Contents |
List of Tables |
Preface |
Introduction |
1 The Tradition of Russian and Soviet Science Fiction |
2 The Communist Future (I) |
Means of Transition to Communism | |
The Fate of Nations |
3 The Communist Future (II) |
The Ultimate Fate of the State |
Material Abundance |
The Division of Labor |
4 The Communist Future (III) |
Relations Between the Sexes |
Personality and Education |
Challenges to Marxism‑Leninism |
5 Forbidden Themes and Devices (I) |
Philosophical Bans |
Nuclear War |
6 Forbidden Themes and Devices (II): The Cautionary Tale |
Conclusion |
Appendix A Background and Attitudes of Soviet Readers of Science Fiction |
Appendix B Background of Soviet Science-Fiction Writers |
Appendix C The Publishing and Censorship of Science Fiction |
Appendix D Additional Tasks Suggested for Science Fiction |
Bibliography |
Information on Sources |
List of Works Cited |
Notes |
Index |
List of Tables |
1. Production of Soviet Science Fiction: Prose Titles of All Lengths | 14 |
2. Production of Soviet Science Fiction: New Prose Titles of All Lengths, 1939-1956 |
18 |
3. Production of New Soviet Science Fiction, 1957-1976 | 20 |
4. Preference for Science Fiction in Baku Poll | 86 |
5. Preference for Science Fiction in Moscow and Baku Polls | 87 |
6. Number Out of the Ten “Best-Received” Stories and Ten “Best-Received” Soviet Stories Which Are Set in the Future | 89 |
Some literary devices are excluded not for direct political reasons, but because they contradict some aspect of established Soviet philosophy. [1] Stories about parallel universes, somehow coexisting with our own, while not entirely excluded, [2] are strongly discouraged, probably because the idea seems to close to supernaturalism, and especially to the spiritualist conception of “the Other Side.” [3] One subtype, stories about alternate universes where historical events have turned out differently than in our world, is almost completely forbidden, ostensibly because such stories are voluntaristic, [4] but perhaps also because the regime wishes to convey the impression (not entirely supported by its own philosophy) that the crimes and mistakes of the Soviet era of Russian history were inevitable under the circumstances.
Time-travel stories are permitted, but only if it is clear that time travel is simply a literary device, not something put forward as being really possible. [5] Sometimes time travel is used merely to provide a you-are-there historical perspective, as in L. Lagin’s novel about Russia in the 1890s, Goluboi chelovek (“The Blue Man,” 1967). Other stories teach the lesson about historical determinism mentioned in connection with alternate universes. Thus in Sever Gansovsky’s “The Demon of History,” [6] a man goes back in time to pre-World War I Vienna to eliminate the future fascist dictator. The time traveller indeed succeeds in killing Jurgen Aster, but one Adolf Hitler takes his place.
SOURCE: McGuire, Patrick. Red Stars: Political Aspects of Soviet Science Fiction. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1985. This book was written in 1976 and first published in 1977, revised for this publication.. The research covers up to the year 1975. The author did not survey science fiction in non-Russian languages of the USSR.
Contents and List of Tables, pp. ix-xi.
Universal Language in Soviet Science Fiction: Extract from “The Fate of Nations,” section of chapter 2: “The Communist Future (I)” & selected endnotes: pp. 31, 121, 122.
Lenin, H. G. Wells, & Science Fiction: Endnote to “The Fate of Nations,” section of chapter 2: “The Communist Future (I)”: p. 122, note 39.
Extract from “Philosophical Bans,” section of chapter 5, “Forbidden Themes and Devices (1)”: pp. 55-56.
west, dystopia east: the vanishing of speculative fiction under Stalinism
by Erika Gottlieb
Lenin, H. G. Wells, & Science Fiction
Leon Trotsky on H. G. Wells as Philistine
Mankind and the Year 2000 by V. Kosolapov
The Life and Thought of H.G. Wells by Julius Kagarlitski
Yevgeny Zamyatin on Revolution, Entropy, Dogma and Heresy
Jevgenij Zamjatin
pri Revolucio, Entropio, Dogmo & Herezo
(en Esperanto, trad. Ralph Dumain)
H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine: Selected Bibliography
Science Fiction
& Utopia Research Resources:
A Selective Work in Progress
Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)
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