The Chronic Argonauts (1888)
The Time Machine (1895)
Wells, H. G. The Definitive Time Machine: A Critical Edition of H.G. Wells’s Scientific Romance, edited with introduction and notes by Harry M. Geduld. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Contents.
Wells, H. G. The Time Machine: An Invention; edited by Nicholas Ruddick. Peterborough, ON; Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, 2001.
Wells, H. G. The Time Machine: An Invention. Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism; edited by Stephen Arata. New York: W.W. Norton, 2009. (Norton Critical Edition) Contents.
H.G. Wells's Perennial Time Machine: Selected Essays from the Centenary Conference "The Time Machine: Past, Present, and Future", Imperial College, London, July 26-29, 1995; edited by George Slusser, Patrick Parrinder, Danièle Chatelain. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2001.
Parrinder, Patrick. Shadows of the Future: H.G. Wells, Science Fiction, and Prophecy. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995.
The Reception of H. G. Wells in Europe, edited by Patrick Parrinder & John S. Partington. London: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005.
Sommerville, Bruce David. The Critical Reception of The Time Machine for The Speculations of H. G. Wells and T. H. Huxley. Thesis, February 1995.
Wagar, W. Warren. H.G. Wells: Traversing Time. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2004. (The Wesleyan early classics of science fiction series)
Williams, Keith. H.G. Wells, Modernity, and the Movies. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007. (Liverpool science fiction texts and studies) Publisher description.
Philmus, Robert M. "Wells and Borges and the Labyrinths of Time," Science Fiction Studies, #4 (Volume 1, No. 4), Fall 1974.
Hammond, John R. H.G. Wells' The Time Machine: A Reference Guide. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.
Hughes, David Y. “Criticism in English of H.G. Wells's Science Fiction: A Select Annotated Bibliography,” Science Fiction Studies, #19 (Volume 6, Part 3), November 1979.
“Deflating Hyperspace” by David Pacchioli
Alcocer, Rudyard J. Time Travel in the Latin American and Caribbean Imagination: Re-reading History. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Foote, Bud. The Connecticut Yankee in the Twentieth Century: Travel to the Past in Science Fiction. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991. (Contributions to the study of science fiction and fantasy; no. 43)
Gleick, James. Time Travel: A History. New York: Pantheon Books, 2016.
Hellekson, Karen. The Alternate History: Refiguring Historical Time. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2001.
Nahin, Paul J. Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction, foreword by Kip S. Thorne. 2nd ed. Woodbury, NY: AIP Press; New York: Springer, 1999.
Wittenberg, David. Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.
Clegg, Brian. How to Build a Time Machine: The Real Science of Time Travel. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2011.
Davies, Paul. How to Build a Time Machine. New York: Viking, 2002. Publisher description.
Gott, J. Richard. Time Travel in Einstein's Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel Through Time. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Sample text.
Mallett, Ronald L. Time Traveler: A Scientist's Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality; with Bruce Henderson. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2006. Publisher description.
Nahin, Paul J. Time Travel: A Writer's Guide to the Real Science of Plausible Time Travel. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. Publisher description.
Pickover, Clifford A. Time: A Traveler's Guide. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Randles, Jenny. Breaking the Time Barrier: The Race to Build the First Time Machine. New York: Paraview Pocket Books, 2005. Sample text.
The Complete Time Traveler: A Tourist's Guide to the Fourth Dimension; by Howard J. Blumenthal, Dorothy F. Curley, and Brad Williams; designed with original illustrations by Brad Williams. Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1988.
So You Created a Wormhole: The Time Traveler's Guide to Time Travel, by Phil Hornshaw & Nick Hurwitch. New York: Berkley Books, 2012.
The Time Traveler’s Almanac, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, with editorial assistants Tessa Kum and Dominik Parisien. New York: Tor, 2014. xii, 948 pp. Contents. Publisher’s spotlight.
Overlap with Turtledove:
“A Sound of Thunder” (Ray Bradbury)
“Death Ship” (Richard Matheson)
“Yesterday Was Monday” (Theodore Sturgeon)Overlap wth Ashley:
“Time Gypsies” by Ellen Klages
“Traveller's Rest” by David I. Masson
“Red Letter Day” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Needle in a Timestack” by Robert Silverberg
The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century, edited by Harry Turtledove with Martin H. Greenberg. New York: Del Rey/Ballantine Books, 2005. xiii, 425 pp. Contents. Publisher description. Sample text.
The Mammoth Book of Time Travel SF, edited by Mike Ashley. London: Robinson; Philadelphia, PA: Running Press, 2013. viii, 535 pp. Contents.
A Whole Lot of Time Travel and Some Very Good Fiction by David Wittenberg, Los Angeles Review of Books, May 22, 2014.
The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance, edited by Trisha Telep. Philadelphia, PA: Running Press Book Publishers, 2009. x, 468 pp. Contents.
Best Alternate History Stories of the 20th Century, edited by Harry Turtledove with Martin H. Greenberg. New York: Del Rey, 2001. xiii, 415 pp. Contents. Publisher description. Sample text.
Watson, Ian. The Very Slow Time Machine. New York: Ace Books, 1979. Title story, pp. 1-30.
Time-Travel Fiction: The Big List of Time Travel Adventures [antiquity-current]
Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau: El anacronópete — The First Time Machine
Edward Page Mitchell (1852-1927), Science Fiction Pioneer: Time Travel, Hegel, and More
Eugène Mouton: 19th Century Science Fiction Pioneer
«Le maître du temps» par Giuseppe Lipparini
The Man Who Was Solved by Dick Allen
Time travel lore (5): ‘Victory Over the Sun’ by R. Dumain
The Big Book of Science Fiction: Contents (ed. Ann & Jeff Vandermeer)
Alfred Jarry’s “How to Construct a Time Machine”: A Web Guide
“Studies in a Dying Culture” blog:
Gustav Spiller Against the Fourth Dimension
Frank Blighton & the Fourth Dimension
“Into the Fourth Dimension” by Frank Blighton (full text)
Black mystic in hyperspace by R. Dumain
Homage to Martin Gardner (October 21, 1914 – May 22, 2010)
Martin Gardner, Mathematical Games, & the Fourth Dimension (web guide & bibliography)
Other web guides & bibliographies on science fiction & utopian literature on this site:
Science Fiction & Utopia Research Resources: A Selective Work in Progress
Sándor Szathmári (1897–1974): Bibliografio & Retgvidilo / Bibliography & Web Guide
Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web
Sciencfikcio & Utopia Literaturo en Esperanto / Science Fiction & Utopian Literature in Esperanto: Gvidilo / A Guide. See also / konsultu ankaŭ:
and Prophecy, 1893-1946: An Anthology,
by H. G. Wells, compiled & edited by W. Warren Wagar
VII: The Conflict of Languages
from Anticipations by H. G. Wells
George Cary Eggleston on Science Fiction & Jules Verne (1874)
Definition of ’Pataphysics by Alfred Jarry
2 of The Life and Thought of H.G. Wells:
Between the Past and the Future: [On The Time Machine]
by Julius Kagarlitski, translated from the Russian
by Moura Budberg
Lenin, H. G. Wells, & Science Fiction
Leon Trotsky on H. G. Wells as Philistine
Stars: Political Aspects of Soviet Science Fiction
by Patrick McGuire
Note restrictions on use of time
The Life and Thought of H.G. Wells by Julius Kagarlitski
Letero al H. G. Wells (julio 1925) de Frigyes Karinthy (in Esperanto)
Fantastic in Literature (excerpts)
by Eric S. Rabkin
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