The American Hegelians and Related Topics:
Selected Bibliography

Compiled by Ralph Dumain

Brokmeyer, Henry Conrad. A Mechanic’s Diary. Washington, D.C: E. C. Brokmeyer, 1910.

Conway, Moncure Daniel. Addresses and Reprints 1850-1907. Boston; New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1909.

Conway, Moncure Daniel. Moncure Daniel Conway: Autobiography and Miscellaneous Writings, 3 vols., introduction by James A. Good. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, 2003. (History of American Thought)

Conway, Moncure Daniel. Autobiography: Memories and Experiences of Moncure Daniel Conway. 2 vols. Boston; New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1904.

Conway, Moncure Daniel. “The Pre-Darwinite and Post-Darwinite World” (1877), in The Agnostic Reader, edited by S. T. Joshi (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2007), pp. 194-211.

The Early American Reception of German Idealism, 5 vols., selected and introduced by James A. Good. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, 2002. (History of American Thought) See Editor's Description and Introductions to Rauch, Marsh, Hedge, Hickok, and Everett.

Easton, Loyd D. Hegel's First American Followers: the Ohio Hegelians: John B. Stallo, Peter Kaufmann, Moncure Conway, and August Willich, with Key Writings. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1966. ix, 353 pp.

Goetzmann, William H., ed. The American Hegelians: an Intellectual Episode in the History of Western America, with the assistance of Dickson Pratt. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973. xi, 397 pp. (This is the most comprehensive overview and the first book to consult.)

Good, James A. "The Development of Thomas Davidson's Religious and Social Thought". 2002.

Good, James A. "A 'World-Historical Idea': The St. Louis Hegelians and the Civil War." Journal of American Studies, vol. 34, no. 1, December 2000, pp. 447-464.

The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1867-1893, 22 volumes, with a new introduction by James A. Good. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, 2002. (History of American Thought) See also Contents.

Leidecker, Kurt F., ed. The Record Book of the St. Louis Philosophical Society Founded February 1866. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990. viii, 120 pp. (Studies in the History of Philosophy; v. 14) (Includes an overview of the movement and the records of the society's activities.)

The Ohio Hegelians, 3 vols., edited and introduced by James A. Good. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, 2004. (History of American Thought)

Pochmann, Henry A. New England Transcendentalism and St. Louis Hegelianism: Phases in the History of American Idealism. New York: Haskell House, 1970. (First published 1948.)

Rogers, Dorothy G. America's First Women Philosophers: Transplanting Hegel, 1860-1925. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, January/March 2005 . (Thoemmes Continuum Studies in American Philosophy) (Thoemmes Press was ultimately absorbed into Bloomsbury Publishing.)

Schaub, Edward L., Ed. William Torrey Harris 1835-1935. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1936. [vii], 136 pp. (A festschrift on Harris.)

Snider, Denton J. The St. Louis Movement in Philosophy, Literature, Education, Psychology, with Chapters of Autobiography. St. Louis, MO.: Sigma Publishing Co., 1920.

Snider, Denton J. A Writer of Books in his Genesis. St. Louis: Sigma Publishing Co., 1910.

The St. Louis Hegelians, 3 vols., edited by Michael DeArmey and James Good. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, 2001. (History of American Thought; v. 8) See also Introduction.

Verene, Donald Phillip, ed. Hegel's Social and Political Thought: The Philosophy of Objective Spirit. [Papers from the 4th biennial conference of the Hegel Society of America, 1976] Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1980. See: John E. Smith, "Hegel in St. Louis", pp. 215-226; John O. Riedl, "Some Observations on Social and Political Philosophy among the St. Louis Hegelians", pp. 227-232.

Women in the St. Louis Idealist Movement, 1860–1925, 4 vols., edited and introduced by Dorothy G. Rogers. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press, Sept. 2003. (History of American Thought)


Anderson, Paul R. Platonism in the Midwest. New York: Temple University Publications / distributed by Columbia University Press, 1963.

Cowan, Bainard; Kronick, Joseph G.; eds. Theorizing American Literature: Hegel, the Sign, and History. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1991. ix, 294 pp. (This is nearly a complete waste of time.)

Pochmann, Henry A. German Culture in America: Philosophical and Literary Influences 1600-1900. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1961. See also Herman Melville & German Philosophy.

Whitehead, Fred; Muhrer, Verle; eds. Freethought on the American Frontier. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1992. (This anthology contains a selection on the St. Louis Movement by Denton J. Snider [pp. 69-85]. I have not compared this selection with the one in Goetzmann.)


The Journal of Speculative Philosophy.

See also Gabriel Gottlieb's blog entry Self and World: The Journal of Speculative Philosophy.

William Torry Harris at

(7 May 2000; rev. 14 June 2000, 27 August 2001, 17 January 2003, 18 April 2003, 13 June 2003, 4 Feb. 2004, 10 March 2004, 25 February 2005, 4 July 2005, 16 October 2006, 11 July 2008, 4 March 2012, 17 March 2022, 5 July 2024)

Man vs God: forsaking dogma
by Moncure Daniel Conway

The Development of Thomas Davidson's Religious and Social Thought
by James A. Good

"Hegel's Philosophy as Basis for the Dewey Classification Schedule"
by Eugene E. Graziano

Henry Brokmeyer: Fictional Portrayal of a St. Louis Hegelian

Herman Melville & German Philosophy
by Henry A. Pochmann

Letter to Ludwig Feuerbach from Ottilie Assing about Frederick Douglass

Edward Page Mitchell (1852-1927), Science Fiction Pioneer: Time Travel, Hegel, and More

Negro Poetry in America
by Lena Beatrice Morton
[Excerpts & Summary]

Martin Luther King, Jr. & G.W.F. Hegel

Martin Luther King’s Debt to Hegel
by John Ansbro

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Last update 5 July 2024
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