Tibor Déry: Philemon and Baucis | 7 |
József Lengyel: Brickie | 19 |
Endre Illés: The Lieutenant’s Wife | 32 |
Boris Palotai: Freehold Flat | 41 |
István Örkény: Café Niagara | 57 |
Géza Ottlik: Nothing’s Lost | 65 |
Endre Vészi: Chapters from the Life of Vera Angi | 103 |
Iván Mándy: Ball Game | 142 |
Ferenc Karinthy: Thirty-three | 154 |
Miklós Mészöly: The Falcons | 177 |
Endre Fejes: Blue-white Love | 215 |
Erzsébet Galgóczi: Eleven Is More than Three | 235 |
Isvtán Gall: The Nativity of the Virgin | 246 |
Ákos Kertész: Kasparek | 259 |
István Csurka: Protest Song | 294 |
György Moldova: Baumgartner, the Sensitive Goalie | 301 |
István Császár: A Journey with Jakab | 312 |
Ádám Bodor: The Out-station | 322 |
Dezső Tandori: Whose Material Lasts Longer | 345 |
András Simonffy: Revolt until Sunrise | 352 |
Péter Hajnóczy: The Funeral | 363 |
Péter Nádas: Family Portrait against a Purple Sunset | 377 |
Géza Bereményi: The Swedish King | 388 |
György Spiró: With my Father at the Game | 406 |
Péter Esterházy: No Title; This Isn’t It Either | 423 |
Biographical Notes (Lajos Illés) | 435 |
SOURCE: Nothing’s Lost: Twenty-Five Hungarian Short Stories, selected by Lajos Illés, translated from the Hungarian by Richard Aczel et al., translations revised by Bertha Gaster. Budapest: Corvina Kiadó, 1988. 447 pp. Contents, pp. 5-6.
“Reminiscences of Lukács” by Tibor Déry
La mortinto
de Iván Mándy
(trad. Ildikó Király),
with links to related Esperanto & English pages
al la “Unuminutaj noveloj”
de István Örkény
(trad. Lajos Tárkony), kun enkonduko
“Strazniczky, la hungara patro” de György Moldova
Géza OTTLIK (1912 - 1990) Study Guide & Bibliography
Frigyes & Ferenc Karinthy in English
Georg Lukács’ The Destruction of Reason: Selected Bibliography
Hungara Antologio, redaktis Vilmos Benczik (1983)
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