
Karel Kosík, March 22, 1963 (trans. Charles Reitz)
- “Herbert Marcuse's Criticism
of ‘Linguistic Philosophy’” by Colin Lyas
- "From Hegel to Marcuse" by Lucio Colletti
- Man in the “Industrial Society”:
Is Herbert Marcuse’s “Critical Theory of Society” Critical?
by Yuri Zamoshkin & Ninel Motroshilova
- Notes on Herbert Marcuse’s Reason and
Revolution by Ralph Dumain
- "The Reactionary Philosophy, Ambiguous Aesthetics,
and Revolutionary Politics of Herbert Marcuse" [draft] by Ralph Dumain
- “Reactionary Philosophy and Ambiguous Aesthetics
in the Revolutionary Politics of Herbert Marcuse—A Review Essay”
by Ralph Dumain [PDF file]
- “Eduard Batalov and
the Philosophy of Revolt: The New Left through Soviet Eyes” by Ileana
- The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology
- The Positivist Dispute in German Sociology: Notes, Questions & Comments
by R. Dumain
- On Habermas’s Theory and Practice
by R. Dumain
- Theory and Practice by Jürgen Habermas
- Debating the State of Philosophy: Habermas, Rorty, and Kołakowski (Contents & Contributors)
- Metacritique Critiqued by R. Dumain
- Commentary on Matthew Piscioneri, Habermas:
The Myth of Reason by R.Dumain
- Book Review: Intellectuals and Public Life
with Addendum on Heine, Habermas, et al
by R. Dumain
- “Komunika Etiko kaj Esperantismo”
[Communication Ethics & Esperantism] de Helmut Welger (in Esperanto)
- Socialist Humanism: An International
Symposium edited by Erich Fromm
- Erich Fromm on artificial intelligence & psychological determinism (1968)
- Erich Fromm on disobedience in Eden & the emergence of humanity
- Erich Fromm pri malobeo en Edeno & la ekesto de la homo (Esperanto translation by R. Dumain)
- Revisiting D. T. Suzuki: Selective
reading, memory, & embarrassment by R. Dumain
- The Young and the Old Marx
by Iring Fetscher
- Sigfried Kracauer on History and Non-simultaneity
- The Aporias of Marxism / Archaism
and Modernity by Enzo Traverso
- Black Folk and the Struggle in ‘Philosophy’
by Lucius T. Outlaw
- Consciousness and Society: A Review
by R. Dumain
- Lukács’ Lost Manuscript Tailism
and the Dialectic Reviewed by R. Dumain
- Simple and Higher Categories of
the Dialectic by Georg Lukács
- The Question of Educational Work
by Georg Lukács
- “The History of Hegel’s
Youth: Review of Wilhelm Dilthey’s collected writings, Vol. IV”
by Georg Lukács
- “On The Fiftieth Anniversary
of Feuerbach’s Death” by Georg Lukács
- “The Two Epochs of Bourgeois
Materialism: On Moleschott’s Centenary” by Georg Lukács
- Georg Lukács on
Relativism, Feuerbach, Nietzsche & Spengler
- The Metaphysics of Tragedy: Excerpts
by Georg Lukács
- Die ungarische Dramenliteratur /
Georg Lukács
- On Hungarian Dramatic Literature
by Georg Lukács, translated by Charles Senger
- Georg Lukács on Dostoevsky &
the future of the novel
- Stavrogin’s Confession by Georg Lukács
- "On the Responsibility of
Intellectuals" (Excerpt) by Georg Lukács
- "Existentialism" by Georg Lukács
- Georg Lukacs on Nazism & Irrationalism:
The Unity of Cynicism & Credulity
- Lukács on Wittgenstein
- "Lukács' and Husserl's Critiques of Science"
by Mihály Vajda
- Arta partikulareco kaj Esperanto [pri teorio
de Georg Lukàcs] de R. P. Nogueira (in Esperanto)
- Kontraŭrevoluciaj
fortoj dum la hungara proletara diktaturo de György Lukács
(in Esperanto)
- Recherches dialectiques (Table des matières, Bibliographie, Postface) par Lucien Goldmann
- András Gedó on Rationality, History,
Philosophy, and Post-History reviewed by R. Dumain
- Intellectual and Manual Labor by Alfred Sohn-Rethel: Contents;
- Historical Materialist Theory
of Knowledge by Alfred Sohn-Rethel
- “Science as Alienated Consciousness”
by Alfred Sohn-Rethel (with Introductions)
- Book Review, Rudolf Wolfgang Müller,
Geld und Geist by Pasi Falk
- Geoffrey Clark reviews Heads
or Tails: The Poetics of Money by Jochen Hörisch
- Walter Benjamin on Monadology
- “Hochherrschaftlich Möblierte
Zehnzimmerwohnung” / “Manorially Furnished Ten-Room Apartment”
by Walter Benjamin
- Walter Benjamin and Ars
Combinatoria by Ralph Dumain
- “Unpacking my Library”:
Walter Benjamin’s Magic Encyclopedia
- Walter Benjamin on Bertolt Brecht's Lao
- "Writing the Truth: Five Difficulties" by Bertolt
- Brecht on Theatre: Entertainment, Instruction,
Science, Dialectics
- On Hegelian Dialectics by Bertolt
- Sebastiano Timpanaro on Giacomo
Leopardi & Materialist Pessimism
- “Towards a Socio‑Historical
Interpretation of the Scientific Revolution” by Paul Piccone
- Aesthetic Abstraction, Philosophical
Foreplay (Descartes) by W. F. Haug
- Fascism as Pseudo-Socialism by W.
F. Haug
- Literature and Negation (contents
& excerpts) by Maire Jaanus Kurrik
- “Marx and Critical Scientific Thought”
by Mihailo Marković
- “The Concept of Critique in Social Science”
by Mihailo Marković
- Reification by Gajo Petrović
- The prevention of literature: intellectual
regimentation (1946) by George Orwell
- Alvin Gouldner: Notes & Commentary by
R. Dumain
- William Blake on Fixing Error
- 2003 Reading Review by Ralph Dumain
- Henrik Ibsen’s The Wild
Duck & Other Works: A Select, Annotated Bibliography
- Georg Lukács’ The Destruction
of Reason: Selected Bibliography
- Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking:
A Guide
- Vienna Circle, Karl Popper, Frankfurt School,
Marxism, McCarthyism & American Philosophy: Selected Bibliography
- Neo-Kantianism, Its History, Influence,
and Relation to Socialism: Selected Secondary Bibliography
- The Frankfurt School: Philosophy in Relation
to Social Theory, Cultural Theory, Science, and Interdisciplinary Research.
Phase 1: Horkheimer, Adorno, and Marcuse in the 1930s. Study Group Syllabus
by R. Dumain
- Futurology, Science Fiction, Utopia,
and Alienation in the Work of Imre Madách, György Lukács,
and Other Hungarian Writers: Select Bibliography by R. Dumain
- Guy Debord Online
Offsite Links (English-Language
Sources) on
- Adorno texts / Libertarian
Communist Library
The Theodor
Adorno Internet Archive (Marxists Internet Archive)
- Quotes: Theodor W. Adorno
- Minima Moralia Redux
The Authoritarian Personality, by T.W.
Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, Daniel J. Levinson and R. Nevitt Sanford, Harper
& Brothers, Studies in Prejudice Series, Volume 1, American Jewish
Committee, 1950.
Negative Dialectics
(2021), translated by Dennis Redmond. Revision of 2001 translation. Also
available at
academia,edu. See also:
Dialectics, by Theodor W. Adorno, translated by Christian Thorne (Introduction,
through section 15: Vertigo)
Excesses (unpublished piece intended for Minima Moralia)
and Object" by Theodor W. Adorno
After Auschwitz by Theodor Adorno
Society by Theodor Adorno
Times Two
Conversation with Theodor W. Adorno (Spiegel, 1969), translated,
edited, and with an introduction by Gerhard Richter
- “Contribution to the Theory of Ideology”
(1954) by Theodor Adorno, translated by Jacob Bard-Rosenberg
of a Paper by Ludwig Marcuse on the Relationship of Need and Culture in Nietzsche
(July 14, 1942) / Theodor Adorno, Günter Anders, Max Horkheimer,
Herbert Marcuse, Ludwig Marcuse, and Friedrich Pollock
on Wittgenstein's Indescribable Vulgarity
- “The Final Sentence of Section #151 in Adorno’s Minima Moralia” by Nick Overduin
- Frederik van Gelder
Adorno on the Art of Punctuation by Maria Popova (Brain Pickings)
- Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy: Theodor Adorno
- Theodor Adorno - Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia
Theodor Adorno
- Theodor Adorno - trading cards
T.W. Adorno: A Bibliography
of Work in English (April 2002)
Offsite Links by
Adorno in German
Essays & Other Texts
- Dual Layered Time: Reflections
on T. W. Adorno in the 1950s by Jürgen Habermas
- "Dialectics at a Standstill: A Methodological Inquiry Into the Philosophy
of Theodor W. Adorno" by Stephen Bronner,
Revival by Stephen Eric Bronner
- "Language,
Mythology, and Enlightenment: Historical Notes on Horkheimer and Adorno's
Dialectic of Enlightenment" by
- Table of Contents
and Introduction to Theodor Adorno
by James Schmidt
- Odysseus and the
Siren Call of Reason: The Frankfurt School Critique of Enlightenment by
Curtis Bowman
- "Theodor Adorno
and the Culture Industry" by Gordon Welty (March 30, 1984)
- Adorno on
the Ethical and the Ineffable by James Gordon Finlayson
- "From
Phenomenology to Critical Theory: The Genesis of Adorno's Critical Theory
from his Reading of Husserl" by Ernst Wolf
than an Analogy: Rudolf Carnap and Theodor Adorno on Music and Philosophy
by Trevor Pearce
- Three Dialectical Relationships
and the Necessity of Critique in Theodore Adorno's Works by Gregory B.
Adorno in
America: German Exiles and the American Experience by Keith D. Alexander
essays by Ben Watson
The Veil of
Piacular Subjectivity: Buchananism and the New World Order by Mark P.
Worrell (1999)
- "Remembering
Adorno" by John Abromeit
Notes on
Adorno in 1968-69 by Chris Cutrone (Platypus, 26 May 2009)
Jazz and the Critical Potential of Heteronomous Expressive Form by Fumi (Oluwafunmilayo) Okiji (PhD dissertation, 2015)
- The life and work of Gretel Karplus/Adorno: Her contributions to Frankfurt School theory by Staci Lynn Von Boeckmann (PhD dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 2004)
Adorno’s Philosophy of the Nonidentical: Thinking as Resistance
by Oshrat C. Silberbusch (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018)
Offsite Video & Audio
Offsite Links on Critical Theory
- Frankfurt School
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Critical Theory
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Critical theory -
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The Institute of Social
Research Frankfurt/Main
- Illuminations:
The Critical Theory Web Site (current site)
- Douglas Kellner,
George F. Kneller Philosophy of Education Chair -- Graduate School of Education,
- 147
Authors: Social Theory: Marxist and Critical Theorists: Texts (Alexander Street
- Contemporary
Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought
- Voice of the Shuttle: Marxist,
Communist, Frankfurt School, & Later-Marxist Critique
- Critical
Theorists: Conceptualizing Actualization, Actualizing Conceptions
- Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung
- Critical Theory & the
Frankfurt School (Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate)
- The Frankfurt
School and "Critical Theory" (Marxists Internet Archive)
- The Max
Horkheimer Internet Archive (Marxists Internet Archive)
- Introduction to
the Frankfurt School
- Herbert Marcuse Official Homepage
(the main source)
- Herbert Marcuse
- International Herbert Marcuse Society
- The Herbert
Marcuse Internet Archive (Marxists Internet Archive)
- Bequest
Herbert Marcuse, Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main
- Internationale Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft
e.V. (English version)
- The Franz Neumann
Project: Beyond the Behemoth
"Toward a Critical Psychopathology of Fascism"
- Walter Benjamin Research
- Ernst Bloch Assoziation [in German]
- Internationale Georg-Lukacs-Gesellschaft
e.V. [in German]
- György Lukács ~
il primo blog in progress dedicato a Lukács
- Lukács
- Georg (György) Lukács
- Habermas Forum
- Habermas Commentary
- Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks
- SparkNotes: Structural
Transformation of the Public Sphere (Jürgen Habermas)
- William Leiss (various relevant works,
some see under 'essays', below)
- Chicago Political Workshop
(with several texts on critical theory)
- Introducing the Frankfurt
- The
Search for Style, chapter 2 of The Melancholy Science by Gillian
Rose (1978)
- Chris Cutrone:
- Critical Theory of Religion
- Critical Theory -
Bibliography | PhilPapers
- theory-frankfurt-school
-- Discussion of Frankfurt School critical theory (listserv)
- habermas: as text, influence,
adversary, exemplar yahoo discussion group (listserv)
- Marxism 101: Frankfurt
School Critical Theory (YouTube, with links to related videos)
Essays & Books on Critical Theory
A Note on Dialectic by Herbert Marcuse (1960)
- "The
Relevance of Reality" by Herbert Marcuse
- "Existentialism:
Remarks on Jean-Paul Sartre's L'Etre et le Neant" by Herbert Marcuse
- The
Foundation of Historical Materialism by Herbert Marcuse
- Letter:
Herbert Marcuse to Karel Kosik, March 22, 1963 (trans. Charles Reitz)
Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis
by Herbert Marcuse
by Herbert Marcuse
Marxism by Herbert Marcuse
- Towards
a Critical Theory of Society by Herbert Marcuse
Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse
Essay on Liberation by Herbert Marcuse
- The
Essential Marcuse - Introduction - Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse
by Andrew Feenberg (2007)
- Critique
of Marcuse and 'One Dimensional Man In Class Society' by Paul Mattick
- Marcuse
Or Habermas: Two Critiques of Technology by Andrew Feenberg
- Marcuse’s
Legacies by Angela Y. Davis
- Marcuse
In America — Exile as Educator: Deprovincializing One-Dimensional Culture
in the U.S.A. by Charles Reitz
- Left
Heideggerianism or Phenomenological Marxism? Reconsidering Herbert Marcuse's
Critical Theory of Technology by John Abromeit (2010)
- Origin Myths
in the Social Sciences: Fromm, the Frankfurt School and the Emergence of Critical
Theory by Neil McLaughlin
- On the
100th anniversary of his birth: Erich Fromm's Marxist dimension by Kevin
- On
a Foundational Triad of Plinths by John W. Ragsdale (Eco-logos,
Vol. 25 (No. 92, 1-2, 1979), pp. 8-12) [From the Erich Fromm Document Center]
- “The
Idea of Critique in Social Theory” (1983) by Mihailo Marković
- The Significance
of the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory by Harry Cowen (2003)
- “The
New Failure of Nerve,” the Eclipse of Reason, and the Critique of Enlightenment
in New York and Los Angeles, 1940-1947 by James Schmidt
- The Eclipse of Reason
and the End of the Frankfurt School in America by James Schmidt
- “Nonsynchronism
and the Obligation to Its Dialectics” by Ernst Bloch
- Non-simultaneity
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Reclaiming Utopia: The Legacy
of Ernst Bloch by Tim Dayton
- Tendencies of Utopia:
Reflections on Recent Work in the Modern Utopian Tradition by Christopher
- A Fresh
Look at Lukács: on Steven Vogel's Against Nature by Andrew
- Lukács,
Marx and the Sources of Critical Theory by Andrew Feenberg (1981)
- Mediations: Journal of the Marxist Literary Group, Volume
29, No. 2, Spring 2016 (Lukács 2016)
- Lukács's
Theory of the Novel: Centenary Reflections by Franco Moretti, New Left
Review 91, January-February 2015
Lukács and the Early Frankfurt Institute: An Interview with Alexander Dmitriev by Véronique Mickisch (JHI
blog, April 13, 2022)
Trotsky and the Frankfurt School by Helmut Dahmer (Platypus Review #80, October 2015)
- “The Totalitarianism
of Therapeutic Philosophy: Reading Wittgenstein Through Critical Theory”
by Matthew Crippen
- Modern Science,
Enlightenment, and the Domination of Nature: No Exit? by William Leiss
- The
Dual Role of Science in Modern Society by William Leiss (2005)
- Critical
Theory and Its Future by William Leiss (1974)
- Exerpt
from: Hera, or Empathy by William Leiss
- William
Leiss, Hera, and the Fate of Science by Hans Kellner
- “On the Differences between the Classical and the
‘Western’ Marxist Conceptions of Science” by Zeyad El Nabolsy
- Compliance
Fiction: Adorno and Horkheimer's 'Culture Industry' Thesis in a Multimedia
Age by Sam Caslin (2007)
- Young Horkheimer:
Critical Theory Before the Dialectic of Enlightenment, And After It by
Matthew Sharpe (2007)
- Frankfurt
School, 1938: Max Horkheimer on Montaigne by Bruce Miller, Old Hickory's
Weblog, 29 January 2011
- "Upgrading"
Market Legitimation: Revisiting Habermas's 'Technology as Ideology' in Neoliberal
Times by Eran Fisher (2007)
- Wrong
Turn: Notes towards a Critique of Habermasian Liberalism by Geoff Boucher
- Patterns
of Intersubjective Recognition: Love, Rights, and Solidarity by Axel Honneth
- The Other
Frankfurt School by Mark P. Worrell (2006)
- The Disintegration
of Fordism and the Transformation of Black Anti-Semitism in America, 1945-2005
by Mark P. Worrell (2008)
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Uploaded 5 May 2003
Last update 20 January 2025
Previous update 14 January 2025
Historic update 7 March 2023
(Karl Marx’s 200th birthday)
©2001-2025 Ralph Dumain