Banu, Ion. "The Graphic Figure and the Philosophical Abstraction", in: Contemporary East European Philosophy, Vol. III, edited by Edward D'Angelo, David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe (Bridgeport, CT: Spartacus Books, 1971), pp. 244-259.
Berka, Karel. "Toward a Materialistic Foundation of Logic," in: Contemporary East European Philosophy, vol. 3, edited by Edward D'Angelo, David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe (Bridgeport, CT: Spartacus Books, 1971), pp. 182-204.
Vajda, Mihály. “Nature, Society, and Praxis” in Contemporary East European Philosophy, Vol. 1, edited by Edward D'Angelo, David DeGrood, and Dale Riepe (Bridgeport, CT: Spartacus Books, 1970), pp. 45-60.
Wolniewicz, Boguslaw. "Wittgensteinian Foundations of Non-Fregean Logic," in Contemporary East European Philosophy, Vol. 3, edited by Edward D'Angelo, David DeGrood, and Dale Riepe (Bridgeport, CT: Spartacus Books, 1971), pp. 231-243.
D'Angelo, Edward. "The Ideological Nature of Teaching Philosophy to Children," Revolutionary World, vol. 26, 1978, pp. 58-59.
Panova, Elena. “The Main Principles of David Hume's Epistemology as a Source of Contemporary Positivism,” in: Revolutionary World: An International Journal of Philosophy (Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner B. V.), vols. 11: 12: 13, 1975, pp. 218-227.
D'Angelo, Edward. "Education and Revolutionary Change," in: Dialectical Perspectives in Philosophy and Social Science, edited by Pasquale N. Russo et al (Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner, 1983), pp. 135-145.
DeGrood, David H. "The Appearance of Reality and the Reality of Appearance," in: Dialectical Perspectives in Philosophy and Social Science, edited by Pasquale N. Russo et al (Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner, 1983), pp. 215-248.
Parsons, Howard L. "Theories of Knowledge: A Dialectical, Historical Critique," in: Dialectical Perspectives in Philosophy and Social Science, edited by Pasquale N. Russo et al (Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner, 1983), pp. 1-35.
Arthur, Richard. "The Empiricist Account of Scientific Knowledge—A Polemical Evaluation," Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 3, nos. 1-4, 1977 (Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner Publishing Co.), pp. 125-141. (Issue theme: Aspects of the Production of Scientific Knowledge, edited by J. Witt-Hansen.)
DeGrood, David H. “The Thunderbolt, Interpenetration and Heraclitus,” in Dialectics and Revolution. Volume 1 by David H. DeGrood (Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner Publishing Co., 1978), Chapter I, pp. 13-48. (Philosophical Currents; v. 21)
Parsons, Howard L. Man East and West: Essays in East-West Philosophy. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1975. xi, 211 pp. (Philosophical Currents; v. 8) Excerpts on this site:
Howard L. Parsons on the Role of the Philosopher, pp. 140-142.
Howard L. Parsons on Naturalist vs. Supernationalist Perspectives on Value, pp. 179-185.
Howard L. Parsons on Naturalism & Religion: Conclusion, pp. 193-199.
Wald, Henri. Introduction to Dialectical Logic. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei; Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner B.V., 1975. (Philosophical Currents; v. 14) Excerpts on this site:
"Negativity" by Henri Wald, Chapter 1, section 5, pp. 10-11.
Philosophical Rehabilitations: Humor by Henri Wald, Chapter 9, section 9, pp. 237-238 [end of book].
Wald, Henri. “Mass Media and Creative Thinking,” in East-West Dialogues: Foundations and Problems of Revolutionary Praxis, edited by Paul K. Crosser, David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe (Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner N. V., 1973), pp. 87-96. (Philosophical Currents; vol. 5)
Witt-Hansen, Johannes. "Marx's Method in Social Science, and Its Relationship to Classical and Modern Physics and Mathematics", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 3, nos. 1-4, 1977 (Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner Publishing Co.), pp. 1-41. (Issue theme: Aspects of the Production of Scientific Knowledge, edited by J. Witt-Hansen.)
Braun, Claude M. J. "On Trends in the Status of Dialectical Logic: A Brief Study of Lefebvre, Ilyenkov and Wald," Science and Nature, Nos. 9/10, 1989, pp. 2-8.
DeGrood, David H. "Life‑World within Brackets", in Philosophy at the Barricade, edited by David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe, & Edward D'Angelo (Bridgeport, CT: Spartacus Books, 1971), pp. 8-15.
Radical Currents in Contemporary Philosophy, edited by David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe, & John Somerville. St. Louis: W. H. Green, 1971. xiv, 277 pp. (Modern Concepts of Philosophy) Preface, xi-xii; Contents, xiii-xiv.
Includes links to essays on this site by DeGrood, Riepe, Roy Wood Sellars, Marvin Farber, Mihailo Marković, Herbert Aptheker.
“Critique of Idealistic Naturalism: Methodological Pollution in the Main Stream of American Philosophy” by Dale Riepe, pp. 5-22.
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit: Philosophy's 'Starting Point' by David H. DeGrood, pp. 23-33.
Riepe, Dale, ed. Phenomenology and Natural Existence: Essays in Honor of Marvin Farber. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1973.
& Acknowledgements, pp. v-viii.
by Dale Riepe, pp. 1-18.
Vajda, Mihály. "Lukács' and Husserl's Critiques of Science," Telos, no. 38, Winter 1978-79, pp. 104-118.
Note: Several additional texts by or about Marvin Farber, Roy Wood Sellars, Mihailo Marković, Poznan School, Hungarian School, Praxis School, Eastern European and Soviet philosophy can be found on this web site. See study guides and bibliographies listed below.
Contemporary East European Marxism, Volume 1; Edward D'Angelo, David H. DeGrood, Pasquale N. Russo, and William W. Stein. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1980. ( Praxis, Philosophical and Scientific Reprints; v. 6-7)
See also Volume 2, 1982.
Essays previously published in Revolutionary World and in East-West Dialogues: Foundations and Problems of Revolutionary Praxis, by Paul K. Crosser, David H. DeGrood and Dale Riepe (Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1973). (Some essays were also published in Contemporary East European Philosophy, Vols. 1 - 6 (1970-1971).)
Contemporary East European Philosophy, Vols. 1 - 6, edited by Edward D'Angelo, David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe. Bridgeport, CT: Spartacus Books, 1970-1971.
Vol. I, 1970.
Vol. II, 1970.
Vol. III, 1971.
Vol. IV, 1971.
Vol. V, 1971.
Vol. VI, 1971.
D'Angelo, Ed. Barbarians at the Gates of the Public Library: How Postmodern Consumer Capitalism Threatens Democracy, Civil Education and the Public Good. Duluth, MN: Library Juice Press, 2006. Publisher's description.
D'Angelo, Edward. The Problem of Freedom and Determinism. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1968.
Riepe, Dale. The Naturalistic Tradition in Indian Thought. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1961.
Bykhovskii, Bernard. Kierkegaard, translated by Henry F. Mins. Amsterdam, B. R. Grüner N.V., 1976. (Philosophical Currents; v. 16)
Faris, Ralph M., ed. Crisis and Consciousness. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner Publishing Co., 1977. (Philosophical Currents; v. 20)
DeGrood, David H. Consciousness and Social Life. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner Publishing Co., 1976. (Philosophical Currents; v. 15)
DeGrood, David H. Dialectics and Revolution. Volume 2. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner Publishing Co., 1979. (Philosophical Currents; v. 26)
DeGrood, David H. Haeckel's Theory of the Unity of Nature: A Monograph in the History of Philosophy. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner Publishing Co., 1982 (1st ed., 1965). (Praxis Philosophical and Scientific Reprints; v. 8)
East-West Dialogues: Foundations and Problems of Revolutionary Praxis, edited by Paul K. Crosser, David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner N. V., 1973. (Philosophical Currents; vol. 5)
T. I. OIZERMAN, The Social Meaning of
the Philosophy of Hegel. p. 1
DAVID H. DeGROOD, The Trial by Fire of Marxism.
p. 17
ZADOR TORDAI, Outline of a Marxist Theory of Alienation._p. 27
K. CROSSER, Introduction to the Sociology of History. p. 35
IRIBADJAKOV, The Meaning of History. p. 49
JAMES E. HANSEN, The Praxis of
Subjectivism. p. 59
STEFAN ANGUELOV, Reflection and Practice. p. 69
L. PARSONS, Lenin’s Theory of Personality. p. 79
HENRI WALD, Mass Media and
Creative Thinking. p. 87
ROBERT STEIGERWALD, Bureaucracy and Real Socialism.
p. 97
HERMAN LEY, Ideology and Technics. p.103
Toward a Radical Sociology. p. 113
LEVILAIN, Bernstein: Master of Deceit. p.121
of Marx’s Theory of Class. p. 141
Sociology. p.170
INDEX. p.178
Explorations in Philosophy and Society, edited by Charles Cunneen, David H. DeGrood, Dale Riepe, and William W. Stein. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1978. 286 pp. (Philosophical Currents; v. 23)
Marxism, Science, and the Movement of History, edited by Alan R. Burger, Hyman R. Cohen, David H. DeGrood. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1980. (Philosophical Currents; v. 27)
Parsons, Howard L. Man East and West: Essays in East-West Philosophy. Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1975. xi, 211 pp. (Philosophical Currents; v. 8) See also excerpts on this site.
Wald, Henri. Introduction to Dialectical Logic. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei; Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner B.V., 1975. (Philosophical Currents; v. 14)
Note: All the Grüner publications have apparently been subsumed under John Benjamins Publishing Company.
32. Philosophy and Revolutionary Theory. Edited by Dale Riepe, David
H. DeGrood, Edward D'Angelo. 1987.
31. Dialectics and Revolution. Volume 4. David H. Degrood. 1984. 302
30. Schopenhauer and the Ground of Existence. Bernard Bykhovskii. 1984.
vi, 194 pp.
29. Hegel and the Fundamental Problems of Philosophy. Philip Moran. 1988.
184 pp.
28. Dialectics and Revolution. Volume 3. David H. Degrood. 1983. 270
27. Marxism,
Science and the Movement of History. Alan R. Burger, Hyman R. Cohen
and David H. Degrood. 1980. vi, 298 pp.
26. Dialectics
and Revolution. Volume 2. David H. Degrood. 1979. vii, 232 pp.
Indian Philosophy since Independence. Dale Riepe. 1979. xii, 360
24. Production
Relations, Class and Black Liberation. Clarence J. Munford. 1978. viii,
235 pp.
in Philosophy and Society. Charles Cunneen. 1978. vi, 280 pp.
and Society in Ancient India. Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya. 1978. viii,
441 pp.
21. Dialectics and Revolution. Volume 1. David H. DeGrood. 1978.
20. Crisis
and Consciousness. Ralph M. Faris. 1977. vi, 208 pp.
19. Marxism,
Revolution and Peace. Edited by Howard L. Parsons and J. Somerville.
1977. xvi, 243 pp.
18. The Existentialist Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre. John M. Lawler. 1970.
x, 291 pp.
17. The Problem
of the Contingency of the World in Husserl's Phenomenology. Sang-Ki
Kim. 1976. viii, 102 pp.
16. Kierkegaard.
Bernard Bykhovskii. 1976. x, 122 pp.
15. Consciousness
and Social Life. David H. Degrood. 1976. viii, 115 pp.
14. Introduction
to Dialectical Logic. Henri Wald. 1975. vi, 240 pp.
13. The Third World Revolution. Fred J. Carrier. 1976. vii, 355 pp.
12. John Dewey's
Aesthetic Philosophy. Philip M. Zeltner. 1975. viii, 127 pp.
11. Phoenix:
Letters and Documents of Alice Herz. Shingo Shibata. 1976. xiv, 216
10. The Phenomenology
of Charles S. Peirce. William L. Rosensohn. 1974. ix, 109 pp.
9. Messianism and Epiphany. Max Rieser. 1973. 98 pp.
Man East
and West. Howard L. Parsons. 1975. xi, 211 pp.
7. Revisionist Marxism. Ralph M. Faris. 1974. 91 pp.
6. Lessons of the Vietnam War. Shingo Shibata. 1973. 229 pp.
East-West Dialogues. Paul K. Crosser, David H. Degrood and Dale Riepe.
1973. ix, 180 pp.
4. The Czechoslovak Reform Movement 1963-1968. Benjamin B. Page. 1973.
x, 127 pp.
3. War is Obsolete. Paul K. Crosser. 1972. vi, 244 pp.
2. Nature, Intelligibility and Metaphysics. Hae Soo Pyun. 1972. ix, 108
The Teaching of Critical Thinking. Edward D'Angelo. 1971. ix, 78 pp.
11. The Appearance of Reality: Essays in Contemporary Philosophy. David
H. DeGrood. 1985. ix, 220 pp.
10. Dialectical Perspectives in Philosophy and Social Science. Pasquale
N. Russo et al. 1983. viii, 275 pp.
9. Marxism, Revolution, and Democracy. John Hoffman. 1983. xxi, 151 pp.
8. Haeckel's Theory
of the Unity of Nature: A Monograph in the History of Philosophy. 1982.
98 pp.
7. Contemporary East European Marxism, Volume 2. Edward D'Angelo, David
H. DeGrood, Pasquale N. Russo, William W. Stein. 1982. 289 pp.
6. Contemporary
East European Marxism, Volume 1. Edward D'Angelo, David H. DeGrood,
Pasquale N. Russo, William W. Stein. 1980. 302 pp.
5. Marxism and Late Bourgeois Ideology. Robert Steigerwald. 1981. 95
4. Self, Global issues, and Ethics. Howard L. Parsons. 1980. 209 pp.
Man Today:
Probslem, Values and Fulfillment. Howard L. Parsons. 1979. 208 pp.
2. The Owl
Flies by Day. Dale Riepe. 1979. 203 pp.
1. Philosophies
of Essence: An Examination of the Category of Essence. David H. DeGrood.
1976. 156 pp.
Revolutionary World: An International Journal of Philosophy [serial]. 50 volumes [5 no. a year], Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner, 1973-1982.
Revolutionary World, 1977-1980 (vols. 21-36).
Dialogues on the Philosophy of Marxism (Contents)
edited by John Somerville & Howard
L. Parsons
Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)
American Philosophy Study Guide
Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide
Philosophy of Paraconsistency & Associated Logics (Web Guide)
Howard L. Parsons @ Reason & Society (blog)
Boguslaw Wolniewicz and the Formal Ontology of Situations
John Benjamins Publishing Company
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