World Congress of Philosophy:
Selected Papers & Links
Note: The papers listed below are either referenced elsewhere on this site or can be found on this site.
Asouzu, Innocent I. “Science and African Metaphysics: A Search for Direction.” Paper presented at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 10-16 August 1998.
Bredin, Hugh. “Ironies and Paradoxes.” Paper presented at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 10-16 August 1998.
Dascal, Marcelo. “Epistemology, controversies, and pragmatics,” Isegoría 12: 8-43 (1995) [Spanish] (Portuguese version in Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Historia da Ciencia 12: 73-98, 1994. Shorter English version under the title “Epistemology and controversies,” in Philosophy of Science [= Volume 10 of Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy], edited by Tian Yu Cao (Philadelphia: Philosophers Index Inc.,2000), pp. 159-192. My commentary: Dascal on controversies.
Giacomoni, Paola. “Paideia as Bildung in Germany in the Age of Enlightenment”. Paper presented at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 10-16 August 1998.
Holland, Margaret G. “Can Fiction be Philosophy?.” Paper presented at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 10-16 August 1998.
Smith, Barry. “On Forms of Communication,” in Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy. Volume 12: Intercultural Philosophy, edited by Stephen Dawson and Tomoko Iwasawa (Bowling Green, OH: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2001), pp. 73-82.
Turgeon, Wendy C. “Metaphysical Horizons of Philosophy for Children.” Paper presented at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, 10-16 August 1998.
Novikova, L. I. “Man as the Object of Cognition in Arts Subjects,” in The Philosophical Conception of Man, I. S. (Irina Sergeevna) Kulikova & V. V. (Vladimir Vlasovich) Mshvenieradze, compilers; translated by H. Campbell Creighton (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1988), pp. 137-153. (Contributions to the 18th World Congress of Philosophy, 1988, Brighton, England.)
Lektorsky, Vladislav. “Cognition in the Context of Culture,” in: Civilisation, Science, Philosophy: Theme of the 17th World Congress of Philosophy (Montreal, August 1983) (Moscow: “Social Sciences Today” Editorial Board, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983), pp. 117-126. (Problems of the Contemporary World; no. 111)
Marković, Mihailo. “The Concept of Critique in Social Science,” in: Philosophie et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie / Philosophy and Culture: Proceedings of the XVIIth World Congress of Philosophy, edited by Venant Cauchy (Montréal: Editions Montmorency, 1988), vol. 3, pp. 556-560. [Selected passages boldfaced by R. Dumain]
Yulina, Nina. “The Image of Science and Metaphysics,” in: Civilisation, Science, Philosophy: Theme of the 17th World Congress of Philosophy (Montreal, August 1983) (Moscow: “Social Sciences Today” Editorial Board, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983), pp. 223-235. (Problems of the Contemporary World; no. 111)
Zelený, Jindřich. “On the Dialectico-Materialist Type of Rationality,” in: Philosophie et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie / Philosophy and Culture: Proceedings of the XVIIth World Congress of Philosophy, edited by Venant Cauchy (Montréal: Editions Montmorency, 1988), vol. 2, pp. 958-962.
World Congress of Philosophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World Congress of Philosophy Collection (Philosophy Documentation Center)
The Paideia Project: Proceedings of the 20th
World Congress of Philosophy
Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A., 10-15
August 1998
Note: The organization of papers online is different from that of the printed volumes, and the site’s search engine is defective. Search for individual papers online using Google or another general search engine.
Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy
Note on vol. 12: A few of the paper titles in the printed volume are different from the online titles. The paper “The Humanities and Telecommunication Techology” by George Teschner (pp. 247-257) is available online though it is not listed here..
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Philosophy for the 21st Century: A Provincial Bibliography
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Philosophy of History of Philosophy & Historiography of Philosophy: Selected Bibliography
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