Frigyes & Ferenc Karinthy in English

(and French)

Compiled by Ralph Dumain

About Frigyes Karinthy

Frigyes Karinthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Voyage to Faremido - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Solfège - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

eszperente - Wiktionary

Frigyes Karinthy Frankfurt ’99

Karinthy Frigyes (Budapest, June 25 1887 - Siófok, August 29 1938)

Karinthy, Frigyes - The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

Hungarian Poets: Frigyes Karinthy (1887-1938), with “Dandelion” & “Struggle for Life”, in
Magyar Szó (Bulletin of the Hungarian Community in New Zealand), no. 113, May 2015, p. 26.

Karinthy, Frigyes by V. S. Baikov, in The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979)

Exhibition on Frigyes Karinthy
Hungarian Literature Online, 04.25.2013

Frigyes KARINTHY ( 1887 - 1938 ) @ Publishing Hungary

Gulliver in Hungary: Frigyes Karinthy (1887-1938) by Lajos Jánossy, Hungarian Literature Online, 04.10.2008

Six Degrees of Separation

I denounce humanity by Frigyes Karinthy, Books Around the Corner, March 17, 2015

1921: Voyage to Faremido & Capillaria (Karinthy, Frigyes), by M.P. Xavier Dalke
Potpourri of Science Fiction Literature, May 25, 2012

Frigyes Karinthy, Grave and Gay, seraillon (Scott W.), December 13, 2010

A Journey Round Karinthy’s Skull, seraillon (Scott W.), December 28, 2010

‘A Journey Round My Skull’ by Frigyes Karinthy, reviewed by Laura Salisbury
Writers’ Hub, 22.06.10

Review: A Journey Round my Skull by E. J. (1940), International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 21: 246-247.
(Unintentionally hilarious)

Karinthy, Frigyes (Budapest , 25. 06. 1997 - † Siófok, 29. 08. 1938)
Museum of Literature

Frigyes Karinthy @ 50 watts

The Nyugat Generation by Leo Kepler, Fiction Advocate, July 30, 2014

The Grotesque: Frigyes Karinthy, in: Lóránt Czigány: A History of Hungarian Literature, chapter XIX.

Karinthy's entry in Albert Tezla: Hungarian authors – A bibliographical handbook

The Puzzle of the H. G. Wells-Karinthy Connection by Katalin Csala

See also “The Puzzling Connection between H. G. Wells and Frigyes Karinthy,” below.

Radium Age Sci-Fi: 100 Best (includes Karinthy)

Radium-Age Robots by Joshua Glenn, January 30, 2010 (includes Karinthy)

Frigyes Karinthy @ Ĝirafo by R. Dumain (in Esperanto and English)


Description at Studies in a Dying Culture radio show (sponsored by Think Twice Radio):

05/07/16 Frigyes Karinthy: the Hungarian Swift & his musical robots (sound file, 57 min.) by R. Dumain

"The Circus" (finale) by Frigyes Karinthy, recited by R. Dumain (on this site, excerpted from the podcast)

05/26/17 Robert Zend: Between Budapest & Toronto, Between Zero & One, Between Dream & Reality (sound file, 51 min.) by R. Dumain
               Influence of Karinthy & relevant passages from both Zend & Karinthy (re)cited in this podcast.

On this site

Ashley, Michael. Gateways to Forever: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1970 to 1980: The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine, Volume III (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007), Appendix 1: Non-English Language Science Fiction Magazines: Hungary, pp. 403-404.

Bleiler, Everet F. Karinthy, Frigyes (1887-1938), in Science-fiction, the Early Years: a Full Description of More Than 3,000 Science-Fiction Stories from Earliest Times to the Appearance of the Genre Magazines in 1930, by Everet F. Bleiler, with the assistance of Richard J. Bleiler (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1990), pp. 400-401.

Dent, Bob. Painting the Town Red: Politics and the Arts During the 1919 Hungarian Soviet Republic (London: Pluto Press, 2018), pp. 97, 99, 146, 166-167.

Fenyo, Mario D. Literature and Political Change: Budapest, 1908-1918. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1987. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 77, part 6, 1987) On Nyugat.

See excerpts: Frigyes Karinthy, Nyugat , & political change in Hungary, 1908-1918. Note, e.g., “Martinovics,” Karinthy’s only political poem (p. 55).

Heim, Michael. “A Writer on His Head” [review of A Journey Round My Skull], The Hungarian Quarterly, Volume XXXVIII, No. 145, Spring 1997.

Kadarkay, Arpad. Georg Lukács: Life, Thought, and Politics (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991), Chapter 4 (The Nietzschean Moment), p. 85, 480; Chapter 8 (Leap of Faith), p. 198, 490. See extracts and quotes: Karinthy mocks Lukács (with links to Hungarian originals).

Szalay, Károly. “Frigyes Karinthy (1887-1938),” in Grave and Gay: Selections from His Work, selected by István Kerékgyárto, afterword by Károly Szalay, binding and jacket by István Bányai, 2nd ed., (Budapest: Corvina Press, 1973), pp. 239-246.

Tabori, Paul. “Introduction”(1964) in Voyage to Faremido. Capillaria; by Frigyes Karinthy, introduced and translated by Paul Tabori (Budapest: Corvina Press, 1965; New York: Living Books, 1966), pp. vii-xxi.

Vajda, Miklós. “Frigyes Karinthy, Humorist and Thinker,” New Hungarian Quarterly, vol. III, no. 6, April-June, 1962, pp. 42-67.

After outlining the emergence of a new generation of Hungarian writers in the first two decades of the 19th century, characterizes the development of his writings, the form and thought of his various kinds of humorous writings, and his aims. Comment on the content of his major works. [Same issue contains English translations of selections from his works, pp. 68-95: see below].

Other references to Frigyes Karinthy

Bangha, Imre. “The Tree that Set Forth: Rabindranath Tagore’s Reception in Hungary,” Archív Orientalní [Prague], 68/3, August 2000, pp. 457-476.

See esp. the reactions of Babits, Kosztolányi, Karinthy (parodic), Lukács (negative), Márai, Szerb (unflattering).

Bisztray, George. “Man's Biological Future in Hungarian Utopian Literature,” Canadian-American Review of Hungarian Studies, Vol. 3, No 1, Spring 1976, pp. 3-13.

Author suggests that there is a Hungarian utopian tradition that has not received adequate attention. Note treatment of Imre Madách (Lukács’ perspective also mentioned), Mor Jókai, and Karinthy, particularly Karinthy’s Tomorrow Morning and A Journey Around My Skull. Note contrast of Karinthy with Hesse. Other Hungarians mentioned are György Bessenyei, Mihály Babits, Sándor Szathmári, Tibor Déry, Peter Lengyel.

Czigányik, Zsolt. “From the Bright Future of the Nation to the Dark Future of Mankind: Jókai and Karinthy in Hungarian Utopian Tradition,” Hungarian Cultural Studies, vol. 8, 2015, pp. 12-23.

Discusses György Bessenyei, Karinthy, and briefly, Szathmári. The bulk of the essay is devoted to Jókai’s A jövõ század regénye (The Novel of the Century to Come).

Gabel, Joseph. Mannheim and Hungarian Marxism, translated by William M. Stein and James McCrate. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1991. See also extracts Alienation, Utopia, & Hungarian intellectuals: Madách, Ady, Karinthy, Fogarasi, Nádor, Lukács, Mannheim.

Gottlieb, Erika. Dystopian Fiction East and West: Universe of Terror and Trial. Montreal; Ithaca, NY: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. See Dystopia west, dystopia east: the vanishing of speculative fiction under Stalinism (pp. 19-20, 289).

Gottlieb, Erika. Review (of Anikó Sohár, The Cultural Transfer of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Hungary 1989-1995), Utopian Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2001), pp. 260-262.

“Furthermore, probably Sohár should also refine her characterization of post-1989 fantasy literature by juxtaposing it with the fantasy literature written in Hungary before the Soviet regime, that is, in the first half of the 20th century, in the works of Frigyes Karinthy and Sándor Szathmári, for example. (Going even further back, one may even widen the perspective on the futuristic, speculative tradition in Hungary by taking note of elements of speculative fiction in that Hungarian classic, Imre Madách’s The Tragedy of Man, an 1860 verse drama containing intriguing speculation about the various avenues for the future of humanity.”

Hargittai, István. “Limits of Perfection,” in Symmetry: Unifying Human Understanding, edited by István Hargittai (New York: Pergamon Press, 1986), pp. 1-17. (International Series in Modern Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; volume 10)

Author references Hungarian and other writers, artists, and composers. Extracts from Frigyes Karinthy’s stories “The Same in Man” and “Two Diagnoses” are presented to illustrate symmetry and antisymmetry, respectively (pp. 12, 17). Karel Capek’s report on his visit to the mineral collection of the British Museum is also quoted (pp. 4-5).

Helmer, Edmund. Six Degrees, BoxOfficeQuant, May 26, 2011.

Orosz Márton. Vissza a szülőföldre!: világhíres és felfedezésre váró magyar származású művészek az animációs film korai történetében / Back to the homeland! world famous or still to be discovered artists of Hungarian origin in the early stages of animated film. KAFF - Hungarian Animation House, 2011.

Sohár, Anikó. “Thy Speech Bewrayeth Thee: Thou Shalt Not Steal the Prestige of Foreign Literatures: Pseudotranslations in Hungary After 1989,” Hungarian Studies, vol. 14, no. 1 (2000), pp. 55-83.

Tighe, Carl. Stanisław Lem: Socio-Political Sci-Fi, The Modern Language Review, Vol. 94, No. 3, July 1999, pp. 758-774. Also at JSTOR.

Links Lem to Broch, Schulz, Witkiewicz, Karinthy, Nesvadba, Hasek, Čapek in an East-Central European tradition.

Literary & other narrative references to Karinthy

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen [comic book]. Reference: Capillaria / Crossover Universe Chronology (Wiki).

II #2, October 2002: 1930 - The New Traveller’s Almanac: Chapter Two: Europe
II #3, November 2002: 1930 - The New Traveller’s Almanac: Chapter Three: The Americas

Karinthy in Crossover Universe Chronology (Wiki)

On this site

Karinthy’s Capillaria in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (quotes, references, links)

By Frigyes Karinthy

Please Sir! (Tanár úr kérem), translated by István Farkas, Foreword translated by Mari Kuttna. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1968. PDF on this site.

The Circus *

Chain-Links (1929, Everything is Different), translated from Hungarian, annotated by Adam Makkai, edited by Enikö Jankó

Boredom / It’s Snowing (two short stories), translated by Ottilie Mulzet

Psychiatry (two sketches), translated by Thomas Szasz: “The Baker” & “Psychiatry”

Barabbas (January 1917), translated from the Hungarian by L.K. Torok, August 1976, with emendations by Professor Watson Kirkconnell. Excerpt from Volume 5, Krisztus Vagy Barrabás “War And Peace” of the Collected Works by Frigyes Karinthy

Barabbas, translated by Balázs Kis (The Third Tower, April 3, 2015) *

Encounter with a Young Man, translated by Balázs Kis (The Third Tower, September 21, 2015) *

Tommy: A simple-minded monologue about the dog’s heart

Conan Doyle: The Sawn-Off Lung-cones. From the Memoirs of Detective Sheerluck Nipp-Nock (A lefűrészelt tüdőcsúcsok. Sörluk Nipp Nock detektív emlékirataiból. Így írtok ti. Budapest, 1912. From: You Write Like This.) Translation by Maria Bencsath

Foreword by Frigyes Karinthy, translated by Leslie A. Kery

Translations of Frigyes Karinthy by István Farkas (“a passable tr. - better than nothing”)

Frigyes Karinthy by Green Integer, The PIP (Project For Innovative Poetry) Blog, November 30, 2010. Introduction to Karinthy & poems “The Message in the Bottle,” “Dandelion,” “Struggle for Life”

Prologue (poem), translated by Csilla D.F.

Struggle for life, translated by Peter Zollman

Struggle For Life - Poem

On this site

The Drama: A Farce-Satire in One Act (1922), translation from the Hungarian by Edmond Pauker. Staged by Nathaniel Edward Reeid. Director’s Manuscript. New York: Longmans, Green & Co, 1925.

The Refund (A Play in One Act for Seven Males) by Frigyes Karinthy, adapted by Percival Wilde (1938)

Prefatory remarks to 1936 publication.

Please Sir! (Tanár úr kérem), translated by István Farkas, foreword translated by Mari Kuttna

Abdominal Operation,” translated by István Farkas

The First Spear, translated by Paul Vajda

Hopeless Love, translated by Paul Vajda

On the Train

Courage, My Boy

The Poet *

The Bootlaces

Crisis to You



My Baby

Criminal Investigation

“Back You Go”

The Savage Beast

Mr. Selfsame, translated by István Farkas

Emile Zola: Oil (A Novel), translated by István Farkas

Sketches, translated from the Hungarian by Thomas Cooper

Grave and Gay: Selections from His Work (Contents)

  • Make-Up (Festék), translated by István Farkas *
  • Days (Napok), translated by Rudolf Fischer
  • Barabbas (Barabbás), translated by István Farkas *
  • Prologue (Prológus), translated by László András T.
  • The House on fire (Az égő ház), translated by László András T.
  • Ego and Little Ego (Én és énke), translated by István Farkas
  • The Nightmare (Az álom), translated by István Farkas
  • The New Life (Az új élet), translated by István Farkas
  • Meeting with a Young Man (Találkozás egy fiatalemberrel), translated by István Farkas *
  • The Circus (A cirkusz), translated by György Welsburg
  • "The Circus" (finale)
  • Genius (Géniusz), translated by István Farkas *
  • Loneliness (A magány), translated by Mari Kuttna
  • Two Ships (Két hajó), translated by Mari Kuttna *
  • The Stranger (Az idegen), translated by László András T.
  • A Fixed Faithfulness (A megrógzített hűség), translated by Rudolf Fischer
  • The Beauty of the Body (Testi szépség), translated by László András T. *
  • Two Games (Két játék), translated by Rudolf Fischer
  • Mrs. Buxbaum the Tree (Buxbaumné, a fa), translated by László András T.
  • The Ideal Hell (Azideális pokol), translated by Mari Kuttna
  • The Mars and District Post (Mars és vidéke), translated by Mari Kuttna
  • I Am Fond of Animals (Szeretem az állatot), translated by István Farkas
  • Scholarship Gets Its Own Back (A bosszús tudomány), translated by Rudolf Fischer
  • Conversation with a Decent Man (Beszélgetés egy jó emberrel), translated by István Farkas
  • A Farewell to Melons and Readers (Búcsú a dinnyétől és az olvasótól), translated by István Farkas
  • Bunny (different translation of "I Am Fond of Animals")

    I Long for my Homeland, translated from the Hungarian by Thomas Cooper

    The Message in the Bottle (poem), translated by Paul Tabori

    Mene, tekel... (poem), translated by Thomas Cooper

    Struggle for Life (poem), translated by Thomas Ország-Land

    Frigyes Karinthy: philosophical fragments / filozofiaj fragmentoj

    “The One and the Nothing”: excerpt; from Ki kérdezett? [Cikkgyujtemény] [= Who Asked You?] (1926)

    Frigyes Karinthy: The Two One and Onlys - The Great Loves of Frigyes Karinthy [transcription of poems]

    Adaptations of Frigyes Karinthy

    Karinthy Frigyes: The Tragedy of Little Man (Comic) by Antonia Nyilasi

    This comedy was written by Karinthy Frigyes following Madách Imre’s dramatic poem. The text is in Hungarian with a brief English introduction. Further references to the Karinthy-Madách connection (all in Hungarian to date) are forthcoming.

    Refund (1938) Fritz Karinthy (original) / Percival Wilde (English Adaptation)
    Mathematical Fiction

    Voyage to Capillaria, BBC Radio 3, 17 February 1976, @ 22.05-23.15. Adapted for radio by George Mikes.

    Images & artwork of the Karinthy family

    The family of Karinthy

    Frigyes Karinthy (1925) by Jozsef Rippl-Ronai

    Frigyes Karinthy (humorist writer, playwright, poet) statue - Budapest XI. DSC_6012-6013 Panorama-1

    Igor Eugen Prokop (profile): “Travel to Faremido”: Acryl. on Paper; 56x76cm. See also:

    Igor Prokop, Amsterdam Art Magazine, 13 ottobre 2015


    Ballad Of Nobody’s Son (Jazz & Poet) / Harcsa Veronika Quartet: 05KarinthyFrigyes (mp3 sound file)

    Gergely Vajda: Barbie Blue, sample from “Gulliver in Faremido”, plus notes

    Iuma: Subliminal Theorists

    Nem mondhatom el senkinek (Karinthy) [I can’t tell anyone] (4:28)

    [Folk Delta Blues] Frigyes Karinthy: Előszó [Video with explanation & links]

    Karinthy Frigyes: Előszó / Foreword (English translation)

    Karinthy in Hungarian

    “Gulliver utazásaiból” [“From the Voyages of Gulliver”] in Krisztus és Barabbás (1918).

    Gulliver utazásaiból” : tizedik fejezet : [szatíra részlet]. Tiszatáj, (54) 69, 2000, pp. 15-16. PDF.

    Gulliver utazásaiból”: Krisztus vagy Barrabás? 1914-1919: Hátrálva a világ körül: Válogatott cikkek (Károly Szalay).

    Karinthy in French

    (Karinthy has been extensively translated & celebrated in French.)

    Œuvres de Frigyes KARINTHY [aims at translation of complete works; selected links below]

    La Saga des Karinthy, Par Michelle Moreau Ricaud (Blog des Mardis hongrois de Paris, 24 mai 2012)

    About Ferenc Karinthy

    Ferenc Karinthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Karinthy, Ferenc (Ivan Sanders)
    The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe

    Ferenc KARINTHY ( 1921 - 1992 ) @ Publishing Hungary

    Metropole - Karinthy Ferenc - Complete Review

    A parable and its limits (Ferenc Karinthy: Metropole) by Zoltán András Bán, translated by: Maya LoBello

    Ferenc Karinthy’s “Metropole” by Robert Buckeye
    Words without Borders, 2008

    Metropole by Ferenc Karinthy, translated by George Szirtes; reviewed by Monica Carter

    Metropole by Ferenc Karinthy; reviewed by Jonathan Derbyshire
    New Humanist, 8th May 2008

    Hungary: lost in transit, by Ann Morgan
    August 11, 2012

    Strangers in Confrontation in the Work of Ferenc Karinthy by Jean-Luc Moreau and Wendell E. McClendon
    Books Abroad, Vol. 47, No. 2 (Spring, 1973), pp. 260-265

    On this site

    Sign (for Ferenc Karinthy)” by Robert Zend (from From Zero to One (1973), p. 109; with Esperanto translation “Signo” by R. Dumain

    By Ferenc Karinthy

    Video performances

    Steinway Grand - full movie. (Nov. 14, 2018.) Script based on KARINTHY Ferenc’s one act stage play Bosendorfer. Scripted & directed by John Varszegi. Director of Photography: Rene Schwarz. An HTVBC Film Studio Production. Lead actors: Andrew Wade and Samantha Rubin.

    On this site


    Goodbye for Ever and Ever and Ever

    Select Offline Bibliography with Online Links

    By Frigyes Karinthy

    “Abdominal Operation,” in Hungarian Short Stories, with an introduction by A. Alvarez (London; New York: Oxford University Press, 1967), p. 203ff.

    Book also published as: Twenty-Two Hungarian Short Stories, with an introduction by A. Alvarez. Budapest: Corvina, 1967.

    Don’t know whether the transation is the same as: “Abdominal Operation,” translated by István Farkas, in The Kiss: 20th Century Hungarian Short Stories, selected by István Bart (Budapest: Corvina, 1997), pp. 72-79.

    Grave and Gay: Selections from His Work, selected by István Kerékgyárto, afterword by Károly Szalay. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1973.

    A Journey Round My Skull, translated by Vernon Duckworth Barker, introduction by Oliver Sacks. New York: New York Review of Books, 2008. [Translation originally published 1939]

    A selection of the works of Frigyes Karinthy, New Hungarian Quarterly, vol. III, no. 6, April-June, 1962, pp. 68-95. [See also Vajda, below.] All translations except “The Circus” by István Farkas. (Some on this site: see links.)

    The Circus (translated by György Welsburg)
    I am fond of animals [from The Whole Town Is Talking About...]
    The good student is questioned [from Please Sir!]
    The bad student is questioned [from Please Sir!]
    Mr. Selfsame
         or psychophysics of the friction between the upper strata of society and the mass psyche
         (Being an exhaustive study of the causes of social struggles, in two volumes) [From Farcical Theatre]
    Emile Zola: Oil (A Novel) [from The Way You Write]
    Avdelning 13 [from A Journey Round My Skull]

    Cabaret Performance. Volume II: Europe 1920-1940; selected and translated, with commentary, by Laurence Senelick. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.

    III. Cabaret in Central and Eastern Europe, 1913-1934. On cabaret in Hungary, pp. 123-124.
    “Same, Only Different” (Ugyanaz férfiben) by Frigyes Karinthy, pp. 132-136.
    “The Turtle, or Who’s the Crazy Around Here? (Teknosbéka, vagy ki az orült a csdárdában) by Frigyes Karinthy, pp. 137-147.

    Quest of the ‘Miracle Stag’: the Poetry of Hungary: an Anthology of Hungarian poetry in English Translation from the 13th Century to the Present in Commemoration of the 1100th Anniversary of the Foundation of Hungary and the 40th Anniversary of the Hungarian Uprising of 1956, edited by Adam Makkai et al., foreword by Árpád Göncz. Chicago: Atlantis-Centaur; Urbana, IL: International distribution by University of Illinois Press, 1996. Poems by Frigyes Karinthy:

    “The Message in the Bottle,” in vol. 1, p. 510.
    “Mene Tekel,” in vol. 1, p. 511.
    “Dandelion,” in vol. 1, p. 512.
    “Struggle for Life,” in vol. 1, p. 514.

    Refund: A Farce,” adapted by Percival Wilde, in One-Act Plays from Nine Countries, edited by Percival Wilde (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1936), pp. 357-376. Note introduction, pp. 357-358.

    Soliloquies in the Bath, translated by Lawrence Wolfe, illustrated by Franz Katzer. London; Edinburgh; Glasgow: William Hodge and Company Limited, 1937. 222 pp.

    The Moral
    Soliloquies in the Bath
    Domestic Bliss
    An Investment
    Question and Answer

    Three Plays by Frigyes Karinthy: ‘The Singing Lesson’, ‘Long War’, ‘The Magic Chair: A Comedy in One Act’”; translated by Imre Goldstein, Performing Arts Journal, vol 6, no. 3 (1982), pp. 92-110. (“The Magic Chair” is also in Esperanto. *) See also Goldstein, “Karinthy’s Kabaré.”

    Voyage to Faremido. Capillaria; introduced and translated by Paul Tabori. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1965; New York: Living Books, 1966. *

    This edition omits the “Letter to H. G. Wells” (July 1925) that prefaces Capillaria. See Letero al H. G. Wells (in Esperanto) on this site and Lettre à H. G. Wells (in French) elsewhere.

    “The Woman,” Fiction (periodical), vol. 14, no. 2.

    “Mother,” Fiction (periodical), vol. 15, no. 1. [Dept. of English, City College of New York, 1972- . ISSN: 0046-3736]

    The General Fiction Magazine Index
        KARINTHY, FREDERICK; [i.e., Frigyes Karinthy] (1887-1938) (chron.)

    About Frigyes Karinthy

    “Frigyes Karinthy,” Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2003. (Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, vol. 47, pp. 265-273.) Available at major research libraries. Includes reviews:

    “A Strange Record” by G. W. Stonier, The New Statesman & Nation 17.415, February 4, 1939, pp. 180, 182.
         Review of A Journey Round My Skull
    “A Literary Exercise on Disease by Sir Flinders Petrie,” The Times Literary Supplement, February 18, 1939, p. 101.
         Review of A Journey Round My Skull
    “Frigyes Karinthy, Hungarian Humorist: 1888-1938” by Joseph Reményi, Poet Lore 52.1, Spring 1946, pp. 69-79.

    Csala, Katalin. “The Puzzling Connection between H. G. Wells and Frigyes Karinthy,” in The Reception of H. G. Wells in Europe, edited by Patrick Parrinder & John S. Partington (London: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005), pp. 195-204. See also The Puzzle of the H. G. Wells-Karinthy Connection.

    Fekete, John. “Science Fiction in Hungary,” Science Fiction Studies, vol. 16, no. 2 (48), July 1989, pp. 191-200.

    Goldstein, Imre. “Karinthy’s Kabaré,” Performing Arts Journal, vol 6, no. 3 (1982), pp. 87-90. See also Karinthy, “Three Plays.”

    Hartvig, Gabriella. The Critical and Creative Reception of Eighteenth-Century British and Anglo-Irish Authors in Hungary. Pécs: University of Pécs, 2013. Includes:

    “The Dean in Hungary,” pp. 11-30. Previously published in Hartvig, 2005.

    “Hungarian Gullivariads: Gulliver’s Travels in Faremidó, Capillária, and Kazohinia,” pp. 31-45. Previously published in Hartvig, 2008.

    “Gulliver’s Umpteenth Voyage in Hungary: the Most Recent Sequels,” pp. 47-63.

    Includes discussion of Karinthy and Szathmári.

    Hartvig, Gabriella. “The Dean in Hungary,” in The Reception of Jonathan Swift in Europe, edited by Hermann J. Real (London; New York: Continuum, 2005), pp. 224-237.

    Karinthy and Szathmári are discussed here.

    Hartvig, Gabriella. "Hungarian Gulliveriads: Gulliver's Travels in Faremidó, Capillária, and Kazohinia," in Reading Swift: Papers from The Fifth Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift, edited by Hermann J. Real (München: Wilhelm Fink, 2008), pp. 519-31.

    Includes a comparison of Karinthy and Szathmári.

    Küchler, Ulrike. “Alien Art: Encounters with Otherworldly Places and Inter-medial Spaces,” in Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism, edited by Ulrike Küchler, Silja Maehl, Graeme Stout; foreword by Dame Gillian Beer (New York: Bloomsbury Academy, 2015), pp. 31-55.

    Includes discussion of Frigyes Karinthy’s Voyage to Faremido.

    Lengyel, Emil. Review: Voyage to Faremido. Capillaria by Frigyes Karinthy; Paul Tábori, Books Abroad, vol. 40, no. 3, Summer, 1966, p. 339.

    Palkó, Gábor. “Frigyes Karinthy.” Twentieth-Century Eastern European Writers: First Series; ed. Steven Serafin. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 215, pp. 175-9. Available online at major research libraries.

    Szekacs-Weisz, Judit; Keve, Tom; eds. Ferenczi and His World: Rekindling the Spirit of the Budapest School. London: Karnac Books, 2012. See esp. Chapter 1: Ferenczi Remembered, by Tom Keve, pp. 1-29. See Karinthy: pp. 10-14.

    Vöő, Gabiella. “Critics and Defenders of H. G. Wells in Interwar Hungary,” in The Reception of H. G. Wells in Europe, edited by Patrick Parrinder & John S. Partington (London: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005), pp. 175-194.


    Vajda, János. Barabbás: Opera in One Act; Farewell; Stabat Mater: In Memoriam Igor Stravinsky [sound recording]. Hungary: Hungaroton; New York: Distributed by Qualiton Imports, 1982.

    Other references

    Gabel, Joseph. Mannheim and Hungarian Marxism, translated by William M. Stein and James McCrate. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1991. See also extracts Alienation, Utopia, & Hungarian intellectuals: Madách, Ady, Karinthy, Fogarasi, Nádor, Lukács, Mannheim.

    Mérő, László. Ways of Thinking: The Limits of Rational Thought and Artificial Intelligence, translation by Anna C. Gősi-Greguss; English version edited by Viktor Mészáros. Singapore; Teaneck, N.J.: World Scientific, 1990. See table of contents + references to Karinthy & other Hungarian writers.

    Review by Eugene Clark, Journal of Law and Information Science (1991), pp. 242-247.

    Nyíri, Kristóf. “The Networked Mind,” Studies in East European Thought, Vol. 60, No. 1/2, The Sociological Tradition of Hungarian Philosophy, June 2008, pp. 149-158.

    By Ferenc Karinthy

    “The Birthday of Emil Dukich,” in Hungarian Short Stories, edited by Paul Varnai, introduction by Naim Kattan (Toronto: Exile Editions, 1983), pp. 143-162.

    Goodbye for Ever and Ever and Ever,” Argosy (UK), vol. 26 #10, October 1965, pp. 99-102.

    Hot Air: A Play in One Act, translated by Jo Ann Burbank. New York: S. French, 1969.

    Requiem,” in The Kiss: 20th Century Hungarian Short Stories, selected by István Bart (Budapest: Corvina, 1997), pp. 210-223. Same translation as the following.

    “Requiem,” in Hungarian Short Stories, edited by Paul Varnai, introduction by Naim Kattan (Toronto: Exile Editions, 1983), pp. 34-47.

    Spring Comes to Budapest, translated from the Hungarian by István Farkas, revised by D. M. Garman. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1964. 233 pp.

    Steinway Grand: A Play in One Act, translated by Matyas Eszterhazy; revised by Bertha Gaster. New York: Samuel French, Inc., 1968.

    See also performance on video: Steinway Grand - full movie.

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    Futurology, Science Fiction, Utopia, and Alienation in the Work of Imre Madách, György Lukács, and Other Hungarian Writers: Select Bibliography

    Sándor Szathmári (1897–1974): Bibliografio & Retgvidilo / Bibliography & Web Guide

    Robert Zend (Hungarian-Canadian writer, 1929-1985): Dedications, Works, Links

    Robert Zend en Esperanto

    Karel Čapek’s R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots), 1920-2020, guide compiled by Ralph Dumain

    Science Fiction & Utopia Research Resources: A Selective Work in Progress

    Sciencfikcio & Utopia Literaturo en Esperanto / Science Fiction & Utopian Literature in Esperanto: Gvidilo / A Guide

    * At least one Esperanto translation from the Hungarian exists.

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