“The unseen harmony is better than the seen.” — Heraclitus
Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide: Pluralist Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Jeffrey A. Bell, Andrew Cutrofello, and Paul M. Livingston. New York: Routledge, 2015.
1. Introduction: Contemporary Philosophy as Synthetic Philosophy / Jeffrey A. Bell, Andrew Cutrofello, and Paul M. Livingston
Part I: Methodologies
2. The Emergence of the Concept of the Analytic Tradition as a Form of Philosophical Self-Consciousness / James Conant
3. Philosophy as Articulation: Austin and Deleuze on Conceptual Analysis / Richard Eldridge and Tamsin Lorraine
4. Conceptual Genealogy for Analytic Philosophy / Catarina Dutilh Novaes
Part II: Truth and Meaning
5. Truth and Epoché: The Semantic Conception of Truth in Phenomenology / David Woodruff Smith
6. From Difference-Maker to Truthmaker (and Back) / Jeffrey A. Bell
7. Reasons, Epistemic Truth, and History: Foucault's Criticism of Putnam's Anti-Realism / Lee Braver
8. Metaphor without Meanings: Derrida and Davidson as Complementary / Samuel C. Wheeler III
Part III: Metaphysics and Ontology
9. Why is Time Different from Space? / John McCumber
10. Wittgenstein Reads Heidegger, Heidegger Reads Wittgenstein: Thinking Language Bounding World / Paul M. Livingston
11. The Answer to the Question of Being / Graham Priest
Part IV: Values, Personhood, and Agency
12. Relativism and Recognition / Carol Rovane
13. Revolutionary Actions and Events / Andrew Cutrofello
14. Varieties of Shared Intentionality: Contemporary Psychology and Classical Phenomenology / Dan Zahavi and Glenda Satne
Blackford, Russell; Broderick, Damien; eds. Philosophy’s Future: The Problem of Philosophical Progress. Hoboken: Wiley, 2018.
Notes on Contributors ix
Introduction I: Philosophy and the Perils of Progress / Russell Blackford 1
Introduction II: Philosophy on the Inclined Plane / Damien Broderick 13
Part 1 Roads to Progress in Philosophy 19
1 Coming Out of the Shade / Myisha Cherry 21
2 What has Philosophy Ever Done for Us? / James Ladyman 31
3 Progress and Philosophy / Noretta Koertge 41
4 Only Connect / Frank Jackson 51
Part 2 Bumps in the Road, Rabbits in the Landscape 61
5 Chmess, Abiding Significance, and Rabbit Holes / Peter Boghossian and James A. Lindsay 63
6 Philosophy as the Evocation of Conceptual Landscapes / Massimo Pigliucci 75
7 Three Barriers to Philosophical Progress / Jessica Wilson 91
Part 3 Cautious Optimism 105
8 Is there Progress in Philosophy? A Brief Case for Optimism / Daniel Stoljar 107
9 Is Philosophy Progressing Fast Enough? / Stuart Brock 119
10 Does Philosophical Progress Matter? / Richard Kamber 133
Part 4 Philosophy and Science 145
11 Between Gods and Apes: On the Lack of Scientific and Philosophical Progress / Mark Walker 147
12 Model‐Building in Philosophy / Timothy Williamson 159
13 Progress in Philosophy and in the Physical Sciences: How Far Does The Analogy Hold? / Christopher Norris 173
Part 5 Re-Imagining the Conversation 191
14 Philosophy as “Intellectual War of Values” / Stefan Lorenz Sorgner 193
15 Re‐Imagining the Philosophical Conversation / Karen Green 201
16 David Lewis and the Kangaroo: Graphing Philosophical Progress / Benj Hellie 213
17 Philosophy, Progress, and Identity / Ward E. Jones 227
Index 241
Bunge, Mario. Philosophy in Crisis: The Need for Reconstruction. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2001.
Connolly, Tim. Doing Philosophy Comparatively. London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey, edited by Guttorm Fløistad. 12 vols. Dordrecht: Springer, 1981-2015.
Philosophy of Language and Philosophical Logic (Vol. 1),
Philosophy of Science (Vol. 2),
Philosophy of Action (Vol. 3),
Philosophy of Mind (Vol. 4),
African Philosophy (Vol. 5),
Medieval Age Philosophy (Vol. 6/1 and Vol. 6/2),
Asian Philosophy (Vol. 7),
Philosophy of Latin America (Vol. 8),
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art (Vol. 9),
Philosophy of Religion (Vol. 10),
Ethics or Moral Philosophy (Vol. 11),
Philosophy of Justice (Vol. 12).
Debating the State of Philosophy: Habermas, Rorty, and Kołakowski; edited by Józef Niznik and John T. Sanders, with contributions by Ernest Gellner and others. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996. See Table of contents & list of contributors.
DeBlasio, Alyssa. The End of Russian Philosophy: Tradition and Transition at the Turn of the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
The Future for Philosophy, edited by Brian Leiter. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Introduction, Brian Leiter
1. Ancient Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century, Julia Annas
2. Philosophy and History in the History of Modern Philosophy, Don Garrett
3. The Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Recovering Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, Brian Leiter
4. Past the Linguistic Turn?, Timothy Williamson
5. The Mind-Body Problem at Century's Turn, Jaegwon Kim
6. The Representational Character of Experience, David J. Chalmers
7. The Need for Social Epistemology, Alvin I. Goldman
8. The Ends of the Sciences, Philip Kitcher
9. From Causation to Explanation and Back, Nancy Cartwright
10. Normative Ethics: Back to the Future, Thomas Hurka
11. Toward an Ethics that Inhabits the World, Peter Railton
12. Projection and Objectification, Rae Langton
13. Existentialism, Quietism, and the Role of Philosophy, Philip Pettit
The Future of Philosophy: Towards the Twenty-First Century, edited by Oliver Leaman. London; New York: Routledge, 1998.
Margolis, Joseph. Historied Thought, Constructed World: Conceptual Primer for the Turn of the Millennium. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. Full text online.
McBride, William L. From Yugoslav Praxis to Global Pathos: Anti-Hegemonic Post-Post-Marxist Essays. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001. See esp. Chapter 16, “The Globalization of Philosophy,” pp. 221-236.
_______________. Philosophical Reflections on the Changes in Eastern Europe. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.
Millgram, Elijah. The Great Endarkenment: Philosophy for an Age of Hyperspecialization. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Contents: Introductory remarks on the Tower of Babel — The great endarkenment — Appendix a — Appendix b — Practical reasoning for serial hyperspecializers — D’où venons-nous. . . que sommes nous. . .où allons-nous? — Millian metaethics — Why do we think there are things we ought to do? — Lewis’s epicycles, possible worlds, and the mysteries of modality — Progressive necessity — Applied ethics, moral skepticism and reasons with expiration dates — Segmented agency — Postscript.
Moran, Dermot, ed. The Routledge Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2008. Contents & commentary (by R. Dumain)
American philosophy in the twentieth century by James R. O'Shea, pp. 204-253.
On the Eve of the 21st Century: Perspectives of Russian and American Philosophers, edited by William Gay and T.A. Alekseeva. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1994.
A Parliament of Minds: Philosophy for a New Millennium, edited by Michael Tobias, J. Patrick Fitzgerald, David Rothenberg. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.
Philosophy at the New Millennium, edited by Anthony O’Hear. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Consciousness as existence and the end of intentionality / Ted Honderich
The zombic hunch: extinction of an intuition? / Daniel Dennett
The time of our lives / D. H. Mellor
The intelligibility of the universe / Michael Redhead
Active powers and powerful actors / Rom Harre;
The foundation of morality / Mary Warnock
Cutting philosophy of language down to size / Ruth Garrett Milikan
Philosophy, environment and technology / David E. Cooper
Has philosophy made a difference and could it be expected to? / John Haldane
Prospects for beauty / Anthony O'Hear
The future of ideals / John Skorupski
The philosophy of cognitive science / M. A. Boden
Language, thought and compositionality / Jerry Fodor
Searle, John R. Philosophy in a New Century: Selected Essays. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. London; New York: Routledge, 1998. See esp. “Philosophy in a New Century.”
Review of: John Searle, Philosophy in a New Century: Selected Essays (2008), The Bookshelf, January 21, 2011.
Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement, edited by Bo Mou. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2008. (Philosophy of History and Culture, 0922-6001 ; v. 27). ISCWP International “Constructive-Engagement” Conference (2nd : 2005 : Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). See esp. Chapter 1, “The Globalization of Philosophy,” pp. 17-29.
Table of contents:
Notes on Transcription
Constructive-Engagement Movement in View of Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: A Theme Introduction, Bo Mou
Part One. Searle on Globalization of Philosophy
1. The Globalization of Philosophy, John R. Searle
Part Two. Constructive Engagement of Searle's Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy
A. Mind
2. Analysis of Searle's Philosophy of Mind and Critique from a Neo-Confucian Point of View, Chung-ying Cheng
Reply to Chung-ying Cheng by John Searle
3. Wu-Wei, the Background, and Intentionality, Chris Fraser
Reply to Chris Fraser by John Searle
4. A Daoist Critique of Searle on Mind and Action, Joel W. Krueger
Reply to Joel W. Krueger by John Searle
5. The Philosopher and the Sage: Searle and the Sixth Patriarch on the Brain and Consciousness, Robert E. Allinson
Reply to Robert E. Allinson by John Searle
6. Searle and Buddhism on the Mind and the Non-Self, Soraj Hongladarom
Reply to Soraj Hongladarom by John Searle
B. Language
7. Reference, Truth, and Fiction, A. P. Martinich
Reply to A. P. Martinich by John Searle
8. How to Do Zen (Chan) with Words? An Approach of Speech Act Theory, Yiu-ming Fung
Reply to Yiu-ming Fung by John Searle
9. Searle, De Re Belief, and the Chinese Language, Marshall D. Willman
Reply to Marshall D. Willman by John Searle
C. Morality
10. Confucianism and the Is-Ought Question, A. T. Nuyen
Reply to A. T. Nuyen by John Searle
11. Xunzi on Capacity, Ability and Constitutive Rules, Kim-chong Chong
Reply to Kim-chong Chong by John Searle
12. Weakness of Will, the Background, and Chinese Thought, Kai-yee Wong & Chris Fraser
Reply to Kai-yee Wong & Chris Fraser by John Searle
D. Meta-philosophical and Methodological Issues
13. Searle on Knowledge, Certainty and Skepticism: in View of Cases in Western and Chinese Traditions, Avrum Stroll
Reply to Avrum Stroll by John Searle
14. Searle's Theory of Intentionality as a Philosophical Method for Research in the Human Sciences, B. Jeannie Lum
Reply to B. Jeannie Lum by John Searle
15. Unconscious Intentionality and the Status of Normativity in Searle's Philosophy: with Comparative Reference to Traditional Chinese Thought, Yujian Zheng
Reply to Yujian Zheng by John Searle
16. Searle, Zhuang Zi, and Transcendental Perspectivism, Bo Mou
Reply to Bo Mou by John Searle
Trout, J. D. All Talked Out: Naturalism and the Future of Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Marković, Mihailo. “Is Systematic Philosophy Possible Today?” in Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy, edited by Gilbert Ryle (Stocksfield, UK; Boston: Oriel Press, 1977), pp. 269-283. From Oxford International Symposium, Christ Church College, 29 September - 4 October 1975.
See also Mihailo Marković on systematic philosophy in 1975 by R. Dumain.
Moran, Dermot. “The Analytic-Continental Divide: Teaching Philosophy in an Age of Pluralism,” in Teaching Philosophy on the Eve of the Twenty-First Century, edited by David Evans and loanna Kuçuradi (Ankara: International Federation of Philosophical Societies, 1998), pp. 119 -154.
Outsider Philosophers, posted by UrizenusSklar, Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog, October 16, 2013.
Priest, Graham. “Beyond True and False,” Aeon Magazine, 5 May 2014. (Buddhist philosophy is full of contradictions. Now modern logic is learning why that might be a good thing.)
___________. Guest post in Philosophie sans frontières, May 23, 2015.
___________. “Where is Philosophy at the Start of the Twenty-First Century?”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 2003; 103: 85-99.
Searle, John R. “The Future of Philosophy,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series B, London, 354, 1999, pp. 2069-2080.
____________. “Philosophy in a New Century,” in Philosophy in America at the Turn of the Century, Philosophy Documentation Center, 2003, pp. 3-22. Revision of the above article.
The Philosophers’ Magazine, issue 50, 3rd quarter 2010. The Best Ideas of the 21st Century.
Special feature – Ideas of the 21st century:
5. 50 best ideas of the 21st century
6. Igor Aleksander, Conscious machines
7. Catherine Audard, Public reason
8. Gary Banham, Social networks
9. Helen Beebee, Metametaphysics
10. Chris Bertram, Global justice
11. Nick Bostrom, The simulation argument
12. Havi Carel, Greg Tuck, Film as philosophy
13. David E. Cooper, The cultural landscape
14. John Cottingham, Meaning and value
15. Simon Critchley, Passive nihilism
16. John Dupré, Developmental systems theory
17. John Martin Fischer, Semicompatibilism
18. Luciano Floridi, The philosophy of information
19. Nick Fotion, Non-critical thinking
20. Steve Fuller, Protscience
21. Frank Furedi, Scepticism
22. James Garvey, Climate change
23. Simon Glendinning, The end-of-communism event
24. A.C. Grayling, Neurophilosophy
25. Susan Haack, Meaning grows
26. Iain Hamilton Grant, Speculative realism
27. Alastair Hannay, The religious stance
28. John Harris, Human enhancement
29. Ted Honderich, Neither compatibilism nor incompatibilism30. Brad Hooker, On what matters
31. Mathew Iredale, Indirect reciprocity
32. Jean Kazez, Disagreement
33. Joshua Knobe, Experimental philosophy
34. Carolyn Korsmeyer, The turn to the body
35. Ernie Lepore, Context sensitivity and content sharing
36. Genevieve Lloyd, “September 11” as “event”
37. Alexander McCall Smith, Forgiveness
38. Al Martinich, Necessity and competence
39. Nicholas Maxwell, Wisdom-inquiry
40. Alfred Mele, Free will
41. Christopher Norris, Naturalistic rationalism
42. Nina Power, The equality of intelligence
43. Ingrid Robeyns, The capability approach
44. Michael Ruse, Evolution and ethics
45. Richard Schoch, Happiness
46. Roger Scruton, Neurotrash
47. Nancy Sherman, The moral psychology of war
48. Peter Singer, Saving a child – easily
49. Paul Snowdon, Animalism
50. Roy Sorensen, The liar’s loophole
51. Raymond Tallis, Recovering the great outdoors
52. Mark Vernon, The art of living
53. Jonathan Webber, Character
54. Jon Williamson, Explication
55. Timothy Williamson, Anti-exceptionalism
The Philosophers’ Magazine, issue 39, 3rd quarter, 2007. The state we’re in, pp. 33-69.
Jonathan Wolff: Success and Stupor [profession in the UK]
Alastair Hannay: Going Down the Drain? [intellectual stagnation]
Simon Glendinning: Continental Cars [prejudices of analytical philosophy]
Roger Crisp: Glass Bead Games [effects of specialization]
John Lachs: Labour and Hope [American philosophy]
John McCumber: Funny Foreigners [the problematic category of ‘continental philosophy’]
Catherine Audard: Democracy and Economics [need for engaged political philosophy]
David Archard: Apply Within [applied philosophy]
Carolyn Korsmeyer: The Bodily Turn [aesthetics & embodiment]
Chris Cuomo: Women’s Work [women in philosophy]
Anthony J. Carroll: God’s Back from the Dead [philosophy of religion]
Steve French: Good-looking Models [philosophy of science]
Peter Simons: Bewildered? You Will Be… [metaphysics]
P.J.E. Kail: History’s Back in the Past [history of philosophy]
The Future of Philosophy – Metaphilosophical Directions for the 21st Century. A Symposium Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of the Journal Metaphilosophy. Institute of Philosophy: School of Advanced Study. With Armen Marsoobian, Terrell Ward Bynum, Timothy Williamson, Philip Kitcher, David Papineau. 11 December 2009.
The Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy
ODIP: Online Dictionary of Intercultural Philosophy
Confluence: Online Journal of World Philosophies
inter.culture.philosophy. | Journal for Philosophy and its Cultural Context
European Network of Japanese Philosophy
World Congress of Philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Paideia Project: Proceedings of the 20th
World Congress of Philosophy
Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A., 10-15
August 1998
Visualization of Historical Knowledge Structures: An Analysis of the Bibliography of Philosophy by Chris Alen Sula & Will Dean
Anti-Nietzsche (2): Bernard Reginster on Brian Leiter on Nietzsche. 30 July 2006.
New Year's Resolution: Exploring Philosophical Cultures (December 2003 - January 2004)
Brian Leiter, Nietzsche, and American Philosophy. 4-5 January 2004.
McCumber Marking Time. 31 December 2003.
Nietzsche & the Analytic-Continental Divide: Denouement of Bourgeois Reason; Or, Analytical Philosophy’s Being-for-Death. 30 January 2010.
Philosophy's Future? [The Future for Philosophy, edited by Brian Leiter]. 26 July 2006.
Graham Priest, Paraconsistent Logic, and Philosophy, Or, Logic and Reality. 25 August 2005.
Graham Priest vs Erwin Marquit on Contradiction. 11- 17 September 2005.
On James Lawler’s View of Matter and Spirit. 25 June 2014.
Soviet Historiography of Philosophy: Review Essay. 14-22 January, 4-5 March 2003.
Metacritique, Philosophy, & the Logic of the Intellectual Marketplace. December 2002.
‘Philosophy’ and ‘Literature’: Relationships of Genres and the Frontiers of Thought. 1 February 2015.
Witold Gombrowicz confronts (Polish) provincialism. 22 February & 20 March 2014.
The Philosopher’s Mission by Paul Nizan (1932)
The Perspectives of Philosophy by Ivan Sviták (1956)
Witold Gombrowicz on Existentialism (1956)
Theodor W. Adorno on Progress in Philosophy
T.W. Adorno on the Division of Philosophy & Labor
George W. Stocking, Jr. on the Autodidact & Intellectual Traditions (1987)
The Man of Science in a World of Crisis: A Plea for a Two-Pronged Attack on Positivism and Irrationalism by Aant Elzinga (1980)
Diversity, Intercultural & Comparative Philosophy in the Historiography of Philosophy: A Guide
Georg Lukács’ The Destruction of Reason: Selected Bibliography
Intellectual Life in Society, Conventional and Unconventional: A Bibliography in Progress
Philosophy of History of Philosophy & Historiography of Philosophy
Popularizing Philosophers: A Selected Bibliography
Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide
Science Fiction & Utopia Research Resources: A Selective Work in Progress
Susan Haack — An Introductory Guide
Wisdom, Philosophy & Everyday Life — Theoretical Perspectives: An Unconventional Guide
World Congress of Philosophy: Selected Papers & Links
philosophy for.in a new century
philosophy for/in the 21st century
philosophy for/in a/the new millennium
future of philosophy
globalization of philosophy
The Library of Congress’s subject cataloging is atrocious in this area. The most useful subject headings are:
Modern--21st century.
Explanatory Note:
This bibliography, limited to English-language sources, though it covers philosophy that has crossed the language barrier from elsewhere, is necessarily provincial. From my perspective, this source material reveals the provincialism of professional philosophy itself.
Compilation of a comprehensive yet useful bibliography is near impossible. The books herein were chosen out of either personal acquaintance or among books found via searching the Library of Congress database. Most of the journal articles and other material came to me haphazardly or in the course of other work.
Several book titles found including the (approximate) phrase “for the 21st century” were really not that, but merely anthologies of philosophical works with no special perspective on the end or beginning of the century/millennium. Titles exemplifying the thought of a specific philosopher are generally excluded, except for those deemed to throw light on the general issue. Other works too narrow in scope or devoted to a specific philosophical perspective were generally passed over, based on the same consideration. Due to the vast restructuring of philosophy following the disintegration of the Soviet bloc, a few book titles concerning Russian philosophy were chosen out of a vast literature on developments in Russian and East European philosophy.
Most of this material was published either in the 1990s or the first few years of this century, with the perspective of the change of century/millennium in mind. A few of these items are more recent, covering broad new developments or general issues, or referencing the notion of an epochal perspective. Also, a few of these items reach back further into the 20th century, providing perspective on what philosophy should do, which we can see it did not.
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