Ideology Study Guide
by Ralph Dumain
“Tryin' to make it real—compared
to what?”
— “Compared
to What?” by Eugene
Grouped here are various pages on this site which
serve as reference material for the study of ideology. No claims are made for
the definitiveness of any of these views or sources, and no particular coherence
to this assemblage of material should be assumed.
- Ideology: Points to Ponder
- Ideology: Definitions & Approaches (Terry Eagleton's
- "Ideology" by Raymond Williams
- Concepts of Ideology (1):
On the history of the term from Destutt de Tracy to Marx, by Arne Naess
- Concepts of Ideology (2):
Definitions of the term "ideology" today, by Arne Naess
- Ideology: My Selected Bibliography
- Bibliography: Ideology by David McLellan
- Jeff Schmidt on Ideology and Professionals
- Ideology: Descriptive, Pejorative, Positive Views, by Raymond Geuss
1. Ideology in the Descriptive
2. Ideology in the Pejorative
3. Ideology in the Positive
- "Ideology" by Jorge Larrain
- Contents and Introduction to The Concept
of Ideology by Jorge Larrain
- Ideology (Frankfurt Institute for Social
- The Dialectic of Ideology and Technology:
The Origins, Grammar, and Future of Ideology by Alvin W. Gouldner
- Reification by Gajo Petrović
- Antonio Gramsci on the essence
of dialectical method
- Karl Marx on commonsense, unity,
& distinction
- Karl Marx vs. Cynical Reason: On Suppositions
of Naked Self-Interest
- Marx on Science, Religion, Historical Method
- "Dialectics Not a Sociology of Knowledge"
by Theodor W. Adorno
- "Ideal Superstructures" by Derek
- The German Ideology
After 150 Years
- Quotable Quotes from The German Ideology
by Marx & Engels
- "On Unreflective Reflexivity"
by R. Dumain
- Commodification of Progressive Ideology
by Ralph Dumain
- Alvin Gouldner: Notes & Commentary by
R. Dumain
- Reflexivity & Situatedness Study Guide
- Doubt & Skepticism: A Directed Minimal
Bibliography & Web Guide
- Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking:
A Guide
- “Ideology as a
Form and Mode of Human Existence” by Milan Kangrga
- "Theory and Ideology" by Alvin
- Henri Lefebvre on Marx, Religion, Philosophy,
Ideology & Politics
- The Vacillation of Ideology (Excerpt)
by Étienne Balibar
- Partisanship and Objectivity in Theoretical
Work by Maurice Cornforth
- Maurice Cornforth on Partisanship and Objectivity
by Ralph Dumain
- "Objectivity & Partisanship in Science" by
Aant Elzinga
- "The Growth of Science: Romantic and Technocratic
Images" by Aant Elzinga
- The Man of Science in a World of Crisis: A
Plea for a Two-Pronged Attack on Positivism and Irrationalism by Aant
- "The Concept of Critique in Social Science"
by Mihailo Markovic
- On Althusser, Ideology and Marxist Theory
of Knowledge by David W. Schwartzman & Mohsin Siddique, Response by
Lester Talkington
- "Cynicism as a Form of Ideology" by Slavoj
- "Myth Today" (excerpt) by Roland Barthes
- Moralism & Morality (Excerpt)
by Anthony Skillen
- "Historical Amnesia" by Karl Maton &
Rob Moore
- "Popes, Kings & Cultural Studies: Placing
the commitment to non-disciplinarity in historical context" by Karl Maton
- Adorno on the Commodification
of Theory
- Ideology? (photographs)
- Paul Szende on ideology & reification
- Alienation, Utopia, & Hungarian intellectuals:
Madách, Ady, Karinthy, Fogarasi, Nádor, Lukács, Mannheim
by Joseph Gabel
- “Mitologías del odio” de Jorge Luis Borges
- "Pri Falsa Konscio kaj Mistifiko"
de Ladislav Podmele (in Esperanto)
- Essence of dialectical method vs ideology: key links
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Ralph Dumain
Uploaded 26 August 2001
Last update 22 November 2023
Previous update: 31 July 2022
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