‘World Literature’: A Bibliography

Compiled by Ralph Dumain

Apter, Emily. Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability. London; New York: Verso, 2013.

Apter, Emily. The Translation Zone: A New Comparative Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. (See selected quotes on artificial languages.)

Beecroft, Alexander. An Ecology of World Literature: From Antiquity to the Present Day. London; New York: Verso, 2015.

Brouillette, Sarah. UNESCO and the Fate of the Literary. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019.

Findeisen, Chris. “Unmaking World Literature” (review), Los Angeles Review of Books, December 26, 2019.

Building a Profession: Autobiographical Perspectives on the History of Comparative Literature in the United States, edited by Lionel Gossman and Mihai I. Spariosu. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994.

See esp. chapter 8: “Comparative Literature, Modern Thought and Literature” by Albert J. Guerard (89-97), excerpt on this site. Note that Albert is the son of Albert Léon Guérard.

See also Anna Balakian on misbegotten intertextuality (excerpt from chapter 7: “How and Why I Became a Comparatist” (75-87).

Casanova, Pascale. The World Republic of Letters, translated by M.B. DeBevoise. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press, 2004.

Christie, James; Degirmencioglu, Nesrin; eds. Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development: From International Relations to World Literature. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2019. (Historical Materialism Book Series; v. 180)

Introduction: why cultures of uneven and combined development? / James Christie, Nesrin Degirmencioglu
Uneven and combined development as a universal aspect of capitalist modernity / Neil Davidson
Troubling time and space in world politics: reimagining western modernity in the Atlantic mirror / Alexander Anievas, Kerem Nisancioglu
The Iranian Revolution in the mirror of uneven and combined development / Kamran Matin
Rationalist or nationalist? The eighteenth-century public sphere / Luke Cooper
Uneven and combined development: between capitalist modernity and modernism / Neil Davidson
Fredric Jameson and the rise of world literature: from world systems theory to uneven and combined development / James Christie
Late capitalism in contemporary fiction / Robert Spencer
Differential time and aesthetic form: uneven and combined capitalism in the work of Allan Sekula / Gail Day, Steve Edwards
Aesthetics of uneven and combined development: Tanpinar and Dos Passos at a world literary conjuncture / Nesrin Degirmencioglu
Demon landscapes, uneven ecologies: folk-spirits in Guyanese fiction / Michael Niblett

Clingman, Stephen. The Grammar of Identity: Transnational Fiction and the Nature of the Boundary. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012. (2009)

Combined and Uneven Development: Towards a New Theory of World-Literature by WReC (Warwick Research Collective). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2015. (Postcolonialism Across the Disciplines; 17)

1. World-Literature in the Context of Combined and Uneven Development
2. The Question of Peripheral Realism
3. ‘Irrealism’ in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North
4. Oboroten Spectres: Lycanthropy, Neoliberalism and New Russia in Victor Pelevin
5. The European Literary Periphery
6. Ivan Vladislavic: Traversing the Uneven City
Works Cited

Damrosch, David. How to Read World Literature. Chichester, UK; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Damrosch David. What Is World Literature? Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003.

Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Félix. Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature, translated by Dana Polan, foreword by Réda Bensmaïa. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986.

Fang, Weigui, ed. Tensions in World Literature: Between the Local and the Universal. New York: Springer, 2018.

1 Introduction: What Is World Literature? / Weigui Fang 1
2 Comparative Literature and World Literature: From Goethe to Globalization /  Bernard Franco 65
3 The Location of World Literature / Galin Tihanov  77
4 Frames for World Literature / David Damrosch   93
5 World Literature and the Encounter with the Other: A Means or a Menace? / William Franke  113
6 Some Remarks on the Concept of World Literature After 2000 / Marián Gálik 147
7 World Literature, Canon, and Literary Criticism / Zhang Longxi 171
8 Four Perspectives on World Literature: Reader, Producer, Text and System / Matthias Freise  191
9 A World of Translation / Philippe Ratte  207
10 World Literature in Graphic Novels and Graphic Novels as World Literature / Monika Schmitz-Emans  219
11 Experiments in Cultural Connectivity: Early Twentieth-Century German-Jewish Thought Meets the Daodejing / Peter Fenves  239
12 Ideographic Myth and Misconceptions about Chinese Poetic Art / Cai Zongqi  253
13 Chinese Literature as Part of World Literature / Karl-Heinz Pohl  265
14 How to Become World Literature: Chinese Literature’s Aspiration and Way to “Step into the World”  / Liu Hongtao  287
15 World Literature from and in China / Wolfgang Kubin  301
Dialogue Section A: World Literature and Nation Building / David Damrosch  311
Dialogue Section B: The Interactions between the Local and the Universal: A Few Thoughts after Listening to the Talk of Professor Damrosch / Lu Jiande  325
Dialogue Section C: World Literature: Significance, Challenge, and Future / Zhang Longxi  331
Dialogue Section D: Who Decides the “United Nations of Great Books”: Inspired by Prof. Zhang’s Speech  / Martin Kern  345
Dialogue Section E: Response / David Damrosch and Zhang Longxi  353
Index   357

Ganguly, Debjani. This Thing Called the World: The Contemporary Novel as Global Form. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.

Goodwin, Jonathan; Holbo, John; eds. Reading Graphs, Maps & Trees: Responses to Franco Moretti. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2011.

Graphs, maps, trees, fruits of the MLA / John Holbo
Graphs, maps, trees-sets hamper grasp / Ray Davis
Poetry, patterns, and provocation / Matthew Kirschenbaum
Book notes: Franco Moretti’s graphs, maps, trees / Tim Burke
Brief note on Moretti and science fiction / Adam Roberts
Maps, iconic and abstract / Bill Benzon
Hundred flowers / Eric Hayot
Moretti responds (I) / Franco Moretti
Moretti responds (II) / Franco Moretti
Totality and the genes of literature / Jonathan Goodwin
Distant reading minds / Steven Berlin Johnson
Next cigarette and a modest garnish / Jenny Davidson
Judging books by their covers, or, chance favors the prepared meme / John Holbo
Moretti responds (III) / Franco Moretti
Human, not so human: a few quibbles about Moretti’s graphs, maps, trees / Sean McCann
Graphs, trees, materialism, fishing / Cosma Shalizi

Roberts, Adam. “A Brief Note on Moretti and Science Fiction,” The Valve: A Literary Organ, January 13, 2006. In Goodwin & Holbo, pp. 49-55.

Guérard, Albert Léon. Preface to World Literature. New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1940.

Note: Guérard was also the author of A Short History of the International Language Movement (1921). See also “Comparative Literature, Modern Thought and Literature” [Excerpt] by Albert J. Guérard.

Jay, Paul. Global Matters: The Transnational Turn in Literary Studies. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010.

Jelly-Schapiro, Eli. Moments of Capital: World Theory, World Literature. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2023.

Kent, Eddy; Tomsky, Terri; eds. Negative Cosmopolitanism: Cultures and Politics of World Citizenship After Globalization. Montreal; Chicago: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.

Relevant contents:
Underwriting cosmopolitanism: insurance, slavery, and confidence games in Herman Melville’s “Benito Cereno” and The confidence-man / Dennis Mischke
Disaster cosmopolitanism: imaginations of comparison in Kamila Shamsie’s Burnt shadows / Liam O'Loughlin
Representing migrant labour in contemporary Britain: Hsaio- ung Pai’s Chinese whispers and Marina Lewycka’s Strawberry fields/Two caravans / Pamela McCallum
Embedded cosmopolitanism: Tolstoyan and Goethean ideas of world Literature during the two world wars / Dina Gusejnova
At home in the world of the wound: feral cosmopolitics in the Red Riding Quartet / Mark Simpson
Homiletic realism / Timothy Brennan

Kirsch, Adam. The Global Novel: Writing The World in the 21st Century. New York: Columbia Global Reports, 2016.

Lande, Joel B.; Feeney, Denis; eds. How Literatures Begin: A Global History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021.

Majumder, Auritro. Insurgent Imaginations: World Literature and the Periphery. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Mizumura, Minae. The Fall of Language in the Age of English, translated by Mari Yoshihara and Juliet Winters Carpenter. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.

Moretti, Franco. Distant Reading. London; New York: Verso, 2013.

Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. London; New York: Verso, 2005.

Mufti, Aamir. Forget English! Orientalisms and World Literatures. Harvard University Press, 2016.

Pizer, John. The Idea of World Literature: History and Pedagogical Practice. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2006.

Prawer, S. S. Karl Marx and World Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978. (Orig. 1976.)

Prendergast, Christopher, ed. Debating World Literature. London; New York: Verso, 2004.

Introduction / Christopher Prendergast
1 The World Republic of Letters / Christopher Prendergast
2 Changing Fields: The Directions of Goethe’s Weltliteratur / Stefan Hoesel-Uhlig
3 World Literature and World Thoughts: Brandes/Auerbach / Peter Madsen
4 Global Translatio: The ‘Invention’ of Comparative Literature, Istanbul, 1933 / Emily Apter
5 Mapping Identities: Literature, Nationalism, Colonialism / Timothy J.Reiss
6 Conjectures on World Literature / Franco Moretti
7 The Politics of Genre / Stephen Heath
8 Literary History without Literature: Reading Practices in the Ancient World / Simon Goldhill
9 The Rooster’s Egg: Pioneering World Folklore in the Philippines / Benedict Anderson
10 Hearing Voices: Ricardo Palma’s Contextualization of Colonial Peru / Elisa Sampson Vera Tudela
11 The Order of Oriental Knowledge: The Making of d’Herbelot’s Bibliothèque orientale / Nicholas Dew
12 Victor Segalen Abroad / John Sturrock
13 Kafka and the Dialect of Minor Literature / Stanley Corngold
14 Rhythmical Knots: The World of English Poetry / Bruce Clunies Ross
15 India in the Mirror of World Fiction / Francesca Orsini
Notes on Contributors

Quayson, Ato; Watson, Jini Kim; eds. The Cambridge Companion to the City in World Literature. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

The Routledge Companion to World Literature, edited by Theo D’haen, David Damrosch and Djelal Kadir. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2012.

Part I. Historical dimension.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: origins and relevance of Weltliteratur / John Pizer
Hugo Meltzl and “the principle of polyglottism” / David Damrosch 
Georg Brandes: the telescope of comparative literature / Svend Erik Larsen
Richard Moulton and the “perspective attitude” in world literature / Sarah Lawall
Rabindranath Tagore’s comparative world literature / Bhavya Tiwari 
Richard Meyer’s concept of world literature / Monika Schmitz-Emans
Albert Guérard: reworking humanism for a troubled century / Dominique Vaugeois
Erich Auerbach and the death and life of world literature / Aamir R. Mufti
Qian Zhongshu as comparatist / Zhang Longxi
René Etiemble: defense and illustration of a “true literary comparatism” / Samira Sayeh
Dionýz Ďurišim and a systemic theory of world literature / César Domínguez
Claudio Guillén: (world) literature as system / Darío Villanueva
Edward W. Said: the worldliness of world literature / Jonathan Arac
Pascale Casanova and the Republic of Letters / Helena Carvalhão Buescu
Franco Moretti and the global wave of the novel / Mads Rosendahl Thomsen.
Part II. The disciplinary dimension.
World literature and philology / Michael Holquist
World literature and national literature(s) / Jing Tsu
World literature and comparative literature / Sandra Bermann
World literature and translation studies / Lawrence Venuti
World literature between history and theory / Vilashini Cooppan
World literature and postmodernism / Hans Bertens
World literature and postcolonialism / Robert J.C. Young
World literature and globalization / Eric Hayot
World literature and diaspora studies / Jason Frydman
World literature and cosmopolitanism / César Domínguez.
Part III. The theoretical dimension.
Teaching worldly literature / Martin Puchner
The canon(s) of world literature / Peter Carravetta
The great books / John T. Kirby
Bibliomigrancy: book series and the making of world literature / B. Venkat Mani
World literature and the internet / Thomas O. Beebee
World literature and the library / Reingard Nethersole
World literature and the book market / Ann Steiner
World literature, francophonie, and Creole cosmopolitics / Francoise Lionnet
World literature and popular literature: toward a wordless literature? / Jan Baetens
The genres of world literature: the case of magical realism / Mariano Siskind
The poetics of world literature / Zhang Longxi
The ethics of world literature / Peter Hitchcock
The politics of world literature Sanja Bahun
Uses of world literature / Bruce Robbins
Gender and sexuality in world literature / Debra A. Castillo
World literature and the environment / Ursula K. Heise
Mapping world literature / Theo D’Haen.
Part IV. The geographical dimension.
World literature and European literature / Roberto M. Dainotto
World literature and Latin American literature / Djelal Kadir
World literature and US American literature / Lawrence Buell
African roads / Nirvana Tanoukhi
World literature and East Asian literature / Red Chan
Constructions of world literature in colonial and postcolonial India / Vinay Dharwadker
The thousand and one nights as world literature / Sandra Naddaff
World literature and Muslim Southeast Asia / Ronit Ricci.

Saussy, Haun, ed. Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 2006.

Contents specifically about ‘world literature’:
1  Exquisite Cadavers Stitched from Fresh Nightmares: Of Memes, Hives, and Selfish Genes / Haun Saussy 3 [mentions Guérard & Esperanto]
2  World Literature in a Postcanonical, Hypercanonical Age / David Damrosch 43
13 World Music, World Literature: A Geopolitical View / Katie Trumpener 185

Stević, Aleksandar; Tsang, Philip; eds. The Limits of Cosmopolitanism: Globalization and Its Discontents in Contemporary Literature. New York; Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2019. 

Szerb, Antal. Reflections in the Library: Selected Literary Essays 1926-1944, edited by Zsuzsanna Varga; translated by Peter Sherwood. Cambridge, UK: Legenda, an imprint of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2016. Contents:

Foreword / Galin Tihanov ix
Translator’s Note / Peter Sherwood xiii
Acknowledgements / Zsuzsanna Varga xv
Notes on the Principal Literary Figures Mentioned in the Essays xvii
Timeline of Major Works by Antal Szerb xix
Antal Szerb: The Passionate Reader / Ágnes Péter  1
Part I: Essays on Romanticism
1 William Blake (1928) 17
2 Milton (1941) 37
3 The Second Romantic Generation (Byron, Shelley, Keats) (1941) 41
4 Rousseau (1929) 51
5 Don Juan’s Secret (1940) 61
Part II: Essays on Modernism
6 Stefan George (1926) 65
7 Ibsen (1928) 79
8 Dulcinea (Cervantes) (1936) 89
9 G. K. Chesterton (1929) 97
10 Katherine Mansfield (1931) 103
11 Gogol (1944) 107
12 Marcel Proust (1936) 117
13 Thomas Mann (1936) 123
Index 130

A Double Interview on Translating Antal Szerb [with Peter Czipott, Peter Sherwood], Hungarian Literature Online, 10 January 2018.

Farkas, Ákos. Review: “Szerb, Antal. 2017. Reflections in the Library: Selected Literary Essays 1926–1944 (ed. Zsuzsanna Varga, trans. Peter Sherwood). Cambridge, UK: Legenda. Studies in Comparative Literature  46. 132 pp.”; Hungarian Cultural Studies, e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, volume 10 (2017), pp. 202-206.

Szerb, Antal. William Blake. Szeged: Szeged Városi Nyomda és Könyvkiadó Részvénytársasag, 1928. 24 pp. Also William Blake (Paris-Budapest, 1927).

Szerb, Antal. “History of World Literature (Excerpt, 1941: Aldous Huxley).”

Szerb, Antal. “Kio estas mondliteraturo?” (trad. kun notoj de Eugène de Zilah), in Esperanto.

Thomsen, Mads Rosendahl. Mapping World Literature: International Canonization and Transnational Literatures. New York: Continuum, 2008.

Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven; Mukherjee, Tutun; eds. Companion to Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press India, Foundation Books; 2013.

Contents specifically about ‘world literature’:
Teaching World Literatures / John D. Pizer 75
African Literatures as World Literatures / Isaiah Ilo 219
World literatures and the Case of Joyce, Rao, and Borges / Bhavya Tiwari 382-396
Multilingual Bibliography of Books in Comparative Literature, World Literatures, and Comparative Cultural Studies / Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek 499

Walkowitz, Rebecca L. Born Translated: The Contemporary Novel in an Age of World Literature. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.

World Literature: A Reader, edited by Theo D’haen, César Domínguez and Mads Rosendahl Thomsen. London; New York: Routledge, 2013.

Note: What Is World Literature? and The Indispensable Instrument: Translation (1940)  by Albert Léon Guérard, pp. 50-64, excerpted from Preface to World Literature,  see which.

Reading Paths
1 Juan Andrés: On the Origin, Progress and Present State
           of All Literature (1782-99/1784-1806)
2 Johann Wolfgang (von) Goethe: On World Literature (1827)
3 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto (1848)
4 Hugo Meltzl de Lomnitz: Present Tasks of Comparative Literature (1877)
5 Georg Brandes: World Literature (1899)
6 Richard Green Moulton: “The Unity of Language and the Conception
           of World Literature” and “World Literature the Autobiography
           of Civilization” (1911)
7 Fritz Strich: World Literature and Comparative Literary History (1930)
8 Albert Guérard: “What Is World Literature?” and
            “The Indispensable Instrument: Translation” (1940)
9 Erich Auerbach: Philology and Weltliteratur (1952)
10 Werner P. Friederich: On the Integrity of Our Planning (1960)
11 Jan C. Brandt Corstius: Writing Histories of World Literature (1963)
12 René Étiemble: Do We Have to Revise the Notion of World Literature? (1964)
13 Irina Grigorevna Neupokoyeva: Dialectics of Historical
           Development of National and World Literature (1973)
14 George Steiner: A Footnote to Weltliteratur (1979)
15 A. Owen Aldridge: The Universal in Literature (1986)
16 Zhang Longxi: Toward Interpretive Pluralism (1992)
17 Claudio Guillén: Weltliteratur (1993)
18 Dionýz Ďurišin: World Literature as a Target
           Literary-Historical Category (1993)
19 Franco Moretti: “Conjectures on World Literature” &
           “More Conjectures” (2000/2003)
20 Vilashini Cooppan: World Literature and Global Theory:
           Comparative Literature for the New Millennium (2001)
21 David Damrosch: What is World Literature? (2003)
22 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: “Planetarity” (2003)
23 Gerard Holden: World Literature and World Politics:
           In Search of a Research Agenda (2003)
24 Sarah N. Lawall: Anthologizing “World Literature” (2004)
25 Shu-mei Shih: Global Literature and Technologies of Recognition (2004)
26 Pascale Casanova: Literature as a World (2005)
27 Milan Kundera: Die Weltliteratur (2005)
28 Nirvana Tanoukhi: The Scale of World Literature (2008)
29 Horace Engdahl: Canonization and World Literature:
           the Nobel Experience (2008)
30 Mariano Siskind: The Globalization of the Novel and the
           Novelization of the Global: A Critique of World Literature (2010)
Further Reading

Zhang Longxi. From Comparison to World Literature. State University of New York Press, 2015.

Book Series

Literatures as World Literature, Series Editor, Thomas O. Beebee. New York; London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014- . 27 volumes in the series to date.

Afropolitan Literature as World Literature, edited by James Hodapp. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

Introduction: Africa and the Rest / James Hodapp
The Worlds of Afropolitan World Literature: Modeling Intra-African Afropolitanism in Yvonne Adhiambo Owuour’s Dust / Birgit Neumann
Strategic Label: Afropolitan Literature in Germany / Anna von Rath
Afropolitanism and the Afro-Asian Diaspora in M. G. Vassanji’s And Home Was Kariakoo / Shilpa Daithota Bhat
“White Man’s Magic”: A. Igoni Barrett’s Blackass, Afropolitanism, and (Post)Racial Anxieties / Julie Iromuanya
Toward an Environmental Theory of Afropolitan Literature / Juan Meneses
How Afropolitanism Unworlds the African World / Amatoritsero Ede
Afropolitan Aesthetics as an Ethics of Openness / Chielozona Eze
Fingering the Jagged Grain: Rereading Afropolitanism (and Africa) in Taiye Selasi’s Ghana Must Go / Aretha Phiri
“Part Returnee and Part-Tourist”: The Afropolitan Travelogue in Noo Saro-Wiwa’s Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria / Rocio Cobo-Piñero
“Something covered but not hidden”: Obscurity in Teju Cole’s Oeuvre as an Afropolitan Way of Worlding / Julian Wacker
The Hesitant Local: The Global Citizens of Open City and Americanah / Lara El Makkawi

Philosophy as World Literature, edited by Jeffrey R. Di Leo. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.

Polish Literature as World Literature, edited by Piotr Florczyk and K. A. Wisniewski. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

Introduction / Piotr Florczyk & K. A. Wisniewski
1. Polish Neurosis and the World Literature / Michal Pawel Markowski
2. Jan Potocki, the Greatest Author of the Polish Enlightenment as a French Writer / Emiliano Ranocchi
3. Adam Mickiewicz: A Very Short Manual for Non-Polish Users / Grzegorz Marzec
4. The Global Rise of the Novel: Poland and World Literature / Katarzyna Bartoszynska
5. Eliza Orzeszkowa and Edith Wharton, or Worldly Rhythms of Polish Women's Writing / Lena Magnone
6. Suitors with Their Stomachs Full of Lovers: Cannibalistic Tropes in the Texts of Polish Futurist / Agnieszka Jezyk
7. Polish Literature and/or World Literature: Bruno Schulz in English / Zofia Ziemann
8. Polishness Revisited: Witold Gombrowicz and the Question of Identity / Jacek Gutorow
9. Beyond Identity: John Ashbery's and Frank O'Hara's Impact on Polish Poetry / Kacper Bartczak
10. The Collective Constipation of the Polish/Israeli Subject: Lipski, Levin, Warlikowski / Andrzej Brylak
11. Swimming Queer: Moving with Contemporary Polish Queer Literatures / Ela Przybylo
12. Between the Mythical and the Modern: Polishness in the Work of Olga Tokarczuk and Dorota Maslowska / Marta Koronkiewicz & Pawel Kaczmarski
13. Liberature as World Literature / Katarzyna Bazarnik
Notes on Contributors

Roberto Bolaño as World Literature, edited by Nicholas Birns and Juan E. De Castro. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.

Ungureanu, Delia. From Paris to Tlön: Surrealism as World Literature. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. See esp.:

3. Pierre Menard the Sur-realist         75-126
5. The Battle Over the New World  159-204

See also: Benjamin Péret: surrealism, automatons, Borges.

On World Literature: Essays & Articles

Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée

Vol. 44, no. 3, September 2017: Literary Texts and Contexts: Comparing the World and the World of Comparison

Tihanov, Galin. “The Location of World Literature,” CRCL, vol. 44, no. 3, September 2017, pp. 468-481.

As podcast: The location of world literature: spaces of self-reflection (27:03).

Vol. 43, no. 3, September 2016: Literature and Globalism: A Tribute to Theo D’haen.

Vol. 31, no. 1, March 2004: A New Concept of World Literature: Cross-Cultural Intertextuality.

Eggan, Taylor A. “Regionalizing the Planet: Horizons of the Introverted Novel at World Literature’s End,” PMLA, vol. 131, no. 5, 2016, pp. 1299–1315.

Fifer, Elizabeth. “Dead Reckoning: The Darkening Landscape of Contemporary World Literature,” World Literature Today, March 2017.

Puchner, Martin. “Readers of the World Unite,” Aeon, 20 September 2017. “How markets, Marx, and provincial elites created world literature to fight both empire and nationalism”.

Tagore, Rabindranath. “Visva Sahitya” [Speech delivered at the Jatiya Sikhsa Parishad (National Council for Education, published in 1907], translated by Rijula Das and Makarand R. Paranjape, in Rabindranath Tagore in the 21st Century: Theoretical Renewals, edited by Debashish Banerji (New Delhi: Springer India, 2015), pp. 277-288. DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2038-1

World Literature and the Blue Humanities”: Special Issue: Humanities 2020, 9(3).

On Fiction: Essays & Articles

Wang Ning. “Chinese Literature as World Literature,” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, September 2016.

On Poetry

Owen, Stephen. Stepping Forward and Back: Issues and Possibilities for ‘World’ Poetry,” Modern Philology, vol. 100, no. 4, May 2003, pp. 532-548.

Regional, National, & International

Bulson, Eric. “Joyce and World Literature,” in James Joyce in Context, edited by John McCourt (Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 97-147.

Cheah, Pheng. What Is a World? On Postcolonial Literature as World Literature. Duke University Press, 2016.

Cooper, Thomas. “Translation and the Rediscovery of the Multinational Central European,” in The Translator as Mediator of Cultures, edited by Humphrey Tonkin and Maria Esposito Frank (Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010), pp. 127-137.

Dimock, Wai Chee; Buell, Lawrence; eds. Shades of the Planet: American Literature as World Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007.

Elam, J. Daniel. World Literature for the Wretched of the Earth: Anticolonial Aesthetics, Postcolonial Politics. New York: Fordham University Press, 2020.

Graham, Sarah, ed. History of the Bildungsroman. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Hoyos, Héctor. Beyond Bolaño: The Global Latin American Novel. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.

Lustig, Kfir Cohen. Makers of Worlds, Readers of Signs: Israeli and Palestinian Literature of the Global Contemporary. London; Brooklyn: Verso, 2019.

Magris, Claudio. Danube: A Sentimental Journey from the Source to the Black Sea, translated from the Italian by Patrick Creagh. London: The Harvill Press, 1997.

Mani, B. Venkat. Recoding World Literature: Libraries, Print Culture, and Germany’s Pact with Books. New York: Fordham University Press, 2016.

Menozzi, Filippo. World Literature, Non-Synchronism, and the Politics of Time. Springer International Publishing; Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Milkova, Stiliana. Elena Ferrante as World Literature. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.

Schwarz, Roberto. Misplaced Ideas: Essays on Brazilian Culture. London; New York: Verso, 1996.

Slaughter, Joseph. Human Rights Inc.: The World Novel, Narrative Form, and International Law. New York: Fordham University Press, 2007.

Singh, Jyotsna G.., ed. A Companion to the Global Renaissance: English Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion. Chichester, UK; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2009.

Siskind, Mariano. Cosmopolitan Desires: Global Modernity and World Literature in Latin America. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2014.

Wilkinson, Tim. “Why does anyone translate?,” Eurozine, 30 January 2006.

Particularly on the neglect of Hungarian literature.

Wilson, Rob. Orientation and Asian Literature: A Conversation with Rob Wilson, former people, November 30, 2013.

Zaritt, Saul Noam. Jewish American Writing and World Literature: Maybe to Millions, Maybe to Nobody. Oxford, UK; New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.

Jewish American Writing and World Literature: Maybe to Millions, Maybe to Nobody - Saul Noam Zaritt (YouTube, Sept. 23, 2021, 41:10 min.)

Review by Danny Luzon, In Geveb, 15 March 2021.


Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of World Literature, 4 vols.; project editors: Anne Marie Hacht and Dwayne D. Hayes. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, 2009.


Around the World in 80 Books, A book project by David Damrosch.

In and About Esperanto

Dasgupta, Probal. “The Postnational Literary Enterprise and Esperanto,” in La arto labori kune, edited by Detlev Blanke & Ulrich Lins (Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, 2010).

The Hungarian author Ferenc Temesi has not crossed over into the English language. Here is a piece about him and another by him (in translation) in Esperanto:

Ertl, István. “Du plus unu libroj, kiujn vi neniam legos,” Literatura Foiro, n-ro ?, p. 11-15.

Nemere, István. “Literaturaj facetoj de la hungara kubo...,” Literatura Foiro, n-ro 110, decembro 1987, p. 20-22.

Szerb, Antal. “Kio estas mondliteraturo?”, el la hungara tradukis Eugène de Zilah, kun notoj, La Gazeto , n‑ro 64, 30 aprilo 1996, p. 25-26.

Temesi, Ferenc. “Mia avo inter esperantoj,” tradukis István Ertl, Literatura Foiro, n-ro ?, p. 16-20.

Tonkin, Humphrey. “Esperanto Poetry,” in The Princeton Handbook of Multicultural Poetries, edited by T.V.F. Brogan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996), pp. 126-127.

Dictionary & Encyclopedia Articles

World literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Library of Congress Subject Headings

World politics in literature -- Criticism and interpretation
Globalization in literature
Comparative literature

Danube: A Sentimental Journey from the Source to the Black Sea
by Claudio Magris

History of World Literature (Excerpt, 1941: Aldous Huxley)
by Antal Szerb

Kio estas mondliteraturo?” de Antal Szerb
(trad. kun notoj de Eugène de Zilah)

“Comparative Literature, Modern Thought and Literature” [Excerpt]
by Albert J. Guérard

Simone de Beauvoir on literature, metaphysics, the American novel, & Richard Wright

Witold Gombrowicz confronts (Polish) provincialism

Benjamin Péret: surrealism, automatons, Borges
(with bibliography)

An Ars Poetica? (excerpts) by Sergio Pitol

Review: Roberto Bolaño’s ‘The Spirit of Science Fiction’
by Ralph Dumain

Comparative Studies of William Blake & Other Modern Writers & Thinkers:
A Bibliography for a Study in Ideology

Jacob Glatstein on Yiddish poetry & world literature

Esperanto in the Anglophone Scholarly Literature of ‘World Literature’?
compiled by R. Dumain

Lu Xun: A Select Bibliography
(in English & Esperanto)

James Joyce: Special Topics: Bibliography, Links, Quotes

Jorge Luis Borges: Selected Study Materials on the Web

Radosław Nowakowski & Liberature - Links

Marx, Literature, and the Arts: Select Bibliography

Marxist Aesthetics: Anthologies in English

Esperanto & Interlinguistics Study Guide / Retgvidilo pri Esperanto & Interlingvistiko


mondliteraturo @ Ĝirafo
(in Esperanto & English:
note Caycedo, Linnankoski, Malach, Temesi)

Albert Léon Guérard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Albert Léon Guérard (1880-1959): the Styles of a Humanist
by Sholom J. Kahn

Albert J. Guerard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Uploaded 13 February 2019
Last update 9 January 2025
Previous update 13 August 2023

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