Washington Philosophy Circle presents:
Links to Philosophical & Related Web Sites
Philosophy: Discussion Groups, Organizations
The Washington Philosophy Meetup
This is the now-defunct seed-group of the Washington Philosophy Circle,
which severed its relationship when meetup.com
began charging fees for its services in May 2005.
Note also other relevant local meetups.
Café Philo
DC Dialogue discussion list
Yahoo group associated with the Washington DC Café Philo
Bernard Roy & Café Philo
Philosophy for the Masses, a growing international movement
Café Philo (New York)
Site under development
Linked to the Café Philo movement
Philos Philosophy Cafes: in brief
The Café Philo movement, in English
Philos: Cafés Philo:
The Café Philo movement, in French, with links to Cafés Philo
in various countries
Society for Philosophical Inquiry
Philosophy for the masses, featuring Socrates Cafes and Philosophers Clubs
Philosophy for All
Philosophy for the masses, a British organization
Big Ideas
Philosophy for the people, in London
Café Scientifique
Scientific discussion for the masses
I Love Philosophy.com
Discussion forums et al
You ask. Philosophers answer.
ICPIC - International Council of Philosophical Inquiry with Children
The Northwest Center for Philosophy for Children
The American Philosophical Association
Philosophy: Magazines
Philosophy Now: A Magazine of Ideas
Philosophy for the masses, with calendars of events internationally.
Has a discussion board on the site as well as a yahoo group.
TPM Online: The Philosophers'
Magazine on the Net
Philosophy for the masses, also from the UK, with articles, events, discussions,
The Examined Life On-Line
Philosophy Journal
Also has discussion forums
Hermenaut: independent philosophical zine
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias Online (Freely Accessible)
Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This site is out of order. It can be found via the
Wayback Machine: but
only some of the the cross-links are functional. Sources:
(R) Dagobert D. Runes (ed.), Dictionary of Philosophy, 1942
(I) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(S) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(M) Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind
(B) The Ism Book
(C) The Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)
(N) A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Dictionary of the
History of Ideas
An important reference source, now online & searchable (except for Vol. 5:
Index). This page links to 4 of the 5 volumes.
Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind
FOLDOP | Dizionario di Filosofia | Home
Free On Line Dictionary Of Philosophy (2006)
A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names by Garth Kemerling
Glossary (The Information Philosopher)
Interdisciplinary Encyclopaedia of Religion
and Science
Useful material, but note the bias of the site.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
is also an excellent source.
Look up a specific topic or see Category:Philosophy
for broad categories.
Resources/Research in Philosophy
Internet Philosopher (Tour guide to philosophy on the net)
Philosopher’s Digest
"Timely Reviews of Current Philosophy Articles"
(reviews of technical articles on analytical & moral philosophy)
EpistemeLinks.com: For Philosophy Resources on the Internet
Intute: Arts and Humanities - Philosophy
PHILWEB: Philosophy Resources On- & Off-line
PhilPapers: Online research in philosophy
Launched 28 January 2009
Erratic Impact! The Philosophy Research Base
Philosophy in Cyberspace
Last updated in 2001
Philosophy of A-Z
eclectic links to interesting and unusual philosophy pages on the web
Wiki by Warren Allen Smith
The Galilean Library
Community-driven learning resource
The Value of
Knowledge: A Miniature Library of Philosophy
Andy Blunden's unique guide to the development of modern philosophy and its
relation to society and the sciences
Guide to Philosophy
on the Internet by Peter Suber
Lat updated 16 Feb 2003, but some excellent resources here
Athenaeum Library of Philosophy
Encyclopedia of Self-Knowledge
Thematically organized, includes famed writers and philosophers of western civilization
Philosophyarchive.com: The philosophy archive
thebigview.com - Pondering the Big Questions
Discussion board, downloads, links . . .
bird's-eye view of Buddhism, Greek philosophy, Space-Time, Tao Te Ching, Mind
& Consciousness, et al
What are the best philosophy resources? (Smart QandA)
Les philosophes n'ont fait qu'interprèter le monde... [in French]
"Philosophical Influence: Statistically Determined" by Andrew Chrucky
Philosophy of __________; __________ of Philosophers by Andrew Chrucky
Some Texts from Early Modern Philosophy
The Lighter Side of Philosophy
OxygenThieves (blog)
Philosophy for the twentysomething slacker
Philosophical Humor site (David Chalmers)
Famous Philosophers and How They Were First Discovered by Mike Sacks
Great Thoughts in the History of Western Philosophy (On the Subject of Family Matters) by Thomas Gallick
Nietzsche's Angel Food Cake by Rebecca Coffey
Plato's Allegory of the Cave, as Explained by Popeye to Bluto by Anthony Gini
The Unofficial Monty Python Home Page
The Unofficial Monty Python Home Page: Sound Page
I recommend philosophical songs "Bruces' Philosophers Song," "The Galaxy Song," "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life," "Every Sperm is Sacred."Monty Python's The Meaning of Life: Part IV: Middle Age
Ordering a philosophical argument for twoMonty Python's Life of Brian: Scene 31
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Critical Thinking
(Information also on External links page, but
see comprehensive web page
Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking: A
Critical Thinking On The Web (Tim van Gelder)
Foundation for Critical Thinking
Resources for Independent Thinking
PACTISS.org - Philosophers and Critical Thinkers in Senior Schools
How to Think and Evaluate Information: A Practical Guide to Critical Thinking by Greg R. Haskins
Butterflies and Wheels: Fighting Fashionable Nonsense
Alan Sokal Archive of the "Social Text Affair"
Logic (Journal)
Reasoning and Argumentation in Theory and Practice
Professional & Intellectual Life
Disciplined Minds Web
Jeff Schmidt: "A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering
System That Shapes Their Lives"
Announcements & Articles on Activities in Popular Philosophy
Online Special Announcement: 12/27/03 Café Philo DC: "What is the
Relation Between Abstract Thought and Wisdom?"
The APA's Eastern Division Meeting coincided with R. Dumain's program on Wisdom
and Abstract Thought for Café Philo DC (whose purpose and history
are outlined here).
Metaphilosophy Themes and Questions: A Personal List by Peter Suber (2000)
The Problem of Beginning by Peter Suber (2001)
Book Hunting
Book Finder
Meta-search engine for book hunters, great for used and rare books
Washington Philosophy Circle
(inaugurated 28 April 2005)
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CONTACT Ralph Dumain
Last update 19 December 2021
Previous update 8 June 2019
©2005-2021 Ralph Dumain