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Kusch, Martin. Psychologism: A Case Study in the Sociology of Philosophical Knowledge. London; New York: Routledge, 1995. Four Appendices to Psychologism (1995). See also psychologism @ Studies in a Dying Culture.
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Review: Martin Kusch, Psychologism by R. Dumain
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Lukács, Georg. “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat” (1923), in History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, translated by Rodney Livingstone (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1971), pp. 83-222. See esp. section II: Antinomies of Bourgeois Thought.
Lukács, Georg; Neth, Michael (trans.) “The Subject-Object Relation in Aesthetics,” Critical Texts: A Review of Theory and Criticism. 4: 1-23, 1986.
MacIver, R. M. Review: Review: Karl Vorlander, Kant und Marx. Ein Beitrag zur Philosophie des Sozialismus; Johann Plenge, Marx und Hegel; The Philosophical Review, vol. 21 (1912-09-01), pp. 592-598. Also at Google Books.
Makkreel, Rudolf A.; Luft, Sebastian; eds. Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.
Mehring, Franz. “Philosophy and Philosophizing” (1909), translated by Rubin Gotesky, Marxist Quarterly, April-June 1937, pp. 293-297. Originally published: Die Neue Zeit, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, 1909.
Munk, Reinier, ed. Hermann Cohen’s Critical Idealism. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. Table of contents only.
The Philosophical Forum, Volume 39, Issue 2, Summer 2008. Special issue on Neo-Kantianism.
The Philosophical Forum, Volume 41, Issue 1-2, Spring/Summer 2010. Special issue on Neo-Kantianism.
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Skidelsky, Edward. Ernst Cassirer: The Last Philosopher of Culture. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. See also review:
Clingan, Nicolaas P. Barr. Review of Bevc, Tobias, Kulturgenese als Dialektik von Mythos und Vernunft: Ernst Cassirer und die Kritische Theorie and Skidelsky, Edward, Ernst Cassirer: The Last Philosopher of Culture. H-German, H-Net Reviews. March, 2010.
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Neo-Kantianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Society for Neo-Kantianism (blog).
Dictionary of Marxist Thought,
2nd. ed., T. B. Bottomore et al .
See “Kantianism and Neo-Kantianism”.
Marx Bibliography (Andrew
Covers Marx’s relation to Kant, others’ relations to Kant &
Note: Lange and Plekhanov do not fall under the category of secondary sources. As this history intersects the history of German Social Democracy and Austro-Marxism, additional bibliographies covering Second International Marxism are warranted. See my Second International Marxism, German Social Democracy, Austro-Marxism: Selected Secondary Bibliography. Also forthcoming is a selected bibliography of works by the primary Neo-Kantians and their precursors.
Kant in England, 1793-1838: Henry James Richter
by René Wellek
Review: Michael Mack, German Idealism and the Jew
by R. Dumain
The Socialist Transformation of the
Kantian Categorical Imperative
by Arthur Morrow Lewis
Herbert Marcuse on Descartes, Kant, Hegel: Soul, Mind-Body Duality, & Affirmative Culture
6 (9 June 1959), excerpt: T.W. Adorno
on Kant, the Division of Labor & Restriction of Reason Lecture 7 (11 June 1959): Knowledge as Tautology Lecture 16 (14 July 1959): Society · ‘Block’ |
M. Szenczi on Imagination & Nature according to Coleridge, Wordsworth, Blake, Bacon, & Kant
The architectonic of pure reason (excerpt)
by Immanuel Kant
Ernst Cassirer: A Selected Secondary Bibliography
Wittgenstein, Marxism, Sociology: An Annotated Bibliography
Historical Surveys of Atheism, Freethought,
Rationalism, Skepticism, and Materialism:
Selected Works
Theodor W. Adorno & Critical Theory Study Guide
Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide
Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)
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