Contemporary Jewish Writing in Europe: A Guide, edited by Vivian Liska and Thomas Nolden. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008.
Secret affinities: contemporary Jewish writing in Austria / Vivian Liska
Writing against reconciliation: contemporary Jewish writing in Germany / Stephan Braese
Remembering or inventing the past: second-generation Jewish writers in the Netherlands / Elrud Ibsch
Bonds with a vanished past: contemporary Jewish writing in Scandinavia / Eva Ekselius
Imagined communities: contemporary Jewish writing in Great Britain / Bryan Cheyette
À la recherche du judaïsme perdu: contemporary Jewish writing in France / Thomas Nolden
Ital’Yah letteraria: contemporary Jewish writing in Italy / Christoph Miething
Writing along borders: contemporary Jewish writing in Hungary / Péter Varga with Thomas Nolden
Making up for lost time: contemporary Jewish writing in Poland / Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska
De-centered writing: aspects of contemporary Jewish writing in Russia / Rainer Grübel & Vladimir Novikov
Island of Sound: Hungarian Poetry and Fiction Before and Beyond the Iron Curtain, introduction by George Szirtes. London: Harvill Press, 2004.
Ararát: A Collection of Hungarian-Jewish Short Stories, translated from the Hungarian with an introduction and notes by Andrew Handler. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1977.
Kobor, T. When they first called me a Jew.
Lob, E. The Tartli partners.
Kertesz, M. Moishe.
Pap, K. Blood.
Ballagi, E. and Nador, J. The story of a nose.
Ujvari, P. Heaven’s wagon driver.
Berkes, I. Legends about a teacher.
Kiss, A. My grandfather.
Raab, A. Three barrels of petroleum.
Molnar, A. Incident on a trip in 1937.Szabolcsi, L. The K-lettered ring.
Patai, J. The zaddik of Ujhely.
Mezey, F. The prodigy from Minsk.
Gervai, S. Reb Zorech the goatherd.
Mezey, B. The paying patient.
Peterdi, A. Eleazar, the Bible copyist.
Sarandy, I. The sad story of David Kellermann.
Hollo, J. Old story.
Ver, A. Reb Noach Dobber.
Galosi, S. Vendel Szigeti.
Contemporary Jewish Writing in Hungary: An Anthology, edited by Susan Rubin Suleiman and Éva Forgács. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2003.
Survivors: Hungarian Jewish Poets of the Holocaust, edited and translated by Thomas Ország-Land. Middlesborough, UK: Smokestack Books, 2014.
Miklós Radnóti at Babelmatrix: Hungarian Works translated to English.
All That Still Matters at All: Selected Poems of Miklós Radnóti, translated by John M. Ridland & Peter V. Czipott. Milwaukee; Urbana: New American Press, 2014. 205 + [5] pp. Translations appear with Hungarian originals.
Miklós Radnóti: The Complete Poetry in Hungarian and English, translated by Gabor Barabas; foreword by Gyõzõ Ferencz. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2014.
"Miklós Radnóti" by Willis Barnstone
The page of Mezei András, Hungarian Works translated to English: Babelmatrix.
Mezei, András. Adorno: [versek], az illusztrációk Sam Herciger alkotásai. Budapest: Belvárosi Könyvkiadó, 1992. 160 pp.
Christmas in Auschwitz, translated and edited by Thomas Ország-Land. London: Smokestack Books, 2010.
András Mezei: Christmas in Auschwitz.
András Mezei, Testimony: Voices of the Holocaust, translated from the Hungarian and introduced by Thomas Land. London: Alpha World Features; Budapest: City Press, 1995.
The Survivor by András Mezei, translated from the Hungarian & edited by Thomas Ország-Land, New English Review, November 2014. Title poem of The Survivors: Hungarian Jewish Poets of the Holocaust (Smokestack Books, 2014).
András Mezei (1930-2008), a foremost poet of the Hungarian Holocaust that reached its peak 70 years ago. More of his work in English appears in Survivors: Hungarian Jewish Poets of the Holocaust (2014) and Christmas in Auschwitz (2010), both translated and edited by Thomas Ország-Land and published by Smokestack Books, England.
Thomas Ország-Land, the editor and translator of the Hungarian Holocaust anthology, is also a survivor of that disaster. He is a poet and award-winning foreign correspondent based in London and his native Budapest. His poetry appears in current, forthcoming or very recent issues of Acumen, Ambit, The Jewish Quarterly, The London Magazine and Stand.
The Voices of the Ghetto Still Address Us by András Mezei, translated from the Hungarian & edited by Thomas Ország-Land, September 2015.
The Schmooze: András Mezei’s Holocaust Poetry for Our Time by Thomas Ország-Land, The Jewish Forward, May 12, 2011.
Words May Salve the Holocaust Wounds that Refuse to Heal, An Interview with Thomas Ország-Land, New English Review, February 2015.
All That Still Matters at All: Selected Poems of Miklós Radnóti
Survivors: Hungarian Jewish Poets of the Holocaust
for Life (poem) by Frigyes Karinthy,
translated by Thomas Ország-Land
Miklós Radnóti at Babelmatrix: Hungarian Works translated to English
“Odo hezita” de Miklós Radnóti, trad. Márton Fejes
Letero al la edzino de Miklós Radnóti, trad. F. Szilágyi
“Radnóti” de Emeriko [Imre] Szabó
“Spiralvojo” de Jenö Heltai, el la hungara trad. Ferenc Szilágyi
El mia
notlibro de György Faludy
(pri Karinthy & Esperanto)
“Al la Juda Foririnto” de Lodewijk Cornelius Deij
Nazia apokalipso / Varsovia geto de Rikardo Ŝulc
Frigyes & Ferenc Karinthy in English
Frigyes (Frederiko) Karinthy (1887-1938) en Esperanto
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