La demando estas ne kiel vojon fari, |
FONTO: Ragnarsson, Baldur. “La celo sen difino,” en Esploroj (La Laguna: J. Régulo, 1973), p. 22-24. (Stafeto: Beletraj Kajeroj; 44) |
Note: In Gubbins this follows two poems by Timothy Brian Carr: “Metafiziko” & “Subite.” The second Ragnarsson poem is “Neremarkitaj herboj.” — RD
Paul Gubbins writes:
In the following two poems Baldur Ragnarsson adopts a reflective and contemplative tone. Gone are the anger and stridency heard in some of the previous poems of other authors: here, merely going onwards, with no specific aim, is what is attractive and liberating. Rather than set out to find fulfilment, fulfilment will find you.
Ragnarsson, in the words of his translator William Auld, is a “cerebral and imaginative poet” with a “profound semantic sensibility.” This, according to Auld, makes his poems difficult—but careful reading is rewarded.
The poems also pose problems for translators. In recommending Ragnarsson to the Swedish Academy for consideration for the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature, the poet Mauro Nervi, president of the Association of Esperantophone Writers (now the Akademio Literatura de Esperanto [Literature Academy of Esperanto]), notes that Ragnarsson “is one of the most difficult authors to translate in European literature.”
“La celo sen difino” was published in the collection Esploroj (Explorations) in 1974. It was republished in La lingvo serena (The Serene Language) ni 2007, containing the author’s collected writings to that date. The English version appeared in Ten Esperanto Poets in English Translation in 1991.
The Destination Undefined
It’s not a question of how to build a road, What apply in our case are rather And in the evening, when repose brings benison |
SOURCE: Ragnarsson, Baldur. “The Destination Undefined,” translated by William Auld, in Star in a Night Sky: An Anthology of Esperanto Literature, edited by Paul Gubbins (London: Francis Boutle Publishers, 2012), pp. 249, 251. (Lesser Used Languages of Europe; Volume 5) |
Herboj” de Baldur Ragnarsson /
“Unsung Leaves” translated by E. James Lieberman
“Unnoticed Grass” translated by Geoffrey Sutton
Esperanto Kiel Anti-Lingvo de Baldur Ragnarsson
William Auld Memorial Page / En Memoro
Esperanto & Interlinguistics Study Guide / Retgvidilo pri Esperanto & Interlingvistiko
Alireteje / Offsite:
Baldur Ragnarsson ĉe Vikipedio
Baldur Ragnarsson kiel Nobel-kandidaton
Baldur Ragnarsson - Bibliografio de la verkoj en Esperanto
Baldur RAGNARSSON (Originala Literaturo, en la reto, en Esperanto / Don HARLOW)
Finosortas de Baldur Ragnarsson (sonregistraĵo de Don Harlow)
La filozofio de Baldur Ragnarsson
Roberto Passos Nogueira @ Ĝirafo
de Baldur Ragnarsson, Esploroj; Roberto Passos Nogueira, Vojo kaj
Vorto (Paco, 1974)
de Karl Schulze
dezerto retorika: Baldur Ragnarsson kaj la etiko de silento”
de Mauro Nervi (Libera Folio, 2007-10-28)
Recenzo: ESPLOROJ, de F. de Diego, en
Boletín n203 (maj 1974)
(Hispana Esperanto-Federacio; p. 21-22)
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